A Mother & Son Love Story, With Sex


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Christine rang Caroline the following morning and suggested a girlie night out that night. She accepted straightaway, knowing Ryan would be disappointed but feeling that she needed a bit of breathing space, although of course she couldn't discuss any of this with her friend.

So that evening she had a bit of a pub crawl through the town centre and it was lovely to get out and chat to her friend and it was flattering that at least two pairs of unattached men tried to chat them up.

'How's the prodigal son?' asked Christine after the fifth or sixth cocktail.

'He's enjoying his job in the garden centre and he's going back to college in October to finish his degree,' replied Caroline, with satisfaction.

'Bloody hell! How did that come about? Have you had to buy him a car?' asked Christine.

'He just needed to grow up a bit,' Caroline told her and changed the subject.

She was tipsy by the time the taxi dropped them off and she said goodnight to her friend. No, she was full-blown drunk; she wasn't used to going out on the razzle. Inside the house all was dark and quiet, Ryan had evidently gone to bed. Caroline went carefully upstairs, holding onto the banister. Her son's bedroom door was shut and she stood staring at it for some moments, feeling a warm flush through her stomach and loins.

Coming to a sudden and inebriated decision she opened Ryan's bedroom door and went in. It was dark inside, and warm and quiet. Almost womb-like. She went and sat on her son's bed and he stirred.


'I wondered if you'd like me to masturbate you again, she whispered, pulling back the sheet that covered him.

Ryan rolled onto his back, his head spinning from this unexpected visit from his mother. He felt her fingers seek and find his penis, flaccid but rapidly filling with blood as his mother's finger and thumb encircled him.

Caroline stroked her son's cock, feeling it swell and harden under her fingers, an exquisite pleasure. He groaned as she started sliding his foreskin up and down, slowly and gently, up and down, up and down. She cupped his balls with her free hand and stroked the bulging sack, teasing the crenelated skin with one fingernail.

Ryan gasped and arched his back, reaching out and putting his hand on his mother's breast, feeling the roundness and weight of her. Squeezing and kneading her orb, seeking the nipple under her blouse and brassiere.

Caroline felt warmth flush through her loins and knew she would masturbate in her bedroom, thinking about her son's cock and his hand on her boob. She gripped him harder and slid her hand up and down his slippery shaft faster, using longer strokes, squeezing his testicles gently.

'I'm coming, Mum,' he gasped, urgently. Caroline slowed down, leaning to kiss her son, feeling his lips against hers, sliding her tongue into his wet mouth as his cock erupted and squirted spunk over his mother's skirt and blouse.

Ryan went limp. His mother gave him a final kiss and stood up, swaying slightly. 'Goodnight, darling.'

The next morning Caroline had a hangover, made worse by the knowledge of what she'd done the night before. She'd masturbated her son again and french kissed him as he came; her spunk-stained clothes were still on her bedroom floor. The worst of it was that last night's activity hadn't been to motivate her son to keep achieving, it was purely drunken desire on her part. She needed to get a grip.

Ryan was quiet the following morning, too. He was also thinking about last night and the breathtaking moment when his mother had pushed her tongue unbidden into his mouth as he shot his load over her. What else would she be prepared to do? he asked himself. But he was also quiet because he was now committed to going back to college in a few short weeks and the thought unsettled him and he knew that without the carrot and stick of intimacy with his mother, he could never do it.

Ryan started back at University on a Monday morning in October; Caroline dropped him off at the campus on her way to work and watched him as he went through the gates and disappeared into the mass of students making their way towards the campus buildings. They had had only two dates since the episode of the drunken night out with Christine. Caroline had felt reluctant, although on both dates she had let him kiss her using his tongue and fondle her breasts. She hadn't masturbated him on either occasion and Ryan had been a bit petulant about it.

'I'll make it up to you when you start college,' she had promised him.

October turned into November and they had dates and went on walks and they kissed and cuddled but Caroline never took it any further, even when prompted by her son, and he never pressed the point, although it was obvious that he was disappointed. Hurt, even by what he saw as his mother's rejection of him. Eventually he confronted her.

They'd been to a nightclub in a neighbouring city where nobody knew them. Caroline had gone to town on her dress and make-up, in an attempt to appease Ryan but all it had done was inflame him. She wore a tiny sheath of a dress that barely covered her knickers and made her breasts stand out like two ripe melons. She wore thick eye make-up and lipstick and she'd painted her nails a rich plum colour. They'd drunk a lot and danced a lot and then they'd found a private booth where they'd kissed passionately, tongues twining, Ryan's hands all over her breasts and, eventually, up her skirt. Caroline had removed the hand and Ryan broke the kiss.

'What's the matter, Caroline? What's happened? I've done my bit! I've gone back to college and that's going really well but you don't want to... to touch me anymore. It's driving me crazy.'

Caroline rubbed her face and brushed her golden hair behind her ears. 'I'm sorry, Ryan. You're right, and it's not you, it's me. I've... Well, I was starting to enjoy doing it more than I should have been,' she said softly, although nobody outside the booth could have heard them over the noise of the disco. 'Can I make it up to you when we get home?' Ryan gave her his best smile and looked at his phone. It was nearly midnight.

An hour later, he was waiting for his mother, naked on his bed, his cock a rigid cucumber that pointed at his chin. Caroline slipped through the bedroom door, still in her micro-dress, and lay down next to him, in her son's arms.

They kissed, and it was tender and gentle and exploratory and it went on for long minutes in the darkness of the bedroom. Ryan found his mother's breast and squeezed it and Caroline sighed and slid her tongue into his mouth, tasting the gin he'd been drinking at the nightclub, tasting his saliva and smelling his scent. She found his penis and teased and stroked it, mashing her lips against his as she gripped his shaft and started to masturbate her son towards a climax.

But oh God, she felt hot! Barely in control of herself. What if he put his hand on her leg now and slid it under her dress? Would she stop him? She was only wearing a thong underneath. He deserved a treat, she thought. He had, as he said, kept his side of the bargain and she'd short-changed him. Yes, she thought. Why not!

Getting to her knees, Caroline knelt over her son's loins, one hand still on his stiff dick. She lowered her head and slid her lips over the bulb of his cockhead, taking it into the warmth and liquid wetness of her mouth.

Ryan gave a strangled gasp and pushed his hips upwards, pushing himself deeper into his mother's mouth. Christ, she was sucking him off! His mother had his cock in her mouth and she was sucking and licking it like on the porn movies except this time it was him and he just wished that it was light so that he could see her red lips stretched around his shaft.

Caroline loved sucking cock. Loved the slightly naughty feeling and the big, thick invasion of her mouth. She liked sucking the sticky fluid from the urethral opening; she liked taking as much meat inside her as she could, until it touched the back of her throat and threatened to make her gag. She liked sucking the big, smooth plum and licking the veined shaft. And most of all she liked the explosion of hot, slimy spunk in her mouth as her man ejaculated inside her.

Her son's cock was perfect, beautiful. Long and thick but not stupid-big. She could get about five inches into her mouth and her cheeks puffed out and sucked in as she applied an exquisite vacuum. He tasted nice, too. Clean and fresh and young and just wonderful. Caroline's head bobbed as she fellated her son and he squirmed and writhed on the bed and gasped: 'Oh, Mum!'

And then his orgasm was approaching and he warned his mother but she just sucked harder and faster and then the feeling was rising and swelling and he was pumping his seed into his mother's mouth and Caroline was swallowing the salty discharge as it flooded out of her son's cock.

Afterwards she lay down next to him again, her head on his chest. 'I hope that makes up for the last few weeks, Ryan,' she said softly. 'I am so proud of you!'

They lay in silence for a few minutes, each wrapped in their own thoughts. Caroline hadn't planned to suck her son's dick; it had just sort of happened. And she couldn't deny that she had enjoyed it; she could still taste him in her mouth.

Ryan just felt warm and close to his mother. Eventually he spoke.

'There's a Christmas ball on at college,' he said. 'It's on the sixteenth of December. I wondered if you'd go with me.'

'As your date?' his mother asked. 'Won't people know us?'

'It's only my tutor that's met you,' said Ryan, 'and he's going to Canada next week, until after the New Year. I've told some of the guys that I've got this hot girlfriend who's ten years older than me,' he added. 'I don't think they believe me.'

'And you think I could pass as your thirty-three-year-old girlfriend in front of your college friends?'

'I think so.'

'Hmm,' said Caroline, unconvinced. 'What's the dress code?'

'Black tie for the men and ballgowns or full-length dresses for the ladies.'


Caroline had to admit that her son looked pretty damned amazing in his dinner jacket. Ok, he wasn't much above average height but the suit fitted him well and showed off his slim frame. He'd had a fresh haircut and trimmed his stubble and he looked, to her admittedly biased eye, devilishly handsome. A bit James Bond, she smiled to herself.

They were standing in the front room, waiting for the taxi to turn up. Ryan kept sneaking looks at his mother, hardly believing how good she looked. She was wearing an open-backed, full-length, dark-blue silk sheath that hugged her hips and stomach and emphasised her breasts. Her hair was coiled up on top of her head and she'd applied her make-up lavishly, but with care. Plenty of foundation and eye make-up and a bright-red lipstick. Red nail polish finished off the ensemble.

'You look absolutely fantastic, Mum,' said her son, in awe. 'I'll be the envy of every guy in the place.'

'Yes, well just don't call me "Mum".' Secretly Caroline was nervous about the evening. It was all very well passing for mid-thirties in a darkened nightclub or in a wine bar where nobody cared anyway, but this evening she'd have to stand and talk to Ryan's friends, and they wouldn't be so easy to fool even with all the make-up. She was also a bit worried about the dress: was it too showy? It had cost a small fortune.

Twenty minutes later they were walking through the entrance to the Great Hall, the biggest room on the University campus and where all major functions were held. Caroline had her hand on her son's arm and, looking around, she noticed quite a few people looking at the newly arrived couple. Ryan headed to the bar and she found a table and sat down.

The room was crowded but not uncomfortably so and the conversational buzz was bearable. A band played in one corner of the hall and a few couples were gyrating slowly around the dancefloor. Ryan came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. 'Would you like a dance, Caroline,' he smiled at her, holding out his hand. She stood and they made their way to the dancefloor where they began a slow waltz.

They danced for half an hour or so and then Ryan took his mother on a circuit of the hall and introduced her to some of his friends, male and female. They seemed like a friendly bunch, although all were curious to meet Caroline. One young man, who had been introduced as Ben, asked her for a dance and she whirled round the floor with him for a few minutes.

'We didn't think you really existed,' he told her, his arm around her waist. 'I mean Ryan's a great guy and all that but the way he described you, you were too good to be true. And yet here you are.'

He seemed to draw himself closer to her. 'If you ever get tired of him,' he grinned, 'maybe you could give me a call.'

'I'll bear it in mind,' replied Caroline, wondering what this young man would say if he knew she was Ryan's forty-six-year-old mother. But she was flattered by the attention.

In fact the Christmas Ball was a resounding success and both mother and son enjoyed it immensely. By one-thirty in the morning Caroline was pleasantly merry and relaxed and happy in the company of her son, who was the perfect and charming escort. She watched him talk easily and fluently with his friends and with the academic staff. She watched as he danced with a couple of the girls and she realised that her work was done and her son probably didn't need any further encouragement from his mother.

She reflected on the sequence of events that had led them to this place on this night. How they had gone on their first awkward dates, how they had started kissing and then masturbation. And eventually how Caroline had fellated her son to an orgasm. On three occasions, to be precise.

She realised that he would probably start proper dating now; although she was aware that he was still a virgin, he had the skills and the looks to do very well for himself. But this thought made her sad and she realised that she had become increasingly emotionally dependent upon her son over the past few months. And she couldn't deny that their increasing intimacy had started to arouse her more and more. Maybe they both needed some grand finale.

Ryan felt a little sad too, as the evening came to a close. He was thrilled with the journey that his mother had taken him on and he was besotted with her physically and emotionally. But he recognised that, despite what he might fantasise about, his mother would never yield herself to him completely. Such fulfilment would have to be with girls of his own age.

As a result of these thought-chains, mother and son were subdued in the taxi home, although they held hands on the back seat.

'Did you have a good time this evening, Caroline,' he asked.

'Wonderful,' she smiled at him. 'It was very flattering to have a couple of the lads and one of the girls make a pass at me.'

'Who did that?' asked Ryan, indignantly.

Back home they took their coats off in the hall and stood looking at each other. 'Do I get a treat this evening?' asked Ryan.

'Yes,' said his mother, softly, 'I rather think you've deserved something special.'

She took his hand and led him upstairs, where, for the first time, they went into her room, the big one with the bay window at the front of the house. It was warm and dark in the bedroom. The curtains were open but the streetlights went out at midnight and the only light came from a half-moon, hanging in the cold December sky.

Caroline turned to her son and put her hands on his shoulders, tilting her face to his. 'Kiss me, Ryan,' she whispered, 'kiss your mother.'

He put his arms around her and their lips met and pressed together, mouths opening deliciously, tongues sliding against each other. They kissed for long seconds, working their lips against each other, tasting lipstick and saliva. Ryan pulled his mother tightly to him, sliding his hands over the bare skin of her back, feeling her breasts squash against his chest, pressing his crotch into hers so that she would feel his erection.

Eventually it was Caroline who broke the embrace. Stepping back a half-pace she undid the little zip at the small of her back and slipped the dress straps off her shoulders, sliding the dress down over her hips and down her legs onto the floor, where she stepped out of it, kicking off her high heels, steadying herself with a hand on her son's arm.

She stood before him in the moonlight, wearing only a black, lacy thong and brassiere and black, hold-up stockings, her face in shadow. 'I'm your reward tonight, Ryan,' she said softly. 'You can have me if you want me. I want you to have me.'

She crawled onto the big, king-sized bed and rolled onto her back, her underwear in stark contrast with her pale skin and the white cotton duvet. 'Come and join me, darling.'

Ryan gulped and slid his dinner jacket off, pulling at his bow-tie. It took him a couple of minutes to undress with the fiddly cuff-links and shirt studs and cummerbund. And the laces in his shoes knotted up as he pulled at them in his haste. Then he stood before the bed in his underpants, tented by his erection.

His mother held her arms out to him and he climbed onto the bed with her and took her in his arms and kissed her tenderly, gently, feeling her bare flesh, running his hands over her bra, squeezing her breast, feeling the nipple harden under the lacy material. Their kissing got more heated, Ryan mashed his mouth down onto his mother's and sucked her tongue into his mouth, feeling her hands on his shoulders and neck, feeling her nails dig into him.

Caroline reached for her son's erection and squeezed it through the material of his underpants, making him moan into her mouth and bite down gently on her lower lip. 'Take them off,' she whispered into his ear and Ryan was glad to roll over and release his iron-hard dick. While he rolled his briefs down his legs and threw them on the bedroom floor, his mother sat up and unclipped her bra, shrugging it off to join the heap on the bedroom carpet.

In the dim light Ryan saw his mother's naked breasts for the first time since infancy. And they were as fine as he had imagined them: full and round and jutting, the areolae dark, the nipples like little thimbles. He pushed Caroline back down onto the bed and fastened his mouth on a nipple and suckled and licked and squeezed and his mother gasped and ran her fingers through his hair and pressed his face to her flesh.

'Bite my nipples, Ryan,' she hissed and he clamped down on them as hard as he dared as his mother writhed beneath him, the nails of one hand raking his back while the other gripped his cock and she used her thumb to smear his seminal fluid over his engorged plum.

In a blur of arousal and excitement, Ryan slid a hand down over his Caroline's stomach and stroked her thong, sliding his fingers under the lace, finding his mother's pubic hair, soft and curly, finding her labia, wet and parted. He'd never touched a pussy before and the thrill left him breathless. But he'd watched enough porn to know what to do.

'Yes,' hissed Caroline as his fingers slid inside her. 'Use your fingers on Mummy!'

He slid two fingers deep inside her, feeling for the first time the exquisite liquid grip of a lady's cunt, knowing that this meant his mother was as turned on as he was. He started finger-fucking her and biting her nipple harder and Caroline squealed and wriggled at the onslaught of sensation flooding her from her nipples to her pussy. 'Take my panties off,' she gasped and Ryan slipped his fingers out of her and knelt up while his mother lifted her hips to allow her son to slide the thong down over her stockings.

Then his fingers were back inside her and he was kissing her in a frenzy of incestuous arousal; all his dreams were coming true! He would have his mother, would lose the emotional millstone of his virginity and would possess her for ever. His fingers slid in and out of her sopping pussy, then he was teasing her clitoris with a fingertip and Caroline was biting his tongue and grunting and thrusting her hips up as her son masturbated her for the first time.