A New Beginning


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Breathing heavily, Lynne answered, "I want it... I want it now."

Again, he just responded, "Shhh," before tracing a line with his tongue from her throat down to her sternum, then over her heaving right breast and onto her stiff nipple. He lashed it with his moist tongue and nibbled it lightly sending Lynne into paroxysms of delight. She arched her back and groaned as small darts of pleasure and warmth spread through her chest. And then she felt his hand gently cup her pussy through her knickers, it was a two-pronged attack on her pleasure centres and she collapsed back on to the bed in ecstasy.

Nathan let his mouth trail down her body, planting gentle kisses every inch of the way until he was at her mound. Using finger and thumb, he slipped the gusset to one side and then thrust his stiffened tongue straight inside her.

Automatically, Lynne spread her legs wider and grabbed his hair in her clutching grasp. She could only breath in sharply with her eyes wide open as she felt his soft tongue work in and out of her soaking hole. And then, without warning, Nathan took her to another level. He pursed his lips around her throbbing clit and breathed in sharply, the warm of his mouth combined with the cold inrush of air immediately sent Lynne over the edge and into a powerful orgasm. She almost screamed with pleasure and tried to force his face even harder into her aching cunt. But still he tortured her, working his lips and tongue over and over her engorged nubbin until the waves of ecstasy made her collapse back onto the bed like a rag doll.

Lynne could do nothing but gasp for air whilst lying limply on the bed. She could feel Nathan slowly sliding her knickers down her legs, but she was unable to do anything to help him as she rode the intense roller coaster of her own emotions.

Nathan, once he had removed her knickers, slid between her out thrust legs and positioned his hard cock at the entrance to her soaking vagina. He whispered, "Do you want this?"

The expression of pure lust on Lynne's face was the only answer he needed, so slowly, he entered her, thrusting gently and pushing only a few inches at a time inside her love channel as she bucked underneath him, desperate for him to fully embed himself. Lynne pushed her pussy up at him as he slid further inside until his entire 7" of hard steel was inside. He couldn't believe how wet she was as she received the intruder into her cunt. It was almost as though she was ejaculating her sweet juices.

Nathan gazed into her eyes as she returned the stare and whispered, "This... This is how it should be."

And he began to thrust in and out. He angled his entry so that his cock rubbed along her clit with every stroke, and he did so maddeningly slowly. Lynne, once more found herself unable to speak, all she could do was hold him tight and shake her head from side to side as the sensations built up in her womb. She was aching for him to take her, to slam his hard cock into her and fuck her, but he just continued with the same slow, rhythmic motion that was making her pussy boil.

Lynne thought she might pass out, it was incredible. Nathan's cock was arousing a passion like she had never, ever known and she loved it. A small orgasm broke in her womb and she clenched her soaking pussy tight around him. Nathan grunted at the unexpected extra tightness and had to force himself not to spill his seed right there.

"Oh my God," he moaned, "You're incredible."

In response, Lynne reached up and pulled his head to her own so she could kiss him fiercely and thrust her tongue into his mouth. Then she pushed his head away and snarled, "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

Nathan increased the tempo and power of his thrusts, "Like this?"

Lynne's eyes fluttered closed and she moaned, "Harder... Harder."

He pulled his prick almost all the way out and then slammed it back inside her forcefully, "Like this!?"

"Oh yeah!... Oh God!..."

Lynne pulled her legs up, opening herself up as wide as she could for Nathan. He slipped his arms under her knees and then started pounding his throbbing member in and out of her sopping hole. Their pubic bones slapped together and Nathan's balls nudged her arse with every thrust.

Together they could feel a monster climax brewing as Nathan's cock began to twitch with the beginnings of a huge cum and Lynne's cunt was almost spasming around his slick length as he slid in and out.

And then Nathan came. He groaned as spurt after spurt of thick, pearly white cum jetted up her pussy and hit her cervix, triggering Lynne's own orgasm. If she thought her earlier climax had been good, then it was as nothing next to this one.

She tensed up, her eyes open and staring at the ceiling. Her mouth was wide open in a grinning, silent scream, the only sound she was able to make was a keening growl in the back of her throat. White hot spears of ecstasy shot from her womb to her brain and a fiery heat filled her belly, growing to consume her whole body in it's orgasmic warmth. She could feel Nathan's rigid cock tight inside her contracting pussy, shooting it's streams of cum inside her and each one signalled another wave of pleasure from her womb.

And then they collapsed together, kissing and hugging feverishly. Nathan moaned every time Lynne's still spasming pussy squeezed his over sensitive prick, still embedded deep inside her even as it started to soften and shrink.

Once he felt able to speak, Nathan murmured, "And that my dear, is how it should be."

Lynne smiled dreamily and whispered back, "I think I may let you talk me into this again."

Nathan chuckled, "I love you."

She responded, hugging him even closer, "I love you too."

And together they fell asleep in a tangled, loving heap.


Nathan opened his eyes and stretched. His eyes drifted over to Lynne where she lay, still asleep, next to him. Her duvet had slipped slightly and her bare leg poked out from underneath it. She lay face down with her arms pushed underneath her pillow and her face had the relaxed innocence of a person who could finally sleep peacefully. A single lock of her hair and fallen down in front of her face and moved back and forth as she breathed. He smiled to himself as he shimmied round to lie on his side, facing her and reached out to gently move the errant strand of hair from her face.

His touch roused Lynne from her slumber, her eyes slowly opened and his face swam into view.

"Morning," he whispered. Lynne gave him her little half smile and replied, "Morning." She reached out an arm and snaked it over his chest to pull him close for a hug. Lynne burrowed her head into his shoulder and sighed in contentment.

She heard him murmur something and pulled her head away to look him in the face, "What did you say?"

"Marry me."

Lynne sat up, almost in shock, "Nathan, I can't, I'm still married to... him."

"Then get a divorce and marry me."

She looked at Nathan where he lay and said, "I don't know. I mean, I love you but..."

Nathan could see she was scared. Not of him, but the idea of a husband. After all, she had come through a bad experience of marriage. He sat up next to her and put his arm over her shoulder. With his other hand, he turned her face toward him and said, "I'm not trying to pressure you. All I ask is that you think about it... Please."

Lynne started to cry softly as she let Nathan draw her in and hold her close.

Later that morning Nathan and Lynne ate breakfast together in silence. The only noise was the thump of the mail delivery and the local paper landing on the hall floor through the letterbox.

Once finished, Nathan stood up, and got ready to go to work, he kissed Lynne's cheek and said, "I'm off, I'll see you later. Will you be okay on your own?"

"I'll be fine."

After he had left, Lynne cleared away the breakfast things and sat down on the sofa to scan the local paper for situations vacant when she heard the doorbell chime and went to answer it. She opened the door and her heart leapt into her mouth, it was Jimmy. He was about 5'6", overweight, unshaven and dirty. His hair was uncombed and he stank of stale alcohol.

She was scared and asked, "What do you want?"

Jimmy's speech was slightly slurred as he answered, "I want to talk to you."

Lynne tried to slam the door in his face, but he was too fast and pushed it wide open, knocking her backwards onto the hall floor. He closed the door behind him and stood over her, "I said I wanna talk to you. Who do you think you are? Running away from me, I'm your husband!"

She could only stare at him, terrified of what he would do. Jimmy continued, "But now I find you shacked up with another man. You whore! You think you can get away that easily?" He bunched his fists and snarled, "Well I know how to deal with a cheating slut like you!"

Lynne knew what was coming and desperately tried to scramble away, but she was too slow. She felt his hand grab her hair and she yelped in pain as he started to drag her into the front room. Jimmy, even in his drunken state was more than a match for her and he easily overpowered her.

Once in the living room he threw her onto the sofa, raised his hand and gave her a ringing slap in the face. The shock and pain made Lynne cry out. She screamed for him to stop and desperately tried to defend herself, but it was no good. The slaps turned to punches and she fell onto the floor in a ball, trying to protect herself. Lynne felt a patch of warm wetness grow on her forehead and stinging blood started to seep into her eyes, almost blinding her.

Jimmy took a couple of paces back and then gave her a running kick in the abdomen. Her breath was forced from her lungs and she felt sickness rising in her stomach. Bright lights danced in front of her eyes and she could hear the blood thumping in her ears. Lynne could feel herself slipping away into unconsciousness and knew that she might never wake up if she did.

Lynne could hear Jimmy shouting as he lined up another kick, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. It was as though he was shouting from the end of a long tunnel and the echoes took all sense away from his words. Dimly, she saw the door open behind Jimmy.

It was Nathan. Lynne tried to reach out for him but could not make her arms obey her.

She saw his expression change from shock to anger to rage in a split second. She watched him storm across the room and grab Jimmy, spin him round, and punch him hard in the face.

Jimmy tumbled backwards with blood spurting from his crushed nose and tripped heavily over Lynne's prone figure to land sprawled on the floor. He screamed in pain and raised his hands in surrender, but Nathan ignored the gesture.

Nathan fell upon him like a god of righteous fury!

Lynne felt her gorge rise, her stomach churned; she vomited and began to slip away into insensibility. The last thing she saw was Nathan kneeling over her husband, his face a snarling mask of pure fury, slamming his fist repeatedly into Jimmy's face, punctuating every blow with a shout, "Bastard!"

And then all went black.

She never felt the gentle arms lift her back onto the sofa and wrap her in a blanket, or felt the cold, damp cloth carefully wipe the blood from her face and wipe the slimy, bitter vomit from around her mouth, or the small plaster cover the cut on her forehead.

And she never heard Nathan make a call on his mobile phone and say, "Brian... Bring Tommy, there's someone at the house you want to talk to... Yes, it's him... No, I got here in time, he knocked her out but I think she'll be fine... As soon as possible, I want him gone before she comes round... Okay, ten minutes."

Lynne did not hear her brothers arrive, she did not feel Brian gently stroke her cheek, she never heard Tommy gulp back a sob at the sight of his sister.

Still she slept in blessed peace, she never heard Jimmy's frenzied, almost incoherent pleading as her brothers dragged him from the house.

When she eventually came too, the first thing she saw was Nathan's concerned face, "Are you okay?" he asked. Lynne tried to sit up and winced, she felt sick. And then she panicked, "Jimmy!" she cried. Nathan took her in his arms and whispered, "It's okay, it's okay. He's gone and he won't be coming back."

Lynne was inconsolable, she sobbed, she wailed and she wept. Jimmy was gone and Nathan was here, but still she could not get away from the fear that her husband instilled in her. Nathan patiently and quietly held the grief-stricken young woman and just as patiently whispered words of comfort. Until finally her sobbing and wailing died down, more from exhaustion than any lessening of emotion.

And still he held her close. He said, "I will not let anyone hurt you ever again. I love you Lynne."

She pulled away from him and looked deep into his eyes. Carelessly, she wiped her mouth and nose on her sleeve and blinked away the last of her tears. His gaze never left her own as he repeated, "I love you."

She kissed him fiercely and then asked, "How come you came back?"

He looked a little embarrassed, "Actually, I forgot my keys and had to come and get them... Lucky I did, I suppose."

She remembered the look on his face when he had opened the door on Jimmy and her, and she also remembered his expression as he was beating Jimmy's head into the carpet. He had just jumped in to protect her, with no thought for himself. She felt his powerful arms around her, arms capable of such brutal violence in her defence, but so gentle when they enclosed her. This man who had made love with her. He hadn't fucked her, he hadn't just got his own pleasure with no thought for her feelings, he hadn't forced his attentions on her. No, he had made gentle love with her. Nathan had cherished her; he had worshipped and adored her.

Lynne looked back into his face and could see nothing but love. Pure, unconditional love. The same love that lived in her own heart for him.

"Yes." she whispered.

"I've never left my keys at home in seven years."

Lynne treated Nathan to her little half smile, "No silly. Yes I'll marry you."


The divorce from Jimmy was granted in absentia, as he had not been seen for some time and no one knew where he was. Also, the past history of his violence toward Lynne allowed a rapid decree absolute.

Brian and Tommy wouldn't tell Nathan what happened to Jimmy. All Brian would say about it was, "Don't worry, you won't see him round here any more."

Nathan never asked again.


It was a small Registry office wedding. Just Lynne and Nathan with Brian as the best man and Tommy and Julie as witnesses. After the ceremony and the happy couple had posed for photographs, Nathan embraced Lynne and kissed her gently on the nose. She shivered slightly.

In the arms of her first husband she had felt pain, suffering, anguish and frightened.

In the arms of her second, she felt loved, cherished, warm and something else, something that was the best of all. For the first time in her life, in the arms of her husband she felt... safe.

Her smile lit up the room.

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Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago
A needed endin

Very good ending, I enjoyed the brothers contribution to the story. In texas I like the saying "we got gater farms and some people just need a visit". Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Wasn't Sure How Far

I was going to be able to read after the first page, I was feeling the rage building that Nathan would end up taking out on Jimmy. I sensed you wouldn't build this up leaving all of that pain in the story without a release. As for Anon 9/24/19, I'm here in Texas too, so if you happen to run across a "Jimmy" let me know. I happen to be aware of places from here through Tennessee and on to Michigan we could tour with our Jimmy. Another phrase very popular here is "Don't Mess With Texas". I'm up for a challenge, it's not as much fun here in SA now that the last of the Big 3 just had his jersey retired. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A Good Story

This wasn’t a “happy” story to read, in fact it was hard to get through at times. But it was very well written and the story seemed to be aimed at a happy ending. I’m glad it got there. I’ve heard it said many times here in Texas, that “There’s just some people that need killin’ “. I can’t help but believe that “Mr. Jimmy”, sub-human POS that he was, was one of “those” people.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not Sure About This

They were all SO protective of her, yet they left her alone to be beaten yet again by Jim. Story was a little off.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 6 years ago

I kept thinking as I read this, why isn’t her family making the effort to get this abused lady to a Plastic Surgon and to a Psychologist.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Did no one else think it totally inappropriate that Nathan had sex with Lynne when she was that vulnerable? He was a very nice person, but what she really needed was not a good lay. Lynne needed professional help, and the shelter she went to would have definitely given her the names of capable counselors. After suffering that kind of trauma, no man or woman would be able to marry again so soon, and if a person did marry, the relationship would not be a healthy one. So I really hope that nobody sees this as some sort of fantasy to live out. If you want to be a hero to someone, see that they get help. Great sex can follow, but only after healing.

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago
Bastard had to go!

I know it's just a story but eastwards like that should suffer the agony of the damned before their richly deserved death.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well written story with regards to an ugly reality

While it was nice for fiction, people like Lynne don't get over those feelings that quickly. And sometimes not ever. And while you wrote a happy ending thousands of real women in this country live in fear of men (Not that they could be considered men in any real sense of the word) that abuse them.

demure101demure101over 9 years ago
Well-written story

about the worst things happening to anyone. Incredible what makes some people tick. Full marks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This is so true and happens to often at least the author let her live.

To many women suffer ,fear, lack of job training, trapped, no family support, etc. yet in the Arab world beating a women for any reason is accepted practice.

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