A New Beginning Ch. 09


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She keyed in her access code and a small panel slide aside, it held a hand reader and retinal scanner. Quickly as she could, Jenny placed her palm on the panel and held still while the retinal scan went to work.

"Access granted Jennifer Lawson." Flashed across the screen and the lift doors open.

"Quick.. we're in." Jenny shouted as she bolted into the lift.

Bill Newson followed on fleet feet, crossing the hanger at a fast pace while still remaining alert for danger.

'Clang... clang... clang.. clang.' The heavy sounds of the outer doors unlocking filled the large area, echoing loudly in the largely empty area.

"Ah SHIT." Bill uttered as he realised a ship or shuttle must be incoming. He hit the seal button on his uniform and a smart plaz-glass helmet formed up around his head from his uniform collar. The rest of his light body armour sealed too to create a suit that could give him a limited amount of time in space.

He ran faster, the time for care gone. His arms pumped and his legs stretched into a full run. Luckily he had kept up his old Marine fitness regime or he would never have made it before the outer doors started to open. As it was, only his sealed suit kept him alive as the area started to decompress.

Jenny watched in fear as he ran, the lift had an automatic energy shield across the doors. If it hadn't she would have floated free and ended up very dead.

Bill threw himself through the energy field and crashed into Jenny, the field shorting out his suit's systems.

They both scrambled to their feet and Jenny hit the ascend button with a gasp of fear as the outer doors slide open fully. A shuttle hovered outside the doors.

Bill turned to her to say thankyou for waiting. She could have easily gone without him.

His eyes bulged.

"Miss!" he gasped out and turned away to face the shiny lift wall.

Jenny let out her own gasp as she realised the tumble they had just had had torn her corset, both shoulder straps were down around her arms and her breasts jiggled freely. Displaying her bare flesh with their large puffy pale pink nipples.

Despite all the recent horrors and dangers. She still flushed with mortified embarrassment as she tried to fix things into some modicum of decency. Even if she was in her underwear, at least she hadn't been showing her most private parts before.

"I'm SO sorry." She garbled out in shame as she hid her tits.

Bill coughed and didn't turn around. They were both conditioned by society. Her accidental display was rude beyond measure for both of them.

The lift doors opened with a soft swish.

"Welcome back Miss Lawson." Said the security droid as the doors opened.

It was programmed to be polite and had a limited AI.

Jenny focused on the droid and kept her eyes averted from Bill.

"Thank you Angelica 241." She said as she stepped out of the lift and walked into the room filled with hovering display screens and walls covered in humming technology. One hand clutching her torn corset closed.

Bill made to follow without looking at her, keeping his own eyes away from her youthful body.

"Sorry Sir.. you don't have full clearance." Angelica 241 said politely as she pointed a weaponised arm at him.

Bill held up his hands, he knew what one of these droids could do.

"I'll wait here." He replied with both hands out wide.

The droid touched his shoulder and deployed a monitoring chip.

"Thank you Sir." She said politely and then walked away to follow Jennifer.

Moving further into the room would get him killed. Bill understood that and leaned against the wall to wait. His mind going back to the glimpse he had gotten of the shuttle as it approached the hanger. It had looked new but not a standard fleet design.

He ran the image through his mind and realised it had had a cutter port, something that most shuttles didn't have anymore since boarding ships was long over with. He might have thought more about it, but overlaying everything he tried to think of was Jenny's bare breasts.

"Jesus.. she's a fucking teenager." He told himself to no avail as he kept seeing the pale pert tits jiggling in his mind.


Jennifer Lawson had visited this place a few times with her father, not recently, but she knew what it did and what it was capable of. It was the one place on the station that could override the main bridge controls.

"Miss Lawson, you have command.. my systems detect both Commander Lawson and Security Chief Callahan are deceased." Angelica said with a blank face. A face not designed to show emotion as it was just a standard female mask over a metal body.

Jenny wanted to cry as she heard the dispassionate information. Yet she gulped in a breath and nodded.

Angelica 241, waited patiently, everything on the station was in order as far as the droid was concerned. A commander was present and the human population was still viable. The droid did not register the increased deaths as anything more than a culling that increased the overall viability of the station.

Jennifer understood the way the droid processed information, her father had told her all about it as part of her training. Unlike other people on the station, Jenny had been expected to take over from her father if he died before a replacement was sent. The possibility of that happening had seemed to increase year by year as fewer and fewer rotations were made, the last two years had seen only one Company ship dock and that had only been to deliver new filters.

"Send transmission to Admiral Jensen, top priority, emergency situation. Jennifer Lawson requests immediate help at Heaven Five." Jenny told the old but fully functioning droid.

"Security lock out in place, Commander Lawson's code." Angelica replied.

"He's dead.. you just said so... send transmission." Jenny growled.

"Security lock out in place." Repeated the droid.

Jenny shook her head and took a deep breath, she needed to take a different tack.

"Angelica 241, run analysis of security personnel." Jenny told the droid.

"Analysis complete, three available for deployment." The droid answered quickly.

"Cross-reference that with current population and evaluate if that is viable." Jenny commanded while wondering who else was left. She knew the droid was including Bill Newson in her equations, so that left two sec-corps personnel someplace on the station.

What she was trying to do was get Angelica to compute that this wasn't normal and that they needed help.

"Situation is not viable, the population is currently uncontrollable."... "suggestion... request immediate sec-corps personnel and lock down all areas." The droid informed Jenny.

Jenny's mind was working overtime, she needed the droid to understand the full situation but didn't know exactly how to do that, so far it was just spouting information and useless advice.

"Is that the latest fashion Miss?" the droid asked politely as it's AI told it to fill the silence with a pleasant conversational piece. The droid had never seen a human female wear anything other than a full dress or military garb.

Jenny looked down at herself and sighed in annoyance.

"I'm practically naked, of course it's not you stupid thing." She growled out in frustration.

"Do you require clothing? We have standard piloting suits available." Angelica replied.

Jenny stared at the droid for a few moments before nodding.

"That would help." She muttered, thinking it would actually be nice not to be half naked while she came up with a way to get the outdated droid to function like one of the newer security systems she had read about.

Angelica moved to a wall that slide aside to reveal four pilot jump suits. It pulled one out that it knew would fit Jennifer.

As Jenny pulled on the pilot suit she hit on something Angelica had said.

"You said request immediate personnel... Transmit priority request with attachment of original message to the closest Company vessel." Jenny said in a flash of inspiration.

Angelica the droid paused as it tried to compute the request that would override the security lock out. It took less than two seconds but it felt like minutes to Jenny as she wriggled her hips to pull on the jumpsuit.

"Transmission will send, location of closest Company vessel is ... is... can not calculate." Angelica said in her usual monotone.

Jennifer was about to shout a few choice obscenity's at the droid but let out a squeal instead as the anal tube snaked into her and the vaginal tube did the same.

Her eyes bulged at the intrusion, she had never done an EVA or piloted a ship, never experienced something inside her.

She grabbed hold of a railing and gasped for air as her young body was invaded.

"Holy FUCK." She gasped. The obscenity falling from her lips was something she had heard but never uttered.

"You are in distress Miss.. please remain calm." The droid said dispassionate as ever.

Jenny blinked her watering eyes rapidly, she had heard and knew what waste extraction tubes did but hadn't thought about it as she wriggled into the pilots suit.

"I'm fine... I'm fine." She gasped out in denial as she tried to shake free of the strange feeling of a tube in both her ass and vagina. The vaginal tube not far inside her as it's sucking opening attached around her pee hole firmly.

"Pupil dilation and heart rate indicate you are in shock." Angelica said.

"You try taking it up your bum." Jenny responded angrily as she tried to stand fully.

"I don't have an anal cavity." Said the droid.

Jenny closed her eyes and swore a few more times in silence. Mostly words she had heard but never used.


Bill heard Jenny's squeal and bolted upright, his hand going to his HG12 in automatic response.

"YOU OKAY?" he shouted without moving. Well aware that the chip the droid had placed on him could kill him.

There was a long pause and he almost moved forward despite the danger.

"Yeah... yeah... erm... I'm fine." Came Jenny's voice. It sounded like she was hiding something so Bill persisted.

"You sure?.. you sound a little... Off?" he shouted back as he peered through the hovering screens and tried to see her.

Jenny blushed all over again.

"No.. NO.. I'm okay." She assured him as she finally zipped up after the shock.

Dealing with her fathers death and the killing of her best friend, Jenny was overwhelmed, any thoughts about Bill were surpassed, yet she still felt something for him. She tried to make her voice steady.

"There are two other Sec-corps people out there... can you tap into your feed?... I think I have managed to get Angelica to send a message." She yelled back.

It was news to him that anyone from sec-corps was still alive, Bill lifted his arm and accessed the internal comms that was reserved as a secure emergency channel.

"Sgt Bill Newson... anyone out there?... respond." He said softly, his voice hopeful even though he suspected all internal communications had been cut by now. The earlier jamming might be gone but Brace now held the main bridge.

Static greeted him and he sighed.

Crackle... Shisshhh... crackle... "ec-corps... responding..." Came over a broken comm link.

"Hold position, where are you?" Bill responded quickly.

"level fo... Crackle, ... shhhhh... Hydroponics Ring ... shhhh... crackle." Came the reply.

"FUCK." Bill screamed in frustration... "Jennifer... can you get that hunk of garbage to clean this up?" he shouted.


Sgt Dawes of the new order deployed his men for urban combat, his former PI training coming to the fore. It would have been a good move considering the station was mainly a populated area. Only difference was that it wasn't some planet bound city or town.

"Go.. go.. go." He commanded as his men fanned out over the hanger deck and secured the only apparent entrance.

The large outer doors started to close and the area slowly re-pressurised as his team waited with weapons raised. All of them wearing altered body armour that resembled Marine body armour. Their grav-boots clamped them in place.

A solid Clang and then the sound of the main bolts sliding into place told Dawes he could unseal.

Smacking the side of his helmet he simultaneously moved forward as full gravity was restored. His visor retracted and he was left with combat vision through one HUD eye piece.

"Deck clear.. moving on." He advised Captain Shelling.

"General Niles wants this station.. no big bangs Sgt." Said Shelling.

"Roger that." Dawes replied with a grin as he signalled his team to open the doors.

The doors opened and one man stood before them, tall and lanky with a madness filled smile. His pulse rifle over his shoulder as if there was no danger.

"Welcome aboard." Said Kenan with a shit eating grin that disturbed every single man that saw it.

"Aww Fuck..." Dawes grunted out. He knew crazy when he saw it.


"Try it now." Jenny shouted after a short but convincing argument with Angelica to re-route Sec-Corp communications.

Bill wasted no time and keyed into the comm link again.

"Sgt Bill Newson to any Sec-Corp personnel... report." He ordered in a tense voice.

"Kathrine Hawes here... holding position as ordered Sarg.. I'm in hydroponics with about sixty civilians, doors are welded.. not sure how long they will hold." A woman's voice responded.

"Okay.. stay where you are for now... anyone senior on channel?" he broadcast.

"Bill?.. it's Campbell... Guess you are it... I'm on level twenty three.. Armory is secure for now.. had to rig the corridors so don't bother trying to get to me." Replied a familiar voice.

"Jock?.. fuck am I glad to hear your voice." Bill said with feeling.

"Me too Lad.. me too.. what's going on?" the older man asked.

"Looks like Brace has made a move... a big one with that cunt Niles' backing... I saw a shuttle dock." Bill informed Jock and Kathrine.

"What's the call Sarg?" Kathrine asked. Her voice held a slight tremble.

Bill looked up at the ceiling. He was lost as a Sec-corps Sgt.

"Sarg?" came Kathrine's voice again.

"Gather munitions.. get the civilians back and into a secure area... Jock, is the side corridor on level twenty four clear?" Bill said as he shrugged off his current persona fully and reverted back to his Marine training.

"Roger that Sarg." Kathrine agreed. Feeling better now that she had clear instructions.

"Aye.. it's clear but I've rigged the access hatch with an AP mine.. pulled the locking pin too." Jock replied.

Bill nodded to himself, it made sense that the veteran would have thought of everything.

The Armory had been a fantasy and Bill had known that deep down, still he hesitated before he asked the next question because he knew what it would mean.

Before he could ask.

"We were both in the Corps Bill.. I've got a slag grenade in my hand." Said Jock into the silence, anticipating the next response.

Bill screwed his eyes shut and swore silently.

"This isn't the Marines Jock... you can give up." He said.

"Bullshit lad.. we both know what this is... I'm not giving those bastards a chance." Jock replied with a strangely comforting laugh.

Bill grimaced but nodded.

Automatic gunfire sounded, it chattered loudly over the comm link and Bill understood that it was coming from the Armory corridor, the auto guns would have been activated once security was compromised.

"I can get to you... Hydroponics is only three levels away." Kathrine interjected, not understanding the by play.

"Stay put Lass.. me and the Sarg are having a wee chat." Jock said gently.

"Guns are out." Jock murmured as the two auto guns fell silent.

"I'll buy you a beer later." Bill said.

"Whisky Lad... I'll have a Whisky." Replied Jock, the smile was evident in his voice.

"Take em old man." Bill said tearfully.

"You can't be serious... Jock?.. Sarg?" Kathrine shouted into the comms as she realised what was being said.

A brief woof went over the link.

Silence... utter silence reigned for a few moments.

Kathrine fell to her knees as she understood what had happened. She sobbed and shook her head in denial.

The comm link was still open and Bill gulped a breath as he heard her cry.

"Kat... Kat?... come in." Bill said into his comms. He half blocked out the loss as he tried to think clearly.

"I ... I could have got to him." Kathrin sobbed.

"You would have died... he had the whole area rigged and even if you got to the hatch.. the AP mine would have taken you out... Kat... he did what any Marine would." Bill answered.

"We're Sec-Corp... this is all WRONG." Kathrin yelled.

Bill sighed.

"get your shit together Private... secure those civilians and gather any munitions you can... MOVE IT." He replied harshly.

"Yes Sarg...fuck you too Sarg." She said grimly but did as she was told.

Bill grimaced. He understood her anger but was pleased she was responding.

"Kat... you need to start thinking like a combat soldier, it's just you and me now... lets save as many as we can." He told her as she reported in her movement to another compartment.


Kathrine Hawes had joined Sec-Corp a year ago, she was twenty years old and had lived her whole life on Heaven Five. She had worked alongside her mother in the hospital as a teenager and had thought she would become a nurse at one point.

Her mother took her to the lower levels almost every day and Kathrine had watched as her mother helped any and all who came to the improvised medical station.

One day, Kathrine had seen a man assault her mother because she didn't have the med's to help him. An off duty Sec-Corp Sgt had stepped in. That Sgt had been Bill Newson and had quickly defused the situation with a combination of hard looks and a friendly but firm demeanour.

That had changed Kathrine forever. From that moment on all she had wanted was to be like that Sec-Corp guardian who seemed to really care, used his larger than life powerful presence to still be kind yet protective.

Hearing that same man say goodbye to the old armoury man that had seemed so gentle and nice made her heart ache.

"Fuck you too Sarg." She had said in anger. While inside she was crying for him too. Bill had always taken the time to show new recruits the proper way to use their weapons. His military training surpassed that of Sec-Corp and he never once said no to anyone asking for advice.

Kathrine was hurting inside. Still she was the kind of person who felt for others first.

Putting aside her own pain, she led the scared civilians to another compartment and sealed the doors shut behind them.

"Weld it." She said to a young man that had joined the fear filled group. His Cadet uniform now dirty and dishevelled.

"On it." The boy replied in a slightly scared voice as he set his mag-weld to work.

"Terri.. check that room for food and water." She commanded as she watched the doors being sealed.

The older woman called Terri did as asked with a nod, rushing into the adjacent room with a few others. Scrambling to find anything useful.


"Long range scan has detected two fleet ships.. sending message." Angelica suddenly said as Jenny looked over a display of the station.

"Fleet.. not Niles' ships?... confirm." Jenny snapped out. By now she understood that the large Destroyer on her scanner was one of General Niles' and that the station had been boarded.

"Confirmed. Responders are the 'Jean-Paul' and 'Cornelius IV'.

Jenny sighed in relief.

"How long before they get here?" she asked as she nibbled a lock of her hair nervously.

"Message is still sending Commander." Angelica responded.

"You said they responded." Jenny wailed.

"No Commander. Clarification... vessels automatic responder beacons identify them as Fleet." Angelica replied.

"Miss.. we are light years out.. anything you send will take weeks to arrive at Admiral Jensen's location... weeks if not months to hit a planet." Bill shouted out as he heard the conversation.