A Night Out

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It didn't turn out like I had planned.
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It was a beautiful warm spring evening as I sat at a bar alone. Why was I alone? Because my husband was working late again. My husband is a senior partner at a law firm in the city; he has a lot going on and people depend on him. He tells me it will not be like this forever, but it has been like this for the past 15 years.

My husband Tom is 10 years older than me, and he assures me that he is retiring at 55, "Just another five years I promise," he says. Do I believe him? No. He loves his job, especially his pro bono cases. He loves to help people who can't afford an attorney, "Public Defenders are court-appointed monkeys," Tom says.

I met Tom at my court date 17 years ago. I was in court because of a speeding ticket. It was my 3rd. My ticket was bad, 60 in a 20 in front of a school. I was worried that I might get my license taken away, so I ended up with a court-appointed attorney to plead my case. Well, I thought I had an attorney. Something happened and I found myself alone trying to figure out what to do.

The judge asked me, "How do you plead?"

Of course, I said, "Not guilty," and then followed that up with "but my attorney isn't here."

"That's not the court's problem," the judge said.

"Your honor," Tom came from out of nowhere, "traffic, you know how Long Island can be." I'm going to need a few minutes with my client, and I don't think we need to waste the court's time to resolve this matter. I'm sure we can resolve it with the Assistant DA."

"Tom," the judge said, "work it out with Brian," Brian was the Assistant DA.

"Thank you, your honor," Tom said.

The judge then looked at Tom and shook his head, but I didn't know why at the time. A few years later when Tom and I were married, the same judge told me that Tom was a ladies' man, and he knew that Tom wasn't my court-appointed attorney. He also told me that I was the only woman that was able to tame Tom.

Back to my evening alone at the bar. It was my 40th birthday and Tom planned a nice evening out with no kids. We have twin girls that my mom had for the weekend.

So, I was sitting at the hotel bar where we were spending the night, and I was drinking much too much while I was waiting for Tom.

Tom promised me he was going to leave work early. Tom works in the city, and the train ride takes over an hour to get home. Tom said he would be home by 5:00 pm, I laughed when he told me. "Kelly I'm leaving early today." Okay! I responded.

Well, Tom called me, and said "I'll meet you there at 5:30," which then turned into a text, not even a call, telling me "I'm running late" duh!

Well, it was 7:00, and I was pissed at Tom and had been drinking martinis since 5:30. That's when a very handsome man approached me.

"What's a pretty woman like you doing drinking alone?" I knew a pickup line when I heard one, but I didn't care.

"Mind if I sit here," he asked, and I gave him a nod of approval.

"My name is Jerry," he said. I saw the wedding band on his finger, so I didn't know if that was his true name or not. I just shook his hand but didn't give him my name.

Jerry, who should have gone with Ken, as in Ken and Barbie because that's who he looked like.

As we sat and talked, there was just something about Jerry. I found Jerry to be handsome, witty, and very confident. Those are three things that a drunk girl loves in a man. And a stupid drunk girl named Carol, that's me, fell for it.

I got another text from Tom, "Carol, I'm so sorry. I will be there by 9:00; I'm on the train now," I didn't even bother responding.

Jerry bought another round before telling me what he wanted to do to me. I was a little shocked at how forward he was, but I had to see if he could, and the alcohol made my decision much easier. At about 7:30, I was on my way to Jerry's hotel room.

I don't know if it was the alcohol, me being pissed at Tom, or both, but I found myself in bed with Jerry. Was I thinking about Tom, did I feel guilty? I don't know if I felt anything but Jerry's 8-inch dick in me. So, no, my drunk ass was not thinking about Tom.

Look Tom has a nice six to six in a half-inch dick and I love it and I love Tom; but do you know how big eight inches is and what it feels like? Jerry's dick was hitting spots that my dildo doesn't even reach.

But as good as it felt, I did keep an eye on my phone to see what time it was, and at 8:30, I told Jerry, "We're done here If you haven't cum yet, too bad."

I got up, went into the bathroom, cleaned up, fixed my hair, and checked on my makeup. I had told Jerry, "No glove no love," so he made sure to use a condom, which was good since I was going to be fucking Tom tonight, even if he had pissed me off, I loved him and I was not going to give my husband sloppy seconds.

Saying that just sound stupid since Jerry did just fuck me. But there's no mess to clean up. Fuck, I'm drunk and babbling, you know what I mean.

By the time I got back down to the bar, Tom was just walking in.

"Where did you come from?" Tom asked.

"The lady's room," I responded.

"Carol, I'm sorry, there's just so much going on at work."

"I forgive you, Tom. You love what you do and I'm proud of you."

We ended up skipping dinner and just had dessert and a few more drinks.

"You sure you want another drink, Carol?"

"It's my birthday and you only turn 40 once." I said slurring my words, "After I finish this drink, we're going to our hotel room, and you are going to lick my pussy and make love to me."

"You are drunk aren't you," Tom said with a smile.

Once in our room, I had Tom's pants and boxers off and his dick in my mouth. Tom's dick was DEFINITELY not as big as Jerry's, but I already knew that Tom's tongue would do a better job than Jerry's, and I wasn't disappointed. Tom is not a selfish man. He always takes care of my needs first. And since it was my birthday, my needs were satisfied over and over all night long.

The next morning, I wasn't feeling well; I felt as guilty as OJ Simpson and hoped I would get away with it too.

Tom and I walked into the dining room for brunch holding our mimosas that we were handed as we entered.

You probably saw this one coming didn't you, "Tom how are you?" a man asked. As I turned to see who it was, I choked and spit up my mimosa.

"Are you okay," Tom asked.

"I'm fine, it must have gone down the wrong pipe."

Holy fuck! What's the chance Tom would know the man I fucked last night?

"Jerry," I guess that was his real name. "This is my wife, Carol," Tom said as I was about to pass out.

"Glad to meet you, Carol," as he shook my hand. "This is my wife, Tina. Tina, this is Tom and Carol."

"Jerry, please join us for brunch," Tom said.

Oh my God! Could this weekend get any worse?

"So, what brings you to the Island? Tom asked.

"I had business on the Island yesterday, so I stayed here last night, and Tina drove out this morning to meet me for brunch. We're looking at a few areas to buy in. We're tired of living in the city."

"And it's time to start thinking about a family too, right Jerry!" Tina said.

"Yes, dear."

Oh, this guy is good. I'm nervous as hell and he's acting like it's the first time he's ever met me. He's talking about having kids with his wife after fucking me just last night.

Was I Nervous? Nervous is an understatement. Nervous is when you cheat on a spelling test, and you hope you don't get caught. I was beyond nervous; I was at that point where you're on death row, knowing your life is over and they're just testing the electric chair to make sure it works on the first try.

I must have thought I did enjoy talking with Tina. She was younger than me, maybe in her late 20s. Jerry looks like he's in his late 30s, maybe even 40. He was robbing the cradle just like Tom did with me.

Tom would always refer to me as his trophy wife. He wasn't wrong. I keep in shape, and I drive a Mercedes convertible. When Tom and I married, I was pregnant within six months, stopped working, and I have never worked a day again in my life.

I'm spoiled. The girls go to school while I go to the country club. I play pickleball with the other spoiled wives or we go to the spa. Fuck, why did I let myself be seduced by Jerry?

"Look at you two getting along so well," Tom said.

"If you guys find a place out by us, Tina you have to join the country club; we can have so much fun together," Join the country club, have fun together, what the hell did I just say? I just had sex with this woman's husband and now I was telling her we could have fun together.

"Do the two of you have plans for the rest of the day," Jerry asked.

This guy is killing me. I'm about to have a nervous breakdown and he wants to spend the day with us.

"I'd love to go to the wineries," Tina said. Of course, she would.

We finished breakfast and like a caravan, we drove to our house. Jerry in his car, me in mine, and Jerry and Tina following behind.

So, could this day get worse? Of course, it could.

"Carol, your house is beautiful," Tina said. Then Tom stepped in.

"I'll give you a quick tour and show you to your room."


"Honey," Tom said, "I told Jerry that he and Tina could stay with us for the rest of the weekend,"

"Tom that's a great idea; I wish I had thought of it." Just put the bullet in me now.

"Does anyone want a drink," I guess I was in a mimosa mood because I made a big one for myself and my new friend Tina was right by my side asking for one too. I did like her. She was fun and full of energy.

"Are you okay Carol? It's not like you to be drinking so much."

"I'm good Tom, just enjoying our company."

Tina and I were well on our way to our happy place when Tom said, "Carol, we need a cheese and cracker plate for the wineries."

You see, visiting the wineries on Long Island is an all-day event. You drive to each of the wineries, do some samplings, and sit out on the lawns eating cheese and crackers and fruit.

Once you're out east, that's what it's called, "out east" eastern Long Island, there are all kinds of fresh fruit and vegetable stands and little shops to visit. Those are all stops that need to be made on the way home.

"Tina come help me," I said." Being a mom, I have all kinds of snacks in the house. But daughters are only 10. "Look in the fridge and see if we have any cheese."

"There's American cheese," Tina said.

"That'll work. Just cut the slices into four pieces each."

"I found Cheese-Wiz too," she said, and we both giggled.

"I have Animal Crackers in the cabinet," This girl was jumping up and down with excitement. "I love animal crackers," Tina said.

I had a cooler with ice packs, and I told Tina, "Grab those snack pack puddings too."

"Are you girls ready yet," Tom asked.

Tina and I looked at each other, it was like I had just made a new friend for life. She was me when I was 25 or so.

Tina and I walked out to the car with sippy cups filled with mimosas.

"Really Carol," Tom said.

Well, we did have fun at the wineries. Especially the looks we got as Tina, and I were trying to do whippets with Cheese-Wiz.

"Taste this one, Jerry, I like it! And buy me all these bottles too." Tom was looking at an easy $500 for the bottles Tina wanted.

We hit five wineries, and next, we were off to the farmstands. Tom told us no to the little shops and made us stay in the car at the farmstand too. "We need fresh corn for dinner," I said.

"Tom, Tom, we need to stop for pies." Out east there is a great-tasting overpriced pie shop. The pies are homemade, and everyone knows this place.

We told Tom what flavors we wanted, and Tina and I shared a pie on the ride home.

It was late afternoon or maybe early evening when we returned home from the wineries and of course, Tina was off to her room to put on her bikini. She had much more energy than I had left in me, but I guess that's to be expected when you turn 40.

Was I jealous when I saw Tina in a bikini? No, I wasn't jealous; well maybe a little. There was a time when I looked as hot as Tina in a bikini. But now I'm a mom. I'm a good-looking fit 40-year-old mom, but I don't look as good as Tina anymore. Look at the tight ass on her and her tits don't sag like mine. I just sat down sulking.

"Tom," I said pouting, "my tits don't stand up like Tina's anymore. Do you still like mine?"

I looked at Jerry with squinted eyes as he was first to respond, "Carol, I'm sure your tits look fantastic."

"I hope my whole body looks as good as yours when I'm older," Tina said trying to be nice, but all I heard was that I was old.

Tina and Jerry were in the pool kissing each other and I think there was more going on under the water than I could see.

Tom was cooking steaks and sausage. I had some salads from the store already, so I didn't need to do anything, and I was too drunk to boil water for corn. So, I just sat there drinking, thinking about this weekend and how stupid I was last night. Would Jerry screw up and say something or would I. I was also trying to remember if I signed a prenuptial agreement. Tom was well off when met.

"Come in the pool Carol," Tina said.

"Come on Carol," Jerry was loving this.

I took off my coverup and walked to the pool. "Damn, you look good; doesn't she Tina," Jerry said.

"Yes, she does," Tina said, "and you still have nice tits doesn't she Jerry?"

"They look fine to me," Jerry said.

"And she has a hot ass too," Tom yelled.

Well, I may be wrong, but I felt "I want to fuck you" eyes looking up and down my body, but they weren't just Jerry's.

I jumped in the pool and Tina was right by my side. We were splashing and laughing telling jokes about our husbands, and girl stuff. But I still felt like a piece of meat and Tina was ready to pounce on me.

Jerry was off with Tom, "Dinners ready," Tom yelled.

Half a pie filled me and Tina up, so we opted to keep on drinking. "Fuck It," Tina said, "Let the men do the dishes today let's go back in the pool."

Tom cleaning up the dishes means that they'll just be piled in the sink until tomorrow morning.

"Honey, can I just leave the dishes in the sink for tomorrow," Tom asked. See, what did I say?

Tina and I were beyond drunk by this point, and I knew I would be feeling like shit tomorrow, but my guilt for cheating on Tom was gone for now.

It was time for dessert, so I stumbled into the house and returned with a bunch of ice cream sandwiches, Fruit Roll-Ups, and other assorted sucking candies and snacks. What? I have kids.

"I haven't had an ice cream sandwich in years," Jerry said.

"I used to love to suck on Blow-Pops," Tina said. And Jerry didn't miss a beat.

"You still love to blow pops."

"Shut up Jerry, you're not that old," Tina said.

"Tom is," I said.

Tom and Jerry both laughed, as Tina said, "Can I blow your pops?!!!"

That's when the night really got out of control.

Tina took off her bikini top and bottoms, "Who wants to join me in the jacuzzi?"

Tina had a firm set of breasts and perky nipples and was clean-shaven with a landing patch. I looked at Tom and I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head and I'm sure I saw his dick stirring in his shorts too. And that's when it came to me.

Fuck it, I cheated on Tom, I have no excuse for what I did, and I will never do it again. I couldn't believe what I was about to say.

"Go ahead, Tom! Get in that jacuzzi and show Tina what an old man's blow pop looks like."

I looked at Jerry and he just said, "Fine with me."

Tom looked at me like I had lost my mind and Jerry gave me a little smile because he caught on to what I was offering to my husband and why. I had guilty slut written all over my face.

"I'm not doing anything that's gonna get me into trouble once we all sobber up," Tom said.

"Guys," Jerry said, "Tina and I we kind of um swing. We swap and share and sometimes we stray and tell each other of our adventures. So, Tom, if it's okay with Carol, it's fine with Tina and me."

"Tom," I took a deep breath, "would you like to have sex with Tina?" We were beyond drunk at this point, and I was hoping Tom would just go for it. "Tom, I am not a lesbian or Bi, but I'd like to do her." I don't know where that came from.

"Carol, are you sure? I mean we're fucked up right now but sex with someone else could ruin our marriage." As Tom said this, he was already in the jacuzzi. Yes, he still had his swim trunks on, but it was as if he was looking into the sun, and I thought he would go blind if he stared much longer at Tina's tits.

"But If I said yes Tom and gave you permission, one night only, would you?"

I already knew Tina was stroking his dick under the water. But Tom was standing firm that he would not do it. Any longer and Tina would have had Tom coming in his shorts.

"If you promise not to divorce me tomorrow, I might consider it," Tom said.

That's what I was hoping to hear. What 50-year-old drunk man was going to say no to having sex with a girl half his age, when he had his wife's approval?

Now that I was comfortable Tom would go for it, it was now time to come clean, save my marriage, and clear my conscience.

You thought I wasn't going to tell Tom, didn't you?

"Tom, I have something to tell you and please promise not to get mad at me," I said with tears in my eyes.

"What is it, honey?"

"I was drunk and mad at you last night and Jerry didn't know who I was when he approached me." I was starting to sob as I spoke, "And, and, last night before you got to the restaurant," I breathed in and let out a drunken sob, "I had sex with Jerry. I have felt guilty all day. I will never let it happen again. Please don't divorce me."

I had my head down and slowly lifted it with a sad face as I looked at Tom to see if I was forgiven.

"I'm sorry to Tom," Jerry said, "I had no idea that Caol was your wife. She was sitting at the bar so lonely and she was complaining about her husband not being there on her birthday. Well, we were talking it up, had a few more drinks together, and I convinced Carol to join me in my room."

Tina looked at Tom, "It looks like you and I were left out last night. I would love for you to fuck me."

"Please, please Tom, have sex with Tina so I can stop feeling guilty for what I did to you. Think of it as a hall pass weekend. Please do this and we will be faithful to each other for the rest of our lives. I promise!"

And then Tina, that lovely girl said, "Carol, as long as it's a hall pass weekend, can we play after I ride Tom into an early grave?"

"That sounds like fun to me," Tom said, "but only one time, and then our life goes back to normal."

What a fucked-up weekend this turned out to be. Tom took Tina to our bedroom while I did my best to have an intelligent conversating between two drunk adults, while our spouses were fucking each other. Jerry just laughed at how nervous I was.

"It'll all be fine Carol. Trust me, Tina will make sure Tom forgives you."

About an hour and a half later, Tom came walking out to the pool area and Jerry handed him a cigar.

I looked at Tom and asked, "Are we good Tom?"

Tom kissed me on the forehead and said, "As long as it never happens again. Now get up to our bedroom, Tina's waiting for you."

Well, this weekend was a first for everything. I cheated on my husband, and I told my husband he could have sex with the wife of the man I had cheated on him with and now I was going to have sex with her too.

"What the hell, you only live once," I said.

It was 10:00 Sunday morning when Tina and I emerged from the bedroom wearing our bikinis and I had the biggest smile ever on my face.

Tom and Jerry had already picked up bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel for us.

"Look at you two," Tom and Jerry said."

We were both hung over and Tom handed each of us a mimosa.