A New Life Pt. 03


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It occurred to Lauren that she'd had more sex in the few days that she'd been here than she'd had in the last year. Most of it had been new and different and all good. She'd never been an overly sexual person. She'd been selective about whom she'd slept with when dating and had never dated a guy in hopes that it would result in sex. This was not to say that she did not enjoy it or want it.

The question in her mind was whether all this great sex was clouding her judgment and decision-making, because she was certainly leaning toward wanting to stay. She knew that she was a novelty to the sex-crazed siblings, so she wondered if she stayed what it would be like once the newness wore off. On the other hand, the brothers and sister did not seem to tire of doing one another when the need arose.

But was that enough reason to stay?

There was a light tap on her door.


Josh stuck his head in. "Am I disturbing you? I saw your light was still on."

"No, no," Lauren said, smiling warmly. "Come in."

He entered but remained near the door. "You doing okay?"

"I'm fine."

"I hope Lizzie and Marv are not . . . I don't know . . . overdoing it."

"Overdoing it, how?"

"Uh, you know, all the, uh, sex," he clarified as though feeling awkward mentioning it.

"They are two horny people," Lauren said with a smirk.

"Particularly Lizzie," Josh added, grinning.

"I wouldn't say that they've forced me to do anything."

"That's good."

"Are you here for a turn?"

"What? Oh, no," he quickly replied, holding his hand up. "No, no. I, I, uh, I was wondering if maybe you . . . I have to attend a sports banquet Friday night and, well, I don't have a date . . . I wasn't going to bring a date, but I thought it might be fun . . . if you'd like to go. It's out of town at a nice hotel a couple of hours away. We could get a hotel room. I mean, two rooms . . . I wasn't suggesting—"

"I'd love to go with you."

"You would?"

"I'd be honored to be your date."

"Great! Thanks. We'll discuss details tomorrow. Good night."

Well, he was obviously the shy one of the bunch, Lauren thought once she was alone again.

* * *

Lauren awoke the next morning wondering what the day would bring knowing that Lizzie and Marv would be home all day. As much as she was enjoying all the great sex, she wasn't sure she wanted it to become a daily ritual. But with brother and sister around today, was it unavoidable?

Turns out, it was not.

Tuesday's were cleaning day, which were Lizzie's and Marv's jobs since the others worked. Of course, Lauren pitched in. It took all day, but they made it interesting by wearing very little clothing, no underwear, shorts, tank tops, and lots of grabbing and feeling. They all finished, took turns showering, dressed respectably and had dinner going by the time George, Nancy and Josh arrived home.

It was another pleasant family dinner, and Lauren enjoyed hearing the educators discuss their day. Of course, Josh announced that he had asked Lauren to be his date for the sports banquet. Surprisingly, everyone responded favorably.

"Are you going to stay the night or drive back?" Nancy asked.

"I was planning on getting us a couple of rooms," Josh answered.

Nancy's nod of approval was barely perceptible, but her expression spoke volumes. Separate rooms was obviously the correct answer. Lauren also noticed Lizzie's and Marv's smirks. Of disbelief?

Fortunately, Lizzie and Marv were either too tired or not in the mood because they retired early, but not before reminding Lauren of their early departure for school since she would accompany them. However, Josh did knock on her door again.

"Hi. Just wanted to tell you more about Friday."

"Okay. What's it for?"

"It's a district awards banquet. My school won the championship, so I'll be accepting a trophy."

Lauren smiled. "Congratulations."

"Thanks. I should be home around 3:30. We'll leave soon after. Just bring your clothes and we can dress there."

"What should I wear?"

"I have to wear a coat and tie, so I would say a nice dress."

"Okay. I have several. Maybe I could model them for you, and you can choose what you think would be appropriate."

With raised eyebrows, Josh said, "Oh, well, yeah, that would be nice."

"We'll do it Thursday night. And by the way, you don't need to spring for two rooms."

"Are you sure?" He seemed nervous. "Even with what's been going on here, the purpose of this date is not to—"

"I didn't think that for a minute. Get one room with two beds if it will make you feel better."

"Okay," Josh said with a relieved smile.

"And thank you for inviting me."

"Thank you for accepting." Again, he looked hesitant. "Uh, one more thing. We might—I might—take some ribbing from some of my colleagues for having a date as beautiful as you. They might even make comments to you about why you would go out with the likes of me."

"I'll be prepared."

* * *

The trip to the college was enlightening. Lizzie told Lauren what to expect. However, the campus did not appear as small as they made it out to be. While the siblings attended class, Lauren strolled around and visited the registrar's office to gather information. The school boasted an excellent education department and actually had the certifications and documentation to support that claim. She met Marv and Lizzie in the student center for lunch, and then visited the library during their last class. By mid afternoon they were back on the road again.

"So, what did you think?" Lizzie wanted to know.

"I liked it. I think I could be happy at a school like that."

"Does that mean you're going to stay?" Marv asked excitedly.

Lauren smirked and thought he probably got a hard-on asking that. "I still haven't decided, but that's another check on the positive side."

Nancy was already home starting dinner when they arrived, they had another nice family dinner, which Lauren was really coming to enjoy, and the topic of conversation was her impressions of the college.

After dinner, Nancy had to take a call from her principal, leaving George on kitchen clean-up duty alone. Lauren stepped up to help.

"I really enjoy these family dinners," Lauren volunteered. "They feel like that's how it's supposed to be. Do you guys do it every night?"

"Every night that we can," George explained. "Once or twice a week Nancy, Josh or I have a late night at our respective schools, but every other night we're together." After washing few dishes, he asked, "How's your decision coming?"

She shrugged. "These family dinners are another check in the positive column. Are you sure you really want me to stay? It's not too late to change your mind."

George glanced around to make certain no one was around to hear him say: "When you first arrived, I was afraid you were looking for a repeat of the night in your apartment."

Lauren shook her head. "I really was lost."

"I believe you."

"And that night was an impulse. I mean, it was really good, don't get me wrong. But I was at a low point and you gave me a boost and it will forever remain our secret."

"I know. And yes, I really do want you to stay. Everyone likes you."

"Even Nancy?"


"I still don't get a warm feeling from her."

"Don't worry. It's slowly coming."

Later in her room, though tired, she stayed awake, but no one came to her room. For the hell of it, she went to her door to peek into the hallway. A dim light could be seen under Josh's mostly closed door. Marv's door was slightly ajar, but no light was on. Lauren stepped into the hallway to see Lizzie's door opened as much as Marv's. All of this suggested one thing to Lauren, so she tip-toed down the hall. She heard talking.

"Let me fuck you in the ass," Marv was pleading.

"You want to stick it in someone's ass, stick it in Josh's ass," Lizzie shot back, causing Lauren to grin silently.

"No one is sticking anything in my ass," Josh warned, "or you'll be walking funny for a long time."

"Come on, Lizzie," Marv pressed.

"I'll make you a deal," Lizzie said. "When you two fuck each other in the ass, then you can fuck me in the ass."

Marv growled to Josh's chuckle.

"I wonder if Lauren does anal?" Marv asked.

"You'd have to ask her," Lizzie suggested. "But I wouldn't think so."

"You guys have corrupted her enough without asking that," Josh said.

Lauren could hear sucking sounds as though Lizzie was blowing one or both of them. "We haven't forced her to do anything she didn't want to."

"You gonna fuck her Friday?" Marv asked.

"Get your mind out of the gutter," Josh said. "I didn't ask her out to do that."

"Then why did you?"

"Because I really like her," Josh explained. "She's very nice and, of course, gorgeous."

Lauren smiled. She really liked him, too.

"She's had a rough life," Josh added. "She deserves to be treated with respect."

"That why you haven't fucked her yet?"

"Like she said yesterday, she's not our sex toy. You guys are going to burn her out."

For a minute, Lauren was tempted to go in, but she wasn't certain she wanted to get involved with all of them at once. Besides, she wanted to see how it went with Josh on Friday. She returned to her room as stealthily as she had come.

* * *

Thursday was homework day for Lizzie and Marv. Both apologized for having to leave her alone, but she was actually glad. She'd had enough sex for a few days, and they obviously did a threesome with Josh last night. She decided to sort through her dresses for a few to model for Josh tonight.

Later, Lauren prepared dinner all by herself. Another pleasant meal was enjoyed by the family, and seemingly as usual, afterward, everyone did their own thing. Seeing the light on in Josh's room, Lauren went to hers and donned the first dress. It was cream-colored, fairly conservative, knee-length, loose-fitting, revealed nothing, but was elegant. Marching down the hall, she knocked.


Josh looked up when she entered. It obviously didn't wow him, but he complimented her nonetheless.

A moment later Lizzie appeared. She was more honest. "Nice, but too plain."

With a nod, Lauren returned to her room, Lizzie in tow. Next was a red dress, a little shorter, a little more form-fitting, a little more revealing. Lauren shook her head at Lizzie's so-so expression as the strolled back to Josh's room, picking up Marv along the way.

Josh's smile suggested he liked it better than the first, but it still wasn't eye-popping.

"Doesn't show off your tits," Marv commented.

Josh merely shook his head. "Grow up, Marv. Lauren, you should just wear whatever you're comfortable in."

"I've got one more," Lauren said. When Lizzie and Marv attempted to follow, she halted them. "Wait." She returned a couple of minutes later. This blue dress has a V-neck that revealed a couple of inches of cleavage, four inches above the knee and tight-fitting enough to show all her curves and breasts.

"Now, you're talking!" Marv remarked with a huge smile.

Lizzie gave a thumbs up.

Even Josh finally looked impressed. "You look good in blue," was his diplomatic comment.

"It's not too much for this banquet?" Lauren asked. "Or too little?

"It's obviously more revealing than the others," Josh noted, "but you still look classy in it. I still say you should wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, but I have to admit, I like you in this one the best and I would be honored to be seen with you in it."

With a big smile, Lauren said, "Then this one it is. I actually like it best also."

"Would you go out with me some time?" Marv asked.

"You're kidding, right, Marv?" Lizzie asked in disbelief.

"Well, no, I wasn't."

"No, she's not going to go out with you," Lizzie told him, relieving Lauren of an unwanted response.

"Anybody want to fool around?" Marv asked, moving on.

Josh merely shook his head piteously.

Lizzie took Lauren's arm and they returned to her room. "If you haven't figured out yet," Lizzie said, "Josh is the shy one, not Marv, as he would have you believe."

"Yeah, I came to that conclusion," Lauren acknowledged.

"I'm so glad you agreed to go with Josh. He's really a great guy, and I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. He deserves to have a good woman. I hope the two of you hit it off."

"I don't see why we wouldn't. I haven't had as much interaction with him as I have with you and Marv, but what little I have had has been good."

"He's not very forward, so I'll give you this advice, if you want to fuck him, you'll have to be the aggressor."

"That's not why I accepted the date."

"I've seen the way you look at him. I know you're interested."

* * *

Lauren was glad Friday was another school day for Lizzie and Marv. She awoke actually nervous about the date, and having the day to herself would help her to calm herself down. She packed and repacked several times, and on impulse, stuck her mother's negligee that she'd worn for George in her overnight bag. She also brought along the red dress as a backup. Before anyone returned home in the afternoon, Lauren drank a beer to relax herself.

Finally, Josh came home before the others, and with his bag already packed, he was ready to depart right away. No one had come home when they left, much to Lauren's relief. She didn't need the smirks of encouragement from the siblings nor the stern look from Nancy nor the helpless expression from George.

"Are you nervous?" Josh asked as they rode, noting her apprehension.

"A little," Lauren admitted with a forced smile. "I don't want to embarrass you or make a fool of myself."

"No chance of you embarrassing me, and if you just be yourself, everything will be fine."

She felt small relief from his statement. "How was your day?" she asked, hoping to engage him and calm herself down.

It worked. Josh rambled on about all the well wishing he'd gotten during the day and so on. He rambled on for quite a while and it served to relax her. He finally realized he'd been talking so long and shut up. But not before asking, "You still look nervous. Not sorry you came, are you?"

"No, no. I just haven't been on a date in so long," Lauren told him. "It's almost like starting over."

"Don't feel bad. It's been a while for me also. So, we're in the same boat."

"Well, I guess I don't feel so bad."

"Yeah, let's just relax and enjoy ourselves."

The hotel was very nice. Josh had taken Lauren's advice and reserved only one room with two queen-size beds. The room was exquisite.

"There's a cocktail hour at seven, so that gives us about an hour and a half to get ready," Josh advised.

"Then I'd better get started," Lauren realized. "I'm going to shower." She'd bared herself before his siblings, so she saw no reason to be modest around him. She didn't close the bathroom door. She caught his shadow from the shower, which suggested he was sneaking peeks, and was actually glad.

After getting out and drying herself, Lauren wrapped the towel loosely around her and stepped into the doorway. "If you're going to shower, you can come in."

"You don't want me to wait until you're finished?"

"It's up to you, but you don't have to."

He shrugged but didn't come in right away.

Back in the bathroom, Lauren removed her towel, sat on the toilet with the seat cover down and set about to shave her pussy.

Josh finally entered and nearly fell over, he stopped so short. "What are you doing?"

"Shaving. Haven't you ever seen a girl shave?"


"You've never watched Lizzie shave?" Lauren asked with some surprise.

"No. Believe it or not, we give each other privacy in the bathroom."

"Even Marv? He's walked in on me twice."

Shaking his head, Josh said, "Lizzie is turning him into a sex fiend. My brother is basically a good guy except when it comes to anything sexual. Then he becomes a little misguided."

"So, I've noticed. If you want privacy, I'll hurry up."

"I guess if you don't need it, I don't." Josh finally turned on the water for his shower, quickly stripped and got in behind the curtain.

"Well, I feel like I've bared all in front of you and your siblings, so there's no need to be modest."

"Not me."

"Well, you did have one hand down my pants and the other under my shirt—"

"I'm sorry—"

"—and I liked it."


Lauren remained naked while she dried and fixed her hair and applied her make-up because that's what she was used to doing.

Josh was amazed that she was still nude when he finished and drew back the shower curtain. He watched her as he dried himself, and she could see him doing so through the mirror.

"You really are beautiful," Josh complimented, his cock rising a little.

When she turned, he quickly covered it.

"No need to be embarrassed." She pointed to his semi-erection. "That's a nice compliment."

Still, he wrapped the towel around his waist as he shaved.

Lauren wondered if he saw her smirk. Finished with her own preparations, she sat on the edge of the counter. "Mind if I watch you shave? I've never watched a man shave."

After a double-take, Josh shrugged. "I guess." But his first touch of the razor caused a nick that started bleeding. He reached for tissue, but Lauren beat him to it.

She pressed the tissue against to cut, and then reached for his solid antiperspirant.

As she stood to apply the antiperspirant, her nipple brushed against his chest. Josh asked, "What are you doing?"

"It has aluminum chloride which works as an astringent to constrict blood flow and helps stop bleeding." She went ahead and rubbed a bit on, and the bleeding stopped.

"Where'd you learn that?" He was getting another hard on, which was pressing against the towel.

"I cut myself shaving every so often. I read about it somewhere." Lauren rubbed her palm against it, causing him to tense. "We might have to do something about that later."

Josh nervously returned to shaving, attempting to be more careful and not distracted by her nude body.

"So, if it's not too personal, may I ask how you and your siblings got started having sex together? I've heard of brothers and sisters doing it, but I didn't know any personally."

"Well, you know we do it, so I guess it's not personal anymore," Josh reasoned. "Several years ago, I discovered that Lizzie was watching me . . . uh, she was spying on me while I, uh—"


"Uh, yeah. She pleaded with me to let her watch up close. Of course, I refused. But she persisted. After she was eighteen, she basically just barged in while I was doing it and I was too far gone to stop. I hate to admit it, but it was actually a turn-on. Then after a few times, she wanted to touch, and then jerk me, and then suck me. She became hard to resist."

"So, you're really saying that Lizzie started it?"

"Well, she did. Every next step we took she initiated. I mean, she can be very convincing." Josh shrugged. "Eventually, I was no longer just giving in and sex became a thing between us. And when Marv became eighteen, she got him involved. As you might imagine, he was not hesitant at all."

"Somehow, I thought that's how it might have come about."

"How do you feel about my siblings and I doing it?"

"I don't have a problem with it. I'd like to think I'm pretty open-minded about sex."

They finished in the bathroom and then dressed for the banquet. Before they left the room, Josh held out her hand and looked her over. "You look amazing."

"You look very handsome, too. We look good together. Everyone will be looking at you and me."