A New Way of Seeing Things Ch. 21


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"If you want to help yourself right now, it won't bother me. I might even help myself while you're doing that."

"What...oh, no, I couldn't do that with somebody watching, not even Tim. But thank you for thinking of me," Gwen babbled, feeling foolish the moment she uttered it.

A knowing smile crossed Natalie's lips. "Suit yourself. But I'm betting Tim would love to see a show like that, and I think you might benefit as well. Be right back, gonna get my stuff out of the car. Want me to wait outside for a bit?" The nude woman smiled as Gwen blushed and averted her eyes. Natalie turned and left, not bothering to grab anything she might cover up with for her trip across the yard.

Gwen followed her down the hall after grabbing the robe the Lady insisted she wear—could you imagine if someone had walked in on the scene that had just taken place?—and was there in in the kitchen when Natalie returned, duffle bag in hand.

"Can I get you something to eat before you go?" Gwen asked nervously, afraid she had somehow sent a message of distrust to the one person she truly counted as a trusted friend. "If you want to use my bedroom to, uhh, take care of yourself, please feel free!"

Natalie smiled and began to dress right there in the kitchen. "Nah, that's alright. Sometimes it's fun to have an edge at work. Makes giving sponge baths more interesting." She smiled to show her attempt at humor. "Hey, sorry I made you uncomfortable in there, I should have known better than to put you in spots like that."

"Oh no, please don't apologize. I just don't have a lot of experience with how girls talk and act around each other when they're not trying to make each other miserable. Is what we just talked about and did normal?"

"Very normal for me and my friends, at least," Natalie said as she kissed her on the cheek, "but it sounds like not so much for the crowd you grew up with. Gotta go—talk to you soon."

Gwen stood on the deck until the SUV was out of sight beyond the trees. Despite the almost painful embarrassment of being so obviously in heat in front of her own sister-in-law, she knew that arousal would have to be taken care of sooner than later. A trip back to the bedroom to retrieve her toys was definitely in order. But first, she really should check the office for any messages...it seemed silly to dress just for a trip across the yard, though. The robe should do. You don't even need the robe, the Slut suggested.

The Lady screamed warnings from her perch on Gwen's shoulder. What if somebody comes while you're in the office! You'll be trapped! Gwen smiled and removed the robe, but as a compromise, draped the garment over her right arm. She looked and listened for what seemed like an eternity, ready to bolt back into her kitchen and on to the bedroom at any hint of discovery. Sensing none, she tentatively stepped off the stairs and on to the flagstone walk. Hew slow walk built up momentum while she resisted the urge to run, reminding herself that moving quickly only took her farther away from the relative safety of the house. The office might offer temporary shelter, but eventually she would have to explain why she was out there in just a bathrobe, if she had time to put that on at all.

Gwen's heart pounded with each step she took towards the building at the other end of the property, acutely aware that the thin screen of trees to her left were her only shield from vehicles on the road beyond. It was the sound of a car in the distance, coming her way, that made her break into a jog to cover the last few yards. She reached the door next to the garage bays as the car rattled past, Gwen thankful it was not stopping.

The large open area was stuffy in the afternoon heat, the closed garage doors not allowing any movement of air. She began to climb the stairs, wooden steps barely creaking under her bare feet as she climbed.

The air up here was stifling, the air conditioner left off in an oversight during the morning's paperwork. Gwen turned the unit on, looking out the window it sat in and onto the road beyond at the end of their driveway. The realization someone on the road might be able to see her made her retreat to the desk.

Two messages, one from a customer asking for a call back after 4pm, one from Tim. There, you know you have calls to make, the Lady pleaded, for God's sake, go put some clothes on before you do. Instead the nude woman began dialing.

"Nelson Plumbing—hi, Mrs. Nelson."

Gwen startled and nearly dropped the phone as she scrambled for her robe. "Andrew!?"

"Yes ma'am. Tim's busy at the moment. He asked me to talk to you." The young man seemed almost apologetic.

The nude woman sat back, laughing nervously to herself. You idiot, he can't see you. He can't see you...her time spent with Natalie and the extreme risk she was even now taking drove her on. "That's fine, Andrew. What does he need?"

"Tim? Mrs. Nelson would like to know what you want." She could hear her husband's voice, muffled and distant. "He says he'd like you to get a 2-inch bronze relief valve on order. He's going to need it the middle of next week."

"2 inch? That's a big one."

"Yes ma'am, it is." The young apprentice resisted the urge to snicker. Girls could be so naive about what they were saying sometimes. He wondered if Jordan would have been able to refrain from commenting on her choice of words.

"Tell him I'll get it on order right away. Is there anything else you need?"

The line was silent for a moment while Andrew relayed the message. "No ma'am. That's it."

"Alright then, call if you want anything else."

The connection was broken, and Gwen sat for a moment, reliving the moment. Wants anything else? The Slut mocked. What he wants was sitting right here in the chair, just the way he wants it. If only he knew just how naked you were...ready to show him everything.

Gwen was shocked to discover her legs had spread themselves in a lewd display during their call. The urge to release the pressure that had building all morning was overwhelming, and her index finger was even now tracing lines over the soft skin around her sex. It would be so easy to just let loose right here, she thought, but too dangerous. Reluctantly she made her way back downstairs and across the yard, robe carried in one hand as she hurried back to the house. She was moved more quickly this time, not because she was any more afraid of being exposed, but because of the urgent need to make herself climax.

The much desired orgasm arrived just moments after the Magic Wand had been roughly pulled from its boot and plugged in, images of Natalie and Andrew and the shows she might put on for them swirling in her head as the vibrator urgently buzzed between her legs. The guilt over not including Tim in her lurid fantasies did not hit her until she had begun to come down off of her sexual high, the sound of the remote office phone ringing in the kitchen hastening her to her senses. Gwen hurried into the kitchen on slightly wobbly legs, still naked.

"N-Nelson Plumbing."

"Hey Gwen, it's me. You okay? You sound out of breath."

"Oh, Tim! Everything's fine, I just had to run upstairs to get the phone."

"Oh. Well, do me a favor and add another relief valve to that order Andrew asked you to call in. And also, don't wait dinner for me. I'm going to take the crews out for a beer to thank them for getting that courthouse project done. We'll bring the trucks back when we're done. If you want, you can join us."

"No, a woman in a crowd of men tends to make the conversation more polite than I expect men like. You guys go out, talk about laying pipe or whatever it is plumbers talk about when they're off-duty. Just be safe."

Tim rolled his eyes and smiled. Gwen could be so naïve with the things she said sometimes. "We will. See you tonight. Love you."

"Love you too."

Gwen made her way back to the office, clothed this time, to place Tim's order and finish up some paperwork, then hurried to sneak in a quick swim. Barn chores were done and a light dinner was waiting for Tim when the trucks rolled in at seven.

It was almost eight when Tim sat down at the table. "Don't worry about cleaning up—I'll do it in the morning," Gwen told him as she kissed him on the top of his head. "I'm going to bed a little early tonight. See you in there."

"Everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. Come to bed when you're ready."

Tim ate quickly, a glass of diet soda his preferred beverage after the two beers he had consumed earlier. He wandered about the house, waiting for the local weather to come on while making sure lights were off and windows closed.

The weather appeared fine for a morning on the lake—his own boat this time. He was going to fish this weekend, damn it. It was going to be him alone, though—he hadn't been able to find anyone free to go with him.

A morning alone on the lake would not be the worst thing in the world, he thought as he opened the bedroom door—

Gwen lay on the bed, facing him. Or rather her lower half facing him, legs wide open in invitation. "Surprise!" she said with a weak smile and tentative voice. "Notice anything different?"

"A beautiful woman on my bed, offering herself to me? Nope, pretty standard." He stepped closer, pulling off his shirt as he moved. "I do see the beautiful woman has freshened up her hairstyle, though." His shorts were off next, a rapidly engorging staff lifting its head for its own look. "You did a great job," he murmured as he dropped to his knees, wrapped his arms about her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed.

"Well, I had some help..."

Tim's lips stopped inches from her sex. "Really?"

"Well, yes, I mean, Natalie and I went riding together, and then we went swimming, and you already know we don't wear suits, and I asked her how she does hers, and she said it's easier if someone does it for you, so I practiced on her, and she shaved me. You're not mad, are you?" she babbled, her voice rushed and nervous.

"No, not at all," Tim replied truthfully. "I wasn't aware she was trimmed."

"Oh, yes, I think she gave me her style down there."

"Well, I'm sure she can't taste as good as you." Tim buried his tongue in the bare folds before him, worried he had overstepped his bounds by even mentioning another woman's pussy in Gwen's presence, particularly her sister-in-law's.

She ran her fingers through his hair as he licked. "That's sweet of you to say, but I'm sure it's not true." Gwen resisted the Lady's demand she mind her mouth. You and your husband are comparing you and your sister-in-law's private parts as if they're pies!

Tim happily worked for a few moments more, Gwen's arousal building as he spent more time on her sensitive clitoris. "Honey, what about you?" she finally asked. "You need some attention, too."

He looked up, cheeks glistening with her wetness. Gwen knew she should be disgusted, the knowledge of where it came instead exciting her more. "Well, if you insist..." Tim moved from between her legs and laid beside her as she scooted back up the bed a little. He kissed her, the taste of his lips a pungent reminder of where they had just been. Gwen reached for his staff, but her husband was quicker, straddling her chest while he reached for pillows. These were gently pushed behind her head, bringing her face-to-eye with the swaying cobra before her. The snake pushed forward until the pink head made contact with her lips, gently pushing them apart and sliding past them just a little to where her tongue could begin to work.

Gwen's mouth lavished attention on whatever amount of her husband's length he chose to give her, her right hand wrapping around his length while the other fondled his dangling sac. He was content to let her work for some time, and she sensed he was growing close to giving her his seed in a most depraved way, a way she found herself looking forward to.

She was surprised, therefore, when he withdrew, his diamond-hard staff laid between her breasts.

"Push your boobs together."

Gwen looked up at him, her confusion clear to him.

"Push your boobs together so they wrap around my cock."

Her hands gently pushed the mounds of flesh together until they formed a tunnel from which the pink head of his snake emerged. Tim's hips flexed, and the snake's head pushed forward, out of sight below her chin. She looked up at him to see if she was doing it right, the contented look on his face told her she was.

Tim fell forward until his chest hovered over his wife's head, hands propped on either side of her while the cudgel between her breasts picked up speed. Her own hand crept behind the working torso and began to circle her clit with a firm finger, Gwen's hips developing their own rhythm as her sex-fogged mind decided the man on top of her would not notice what was going on behind him. With a final thrust, he grunted, and she felt rather than saw the first jet of semen erupt from him, landing in the hollow of her throat, hot against her skin, other blasts pooling with the first.

A hearty exhale told her he was finished. The spent man scrambled to his feet. "Stay there," he ordered. Gwen froze but didn't remove her hand from its spot between her legs, finger cautiously starting its rotation again as he disappeared into the bathroom.

Her finger stopped mid-circle as he reappeared with a washcloth in hand. Gently he dried her neck, careful to catch any stray droplets or dribbles, then bent to kiss her. "Want me to finish that for you?"

Gwen blushed. "Sorry?"

"I thought I might have interrupted you—" Tim glanced down at her crotch meaningfully before finding her eyes again—"and I wondered if you wanted my help?"

Embarrassment over being caught wrestled with a need for release. "I'd love for you to hold me, and if you want to, umm, help me, I'd love that too."

Tim was happy to oblige, spooning her as one arm pulled her tight to him while the calloused fingers of his other hand alternated between stroking her button and filling her opening. Her second orgasm of the day soon followed.

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StubbyoneStubbyone6 months ago

Incredibly sexy. Love the mutual shaving scene. A little surprised that Gwen hasn’t succumbed to her sister in law’s flirting yet, given that Gwen has had a lot of practice with Ms- Ritter such that both got each other off many times. Still a wonderful buildup and tease. Love it.

yarnspinnerryarnspinnerrover 3 years ago
What a tease

A very Hot tease

cudsnuggleatcudsnuggleatabout 6 years ago
Could be the TWIN of My Wife

And my wife is getting uninhibited step by step also

Wow huge gratitude from me to you

Party party party, Dave

whismerhillwhismerhillabout 8 years ago

the more I read, the more I enjoy you really have talent

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
smooth skin

the shaving scene was very erotic

BigBeanieBigBeanieabout 10 years ago
Reliably excellent.

The sustained quality of this series is superb.

I love the way little clues are left to future story lines.

I'm particularly hoping that another - perhaps more explicit - photo shoot is in the offing for Natalie. Maybe Natalie takes Gwen along for support and Gwen ends up posing too? Perhaps posing with Natalie?

Most of all though I hope it remains a story of a woman exploring her sexuality from the base of a solid marriage. Stories where the protagonist is supposedly happily married but is soon behaving like a promiscuous single are ten-a-penny on here. So far this has been refreshingly different. Long may it continue.

Syd649Syd649about 10 years ago
Tim's Preference

I think Tim should tell her how much he prefers not having any hair in the way as he is always cleaning hair out of plumbing traps and all. He might suggest she get rid of any trace of hair at all down there. I bet Natalie would like to help.

twosocks44twosocks44about 10 years ago
Another great Chapter

Another great chapter. Keep them coming. Love your work.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

As always I look forward to the next chapter! This series is one of the best ! Don't wait so long to post the next chapter !!!!

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