A New Beginning Ch. 04


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She stripped naked as asked.

"Which hole?" she said softly, feeling a bit wronged. Things had seemed to be so much better here for a while, she wasn't so dumb as to not understand the difference's that had been happening.

Choi scowled.

"get dressed." He growled out. Turning on his heel and leaving the confused girl.

Choi sat down in his chair and looked out the window, he had been about to take that girl, he still could, no one would say anything and it would be normal.

It's not though, he mused, we have been treating these people as objects for so long, adjusting them, tinkering with their genetic code.

He looked at his hands, 'I've killed, I've fought and blead for the Holy Company.' He mused.

"Are they so different?" he asked himself.

On impulse he brought up Jessica's file.

He read it carefully this time. 'Defective' was stamped on it.

At the bottom was a code number, he clicked on it and waited the few seconds while the computers accepted his rank and authorisation.

As a sergeant, he wouldn't have had access, as a Marine Captain it let him into the base file, he would need higher clearance to see it all though.

186, Defective, estimated Intelligence at 127 percentile, that made her well over average and smarter than he was at 89 percentile.

He looked deeper.

Experimental corrections unsuccessful.

Her file said, but he couldn't see what those had been.

"What the fuck did you freaks do to her?" he wondered aloud.

He pulled up her genetic codes, he wasn't hopeful he would understand all of the tech or scientific data, but he wanted to know more.

There was a long list, but at the bottom was a sightly helpful glossary.

This batch, reptilian code 491178234 added, Base code 477-1178/3 added. Hight anomalies are expected.

It was all science and he felt overwhelmed, but it did explain in a way why she was taller than average, but why had they gone ahead if they had expected height problems?

He closed the file after copying it, she was meant to be dead, at least as far as the records were concerned, so he also deleted his search records and then attributed his last few computer scans to a defunct system that would fool most people.

Hank looked at the print out. Marines still used paper and it was a good thing in this case, anyone looking threw his saved files wouldn't see this hard copy.


Why that? He wondered.

The questions seemed to get bigger the more he knew.


Rawlings looked over his orders once again, he was skirting them somewhat. Instead of two long FTL jumps that would have left him in normal space for forty eight hours between jumps, he was taking four slightly shorter FTL jumps.

Minimising the time between his next FTL capable jump was plain common sense to him, if he had more time, he would have made it six. It also meant it was harder for enemy intel to work out exactly where he would be at any given time.

The Janus System was a long way out, much further than any of the other inhabited systems. Rawlings guessed quite rightly, that it was a major factor in why General Niles had chosen it as the place to stage his uprising and attempt to break free of the 'Holy Company' and it's empire.

Exactly how Niles had managed to get such a big Fleet and the men to operate it was an important question, but it would have to wait for now.

Getting there in one piece and joining up with the rest of the Company's Fleet was the main issue he was facing.


His personal 'Pleasure Girl' was under his desk, dutifully sucking his cock while he considered his options.

Karen had been with him for nearly thirty years, as a Fleet officer, he had been allowed to bring her with him when he had been assigned to his first ship as an officer.

Karen had been a gift from his father when he had passed out. Unlike the other PG's onboard, she wasn't fitted with a combat chip, she was a grade C1, perfect pleasure girl.

Well over forty years old, she still looked the same as the day his father had given her to him.

Slim with a nice D-cup bust, long legs a tiny waist, slightly tanned and with long curly blonde hair that nearly brushed her perfect bum when it was left undone.

Guessing her age was impossible, she still looked eighteen, perhaps a good look at her eyes might make a person think she was in her twenties, but like all PG's, she mostly defied the effects of time.

Naturally, as his PG, she wore the latest fashions, nothing showed of her body in the long skirts and sharply pressed scynthcotton and lace blouse.

A little riskier was the fact her heels were open toed and since she was on her knees servicing him, her hem line showed her ankles and a little bit of her calf.

A normal woman would have found that unacceptable, let alone the blow job she was giving him in the most expert manner.

Karen was however a PG, she knew it was naughty but didn't care, whatever Jerry Rawlings asked her to do, she would do.

He could have told her to strip naked in front of the entire crew, she wouldn't have blinked an eye before doing it.

What he didn't know or understand was that she had been learning, not as bright or even close to Jessica's intelligence, she still had been alive for over forty years.

Her C1 status was because she had only just been under the maximum intelligence level that was acceptable.

A bit dimmer, she would have been a B1, shorter and bigger busted with a higher sex drive, she would have made A1 and been far too expensive for his father to afford.

Ten years ago, Karen had been with him on leave, the Luxury planet of Kellen Prime had been truly beautiful, offering the best of any pleasurable pursuit and twenty-four hour service by more A1 grade PG's than any other place in the nine systems.

She had been used in every hole by Rawlings and a few people he had met there, purely fun, perfectly normal in a society that was repressed sexually, yet had pleasure girls to service those that could afford it.

A woman, a full human woman, had taken her into the massive lake side house while the men had 'enjoyed' another PG.

"You didn't enjoy that." She had said softly as she handed Karen a towel to wipe off the numerous bits of cum that were splattered over her body and seeping out of lower bits.

Karen had sensed something was different about the woman, but still answered brightly and with a smile.

"Oh NO, it was WONDERFUL." She gushed the lie, while she cleaned herself up and wished that her owner hadn't let those others use her.

The woman had smiled sadly.

"Don't lie to me, most of all, don't lie to yourself."

Karen had blinked a few times, the information was wrong, it had to be.

Yet, she found herself sobbing and clutching at the woman, crying into her arms that were so nice, warm and completely devoid of sexual need or want.

The woman had patted her head and shushed her, she had been so very kind and when Karen was finished crying, the woman had led her to the shower and helped her get properly clean.

The feeling of being truly clean and with a person that didn't expect her to do anything was totally new to her.

They had laid down on Master Rawlings bed, the woman had held her, nothing more, just held her.

The next day she was gone and Karen had felt confused and upset.

Later that evening when her master had taken her, she had felt it was wrong.

Weeks past, she never forgot the kindness, but she went back to pleasuring her master and owner without question, even though, some days she would think back and wonder about the strange human who had not wanted anything but for her to relax and be happy.

Unlike the younger PG's, Karen had worked out she wasn't human, not just because she was a slightly cleverer than most PG's, but because as she had observed over the years.

She was different, she didn't age like humans did, she understood that what she was asked to do was not normal and that women could be as cruel as the men, to everyone, she wasn't human, she was a possession.

She had seen normal women fuck her owner, they had enthusiastic sex, but those women couldn't do what she did.

Over time she had managed to put quite a lot of it together.


Abigail Niles, sat in her chair and looked over the reports at the same time as her brother.

"Arthur, how the hell did an old cruiser like the 'Jean-Paul' escape our forward ships?" she asked in a vexed tone.

Grey haired and tired from the consent demands of his new position, Arthur Niles glared at his younger sister with annoyance.

"Your Intel was wrong dear sister. Not only that, you sent ONE, ONE destroyer to handle an experienced Captain."

Abigail rolled her eyes.

"Our ships are the best, Karen is reliable. YOUR men are NOT." She retorted.

Niles gripped the pads of his chair.

"We DO have the better Fleet, yet THEY have Captains like Rawlings, Chen, Walker and Delacroix."

He stormed. Referring to the old but most experienced Captains of the Holy Company's Fleet.

"Sister, we are new, our men are young and idealistic, they do NOT however have the experience that men and women like Rawlings or Chen have. NEVER send a boy to do a mans work, next time LISTEN to me." He growled out in frustration.

The fact that one of his modern Destroyers was languishing in space, unable to make an FTL jump, gnawed on his nerves.

Abigale shrugged.

"Fine, Karen has given her best estimate, here's the coordinates, send what you think."

Abigale twirled the small ball of Nano tech information between her fingers, knowing her brother wanted revenge.


Nine years ago...

On E3, in a spotlessly clean shop, Karen was retrieving her masters clothes.


Karen picked up Rawlings 'Whites' and turned around in surprise.

"OH." She gasped out in pleasant shock.

"remember me?" asked Abigale pleasantly.

Karen nodded, a bit dumbfounded by the unexpected meeting.

"I'm Abigale, and you...well you are perfect." The woman had said.

Karen actually blushed for the first time in forever.

"let's get a Kafka."

Insistent, Abigale had taken her arm and led her down the street.

This woman didn't own her, but she went willingly, something wasn't right, yet she found herself trusting the woman called Abigale.

"You know, I owned a PG once." She said quietly as they walked.

Karen wasn't surprised, the woman was obviously rich, her lustrous long black hair was done beautifully and held in place by thin and expensive looking diamond studded pins.

Her clothes were the very best, a dress by Hugo Rene with his distinctive black and gold lace high necked collar and a daring small oval cut in its back.

Karen was curious though, PG's usually outlived their owners, remaining as attractive and young looking as the day that were first purchased until the day they were 'switched off'. The polite term for their demise at the hands of the Holy company.

Abigale could tell what Karen was thinking as they sat down in a small but chic café.

"We, my brother and I that is, don't agree with owning PG's, so we let her go and she now has a nice little business as a dress maker on Janus Four." She clarified with a smile.

Karen had never heard of such a thing, her mind reeled around with the possibilities as she thought about it.

"I thought that was against the law?" she said as Abigale ordered them Kafka.

Her host waited until the server had left before replying.

She waved her hand dismissively.

"It is, but on Janus Four we have little to do with the Holy Company." She said airily as if that was normal.

Karen was pretty sure that what she was hearing was highly dangerous talk, even hinting at being separate from the Holy Company was something few people did.

"How can that be?" she asked in a whisper.

Abigale smiled, her hook was in and she leant forward.

"I can tell you ALL about it, you are just the kind of person who will appreciate it." Her own voice a whisper. Full of promise and knowledge.

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GhostWraithGhostWraithover 1 year ago

Keeping me up well past bedtime and even sunrise, yet I’m still unable to stop as I rate 5*s before I sleep.

Well, maybe “just one more chapter” 😈

You’ve got what it takes as a writer, best wishes that others see it as well and hopefully will be seeing your name amongst the bookshelves in the future

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I'm just finishing up chapter 4 but don't know how many installments there are, so I figure I'll comment now ahead of any disappointment from an unexpected abrupt ending lol. In short, good story. Really enjoying this, my first sci-fi story on literotica!

Lonely_readerLonely_readerover 5 years ago
Fantastic Twist!

I'm not a sci-fi reader but this, this I'm enjoying immensely.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 5 years ago

Clever plot twist and big reveal, tying all these threads together. Brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Keep Going.

Good job. Nice bit of writing about the new teams being created by hard training.

Two pages is a good blueprint till you add more complexity and new story arcs.

Nice chapter.

Crusader235Crusader235over 6 years ago

Whoa, so the real mystery is revealed. So many questions, so little info. Yet we patiently await more. Five stars once again! Fine writing, thank you for it. Semper Fi.

kuhpa01kuhpa01over 6 years ago
Well Balanced

Great chapter, with a finely done balance of the sex/romance development of Jess, and the simultaneous building of the surrounding war/space battle aspect. And now the surprising introduction of a new set of principal characters sets the stage for more action!

I too see the influence of the TV show Battlestar Galactica, and in fact I picture No 6 when I visualize Jess. Tall and lean, Tricia Helfer was in a couple scenes as a kick-ass fighter in fatigues!

Keep it coming, I hunger for more.

TheTorontoGuyTheTorontoGuyover 6 years ago
Congrats Again!

Another great chapter (that I, greedy reader, wish was longer). Five stars.

You have the makings of something really good here. I know good writing is an effort and this may only be a passing hobby. However, if you and your co-writers wanted to dedicate more time to this story, I believe that you have the beginnings of a story that could generate a dedicated fanbase with the rewards that come with that.

Your ship battle had a real Battlestar Galactica feel to it. I don't know if anyone used the acclaimed episode '33' as inspiration. Thanks to those visuals and your story writing, I could really picture what the crew were enduring. I particularly love really competent good guys going up against competent bad guys. It would be cool if Jess, of all people, had an idea for a ship upgrade.

If you ever need a muse for your inspiration, I recommend 'Friday' by Robert Heinlein. Jessica reminds me of Friday Jones who is also an artificial person. (Of course, you may be way ahead of me on this given the similarities.)

Keep it up and know that you have at least one reader eagerly awaiting your next chapter. I don't have the patience to be a copy editor, but if you ever need a story editor, just let me know.

Cheers, Bill.

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