A Mother's Pride Ch. 01


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"Are you... are you-"

"Honey, I want you to."

"But it's so-"

"Naughty and wrong for some, but I want it."

It broke Matthew's near-trance and his hands shot to my shoulders, tugging straight away at the straps there. They, like the circumstances in general, gave me no chance or time to think, slipping easily down my upper arms. For the merest fraction of a second I wondered if I was going to be given a last chance to chicken out of things, the thin cotton snagging on my hard nipples, but either I shrugged involuntarily or nature and gravity simply made my choice for me. The skimpy garment fell to the floor.

My breasts were totally exposed to Matthew's eager eyes and I think I whimpered just a little as heat and moisture flooded my womanhood. I didn't even need to will his hands towards me, let alone say a word. I watched in rapt wonder as his fingers stretched wide and his palms covered the raging hardness of my nipples. I know I really did moan aloud just then when he squeezed gently.

I closed my eyes and re-opened them to find him staring down my body. I managed a supposedly reassuring 'yes' when his hands followed his eyes and my beautiful boy's fingertips sent electricity sparking through my entire body as they caressed my naked tits. He said something under his breath about 'smooth and silky' as a hand cupped one of my quivering butt cheeks and something crazy made say "take then, keep them".

He didn't hesitate this time and I sucked in a deep breath as he virtually tore my panties down my legs, exposing the last of me. His hands first cupped my naked ass cheeks and then one trailed around to the front of my left hip where he hesitated for the first time in ages.

"Oh honey, I bet you've never touched a bare pussy either, have you?"

"Never even seen one for real... can I touch... it?"

I was breathing heavily, "Call it what you want and yes, I want you to touch me there." I was being greedy and in desperate need now but a thought struck me, "Don't worry if you need to climax, honey. I'll take it as a compliment, just don't stop."

He was clearly finding his nerve, "I won't stop for anything just yet," each word was emphasised with another stroke or squeeze of my naked flesh, "This is all too perfect and anyway, ma?"

"Wh-wh-what? Fuck that feels so hot."

"My shorts are already soaking inside."

"Huh?" My mind was fried, "Wet?"

"I've already cum once. When I first saw your gorgeous t... breasts."

"Oh honey, I love that. And call them tits if you want. Say what you feel like. Just keep touching my tits, my pussy," I didn't dare let myself so much as think, "And I want you to prove you cum when you saw my nakedness."

"You mean...?"

"Yes, I want to see your cum-covered cock, honey. I know it's so naughty, so bad, but if I'm going to be naked here, then so are you."

His shorts hit the floor before I could so much as think, and his t-shirt followed within two seconds, I looked him up and down, new muscle covering his expanding chest, lots of gym work evident in his rippling belly, and then there was that cock. He had sure developed since I'd last seen him naked in the bath and while he wasn't the longest guy I'd ever seen, he was thick and heavy. And, cum-covered or not, he was hard.

He had taken a step away from me to pull his clothes off but now it was me that reached for him, my hand suddenly eager to feel the hot, hard and oh-so smooth flesh that was pointing at my naked tits. I encircled his not-inconsiderable girth and he let out a sigh that sounded eerily like mine.

"Oh fucking hell, honey, you have the most gorgeous young cock!"

"And you, ma, you've got the loveliest tits I've ever seen - on the web... anywhere - I was such a lucky baby to suck on those!"

I began to stroke his length, "So do it again Matty, suck on your ma's tits."

We clattered back through the doorway into the living room and I ended up with the backs of my calves pressed against the sofa as my son's probing lips finally fastened on to an aching nipple. I wailed in pleasure.

"Oh honey, oh fucking hell, yes!"

I collapsed back on the sofa and he followed me, his teeth biting down when I begged him to do it, one of his finger's penetrating my sodden pussy. "Oh my baby. Oh, oh, oh!"

He lifted his head to look into my eyes, "Ma, I've fancied you like mad for years, but this..." he peered down at my naked body, "but this is ... it's... you... you're so fucking perfect!"

"Oh my baby, suck me again! Suck on mamma's tits!" My mind whirled with lust, and I felt his hardness in my palm. It had all gone so far already, and now I couldn't resist.

I wriggled further beneath him, wanting nothing more than to please my perfect boy - and please myself. I forced my knees wider apart until his own legs slid between mine. I wanted him to cum right on me, right on my pussy. But then... oh, I adore my tits being sucked on so hard. At just the right time it will drive me mad with lust and desire - and this was more than just the right time.

Mine were the first tits he had sucked on all those years ago and now they were the first he'd seen as a young adult. They were the first he'd touched, and the same applied to my pussy. His hard young cock was nestled in my stroking hand. It was all so wrong but so fucking perfect. Except...

I pulled his cock lower until its hot tip pressed against the wet folds of my very centre. Matt gasped and his eyes rose to mine, his lips still greedily sucking on a nipple inflamed with a passion beyond anything I had ever experienced. I simply said 'yes'.

My son's eyes widened and for the briefest moment his hungry sucking paused. I could only guess that he was thinking very quickly about my words concerning how you should take opportunities when they were presented, and my sudden overwhelming need was satisfied as he pressed his hips forward with not the slightest hesitation. I felt the head of his heavy cock parting me and I wailed in pleasure, even as his head rose away from my breasts.

There was a moment's resistance from muscles deep within my pussy but he pushed on, his cock slipping between the eager folds of hot, wet flesh and I cried out again, my arms and legs curling around my boy, drawing him as deeply inside me as I could.

He might never have fucked before that moment, but the wildness of what we were doing as mother and son, the need that had built so quickly inside me, the intensity of my need - they all added up to make him the greatest lover I had ever taken inside me.

He began to rock his hips, a mantra of 'fuck, yes!' hissing between his teeth, and then it was really happening - we were actually fucking. I grabbed at his hair and made sure he looked into my eyes, made sure he could see how much I wanted this.

I was bucking underneath him, adjusting my movements to account for his initial awkwardness with the act, and I started to laugh. His eyes held a question but he soon dismissed it.

From somewhere he managed to snort a laugh himself, "Oh ma! Oh god, my cock's actually in you. We're actually doing it, actually..."

"Fucking, yes! Your gorgeous fat cock is buried in my hot wet cunt and I love it! You hear me, Matty? And fuck it, boy, you are fucking hot!"

"Ma?" His pace was already increasing.

"I know, I know," I was gasping for air already, "You're going to cum again soon, right?"

He nodded, sweat dripping onto my face, "Yeah, I'd better pull out and-"

I immediately tightened my arms and legs behind him, "Don't you fucking dare!"

"But, ma, I'll-"

"Cum right inside me, yes I know. And Matty, guess what? I want it!" Oh, and I did - more than I ever wanted something before. "Honey!" I bucked harder, "I want your cum as far up my hot mummy cunt as you can get it, right?"

He didn't - couldn't - answer me, but instead his pace increased even further, his thick cock pistoning inside me, his balls now slapping against the very tops of my thighs. Now I was committed beyond my wildest imaginings and the knowledge was like a small grenade erupting inside me. I'd never climaxed quickly before in my life, but the second that firecracker exploded my orgasm rushed towards the surface.

It was shocking in its speed and intensity and I could only wail my pleasure, holding it back with every ounce of my mental strength until my boy, my Matty, started to cum. When the first of his juices blasted up into my depths I screamed my ecstasy and began the monster climax which will live with me forever.

In every time past my climaxes had been slow to arrive and then over in a few seconds of high pleasure. But that time with Matty? The largest wave of pleasure was followed by yet another and another, and another. Each time I felt even the tiniest of his spurts of cum deep inside me my body reacted with a wildness and abandon that made full-scale war seem like a playground knuckle fight.

I squealed and moaned myself hoarse and I told my beautiful boy a hundred times that I loved him, even as my body twitched and spasmed. My already scrambled brain went walkabout then.

I came to properly seconds or minutes later - even Matt doesn't know how long passed - to find both of us entangled, sweaty and panting for air. My throat felt raw.

"Hey," I managed, "You okay?"

"Are we still allowed to swear?"

I nodded, "I don't see why not any more. Now are you okay, honey?"

"Then I'm totally fucking good, ma."

From somewhere I managed to find a laugh, "You were pretty damned good, fucking. You sure that was your first time?"

"Honestly, yeah. I guess you cum then?"

My laugh then was far easier, "Cum or climaxed, yeah. And trust me, honey, that was a biggie."

"You do know I... well, I cum inside you?"

"I can hardly miss it," I smiled, "but that's just fine. Perfect, even."

"So... I know this is pretty... weird, I guess. But you really don't mind what happened?"

"Honey," I kissed his nose, "It was as much - more - me than it was you who made that happen. And hey," I laughed, "If I really objected, don't you think I might have pushed your cock out of my pussy by now?" He was, as you can guess, still coupled with me.

"I can't believe how good this feels," he said, not really an answer at one level, but volumes of response at another.

I shifted a little but not enough to disturb him too much, "If by 'good' you mean not so bad that you get soft, I see what you mean." He wasn't fully hard, but he was a long way from flaccid.

"Is that bad of me?"

"I'd be telling a fib if I said yes. I like it."

"You like my cock inside you? Even though I'm your son?"

I shrugged. The time for lies and niceties was long gone, "It feels wrong but very right. And honey? You have a great cock. You'll make some woman very happy one day."

"I only want you, ma."

I slapped his butt, "Unlike you, I never attended university - or am about to - but that doesn't make me a fuckwit. This was fun, but it won't last more than a few hours."


As intimately as we were linked, the cuddle I gave him then felt a lot more maternal than it had any real right to be, "Matty... Matt... we're going to wake up tomorrow and realise this is not something that can carry on. And really, you have a while adult life ahead of you. You don't need me, whether you believe it or not right now with your cock still inside me." It was true, after all, and I almost felt happy to say it aloud.

"Well even if you're right about the long-term thing, it's still not going to be just 'hours'."

No wonder he was going to university, "You won't be thinking that tomorrow, I bet." I had a slight inkling that I wouldn't, anyway. Surely shame would catch up with me pretty quickly?

"There's bound to be recriminations and 'how-stupid-was-that's," my obviously-destined-for-honour-student went on, "but can't we... I mean can't we do something like this again. Maybe a few times?"

Reality seemed to seep into me with those words but it had a most alarmingly unexpected effect on me. "Honey," I managed, trying to ignore a sudden hardening deep within me, "Are you asking to fuck me again? And I don't just mean now because that much is evident."

He started to move his hips, evidently not wanting to risk me saying no even just then, "Is that so bad?"

I couldn't help my own hips twitching in response, "I don't know about bad, but I'm not sure it's entirely fair. You're starting to fuck me again, aren't you?"

"I want to, ma. Please?"

"I guess," I sighed, sore but pleased in way that hurt my sensibilities far more, "I won't stop you. But while I've still got half a brain left - before you fuck the rest out of me - I want to do a deal with you."


"Bad call, bad boy. But anyway, I won't stop you now if - if - you promise me that you'll not complain when you get sent off to uni, and that will be the end of things between us if it hasn't ended long before then."


"I haven't finished. And that no one ever gets to hear about any of this."


He thrust that time, nearly making me lose my train of thought for a moment. "I'm still not finished," I managed, "And that we have a lesson in what making love is compared to just fucking."

"As many lessons as you want," he said, already increasing his pace.

It was making it hard to concentrate, "And finally," I managed, "Suck on my fucking tits like there's no tomorrow! Oh honey! Fast learner!"

It should have been all so wrong, all so awkward but I guess I was just too wrapped up in the heat of this wild and unexpected passion. I felt more alive and more aroused than I even needed to be, and the only slight swerve on that oh-so unexpected path was when Matt lifted his mouth from one eager nipple and aimed a kiss at my own mouth. Of all the things we had done and were doing - even as my boy's cock filled my most delicate, personal area - it was the only thing that gave me pause. But even then my subconscious mind, my previously unknown inner slut, took the reins. She yelled at the suddenly reluctant part of me, reminded me that I loved kissing and being kissed, pointed out that surely a kiss was no worse than the fuck that was driving me wild with lust. My lips parted and as Matthew's eager tongue found mine, I started to climax yet again.

I have no idea what sounds must have been emanating from deep within my throat but my son - my lover - paused long enough to say, "You okay, ma?"

"Oh my baby boy," I let loose another grunt, "I'm more than okay! Now before you shoot another load of your cum deep inside your mother, let me show you just what pulling on my tits does for me, huh?"

"Yes please!"

So I showed him how it drove me to new orgasmic heights. And I showed him how varying his pace made things wilder and deeper. I pushed a finger into his tight butt and made my boy moan in delight. I promised him that this wouldn't be the last time we fucked or made love.

Just before he finally cum again I grasped the base of his cock, gripping tightly, delaying his eruption until I was howling through a new climax myself. Neither of us could wait any longer then, and his own wail matched mine as he emptied himself deep in my belly. Like before, every spurt triggered a new wave of orgasm in me and I think I was even grateful that he was running short of that precious liquid by then, not sure that my body could take many more climaxes.

I held him so tightly afterwards, murmuring words of love and lust, even as his lovely cock relaxed inside me.

"I guess," I said finally, "You rather enjoyed fucking your own mother?"

"Loved it," he nodded, "And you did mean it when you said we could do it again, right?"

I laughed, "Letting you fuck me might make me a bad mother, but I always keep my promises to you, don't I?"

"Yeah but this is like well big."

I wriggled a little, "So's your cock, Matt."

"I know it's not that big."

"I've seen longer," I admitted, "but it's lovely and thick and, most importantly, it's yours."

"Does that really make it better or different?"

I gave another laugh, "I guess you don't have anything to compare this all to, but for me, yes, it makes the world of difference. No one has ever - ever - fucked me so wonderfully."

Matthew blushed - no joking - and held me tighter, "You seem so different now."

I eased his head back so I could look into his eyes, "How do I? And is that a bad thing?"

"Well for a start I've got my... thing in you."

"You mean your gorgeous cock is buried in my snatch?"

He blushed again, "Well, yeah, and that kinda shows one of the differences."

"That we're fucking now?"

"No! Well, yes, obviously, but I meant the things you're saying. You were always so polite and proper about stuff before and now you keep talking about my cock and your... your pussy. You even called it your..." he faltered.

"My snatch, you mean?"


I laughed, "I guess I might have called it my cunt then?"

"Yes! And I have never ever heard you say that word before!"



I shrugged, amused, "Welcome to a whole new world, Matthew. Do you object to me saying stuff like that? It really is the only time my mouth descends to the gutter."

He shook his head, "I think I can see why you say those things."

"Cunt and fuck?"

He giggled through his blush, "Yes! And tits. They're normally only ever breasts when you talk about them."

"Well when I'm fucking - when I have your lovely cock in my cunt - they're my tits, okay?"

I felt a gentle stirring inside me, "Yeah. You have fantastic tits, ma!"

"Thank you, Matthew. Now are you starting to get hard in me already?"

"Yes, ma. Just knowing how great your tits are is making me hard again," he paused and kissed me before resuming, "This feels like heaven."

"On the sofa, naked with your mother?"

He shook his head and spoke on, his blush not holding him back any more, "No, ma, I meant it feels like heaven having my cock in your pussy. It feels so good to be fucking you."

I giggled, "I should be too sore for this!"

"You want me to stop before I really get going again?"

"I never said that."

"So you want me to keep moving?"

"Honey," I sighed, "I think I've become hooked on your cock already," I pushed his shoulders backwards, "But I think it's time for me to have a little more control of just how much goes inside me. Get on your back and let me show you what a cowgirl is all about."

Somehow we rearranged our position without him ever once slipping from my tingling womanhood - and this time he lasted and lasted.


That was more than two months ago and a lot has happened since then. If you want to hear about all my newfound depravity tell me and I will ignore my conscience and come clean. I think maybe you've only heard the nice bits so far...

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AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Good story set in England, but ruined by the use of the American 'ma' and 'mamma'

mbdiablo62mbdiablo62about 1 month ago

Thoroughly enjoyed it, am eager to red the other chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great writing 5 Start

Young men have always lusted after their shapely mothers and most don’t get it and then get over it (myself included) but what make your stories so hot is the mom’s point of view and the surfacing of her true needs and desires. I love how you phrased it here:

“…then my subconscious mind, my previously unknown inner slut, took the reins.”

Very sexy!! Thx

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really good 5 stars. A brief description of her sexual history would help to know her better

Ode_de_cremOde_de_cremalmost 3 years ago

Amazing story. I was much like young Matty at that age, innocent and unlearned. Very much appreciate the tale, pictured it right in my own home..

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