A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 04 Ch. 05


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"Well, this was an older man..."

"A-ha. Do you think he'd do it to make you feel good?"

Gwen thought about his imaginary demand. "Probably not...probably just to show me he could."

"Yeah, he's probably down here to get you wet enough to take all of him without screaming," Tim announced as he withdrew and stood. "And you are, and he's ready, so show me how you think he would have fucked you."

In her mind she could see herself lying on her back on the little single bed that seemed to occupy much of the floor in her studio apartment, naked and spread, this huge man hovering over her on all fours with that thing dangling beneath him, waving back and forth as he positioned himself to line it up with her most private part. She reached for the length lying beside her and touched it to her opening. The Stud would have known she was inexperienced; he would have been in no hurry, willing to take his time with his prize, knowing he had all the time in the world, right? Gwen took a deep breath and pushed the head between her lips, lodging it in her opening. "He'd probably smother me," she laughed. "I barely came up to his chest, as I recall." She looked down past where her hand was poised at the junction of her legs, to where her husband stood watching intently, his own hand wrapped around his own shaft. "Do you think he would have wanted to play with my breasts?"

Tim looked up. "Can't see how he could've resisted." She could imagine the Stud bent over her, his tongue busy on her nipple. "Ohhh," she groaned, her eyes closing and the shaft finally beginning its slow journey into her, "he'd be so heavy."

"It looks like he's stretching your pussy out," Tim groaned. "It's gotta feel different than mine, right?"

"A little," Gwen admitted, pulling it back out until only her lips surrounded the head before plunging it back in again, "but it's what it's attached to that really makes the difference for me. It feels so good to have you on top of me...you next to me."

"Huh. Good to know." Gwen fucked herself in long, slow strokes, her finger finding its way to her clit and relentlessly circling. She could feel her orgasm building, the thought of that massive body crushing her into the thin mattress, strong hips repeatedly driving his cock deep up inside until it could go no further. She continued to deliberately withdraw and insert the invader, applied with a little more force each time. "You like it hard, don't you," Tim asked, more of a statement than a question.

"Oh, yes," she panted. "Especially when you're doing the pushing...you're so strong!" The cock continued its cadence, slow withdrawals followed by a firm thrust.

"Is he going to come in you?"

"I think he would want to, right? And I definitely wouldn't be able to stop him once he started."

Probably not." He smiled, slowing his stroking, delaying..."tell me when you start to come."

"Uh-huh..." Gwen's eyes were closed tight, her head turned to the side as her finger circled her button and the dildo plowed into her sex. "Uh-huh-uh-" Tim could see the muscles in her jaw tensing. "Nowwww..." She slammed the massive length into herself and held it there as it filled her with imaginary white ropes of seed, her finger furiously rubbing her clit.

The waves passed and her muscles relaxed, her eyes opening dreamily, an embarrassed smile curling her lips. Tim smiled back. "Good?"

"Very, thank you."

"Good." Tim climbed on to the bed and quickly straddled her chest, an angry-looking cock just inches from her face. "Now that's he done, I'm going to make sure you know who you really belong to."

Gwen's first thought was he wanted it sucked, but Tim had others idea. His hand wrapped around the girth and he began to stroke. "Are you going to mark me?" she asked, looking up at him, eyes wide.

"You want me to?"

Gwen gave what she hoped was her best post-orgasmic seductive smile. "I couldn't stop you...I'd want him to watch you do it."


"It's such a nasty thing to do..."

Tim chuckled despite his impending orgasm. "Hell, yeah it is..." With a soft grunt, he launched the first blast. Gwen saw the hole in the tip change shape, forming a perfect 'o' as he squeezed a split-second before the opening turned milky white. Her eyelids snapped shut just before the first streak landed across her forehead and left eye with a wet slap, making her recoil a bit. I guess my reflexes are still okay, she thought bemusedly. It was hot in the cool air, as were the others that coated her nose, cheeks and chin. She felt the tip of his cock rub insistently against her lips soon after the last droplets had landed, and she took it in, bathing the head with her tongue before the sensations became too intense for him and he withdrew. Gwen risked a look through the unstriped eye and laughed. "Wayne."

Tim looked down at her, his expression a mixture of bliss and confusion. "Wayne?"

"I remember now! Wayne-his name was Wayne!" she exclaimed with a giggle, gesturing to the discarded dildo.

He laughed. "What do you think Wayne the Stud would think of the masterpiece I just painted?"

"I think he would be very impressed..." He hurried off her, quickly returning with a washcloth to clear her other eye, Gwen began to collect his spend on his fingers before he could continue, spreading it on her breasts and returning for more. "You really like doing that, don't you?" she asked with a smile once they were confident it all had been collected.

"Yeah, sorry, I do...you don't mind, do you?"

She laughed. "There's nobody I'd rather be owned by." She playfully swatted at his still tumescent member. "Just don't get cocky."


Work the next morning was an interesting exercise, the younger employees moving cautiously, unsure how to react to the new management structure and Eric in particular, Eric unsure how to treat them. They seemed to work it out when neither side appeared to be any different, and the young man trudged up the stairs before leaving. "I, uhh, asked Tim if there's anything I need to clear with you before I go," he stammered, his cheeks red. "I know he comes up sometimes before he leaves."

"Oh—he comes up to make sure there's no last-minute changes to the schedules, or anything he has to sign, anything like that." And for a kiss and an occasional grope, she added silently, but I'm sure he didn't send you up for that. "I think it's probably a good idea to check in with me before you head out, but I don't have anything for you today..."

"Oh—okay then, guess I'll be heading out."

"Call with any delays or problems," she reminded him, "and work safe."

He smiled. "Yes, ma'am."



"Remember? Call me Gwen?"

"Oh yeah—yes, Gwen!"

It was more of the same that afternoon and the next morning, but everyone was beginning to realize the old routine had not changed much at all, at least not yet.

Gwen had just finished lunch in the house and returned to the office when she heard tires crunching in the driveway. Alison, she thought, looking out the window, and went down to meet her. "Hi honey, this is a surprise!"

"Yeah, I took the afternoon off and thought I'd come over, maybe help with some chores in the barn...I've been neglecting those and I feel bad."

"Well, I don't think there's too much to do right now unless you wanted to polish your tack, or something like that."

"Yeah, I could do that..."

"Or you can take Dancer out for a ride and do it after. I can go with you, if you want."

"Oh, no, I know you've got a lot to do with the change to the business..."

"I always make time for you and KD."

"I know...listen, Mom, I was wondering..." the young woman's cheeks turned crimson and she looked down at her hands. "I didn't want to take it without your permission or anything, but I was wondering...could I borrow your saddle?"

"You mean the one I showed you the other day?"

"Yeah, that one..."


"Well, it's probably safer than just a blanket, right?" She looked up with an embarrassed grin before looking down again.

Gwen smiled, a little embarrassed herself for her daughter's discomfort. "I see. Honey, I'm not sure—"

"I'll wash it down after, I promise. You don't have to worry about me getting it sweaty or...anything else. It is washable, right?"

"Yes, it's washable and I'm not worried about that, honey, it's just that it's umm, a very special saddle..."

Alison's reply carried some disappointment. "I understand."

"No, I don't think you do. See, it's umm, designed specifically for a woman..."


"The design is different, it's...Gwen sighed in defeat. "I think it would just be easier to show you than explain."

They climbed the hillock, the young woman calling out a quick greeting to her horse before joining her mother in the tack room.

Gwen pointed to a spot towards the front of the uncovered saddle. "Put your hand there and push down."

"Here?" Ali's eyes widened slightly as her hand continued to move up towards the saddle horn, pressing as it went. "Oh."

"It's fitted specifically for a woman's...private parts. If you maintain proper form, it's not unpleasant, but if you don't, it, ummm..."


"Actually, the opposite."

Her daughter's mouth was now slightly open as well. "As in, feels good?"

"Yes, as in, feels good."

"As in feels good enough to...you know, really, really good?"

"Like that, if you're not careful..."

Ohmygod," she breathed. "Mom, did you get photographed doing that?"

"Of course not. I maintained proper form the entire photo shoot. I'm pretty sure that's what they wanted from me."

"So why did they have you use this saddle?"

"I don't know, Alison," Gwen countered with a touch of desperate annoyance. "Maybe to remind me to stay in proper form all day?"

Alison broke into a knowing grin. "And how was your form when you used it the other day?"

Gwen returned a weak smile. "I might have slouched some."

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing! Please, you have to let me try it! I mean, uhh, if you're okay with that...knowing, I mean, I might...see how it feels, if you don't think it's too weird."

"I think the only thing that's weird is I admitted I know from experience what it does."

"I think it's cool," the young woman murmured, her focus on the saddle.

"We're both adults," Gwen announced, trying for an air of confident casualness. "If you're alright knowing I did that then I'm alright knowing you want to...we all have needs. Are you sure?"

"I have never heard of anything like this before! I've got to try it! Please?"

Gwen pondered the situation. Her daughter was standing in front of her, openly pleading to be allowed to pleasure herself. "Well, I would rather you try it when I'm here so it's me who finds you if you fall off..."

"So, can I?" the young woman asked, pressing for an answer.

"Fall off?" Gwen teased before switching to a tone of mock exasperation. "Go ahead," she said with a wave of her hand. "You're probably going to try it the next time I'm not here anyways."

Alison's eyes took on an apologetic look. "Not if you didn't want me to..."

"Rather than put you in that situation, go ahead. I would take Dart if I were you, though. It fits him well and he's, uhh, used to it."

"Got it! So, what do I do?"

"Well, first you saddle him up..." Mother and daughter worked together to prepare the horse.

Dart stood ready a short time later. "Now what?" Alison asked, trying to mask her excitement. No jeans, right? Do I take them off now?"

"I walked him up into the woods," Gwen offered, "and then undressed there. That way I didn't have to worry about coming back to the barn like that if anybody was here. The trees make good clothes hangers."

"Oh-yeah—good idea. Everything?" She asked doubtfully, tugging at her shirt.

"That's up to you. Leave your boots on, though—they'll give you more stability in the stirrup. You'll probably need that."

"And how long did it take—I mean, how far did you go?"

"I made it up to the picnic clearing," Gwen said with a half-smile. "But I took it easy and took a couple of breaks along the way. All depends on how...aggressively...you ride, I guess."

"Oh, okay."

"And Alison? Be very careful. It's very easy to fall off if you're...distracted. Make sure you let Dart's leads go slack—you don't want to pull on them and spook him."

"Oh, yeah—really?"


The young woman's eyes were wide, her mouth slightly open. "Alright. I'll remember, I promise."

"If you're not back in an hour I'm going to come looking for you, do you understand?" The young woman nodded uncertainly. "Good. Have a nice ride." She watched her daughter lead the horse up the hill into the woods, the Lady loudly questioning her sanity. She returned to the office but was back in the barn a half hour later. There was still no sign of horse and rider twenty minutes after that, and Gwen began to climb the hill for a look, determined to return and saddle one of the other horses for a search if no trace of them was found. Alison's clothes were hanging from a tree not far from where she had hung hers, jeans, panties, shirt and bra. Gwen was about to turn and hurry back to the stable when she heard the unmistakable soft thud of Dart's hooves on packed dirt, a slow cadence as he descended the switchback above her. Saddled horse and naked rider appeared from around the corner, Alison alternating between bringing herself off the saddle and sagging heavily into it until the sensation apparently became too much. She reined the horse in a few feet short of Gwen, the older woman gently holding Dart's bridle while her daughter tiredly dismounted. The fact she was nude, and the reason for it, was not lost on either woman.

"I was getting worried," Gwen said, watching her daughter shuffle over to her clothes.

"Sorry," Alison called out, reaching for her underwear. "I can't believe I'm telling my own mother this. You were right—I was really, really close to falling off the second time."

"Second time?"

"Yeah, the first time was pretty quick, so I decided to keep going. I guess I didn't know how much the first time took out of me..."

Gwen smiled. "Good to know. Take your time getting dressed, I'll uhh, take Dart down."

She had him unsaddled by the time Alison joined her, and the two woman made quick work of finishing the job of grooming and turning him out. "I, uhh, need to clean your saddle," the younger woman said. "It got a little, umm, wet..."

"A lot wet," her mother laughed, remembering the darker blotch on the black mesh. "Don't worry, it dries fast, and from what I can tell the fabric doesn't stain. A little soap and water and it'll be good as new. I'll take care of it later."

"Really? I don't—"

"It's fine, I'll take care of it. I was thinking you could use a swim before the trucks start coming back."

"Yeah, that might help. Are you joining me?"

"I think so, yes."

Alison was undressed yet again a few moments later, Gwen's clothes joining hers over the backs of the pool deck chairs. "I have got to get me one of those!" the young woman exclaimed with a broad smile as the two woman floated comfortably in the cool water.

"I'm not sure they're for sale..."

"Whoever's making them should. They'd make millions."

Sylvia Danning is probably more concerned with making billions, Gwen thought. "So, twice?" she asked before the Lady could stop her.

Alison blushed and giggled. "Okay, first of all, I can't believe you have a saddle like that. Second of all, I can't believe I asked you to borrow it. Third of all, I can't believe you said yes. Last of all, I can't believe I'm having this conversation with my own mother! Yeah, 'fraid so. Twice."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Gwen said with an apologetic shrug. "I'm also glad you trust me enough to talk about things like that. I know it's strange...mothers and daughters aren't supposed to talk about things like this...but I'm glad you feel safe enough to."

"Are you kidding? I'll admit it's a little strange but I love it! This—you—are awesome! I always figured I got my, umm, urges from Daddy, but maybe it was you all along, although neither one of you really showed any sign of it when I was growing up. I love seeing you like this now. It makes me, I don't know, more like you, normal, I guess? I like that—a lot."

"Maybe you got it from both of us. It took me a long time to get to this point, I'm afraid."

Alison grinned. "Better late than never. Mom, you went a whole day on one of those and you didn't, you know, get all happy? You sure?"

"I'm sure. I was there to do a job, not make myself happy, as you call it."

"You must've been pretty wound up after you finished posing..."

Gwen couldn't resist. "I was and your father helped me with that."

"Woohoo! Way to go, Mom! Does he know about its magical properties?"

"I told him about it the first time I used it."

"Oh. You gonna tell him I used it?"

"Do you want me to?"

Alison hesitated. "You don't have to bring it up or anything, but if he finds out, that's okay, too, I guess...he won't be mad or anything, right?"

"I'm sure he won't. Whatever makes you happy makes him happy. He knows even his daughters have those needs, too."

"Happy is an understatement..."

"But you absolutely may not tell Jason anything about this, are we clear? I still can't believe I'm sitting here without a stitch of clothing talking to my own daughter talking about...being happy!"

"Yeah, it's so cool!" Alison said with a smile before lowering her voice. "Yes, ma'am, I understand. So, are you going to hide it someplace, or are you gonna tell KD? She'll see it next time she comes home if you don't."

"I hadn't really thought about it yet," Gwen lied. "All I ask is that you don't tell her, alright?"

"Promise is a promise," Alison replied with a laugh. "I think you can tell her though. She'll think it's cool, too. How about Cricket?"

"How about her?"

"You gonna tell her? I think you could. She seems pretty open about stuff, she probably wouldn't freak out knowing you have something like that. You might even let her borrow it until she finds a man to ride," Ali added with a sly smile. "And Aunt Natalie, she'd understand. She's pretty knowledgeable about sex stuff, you know."

If you only knew, Gwen thought. "I'll have to think about it."

The conversation lulled for a moment. "So I guess you thought a suit wasn't necessary today?" the older woman asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh, you mean when we were here the other day? I'm still not sure if what Daddy would think..."

"He knows what women look like. I think he'd be okay with it, but only if you are."

Well," Alison began, "if I went that way, Jason probably would want to, too...he's not shy about that kind of stuff," she smiled. "Would you and Daddy have been alright with him going nekkid?"

"Do you really think he would do that in front of his in-laws?"

Alison flashed a shy smile. "Well, he's kind of a show off..."

"Would he have been alright with your father and I skinny dipping?"

The question seemed to throw her daughter for a bit of a loop. "Oh-uh, yeah, I think he would, esp—" Alison stopped there. Her husband had made no secret of the fact he thought his mother-in-law was a MILF.

"Well, I guess we'll have to remember that for next time, then."

"Yeah, I guess we will."


The next morning was hectic, the afternoon made more hectic by a phone call. "Nelson Plumbing, Hi, Tim."

"Hey Gwen, uhh, yeah, hey, it's me. Hey, uh, can you see if one of the other guys can cover my appointments this afternoon?"

"I'll take a look to see what we can do," Gwen replied, already switching to the on-screen scheduler. "Running into problems?"

"Sort of. I'm down at the Emergency Room."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Miss you

Hope you are ok



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Miss your presence

Hope you are ok



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I still check your site

Hope you are well


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hope you are ok


Thank you for all of your stories

I have always come back to check on new additions. I am concerned about you. I do hope you are well and healthy




guzzieathomeguzzieathomeover 4 years ago
Just finished full re-read, brilliant!

Fulsome praise for BB, as always.

I know it would be a big departure but I would like to see Tim and Gwen get involved intimately with say another couple.

Definitely think Gwen should let Cricket sample Tim, before finding her a couple of suitable boyfriends to choose from.

Advice_GirlAdvice_Girlover 4 years ago
Great chapter...many threads introduced

I wonder when "Wayne" might reenter the story?

And what goes on in the ER?

And when the skinny dipping becomes a family affair?

blondielover46blondielover46over 4 years ago
Fantastic as always

You always leave me yearning for the next chapter in this saga but this cliffhanger took it to a whole new level. Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Hope for the future.

I have followed this story from the start and eagerly await the next chapter. Personally, I hope that when Gwen discovers more about Allison's adventures; she will explore the possibility of including others, in addition to Cricket, into her own marriage.

WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540over 4 years ago
Always a good read

You are so imaginative. I'm willing to wager you've got something big planned for Gwen's 100th chapter.


BigBeanieBigBeanieover 4 years ago
Wonderful again.

Loving the very natural development of Gwen and her friends and family. Long may it continue.

My guess is it's one of the crew rather than Tim himself. Maybe Gwen will have to help in some way during a period of recuperation, creating new opportunities for accidentally-on-purpose exposure?

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