A New Adventure Every Day Pt. 06


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"Okay, Sue. Have a good afternoon and I hope your talking to me doesn't cause you any problems."

"I'll just tell them there was a lost soul who needed rescuing," she replies. "Bye Sam." She turns and leaves without looking back. Something about her parting comment nags at me and as I head back to the Village Store I realize what it is: who did she mean when she said 'lost soul', me or herself?

After the distraction of the Village Store and that interesting meeting with Sue, I'm back home and back to boredom. I decide that I might as well go for a run this afternoon

In the bedroom I'm stripped down to my panties and about to pull on my sports bra when my phone rings and, to my delight, it is my darling Meg. "Hi gorgeous!" I exclaim excitedly down the phone.

"Hello, Sam!" to my surprise a different voice responds and it takes a moment for me to place it.

"Uh, Erica, hello; is everything all right? Is Meg okay?"

"Yes, yes, she's absolutely fine. She just lent me her phone to call you. Sam, you're a qualified teacher, aren't you?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"Well, Mrs Duke is off sick and I need a cover teacher for Year Six tomorrow and I wondered if you might oblige? I know you used to teach Secondary school but I thought that, since they'll all be heading to secondary schools in September, they would benefit from your teaching style." Feelings of excitement, interest, fear and anxiety all swirl through me at her suggestion. Can I do this? It would be wonderful to teach again, to be back in the classroom but... Then I catch sight of my tattoo in the mirror and I know my answer.

"Yes, Erica, I will. Are there lessons set?"

"Well, in theory there is for Numeracy and Literacy but if you have something you think you could do for an hour or two then that would be very good."

"Well, I'm sure I have the cover lesson sheets from my old school on my laptop, so I'll have a look. I would like to come up to the school later to look over what I'll be covering tomorrow, if that's okay, and also to print out some worksheets if necessary?"

"That would be an excellent idea, Sam," Erica agrees.

"Thank you Erica," I hesitate, "You don't have some hotline set up to Friga do you?"

"I don't think so, why?" she asks with a little chuckle.

"It's just that I've been so bored today and tomorrow was likely to be worse and then you phoned." I tell her.

"Maybe the Goddess looks after her own," she replies, gnomically. "Anyway, I'm sure you'd like to talk to your girlfriend now so I'll see you later this afternoon and thank you for agreeing."

"Hiya, Sam darling," Meg's voice makes me smile. "That's so cool: we're going to be colleagues tomorrow! I'm glad you said yes to Ms Shaw."

"Yes, but Meg, I am a bit scared though. The last time I taught I was in a really bad way."

"Oh, Sam, this'll be different. I'm due to be with Year Six for part of tomorrow but I'll bet you could ask for me to be there all day, if that would help."

"Help and hinder I should think," I jokingly reply.

"What?" Meg sounds offended.

"Well, having my best friend with me would definitely help but seeing my beautiful, hot, sexy lesbian lover across the classroom... serious distraction!" Meg laughs. "I need to look and see what lessons might be suitable and I've said I'll come up to school later so I'll see you then, my darling."

"Oh goody! Well, have a good afternoon, Sam love."

"And you too. Oh, Meg," I add, "I'm standing here in just my panties; just thought you should know!"

"Oh, you sneaky cow! That's so unfair, especially as we're not supposed to, you know, tonight or tomorrow."

"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry Meg; I forgot. I'm going to put on something completely frumpy and unattractive."

"It won't work: you'll still be gorgeously sexy to me. Just tell me you're covered up."

"Hang on..." I drop the phone on the bed and pull on the sports bra. "Okay, covered," I tell her. "Better?" I ask

"Much!" she replies. "See you later, my love, bye."

Once the call's over I finish dressing, putting on leggings, socks and a running top over the bra. It's still all close fitting but there's less skin on show. I then head down and log into my laptop and browse to a folder that I haven't looked at in over a year: my teaching files and documents. I felt panic in my chest and tried to breathe deeply and relax. I was no longer Samantha Dowler, no more the train wreck, I told myself, I was Sam Cummings, healed and loved, who had come out to her old friends and colleagues. I can go back and do the job I always loved: to teach young people.

I looked through the lesson plans that I had written for cover teachers to use; short, self-contained tasks based on a piece of writing or a topic. Then one catches my attention and I opened the Word document and read:

The Road Not Taken

by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

I feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise and tingle as I read through to the final stanza:

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Of course I have read the poem before but this time it speaks to me in new ways; this time I am on that less travelled road. However, will it be suitable for Year Six, I wonder? It occurs to me that they are at a change in their lives, heading to new schools, soon to be teenagers and begin the sometimes arduous journey from childhood to adulthood. Yes, this poem can speak to them too.

I look through the rest of the document and after the poem are a couple of pages of questions of the usual sort: 'What type of poem is this?'; 'What does "wanted wear" mean?' 'What does the poet mean by...' and so on. Well, maybe I'll use that sheet or maybe a whole class discussion might be better so they can share ideas.

I am excited now and keen to be in front of the class. I rummage through my laptop bag and dig out a little USB stick that I plug in before copying the files onto it. Now I can run up to school and print out the sheets ready for tomorrow.

Twenty minutes later I'm jogging through the woods, the USB stick along with my keys in the little pocket in my leggings. I run the route that Meg and I ran that first time and that we've done a couple of times since but keep my pace slow as I won't finish at the tea room but continue up to the school. It is lovely being in the woods and I feel very calm and at peace here, as if I'm spiritually at home; that same feeling I had on my first visit, months ago now. My mind drifts and I think of my life now, my home and especially of Meg and I feel such an upsurge of transcendent happiness that I cannot contain it. "Thank you, Friga!" I yell into the woods.

I arrive at the school a little early. I am breathing deeply, my heart rate up and I feel full of life and exhilarated by the run. I look around and see the visitors' entrance where I ask to see Ms Shaw and, after a brief wait, I am ushered into her office by the school secretary. As the secretary closes the door behind her, Erica comes round the desk and kisses me on the lips. "Hello, Sam," she says warmly, her hand resting on my hip, "I wouldn't normally kiss you like that outside our little gatherings but I'm so grateful you agreed to cover tomorrow and, I have to say, you are positively radiant this afternoon. Meg really is a lucky girl and I'm looking forward to tomorrow night just a little bit more!"

"Are you always this flirtatious with your cover staff?" I ask, smiling.

"Only the sexy, scat-loving women," she replies. This playful side of Erica is unexpected, particularly in her office. However, she becomes a little more serious. "Is there anything you need for tomorrow?

"Well, I could do with seeing what they're due to cover tomorrow, especially in Maths as that's a subject I've never taught. Will there be any Teaching Assistants in during the day?"

"You mean will Meg be there?" Erica smiles, "She's due to be in with Year Six tomorrow between break and lunch. I could extend that, I suppose."

"Erica, it doesn't have to be Meg, honestly," I tell her. "I could do with someone when the class is due to study Maths just so there's someone who knows what they've been doing." Erica looks at a timetable on the wall.

"Well, Numeracy - Maths - is due to be first thing. Both Janice Smith, she's another TA, and Meg have been supporting Year Six Numeracy so... hmm..." she thinks for a minute. "I'll give you Meg as a TA all morning. We'll need to address the 'girlfriend' question too as some of the children will have heard about you and Meg so are you happy to tackle it head on at morning registration?"

"I, er... yes, I'll need to, won't I? Better than it disrupting lessons as the children whisper it."

"Excellent. Now, have you come up with something you'd like to do with the class?"

"Yes, I have. I thought I'd do Robert Frost's 'The Road Not Taken' with them. It seems appropriate with them looking forward to new schools and making choices about their lives. I was going to run the lesson between break and lunchtime, if that's acceptable."

"Interesting... yes, I can see that working well and perhaps they can find out from you about life in secondary school as part of that. I can imagine that the poem chimes with you too," she smiles but then adds seriously, "Just one thing, Sam: be careful that you keep the discussion of roads less travelled away from sexuality. I know you'd never proselytise for lesbianism but any mention could be misinterpreted by one of our more awkward parents, alright?" I hadn't thought of that but it's good advice.

"Good point," I acknowledge, "I'll be careful. Can I print out copies of the poem? I have it on a USB stick."

"Of course; you can either ask Sandra the secretary or I'm sure your TA would help; Meg will be out in a few minutes. Good luck for tomorrow in case I don't see you before school," and she gives me a hug.

"Thanks. And thanks for asking me; I've missed teaching, though tomorrow is a little bit scary. At least I won't have any of the head of department crap: that's what really did me in."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, Sam," she assures me. "Just out of interest, would you ever consider going back to teaching full time?" I think for a minute.

"Yes, I think I would, though it does scare me after what happened to me. However, I'll have to work again eventually so why not do what I'm good at and that I enjoy? Plus, I am getting bored out of my skull sitting at home. The only downside is that there aren't many secondary schools nearby so it'll mean a fair drive to and from work, assuming there are vacancies."

"I'm sure any school would want you on their staff, Sam. Go on, that's the bell; Meg is with Year Four."

"That's handy: that's the one classroom I know!" I say and I turn and leave Erica's office.

CHAPTER 23 - The Initiation of the Women of Friga

I am both exhausted and exhilarated as I call the class to attention a few minutes before the final bell. "Right Year Six, will you all return to your seats and no more talking please." The children hurry putting their books away and I feel pleased that my first ever history lesson (Ancient Greece and the Spartans) went well and helped, I'm sure, by having once had to cover a Classics lesson on this very topic in my old school.

The children are all sat at last and watching me. "Let me say thank you to you all; I have really enjoyed teaching you today. I hope you enjoyed my lessons and that you learned something new." There are pleasing murmurs of assent. "Are there any questions? Yes... Tommy."

"Will you be teaching us on Monday, Ms Cummings?"

"I don't think so, Tommy; your usual teacher Mrs Duke will be back, I expect." I try not to be too flattered by the sounds of disappointment as it's easy to be popular as a one day novelty. Just then the bell rings. "Okay, everyone, stand up behind your chairs." I wait for them all to comply. "Good afternoon, Year Six."

"Good afternoon, Ms Cummings and thank you!" they all chorus.

"Okay, off you go and have a good weekend, all of you," I dismiss them and they all hurry out just as Meg appears in the doorway.

There is only one pupil left in the class, Beth, who I suspect has been hanging back just so she can say, "Ms Cummings, your girlfriend's here!" I try to glare at her but the impish smile on her face is almost impossibly cute.

"Go on, get out of here before I tell your Mums you were being cheeky!" warns Meg and she runs off laughing. "So, Ms Cummings, how was your day?"

"Meg, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for your help, especially in Maths, sorry, Numeracy . When that girl, um Chloe asked what the common denominator was my mind just went blank. I should have remembered the old 'Who can tell Chloe what a common denominator is?' trick that you used."

"My pleasure; I guess you're just not used to not knowing the answer," Meg laughs. "That lesson with the Frost poem went really well. I thought the children might struggle with it but the groups and the discussion after went really well. They really understood the poem."

"Poetry works so well for getting people to think about difficult or challenging... Erica, hello."

"Good afternoon, Sam and Meg. You look very happy Sam so I take it that the day went well."

"I'm knackered but yes, I think it went very well." I reply. "I enjoyed it, certainly."

"I'm perhaps not being quite fair on you, Sam. I was outside listening for some time after break and again just before lunch and I also spoke to some of the children at lunchtime. They seemed to have enjoyed the lesson. Bethany seemed particularly taken with the poem. She told me that 'taking the less travelled road meant like, choosing to love another girl, like Mum and Lilly Mum did, or like Ms Cummings and Ms Dike.' She's a bright girl who has a real fondness for you two. Does that make teaching her a problem?"

"Not at all," I reply, "and certainly not when I'm only here for a day."

"What if I were to ask you to consider more than one day?" Erica asks.

"Why, is Wendy Duke too ill to be back on Monday?" asks Meg.

"Wendy's pregnant, as Meg knows, and I understand she's suffering high blood pressure and needs bed rest. The baby was due in early October but she's told me she may be delivered early so I'll need to find Maternity cover from September..."

"And you'd like me to be that cover teacher?" I ask.

"Yes, Sam, I would, please." I look at Meg and she smiles.

"It's up to you, Sam. I'd love it but you have to be happy. You'd have the summer holiday to get up to speed on the syllabus."

"And learn to say 'Literacy' instead of 'English' and 'Numeracy' not 'Maths'. I'm very tempted, Erica, but I have to ask: there is going to be support in terms of lesson planning and learning the processes and, well, everything that's different in primary education, isn't there?"

"Sam, I promise you as your friend, there will be help and support. You don't have to answer me now, certainly not about September, though an answer about next week would be helpful."

"I can answer that: yes, I can cover next week. I'll make sure I have an answer about September by the end of the week."

"Thank you, Sam that would be excellent," Erica says happily.

"I do have one other question though: this offer doesn't have anything with Meg and me joining the group does it?"

"No, Sam. At least, that is, I'm not offering you the job because you're joining us. However, the group did give me the chance to meet you and get to know you better and, well, if you were supposed to come to live here and supposed to become one of the Women then I think perhaps it is right that you should be a teacher here too." I nod; perhaps she's right. "Very well, I will see you both at nine o'clock tonight. The usual dress code, please," and with that she bids us goodbye for now.

We walk home and I take a long soak in the bath while Meg prepares dinner. I'm awoken nearly an hour later in tepid water by a naked Meg perched on the edge of the bath and shaking me. "Wakey, wakey little Miss Prune. Dinner will be served in five minutes so out you get; you don't want to be all wrinkly for the Women of Friga."

"Thanks, Meg, darling." I yawn. "I guess today really took it out of me."

"Yeah, it's the standing isn't it? I'm always knackered at the end of the day for the first week or so after the summer holiday." Meg hands me a towel and helps dry me. God I love this woman.

We eat and chat, we do the crossword together but mostly we mark time until nine o'clock is upon us and we head out of the house. The air is cool on our naked skin and I feel goosebumps prickle my flesh. "It's not as warm as it was for the last gathering is it?" I comment to Meg. "I hope it doesn't get much colder." She looks up into the cloudy twilight sky.

"At least the clouds should help there. I wonder if we'll see the moon?"

"We might. I hope we don't have to stay out until we do; that could be a very long night."

"Ah, but we'd be showing our dedication to Friga by doing so," Meg jokes. "What do you think of the Goddess idea? Suzie and Erica seem to believe in her, at least a little."

"I don't know but... I was running in the woods yesterday and it was, a.. a spiritual experience, I guess; a feeling that I belong here and belong with you. There is something about this place and maybe 'Goddess' is as good a word as any to express it." I look at Meg and she's looking at me intently with a look of utter happiness. "What?" I ask.

"I so completely love you, Sam Cummings. Yes, 'Goddess ' is the right word. Come on, in we go!" She pushes open the gate and we enter Erica's garden.

The six other women are there already, standing in a rough line and obviously waiting for us as they turn to face us when we open the gate. However, they are not completely naked: each wears just a long, deep red cloak that is clasped at the throat and covers their shoulders but hangs open at the front, revealing cleavages and the edges of aureoles, stomachs and vulvae. Erica in the centre of the line steps forward to greet us both. "Meg, Sam, we're so pleased you're here to join us and become part of our group."

She walks forwards and kisses us each on the mouth, a full, lingering kiss, and the others do the same in turn apart from Bex, whose tongue cheekily slips into my mouth. "Thanks for the good advice about Katie and me the other week," she whispers as we separate. At the end Meg and I are at the centre of a circle holding each other's hand.

Suzie now speaks to Meg in a rather serious voice, "Meg, do you wish to join the Women of Friga and to participate fully in our celebrations of female sexuality and lovemaking in honour of the Goddess?"

"Er, yes I do. Please." Meg replies, a little flustered by the unexpected formality of the question.

Suzie now turns to me. "Sam, do you wish to join the Women of Friga and to participate fully in our celebrations of female sexuality and lovemaking in honour of the Goddess?"

"I would very much like to join and to participate, thank you," I try to match Suzie's tone but I cannot help smiling and the huge grin on Bex's face I see from the corner of my eye doesn't help. I feel something touch my shoulders and find a cloak similar to the others being slipped onto my shoulders and onto Meg's. I glance behind as Lillian reaches forward to fasten the cloak as Claire does the same for Meg. In the cool air the warmth of the soft, velvety fabric is welcome.