A Mountain Man's Love Story


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She awoke to the smells of food and the endless coffee. He was bathed, dressed, shaved. The cave was warm and she ducked her head under the furs and confirmed that it was smells from her satisfied pussy that filled the air. Somehow she needed to reassure him and tell him how wonderful she felt. They had never kissed. She had never liked it. Nude she stood, pulled a blanket around her and went to him. He stood and she wrapped it around them both and brought her lips to his. That was sweet but nature told her to flick out her tongue. His mouth opened, he sucked gently and offered his. In just a minute her tender pussy wanted more attention and she could feel his clothed cock throbbing against her thigh. Now she too was confused. She gave him a quick kiss and let her hand trail down his body and squeeze his cock. It seemed bigger today, bigger than she had ever taken. She grabbed her clothes and rushed out for an ice-cold morning bath.

When she returned, she went first to the fire, dripping and shivering and then bent over to kiss her man again. He smiled from ear to ear and finished making their breakfast. She ate but she wanted him. She wondered if he knew how babies were made. She wondered if he would stay with her, hurt her or even kill her. She looked around, remembered what he had done for her, what he offered, how he worked for her, how he wanted to please her, she suppressed all other thoughts except, this was her man. She liked the security, the safety, the caring, the food, the gentleness and the belonging. This would have to pass for 1870's frontier love. Other ideas about love would have to wait for a more modern world.

Quiet Girl watched Nat return from his second icy bath of the day before sunset. She saw him swing his drying blanket from his body and step his shivering body into his pants. His balls and cock were shriveled up. Not nearly as intimidating and exciting as they were that morning. She had heard the old women laugh about such things. Now she smiled at how nature took the mighty brave and had him look down at a young boy's equipment that could not possibly satisfy a real grown woman.

That evening they learned to work together. He found dried corn, acorns, late berries, wild onions, herbs, pine nuts and more savory leaves for the pot. She prepared all that, while he plucked a pheasant and just handed it to her to cut up and do with as she pleased. Tonight he tended the fire and heated the rocks. During the day while he was hunting, she had changed the back of the cave. She was nervous about how he would react when he found out.

After dinner, it was already dark. They had tried to talk earlier. She believed tomorrow, he was taking her on a hunt to learn about the surrounding land. But tonight as she cleaned up from dinner, she timed her first move. His load of hot rocks were on their way to her bed when she guided him to his bed. She pulled away a blanket covering how she had extended the pit so her bed could be placed next to his and they could lay together. She could see the excitement and fear in his eyes. He did not acknowledge her efforts but prepared the larger bed, ignoring the pit area where she had slept last night.

Again her own fears had caught up with his. Now she too was in uncharted waters. Was love, tenderness and beauty only a nice story. She had heard it was possible but she had never experienced it more than last night. All day she had thought and prepared for this time. She was excited and had been ready for him since noon. Last night could have been some craziness for both of them. When they actually had sex would he take her and use her and then cast her away? She thought of the quick times her legs were forced apart and one or two men dumped their semen in her. She thought of the quick times she was out gathering food and caught from behind, her skirt flipped up and a cock rammed into her before she was ready. These thoughts made her think she was foolish to prepare so much for Nat. After all he was a male. He could kill her and take another like her in an instant. She had seen it. She had help bury females, even pregnant ones, where their men had not wanted to be fathers. She turned her back to Nat and the tears of fear and the unknown flowed freely.

He came to her. Tenderly wiped her tears and then gently, item by item he stripped her and let her stand nude by the fire until he stripped too. He reached out a hand and she took it. He pulled her to him and he kissed her, open mouthed with tongues, as she had taught him last night. His cock swelled, rock hard and bobbed tightly between her legs, against her wet, frightened more experienced pussy.

Her mind raced with negative thoughts, when he backed toward the bed and slipped in holding the furs up for her to join him. For thirty minutes he kissed her, tasted her body and learned to tease every inch of her. Still her mind raced. Was something wrong with him that he did not take her, force her and be what she knew was manly. Her body betrayed her thoughts as he pulled her on top of his lust filed body that was aching for release. She had never been on top before. Instinctively, she reached for him and guided him into position. Only two inches entered her. She moaned in pain and pleasure as she was stretched, but the sound confused him. He waited. She thrust again and took another inch. That was fine but the next thrust hurt. He held her head and kissed her a hundred times and tried to pull out. Her hands grasped his hips. She could not explain why. She sat up a little over him. His eyes and face were contorted in such pleasure that she knew was from only her body. She rocked her clit against his cock and her body climbed the mountain. She felt him tense under her and she pushed down again. Her body stretched wider than it had ever done. She was wet and slippery but the stretching, almost pain, was what filled her mind. His fingers were in heaven playing with her breasts, teasing her nipples and strangely just naturally cupping her belly where babies grew.

Quiet Girl thrust for her pleasure and Nat's body rose under her. It was not planned but when she thrust down, he thrust up. She screamed in pleasure and pain as she was stretched and penetrated like never before. In the height of her scream her orgasm began and she drove down again hard expecting to defeat him. Instead, he lifted her, flipped her and drove into her harder than before. Her orgasm extended, it would not stop. The

sound of their bellies slapping together brought a cry of pleasure from her. She felt her womb open and his cock line up. He pulled almost out of her. His lips closed over hers. He whimpered and thrust violently. Again her climax extended and she knew his seed was pouring into her fertile body. Quiet Girl screamed in delight and completion for the first time into her man's mouth and he responded by pumping more of his maleness into her to claim her as his own.

Her eyes would not stay open. She felt the warm, wet, slipperiness between them. It was not him it was not her. It was something new. It was them and the new life that they had created. She was asleep but she did not go to sleep when his cock slipped from her body. She was asleep but she had not gone to sleep when he turned her, spread her legs and took her from behind, depositing another load in her womb. She imagined her body sucking the seed from him and him struggling to live after satisfying her demand.

The morning was cold and Quiet Girl felt Nat roll on top of her. She opened her legs for him and his cock slipped easily into her body through the combined juices of his body and hers. She liked the closeness and the warmth. That would have been enough but her womb wanted more. It began to suck and her hands guided his hips so his shaft slid across her clit. Every part of her wanted to be in control and feel his rigid manhood. Her outer lips were swollen and tingling. Her inner lips pushed into her body when he thrust and pulled out when he retreated. She guided and taught his hips to move, so her magic spot was pressed and massaged when he drove into her and her clit was ever present, being tortured with pleasure when he slid in and slid out. Nat's mouth closed over hers. Her lungs filled when he exhaled and gave him life when he inhaled. The words she did not know, but her body knew when he curled into her, driving deep and pulsing rope after rope of cum into her already full womb. Her pleasure could not be contained and she screamed into his mouth again and her body tried to suck the life out of his body through his cock.

The cold cave seemed full of steam. The vapors that came from under the furs were full of the smell of freely flowing juices from combined mutual orgasm. Not of a woman, or a man, but a matched loving couple. Where each partner would do anything to please the other. The true beauty was that they were so young, so much in love and so matched that this moment would be repeated thousands more times in the future in strange unexpected places, for fifty years to make four sons and two daughters.

The mountains echoed with Quiet Girl's screams of ecstasy all winter and the cave was often full of the panting steam from Nat's breath. Her belly began to grow. Her worries were unfounded. Nat was so happy with her, rubbing her belly, listening to the extra sounds and holding the swelling waiting to feel movement. In late spring, he sat about trekking down the mountain to find a small clan of Indians who would help with the birth. Every day he worried. He did not know when she was due or what to do. Quiet Girl was worried too. She had heard the screams of women but was not allowed to witness a birth.

Nat and Quiet Girl were lucky. They happened on a small clan that had another English speaking trapper still with them. The first meetings went smoothly and the women agreed to help and guessed the time was two months away. The group moved often, climbing higher as the weather and food permitted. Nat was learning more Paiute than anyone else was learning his brand of English. The clan liked how this small man could out work and out hunt anyone else. How he doted on his wife and how he so wanted a son. Everything was fine and getting better until the group moved and camped with another for one evening. It was the group that had expelled Quiet Girl and the wiseman's son still lusted after her. Especially, now that she was so glowing, beautiful and fertile. His chosen bride was slender and not pregnant, even after the wiseman's offerings. The wiseman's son's name was Toulon and he was combative from the moment he saw Nat.

Toulon announced to all ears, "She is my property, my slave and the baby in her is also mine."

He was much bigger than Nat but he did not have the respect of the men. He did not work or hunt to the level expected of a leader. He did not act with honor. His father tried to cover for him and gain time for him to mature. Toulon knew the Paiute men would have to stand behind him, so he challenged Nat by slapping him and calling him a slave stealer.

Toulon slapped Nat again and still Nat did not move. Quiet Girl stood to protect her man and Toulon turned on her and raised his hand. Nat was quick, took him down, struck him in the head with the butt of his knife and pointed to Quiet Girl to get behind him next to the horses. As Toulon stirred, Nat got him to his feet and held his skinning knife to Toulon's neck. Nat asked that "Eagle who sees all," Toulon's father, come talk to him in honor in exchange for the life of his son.

"Eagle who sees all" was quick to arrive. Nat showed him respect as a wise elder, lowered his knife and turned away from Toulon. Toulon immediately grabbed a knife from another man and moved toward Nat's back. The hills echoed with his father's wrath filled voice, "Toulon!!!!!!!" Nat never turned around but went into the nearby bark and wood structure to await "Eagle who sees all."

For an hour the two men met. With the aid of the other trapper, the two men respected each other and worked out a compromise. Quiet Girl had to listen to the harsh words but the rest of both clans knew the truth. The wiseman spoke, "Nat is a man of honor and treasures his son that he knows is growing in this slave's belly. Quiet Girl still does not know her place and, is of little worth because she will not serve. She does not cook, clean or please her man. Still he wants the son she carries. He realizes that this woman is Toulon's property and agrees to pay ten bear furs, ten beaver pelts and ten deer skins for her to bear his son and raise him until he is five. If Toulon still wants her then he can have her back in exchange for another young slave girl who has never born a child."

All the members of both clans knew the negotiated terms were just Nat buying Quiet Girl to avoid any additional problems and letting both Toulon and his father seem dominate, gracious and in control. Nat showed the proper humbleness and it was acknowledged by "Eagle who sees all" and Toulon strutted and postured to show his superior position. Quiet Girl was seething inside but her years of beatings kept her looking at the ground, holding her belly to display her worth and accepting being a worthless non-Paiute slave.

She was left standing to tend the horses, outside, while "Eagle who sees all" celebrated with Nat, their successful negotiation. Several of the women went to stand with Quiet Girl so Toulon would not go to her.

That story spread throughout the Paiute clans and then to the Washoe. Nat was always welcome to visit, trade, hunt and even be part of their religious ceremonies. He had not chosen violence to claim Quiet Girl and his son, but no one ever doubted that he would have fought to the death for her. Still, for the rest of their lives together she would say that he did not fight for her, that she had to be with him because she was his slave; he had purchased her from Toulon, who was the handsome man who really wanted her. Those words always hurt him but it was the one way she could fight dirty when she was angry with him.

The midwives sent him away because he worried so when she screamed as her body stretched to push out their first son. He was named "First Sunlight in the doorway" for where his father first saw him.

Nat and Quiet Girl together brought all the other children into this world. The second a girl, "Howling Girl Wolf," for one evening he got Quiet Girl hotter and hotter, until her fear was defeated enough to follow him up the hillside. The wolves were howling at the moon. He had asked her, "Let's go up the hill, have wild sex and scare the wolves because you, called "Quiet Girl," make so much noise."

Another girl "Babbling waters" got her name because Quiet Girl became pregnant while they played in on the warm slippery rocks where a stream flowed over them into a deep pool of water. A dozen ways they slid down the slippery rocks and splashed. She was screaming in orgasm and swallowed a lot of water laughing as half his load floated to the top of the rippling cold pond.

The next three were boys. "Into the sun" was conceived somewhere along two hundred miles of a trip when Quiet Girl was horny all the time. She remembered how he complained that there was more to do than fuck all the time. She learned to doctor his sore cock with her lips so it would drive into her and satisfy the cravings of a woman of 32 summers.

"Horse riding boy," was conceived as Quiet Girl sat on Nat's cock while the horse walked slowly around and around the coral until his balls emptied into her fertile womb.

"Many furs" was made the night he and Quiet Girl christened the house he built for her, in front of the old cave where they had spent their first times together. For the months he labored, she called it her special anniversary gift. Quiet Girl had a hot and often out of control temper. Nat took her abuse and often just walked away for a few hours or went hunting and brought her a special pelt. One evening, he was cold, hungry and tired. He was about fourty-five summers. He was finishing logs for the final part of the roof and was exhausted. He wanted to quit for the day and go into the warm side of the cabin, she slapped him twice and made some reference that she could slap him like Toulon had done because he was a coward. He raped her. For hours he said he was sorry but Quiet Girl would not look at him. He left her in the furs, saying over and over how sorry he was and that he would stay away but watch over her for three months and then she could decide if she wanted to be with him anymore. He took his eldest son.

Life was never the same again.

Their best times were behind them now. He often tried to play and was usually rejected. He was sad. She seemed content in her quiet world, visiting children, grandchildren and relatives.

When he was 72, she was 68. She took delight in her often harsh words. He had not been away from her side for three years and decided to go to a town to sell his furs during an annual festival for such things. Quiet Girl was angry. When he returned he had a cough and she would not open the presents he brought her. She claimed that he had brought some strange white man's illness to kill her or one of the children that visited. She insisted that he leave if he loved her. Six days later she went to look for him, found him dead, under a tree, holding one third of a quilt that he was hand sewing for her. She had wanted one for years with the wedding ring pattern. She lived for many more years; she always kept that piece of quilt nearby; she talked to it and slept with it every night.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I know him

for he is me. Yes I know him

the hidden one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago


oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
I enjoyed it, despite its inaccuracy.

It was a good tale to a point. I would have liked to see a different ending also. I would doubt that a wandering Paiute Band from the Sierra Nevada Mountains would range all of the way to the Great Plains, much less challenge a tribe such as the Cheyenne, Arapaho, or Kiowa by taking one of their children as a captive. But thanks for a good tale otherwise.

Sierra_m_kiloSierra_m_kiloover 14 years ago
Liked the story but not the conclusion.

I really liked this story up through the end of the Toulon altercation--when she turned into a spiteful bitch, and come to think, the story never returned to the introductory family history search.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I really enjoyed this story

I really enjoyed this story it kept my attention well and liked the way the view from each main character was shown,

I wasn't looking for historical accuracy just a romantic story which this definetly was.


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Good story, accurate or not. Pocahontas? No. This was Pocahontas: American Indian; daughter of Powhatan, an Algonquian chief in Virginia. According to John Smith, she rescued him from death at the hands of her father. In 1612, she was seized as a hostage by the English, and she later married colonist John Rolfe.

Let's try Sacagawea as the woman who acted as guide and interpreter for Lewis & Clark.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Nice start, but got the Indian stuff all wrong

Nice twist on 'boy meets girl' - but the glaring historical inaccuracies almost ruined it. Rape? Child abuse? Indian guy telling an Indian gal what to do? In public? Without being laughed at for many, many moons? - puh-lease. And the heroine is just plain wrong in so many ways. Next time, start w/an actual Indian/ethnic person when building an Indian/ethnic character. Example: Pocahantas. She lived in the same region as heroine; was taken 'captive' as a pre-teen, 'traded' to another tribe, & was 16 when she led L&C across 'the west.' Pocahantas kicked ass. Quiet Chick she ain't. Please consider taking it down for a thorough re-write, & finding some Indian readers. It's got good bones with great potential - like the bit about her fascination with his curly red chest hair, great touch that rang true - but is not yet good work.

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