A New Gym Workout Pt. 02

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Becky and Tim take a vacation.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 05/11/2024
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Parking at the restaurant, Becky and Tim looked at each other, both wondering what lie ahead. Becky shrugged and said, "It is what it is. We best find out." They walked in and spotted Bill at a corner table in the back.

As they approached the table, Bill stood. Putting his hand on Becky's hip he kissed her on the lips. Then he turned to Tim, putting out his hand and saying, "Good to see you again, Tim."

Tim shook Bill's hand and said "Same here, Bill. I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Not at all. I know you had a longer drive than I did. We're good."

They all sat as the waitress come over for their drink orders. Becky asked for a Bloody Mary and Tim splurged on a Boddingtons, rationalizing that just one with a meal wouldn't jeopardize either his diet or driving.

"So, how did things go?" Bill directed the question to either or both.

Tim looked at Becky and cocked one eyebrow. She nodded and answered Bill with "Very well, thank you. I assume you don't want details but yes, we had sex. How do you feel about that?"

"Was it good? Did you enjoy it? Did you have an orgasm?" Bill replied.

"Yes, yes, and yes. So how do you feel about that?" Becky repeated.

"Fantastic! I couldn't be happier for you, Becks, and I couldn't be more grateful to you,Tim! As soon as you walked in I saw a glow on Becky's face I haven't seen in more than five years. It thrills my heart to know that the woman I love has gotten something she's needed and missed for so long."

"Bill, you are an inspiration. I don't know any other man who would be so supportive of what Becky has done. I'm gobsmacked," Tim told him.

"Thank you, Tim. And did you enjoy things as well," Bill asked.

"As I told you the first time we talked, your wife is a beautiful, sexy women. I now know she is also sensuous and enthusiastic. I don't recall the last time I was so fortunate to have such a delightful partner. I hope that isn't crossing a line," Tim replied.

'Not in the least. Let's clear the air. I love knowing that you are fulfilling Becky's sexual needs. I'll probably ask her for some details when we get home - I wouldn't embarrass you by discussing those in front of you, Tim. But I sincerely hope the two of you plan to continue and I'll do whatever I need to support that," Bill declared.

"Yes, honey, with your approval we do want to continue. We just need to figure out scheduling, if you will," Becky answered.

"Well, I don't know how this fits into your schedule, Tim, but I get therapy every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning. And we can talk about other times as well, if needed," Bill said.

"Tuesday I usually go to Planet Fitness for cardio then do my grocery shopping at ingle's. I could move those to the afternoon. Thursday is open and most Saturdays are as well. My British car club often has a ride one Saturday each month but the other three are typically free," Tim explained.

"Great!" Bill said. "So you two can get together at least three times a week. And from here on out you needn't rush to make sure Becks gets home the same time I finish therapy. Tim, have you ever had deep tissue massage?"

"Yes, I had an issue with my left arm years ago. DTM hurts!" Tim said.

"Yup, like a bitch. Today I was imagining what you two were doing and I smiled during the massage. My physiologist thought I was nuts!" Bill laughed. "Point being, Becky's pleasure and happiness have always been the most important things to me. Since I can't give her the physical pleasure she needs, I'm thrilled to be able to facilitate it. I did have one request, though, Tim."

"Anything,"Tim said.

"I'd really like it if you get your member tattooed 'Bill'. That way it would be like I'm the one doing her," he grinned.

Initially shocked, Tim quickly realized Bill was kidding. "Sorry, Bill. I'm phobic about needles, no way I'll have have a tattoo anywhere and certainly not there!"

They all laughed and, after the pizza was delivered, dug in. Once lunch was finished, and Bill insisted on paying the check, they left and walked out to their cars. Becky hugged Tim tightly, then kissed his cheek. Tim returned both the hug and the kiss and then said, "See you Saturday?"

"Count on it," Becky said smiling. Tim and Bill shook hands and bid their farewells then they all got into their cars and drove off.

Over the next few months they settled into a routine, and a friendship. Most weeks Becky came to Tim's cabin every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. He'd even given her a key, in case she chose to turn up early, which she sometimes did. He loved when he woke to find her naked body next to his. The one thing they both hated was the inability to spend the entire night together, but doing so would be insulting to Bill, and neither would consider it. Becky would not so offend her husband and Tim would not insult the man who had become his friend and sometime mentor.

They did arrange to bend the rules slightly. Becky joined Tim on a couple of car club rides and even attended a few luncheon meetings. She was introduced as a friend and since she wore a wedding ring and he had none, no questions were asked. The club members were all in their late 60s or older, conservative, and had no problem accepting that adults of different genders could be just friends. Little did they know.

Becky actually facilitated that opinion. She quickly found that she had a strong interest in classic cars and peppered the members with questions about their particular model. It didn't take her long to begin to choose favorites. He was thrilled that she, too, admired the Austin Healey's most, even though he never expected to be able to afford one.

On the ride back from a club ride, Becky broached a sensitive subject. "Tim, you really enjoy Savannah, don't you?"

"Yes, it's one of my three favorite cities to visit. Why?"

"How long has it been since you've gone there?" she asked.

"Jeeze, at least three or four years. I do know that my favorite bar is closed now and it was open last time I was there," he answered.

"What made it your favorite?"

"They had over one hundred different single malt scotch brands. They have a second location down in Richmond Hill but I've never been and I know it's in a strip mall, so the ambiance must be much different," he told her.

"So why haven't you gone back in all those years," she asked.

"Not as much fun alone and I have Tess to deal with," he explained.

"What if we could solve both those issues," she asked.


"I've talked to Bill. I told him both of us would like to spend the entire night together. He said, if you're going to do it, do it right. Not just one night but two or three. He suggested we should think about going away for a weekend," she explained.

"Wow! That seems like quite a shift in perspective, considering we can't even kiss on the lips!"

"Tim, you need to understand. Bill's health keeps declining. The doctors are now saying he likely won't have more than six months and probably less. To be honest, I think he's trying to set us up. He doesn't want me to be alone after he goes," she confessed.

"I suspect you're right. How do you feel about that," he asked.

"Tim, you know I adore you. If we were to end up together once I'm a widow, I'm sure I'd be very happy about that. And I love Bill for worrying about me. But I will need time to grieve once he passes, not just jump from his bed to yours."

"Absolutely, I wouldn't have it any other way. Just know I'll be here for both of you. Whatever you each need you only have to ask."

"Thank you. I am going to ask something. It is very important to Bill that you and I go away for a long weekend. I would like to take you to Savannah. I want us to make love as much as we can, fall asleep and wake up together. But we have to be clear - that doesn't guarantee that we will end up together after Bill passes. Que será será."

"Whatever will be, will be. I agree. Okay, if you're certain this is what you want to do, I'm in. But what did you mean when you said you want to take me to Savannah?"

"I meant it's on Bill and I. We'll pay for everything."

"Nope, that won't work. Let's split it. One covers the hotel, the other handles meals and stuff," Tim proposed.

"Okay, I'll get the hotel, you can cover the incidentals," Becky agreed.

Two weeks later, Tim changed out of his workout clothes and took a shower at Planet Fitness then dressed and picked up Becky at her house in town. Bill had relaxed the rules so they could kiss on the lips, but asked them to refrain from frenching. Naturally they complied.

The five hour drive was filled with discussions of what they wanted to do. They were staying Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, driving back on Monday. He'd rescheduled his trainer workout from Monday to Thursday so that was clear.

Becky had refused to tell him what hotel they were staying at until they got to Savannah. He was surprised when she directed him to the Olde Harbour Inn, which was between Factors Walk and River Street. He'd stayed there years ago but now the rooms went for about $260 plus tax per night. Still, they were charming and upscale.

"I knew you'd pick something cheaper and I wanted us to have a deluxe experience since this is the first time we're spending the night together," she explained.

"I love it, hon. Thank you. And Bill."

Their riverfront room on the third floor was high enough to block out all but the loudest noises from the street, and included a luxurious bathroom and small kitchenette. The king size bed promised exciting possibilities and the tote she called her 'sex bag' hinted at potentially new to them interactions.

"I love this place and this room is fantastic!" he told her. "Thank you again!" he said as he kissed her.

"Tim, have you ever gone to a nude beach or resort?" Becky said.

"Nope. I've thought about it but never pulled the trigger. Afraid I might get over-stimulated and give myself away, in an embarrassing manner."

Becky laughed as she said, "I think every man must have that fear, but I hear it rarely happens."

"So why did you bring that up? Pretty sure there aren't any nude beaches around here," he said.

"No, but there is a swinger's club I've heard about. A couple we're friends with go every time they come to Savannah. Would you consider checking it out?" she said.

"You want to swing with strangers?" he asked incredulously.

"Nope, no-one has to do anything they don't want to, although everyone who enters has to strip totally naked. I want to see what it feels like to be a voyeur, and exhibitionist, if you're up for it."

"I'll do anything to make you happy, Becky," he said sincerely.

"You already make me very happy. This will just be the icing on the cake of this fabulous weekend," she told him.

"Okay, when do you want to go?"

"Tonight. That way if we really enjoy it we can always go back another night."

"We better warm up before dinner," he told her as he started unbuttoning her blouse. She pulled his t-shirt over his head and soon they were both naked. They pulled back the covers from the bed and fell onto it together.

As he often did, Tim pushed her onto her back, spread her legs, and crawled between them. He inhaled her aroma, delighting in a scent he now knew very well. A few times in college taught her to love being eaten but Bill had never wanted to do it. Tim loved doing it and was extremely good at it.

Tim took his time and used his tongue to explore every centimeter of her, from rosebud to clit. He licked slowly and thrust in rapidly. The tip of his tongue probed the crease between inner and outer labia on both sides. He took her clit between his lips and teased it with his tongue. He slid three fingers inside her opening and searched out her G-spot. He caressed it, changing from straight line stroking to circular motions.

"Enough!" Becky cried out. "I need your cock inside me NOW!"

Tim moved up and placed the head of his cock at her opening, but not yet inside. He kissed her on the lips, sharing the taste of her pussy with her. Once they'd begun lip kissing he'd quickly learned that she enjoyed this.

While they kissed he slowly pushed his cock into her pussy, eventually reaching bottom. Once again he felt her cervix on his head and delighted in the feeling. Her hands on his hips urged him to move and he began stroking in and out of her. Varying the angle by moving his hips he was able to hit her G-spot on the way in and then rub his shaft against her clit on the way out.

Their regular Thursday session was only the day before but the passion each felt for one another spurred them on quickly. It wasn't long before Becky told him she was on the verge. He sped up his stroking to catch up with her but she came before he was ready. That was of no concern as he knew she was likely to cum again when he did.

Becky reached behind him and, using her juices harvested from his shaft, began fingering his back door. After rubbing her fingertip around the puckered opening she pressed the tip directly against it and in. She quickly found his prostate and began to massage it, which brought him rapidly to the edge.

"I'm going to cum, hon," he told her.

"Yes, fill me, love."

He had no choice at this point but to do as she asked, shooting spurt after spurt into her pussy. When he stopped he lay still, fully inside her. Becky began clenching his cock over and over until he begged her to stop and withdrew.

They showered and dressed and then set out to see the sights. They stopped by the front desk to inquire about his favorite scotch pub but was told it had indeed closed nearly five years ago. While nothing comparable took its place, the manager was able to recommend another bar that had a smaller but still varied selection of single malts.

They walked west on Factors Walk then took the Lincoln Street ramp up to Bay street. They browsed a few antique malls and small shops as they slowly made their way to MLK, Jr Boulevard. Their destination for dinner was a favorite Italian place called Corleone's.

They started with an order of Calamari and then Becky chose the Eggplant Parmesan while Tim selected Frutti di Mare. Afterwards they both declined dessert. He paid the tab and they walked out, intending to browse City Market. On the way they passed a dessert shop called Better than Sex and Becky laughed out loud. "Whoever named that place has never been in bed with you!"

Becky had told Tim the swinging club didn't get going well until about ten, so they took their time until nine thirty then Tim summoned a ride share. He'd given the driver Corleone's as the pick up point so they loitered around outside the restaurant until the car arrived.

The club was housed in what looked to be a large former warehouse. Entering they were met by a doorman/bouncer who asked for their ids and ran both licenses through a scanner. Handing them back he also gave them each a laminated card listing the club rules and watched as they both read them. "Any questions," he asked. Both shook their heads no.

"Through that door is the locker room - unisex of course. You'll find the instructions on locking and opening the lockers posted in several places. You must be completely naked in order to enter the club itself."

Becky and Tim entered the locker area and found an unused locker. They quickly stripped and hung their clothes before locking it up. They went back to the foyer and the doorman nodded towards the entrance to the club proper. Holding hands, and both a little nervous, they entered and toured the club to get familiar with it.

The club appeared to consist of three very large rooms with a series of smaller, presumably private, rooms around the perimeter. The three large rooms were each decorated in a different theme. One was meant to remind members of a honeymoon suite. Fake red rose petals were scattered around, the bedding was all pristine white, and the pillows were frilly.

The next room was outdoorsy. There were several large hot tubs, each capable of accommodating at least twelve people. The floor around and between the tubs was covered in sand, intended to represent a beach. The rest of the room had a sort of pasture area and one filled with live trees, planted through large holes in the floor. Tim imagined they must have some sort of grow lamps they turned on during the daytime, closed hours.

The third and last large room was set up for the BDSM crowd. Themed as a dungeon it was filled with equipment to facilitate tying someone up in a variety of different positions. The walls held a vast variety of whips, crops, paddles, ball gags, latex suits and more.

As it was just ten o'clock there were relatively few people in the club. Four or five were in one of the hot tubs while a couple were having sex in the honeymoon room. A woman was strapping a man down over a table while a man was fastening a woman to a large wheel mounted to the wall in the dungeon.

"Interesting, don't you think," Tim asked Becky.

"Yes, let's stay and watch the bondage play out, if you're okay with that."

"Looking for ideas or inspiration," he joked.

"Yup!" she grinned.

When the woman had finished strapping the man down she selected a wooden paddle approximated four inches across and two feet long. She first gently caressed the man's ass with it before suddenly and without warning smacking him hard. He cried out and jumped as much as the bindings would allow. No sooner did he settle back down then she hit him again.

Shifting their attention to the naked woman bound to the wheel they saw that a second man had joined the first. One stood at nine o'clock while the other was at three, facing the wall. Three o'clock, the one who originally bound the woman, grabbed a spoke and slowly rotated the wheel until the woman's face was directly in front of his loins. "Open," he ordered and when she opened her mouth he stuck his cock into it. He began stroking in and out, as she couldn't move her head to do it herself. This when on for several minutes and then he stepped back and nine o'clock rotated the woman around to his position.

The forced blowjob was repeated until that man stepped back and the other brought the woman back. This time she opened her mouth without his needing to say anything and he immediately thrust his cock into her mouth. He now began to vigorously fuck her face, quickly bringing tears to her eyes and moans from her throat. Becky and Tim moved to the side and could see that the man was pressing what appeared to be at least seven inches of cock fully into her. Clearly he was not just in her mouth but in her throat as well.

"Okay, let's move on," Becky said. "I'm sure she actually likes that or it wouldn't be happening but I find it demeaning and cruel. I love that I can deep throat you, but I do it on my terms."

"I couldn't agree more," Tim shared.

They moved back into the honeymoon room. There were now at least twenty naked people milling about, some in couples and others in groups of four or six. One couple approached one of the many beds in the room, each on a pedestal. When they got onto the bed a spotlight from above illuminated, bathing the bed and couple in light.

"Guess we can't hope for a private encounter here," Tim said.

"Yes," Becky agreed, "notice that the 'private' rooms have large glass windows facing in. I'll bet sitting on the bed activates lighting in those as well."

As they looked around they saw several more couples, and a few groups, spotlighted on different beds. Some were having oral sex, most vaginal, and a few were same sex, both male and female. They decided to check out the current situation in the outdoors room. They now noticed that here the beds were disguised as fallen tree trunks and other items suitable for sex resembled giant mushrooms and stumps.