A New Guinea Pig Ch. 02

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Jill's ordeal at the hands of her doctor isn't over yet.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/18/2008
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When Jill arrived back at her flat, she stopped the engine of her car and slumped back in her seat, her hands still firmly wrapped around the steering wheel and trembling furiously. She closed her eyes, trying to assure herself that this had all been just a dream, but the stinging in her butt and the growling from her stomach told her that the last hours had been quite real.

Shaking off the weird feelings she grabbed for her purse and for the first time really noticed the book-sized package. It was wrapped in black paper and rather lightweight, bearing a white sticker with "open at home" written by hand. Jill took a deep breath before exiting her car on shaky legs and walking quickly to her flat. Thank god she had her own entrance on the ground level, as she became aware of how dishevelled she had to be looking right now - meeting nosy neighbours and having to explain that wasn't anything she fancied right now.

A shower, that was all she wanted now. She dropped her clothes on the floor along the way and more stumbled than stepped into the stall, turning on the water as hot as she could bear it. The reality of today's event started to settle in, and with a loud sob her knees gave way and her back slid down the wet tiles. The shame and humiliation rolled down over her in waves. How could she have enjoyed that? She asked herself, not understanding how her body could have betrayed her like this.

The situation had been so alien, so unreal. She should have felt only disgust at that time, but somehow her body had developed a mind on its own. Despite the bad treatment she had felt the arousal take over. And now that she was thinking about the whole thing, she found her sex once again betraying her, as a hot, pulling feeling shot through her pussy. Without really noticing it, her hand had travelled between her thighs and was softly rubbing her sex. She was startled for an instance, but shaking her head she sent all thought about what she was doing to hell and started to caress her breasts with the other hand. All that she wanted were a few minutes of not thinking, and pleasuring herself was a means to that.

With her eyes closed and the spray of hot water massaging her skin she could pretend that she was somewhere else. She focused on the feeling of arousal in her pussy and breasts, not wanting to imagine anyone's face.

Jill was not a prude. The relationship between her and Tom, her ex-boyfriend, had been quite sexual. Maybe a bit too sexual, she had reasoned after the breakup, when Tom had - suddenly and without talking to her about it beforehand - announced that he would be going to work in the States the other week. She had thrown quite a tantrum then, but been unable to sway his decision, and after he had left three months ago she had resigned herself with the conclusion that it had obviously been nothing more than a sex thing for him.

Still, when she was laying awake at night and fondling herself into sweet bliss in the lonely confines of her flat, it was mostly him that her imagination projected. She had trusted him, even enough to overcome the rigid limits embossed on her by her straight catholic upbringing. When they had first met, having sex in a public place like the nightly park would have appalled her. With Tom, she had felt enough trust to risk dares like that, and the reward had been a feeling of sexual fulfilment that she hadn't known existed before.

But now, as she was reaching her climax in the damp shower stall, breathing hard and frantically rubbing her clit, for few moments it wasn't Tom's hand that kneaded her breasts but Doctor Weaver's. And even as she realized that, waves of pleasure exploded from her swollen pussy and nipples and shot all through her body and mind. She didn't hear herself shout "no, no" repeatedly in a futile attempt to resist. Thousands of tiny needle pricks shot through her pumping pussy, making her gasp and cry out as another wave of orgasm hit her and washed all thoughts away. She held on to the feeling of joy and freedom that shot through her, until the last contractions in her sex subsided. Her arms and legs were trembling from the intensity of her climax, so she simply sat there for a few minutes, letting the water drown out all notions of coherent thought.

* * *

Jill emerged from the bathroom half an hour later in her white terry cloth bathrobe that had found its way into her suitcase years ago on vacation. Fetching a glass from the cupboard and a bottle of white wine from the fridge she made herself comfortable on the couch, switching the TV to some mindless talk show and dimming the light. Sipping from the wine, she tried to not look at the mysterious black package resting on the table. Whatever it contained, it wouldn't be good, she was sure of that much.

After she had emptied the glass of whine, she realized that she hadn't registered a word from the TV show. But by now the alcohol was doing its work and she began to feel a giddy detachedness from reality. With a resigned breath she reached for the parcel and opened the lid on the side. She had to shake it a bit until the contents came free, puzzling her as she watched the items in her hand. There was a clear plastic bag with some kind of tube attached, two black rubber rings roughly an inch wide and with a three inch diameter, and a letter.

Dreading the worst, she slowly unfolded the letter and began to read.

* * *

Dearest Jill,

I am glad you decided to go with our little agreement. I'll assure you it will provide us with loads of fun over the next time. To get us started, I expect you at my practice at precisely 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. When you get there, you are supposed to wear a dress and shoes, but no underwear or stockings.

If you haven't already figured out the meaning of this parcel's contents by yourself, here are the instructions pertaining to them:

The plastic bag is an enema bag. Before you come here, you are to administer yourself an enema with soap water, as hot as you can bear it, and hold it for fifteen minutes before expelling it. I am planning on doing a number of examinations where any failure in doing so will become obvious and will be considered a breach of our contract. You are aware of what that entails.

After the enema you are to shave your body completely clean and I won't tolerate a hair anywhere else than on your head.

Before leaving the house, you are to apply the rubber rings, one on each of your breasts, to make sure that they are sufficiently sensitive for the examination.

Dr. Weaver

* * *

Jill closed her eyes and bit down on her lip. This woman was plain sick. What had gotten into herself to agree to this? But she didn't have any other option. She was at this evil woman's mercy, and she seemed only to eager to take advantage of that. Maybe she could somehow find a way out later, but for now she would have to go with anything that woman demanded.

* * *

When the alarm went off at six in the morning, Jill felt relieved, if only for a second. She had tossed and turned the whole night and been hardly able to close her eyes, out of dread what the next day might entail. While she made herself a coffee, all she could do was not break into tears out of trepidation. So she grabbed Dr. Weaver's "presents" from the living room table and made her way into the bath.

Filling up the enema bag took her quite some time. She didn't really have any experience with that, save yesterday's events, and therefore was unsure how hot the water could be. Finally, after filling up the sink for the third time and stirring in some soap, she settled on a temperature that felt only slightly hot on her skin.

She quickly slipped out of her bathrobe before she could question her own actions, and taking the enema bag and a small jar of skin cream, she got on all fours on the small carpet. She carefully coated the nozzle with a good measure of cream before reaching back between her legs and positioning it against her plucker. Guiding it inside took a few tries, but at last she managed to relax her sphincter sufficiently for the thumb sized nozzle to slip in. Though she could definitely feel the foreign object, she wasn't nearly as stretched as the day before. Jill realized that she he had to do something to force the soapy fluid into her body.

She squeezed the bag slightly and instantly a rush of heat shot into her behind, making her stomach spasm. She gave a yelp and let the enema bag go, letting her hand hang down. The sight didn't ease her emotional turmoil, as she watched her tits hang down slightly and the rubber tube vanish obscenely between her legs. She squeezed again, this time gentler, and gave a thankful sigh as the fluid flowed in this time with more bearable speed. It didn't take her long to develop a feeling of fullness again, and had to struggle to get everything into herself before the cramps became too intensive.

After endless five minutes the bag was empty and Jill had begun to sweat. From her naked position on the floor she watched the sweep hand on the clock above the door, focussing on the seconds ticking by instead of the hot contractions that shook her lower body. How could she have become like that in not even a day? She question herself time and time again.

The last two minutes seemed to take forever to go by. Unbidden images of herself on the examination table flashed through her mind. When the time was over she yanked the tube out of her plucker, an action she regretted instantly. As soon as the instrument was removed, her body set its mind to expelling the irritating fluid. She pressed her sphincter closed with all her might and crawled clumsily over to the toilet, heaving herself on the seat with shaking legs.

The fluid gushed out of her with obscene noise before her ass cheeks made contact with the seat. And in spite of the humiliation, together with the relief of getting rid of the painful pressure Jill felt a strange tingle in her pussy.

When the last cramp had subsided, Jill rinsed herself off in the shower and proceeded with the next task. She carefully shaved herself between her legs and, again feeling humiliated as she needed to squat over a mirror to see what she was doing, her ass cheeks. She usually had her bush trimmed down to a strip of about two inch, but being completely hairless down there made her feel double as nude and somehow girlish. Shaving her arms was also new to her, but she had to admit that the skin felt much smoother this way.

It took a good hour of rummaging through her closet until she found a dress that still fit her. She usually wore bluejeans when at home and skirt and blouse for work. The only dress that she could find and that went with the heat outside was a rather tight, cream coloured one with short sleeves, the hem ending way above the knees.

A look at the clock almost sent her into panic. Only twenty minutes left! She was almost in the dress when she remembered the rubber bands. Slipping back out, she ran to fetch the two rings and examined them quickly. There was only one way to apply them, and that was to slip them around the bases of her breasts.

Doing so took more force than she had initially thought, as she needed to stretch them sufficiently, and when they tightened around her breasts she could feel the blood gathering there. But she had no time to loose, so she hastily donned the dress and a pair of equally cream coloured high heeled shoes.

By the time she started her car the two rubber bands encircling her tits already made themselves noticed with a tingling sensation, and, looking down, Jill could see her nipples stick out clearly through the fabric of the dress. The feeling got worse during the ride, and every small movement made the fabric rub against the soft skin, until she thought she could bear it no longer. The cool air from the air con blew all the way up between her legs, making her feel naked and exposed, and every time she passed another car or a pedestrian she imagined them staring at her.

* * *

When she finally reached Dr. Weaver's, Jill had resigned herself to the feeling and was now constantly reminding herself to do everything the wicked woman would ask of her. No wicked sexual act could be that bad that going to jail would be a better option.

She rang the door bell with a trembling hand and waited. She hadn't dared to put on a watch, too scared that the Doctor might regard that as wearing more than the dress and shoes. The seconds ticked by and no movement could be heard or seen inside the office. Jill was just about to ring again, when the door opened and the red haired doctor appeared, clad in what seemed like a lab coat made from white rubber.

"I see, you made it in time." The doctor looked her up and down with an appraising look. "And it looks like you're able to follow orders too. But let's see what's inside the package."

With that, the older women stepped closer to Jill, reaching out under the hem of Jill's dress with one hand and running it over her nude snatch. Jill had to muster all her courage to keep from jerking away. Panic rose in her, as she realized that she was standing out in the open, for every passer-by to see, with the doctor's hand groping lewdly between her legs.

"I love it when you blush like this," Dr. Weaver complimented her sarcastically, "and today will have you do that a lot, believe me. Take off your dress."

Jill's eyes grew wide at the request. "But, Dr. Weaver, I can't -- here -- everyone could see," she sputtered, but the physician only gave her a stern look and raised an eyebrow.

"If you don't take off your dress now, I'll just have to assume that you didn't put on the bands and consider our agreement cancelled. It's your decision." The older woman began to turn towards the door.

"No, please Dr. Weaver, please, I'll do it, please," Jill blurted out, not believing that it was herself saying that. When the other woman didn't react, she pulled her dress off in desperation and cried "See, Dr. Weaver, I've taken it off! Please, just have a look, please!"

The doctor slowly turned back towards Jill, a sly smile appearing on her lips as she took in the state of her victim. Jill glanced down at her own breasts and nearly gasped. The rubber bands were being quite effective in shutting off the blood circulation, so both breasts had turned a reddish blue colour and appeared to have grown at least two inches. Her nipples stuck out obscenely, looking ready to burst.

"Now, now, Jill, you really shouldn't shout so loud, given your appearance. You wouldn't want the neighbours come out and see you, would you?" The doctor teased her. Jill had another pang of embarrassment running through her and winced, but she was given no time to gather her senses. The woman reached out with to hands and started to rub Jill's nipples with her thumbs, sending tingling waves through her body. Jill wanted to sink into the ground, she couldn't bear the thought of being used like this in the public, and most of all, she felt utterly betrayed by her own body.

Doctor Weaver slipped her index finger under the rubber band on Jill's left tit and stretched it a bit, then let it snap back with an audible plop, making her wince from the sharp stab of pain. "Now come on, hurry inside. We've got a lot to do today."

Jill followed the older woman inside, shivers of dark apprehension running down her spine.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

More please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Need More

Please continue with this story.

raidyraidyabout 12 years ago
Please more

Please more

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Please post the third part


Please post Part 3 of the story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Can't wait to read what the doctor has in store for her. Please write a new episode quickly! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Very good read I await next chapter

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