A Nude Troubadours Production


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Kate cried out loudly, finding herself in a state of heightened sensitivity, swimming with visions of wild public sex. The fantasy twisted about in her head until she imagined herself as Phryne again, surrounded by all her gypsy friends; naked and feminine, hairy and wild, oozing with sexuality and power. She imagined a throng of innocent men from Bracciano, having wandered into the forest, their clothes freshly torn off by her clawed hands, their stiff phalluses overwhelmed with the sight of the gypsies' unrestrained sexual prowess.

She imagined Dan was one of those men, buried between her legs as a groaning orgy erupted all around her.

She imagined being on the stage again. Brittany and Nicholas were fucking. Paige was riding Josh. Jenny was helping herself to Terrance's delicious, shiny cock. The sights and sounds of raw, uninhibited lust flashed through her mind, as did the expressions of a shocked audience, sitting there with painful bulges in their pants or hardened nipples poking at their shirts, scandalized and delighted by an imaginary, choreographed cornucopia of sex devised to spice up the performance.

Kate laughed out loud at the thrill of her own fantasy. She scooped up her breasts and squeezed them, throwing her head back and groaning as she played with her nipples. Suffering the delirious enjoyment of Dan's efforts, she felt herself virtually losing a sense of what was real and what was pure imagination.

"Ngh... yeah... eat my pussy..." she whimpered as Dan's appetite grew more voracious. He sucked at her labia, circled her clit and flicked his tongue over it as he continued to work her into a frenzy with his playful tongue. She discovered herself to be absolutely soaking, so much so that the floor beneath her felt damp.

"Jesus... you're coming so much..." Dan said out of bewilderment, his face and hands now thoroughly coated in Kate's juices.

Kate continued to whine with pleasure as she listened to the wet, squelching sound of her body. She imagined that the people in the front row could hear her body's liquid delight, that they would suddenly experience a phantom savory taste on their lips, a distinct feminine odor wafting past their noses, swept up into her beautiful anguish as if they were participants themselves.

Unable to take anymore, Kate blurted out, "Dan... I want them to see us fuck..."

Kate quickly laid down on the floor with her head near the edge of the stage. She watched Dan face the audience, reaching down to clutch at his fiercely erect cock with a trembling hand. Kate wrapped her legs around his body, ensnaring him between her limbs and drawing him closer. Dan frantically angled his penis at the entrance of her vagina, then rubbed his thick cockhead back and forth through the loose flesh of her labia.

"Do it... I want everyone to see you penetrate my body..." she continued, struggling to form words.

Finally, Dan eased his cock forward, driving it snuggly into the innermost reaches of Kate's body. Her head rolled from side to side as she sharply inhaled, listening to his deep, guttural groans. She lifted her head briefly, anxious to view their interconnected bodies. She watched her own, fuzzy labia splitting wide, the flash of bright pink, his thick shaft forcing its way deep into her body as his swollen cockhead tunneled its way to her core, forcing her to expand and stretch to maximum capacity.

Dan quickly began thrusting forward and back, gazing down at her body in wonder as it eagerly received him. Soon he was sweaty, grunting, and frantic with desire. Kate was driven wild by the distinctly heady scent of his arousal as he fucked her, mixed with the familiar scent of her own body. She imagined the audience watching them, passionately entwined, full of sexual vigor and excitement. It was wild, aggressive, and scandalous. In her head, they were still performing a show for an entire crowd of curious onlookers.

"Fuck! Fuck!" she repeated, feeling his body pounding against hers, his hard cock slipping through the slick, creamy tunnel of her body. She reached down and began rubbing her clit furiously to heighten the sensation. The sight of her own breasts jostling back and forth on her chest drove her wild if only because she imagined the tantalized men in the audience watching them bounce and sway.

"Dan-- I'm coming!" she cried out, arching her back in agony.

He groaned loudly at the sensation of her body quaking with a sudden orgasm. Dan seemed to be exerting himself so frantically that exhaustion already began to set in.

After recovering, Kate threw him off her body and wrestled him to the floor with a mischievous grin. She quickly climbed onto his body, grasping for his upright cock and guiding it to the entrance of her body. She sunk her hips down and felt him fill her once again. With a firm scooping motion, she began to rock her hips forward and back, easing into a steady rhythm.

Dan observed Kate's wide grin as her eyes darted back out over the room. Now completely in tune with what lit Kate's fire, he joked, "Shakespeare was right-- all the world's a stage and we are quite the players!"

Kate laughed happily at his corny joke. She threw her hands behind her head and opened her elbows wide, presenting her chest to the room. "Alas, I may look like an innocent flower, but there be a serpent under it!" She shook her chest, sending her breasts into a spirited wobble as if attempting to hypnotize the room with the playful dance of her pink nipples.

Excited by their merriment and emotion, Kate began riding Dan faster, thundering up and down on his swollen cock with glee. Alternating between Dan's eyes and the swath of seats, Kate resumed scanning the room, pretending it was still full of anxious, straining, aroused bodies unable to do anything to relieve their secret excitement. When she reached the seats that had been occupied by her family, she quickly replaced them with some of her old school friends; guys she suddenly wanted to be sitting there, watching her being fucked, jealously imagining being in Dan's place.

She imagined them watching her joyously bouncing breasts as her body rebounded off Dan's. She imagined their eyes affixed to his steely, upright cock, dripping with her cum, driving upward through her tight, pink hole that stretched wide to receive his enormous girth.

They fucked passionately, Kate anxious to maximize the intense pleasure from Dan's aching member, Dan frantically coaxing his hips against hers in an attempt to do the same. He reached up and grasped at her quivering, full breasts, warm and full of intrepid animation.

"Ugh... Kate... I can't... I'm almost there..." he eventually began to groan.

Kate threw herself off him with excited anticipation. She sat on her knees, alert with anticipation as she watched him suddenly begin to stroke himself.

"Come in my mouth!" she exclaimed. "I want everyone to watch you come for me!"

Dan rose to his knees and thrust his cock forward. Kate lunged for it and took him back in her mouth. She began to suck him furiously, running her hands over his muscular glutes as she plunged him deeper and deeper.

"Nggh, Kate... Shit... Kate!" he exclaimed as she worked him with desperate vigor.

Then she heard a long, deep groan rent the air. All of a sudden, Dan exploded in her mouth. As if she had released a valve, Kate felt a warm flood of semen dart across her tongue and shoot toward the back of her mouth. Another warm jet launched from his cock, and another. She felt him spasming with pleasure over and over as he continued to groan and squirt wildly, emptying himself with desperation into the wet cavity of her mouth. She swallowed eagerly, enamored and fascinated by his forceful emissions and the intimate pleasures that had inspired them.

Dan fell backward to sit on his knees and then leaned back onto his hands. His chest swelled and contracted rapidly as he tried to catch his breath, still dizzy from the intense crisis his body had just suffered. Kate wrapped her arms around him and laughed. He squeezed her tight and then moved to the edge of the stage. Exhausted and spent, they sat side by side to catch their breath and process the wild venting of erotic energy that had just taken place.

For a brief moment, they sat there glassy-eyed and still provoked by their own unexpected boldness. An abrupt and staggering silence surrounded them in the barren room, given the raucousness of their recent activity.

Then... out of the blue, a slow clapping emerged from the shadows on the far side of the theatre.

A few more unseen hands began to clap, sending a small flurry of applause rattling off the walls.

Kate gasped and stood up, flush with horror and squinting toward the back of the room. She felt like she had that vicious spotlight on her, obscuring her vision. Surprised, Dan also hurried to his feet and cast a bewildered look across the room. The two of them gawked at the sight of a shadowy figure stepping gradually out of the shadows beyond the fleet of empty seats. It ambled into the aisle, rapping two hands together with a certain sadistic glee.

Moments later, Jenny's familiar figure came into view as she waltzed down the aisle with a smirk on her face. Her curvy, naked body moved with a devilish sass. Even her breasts, with their swollen, thick nipples seemed to exhibit a kind of mirthful swagger.

Josh and Terrence emerged behind her, each of them clapping, their faces flooded with a sense of wonder and disbelief. Kate looked down and discovered them both to be at the peak of physical arousal, seemingly unashamed at the fact that their engorged penises wavered stiffly before their bodies, side by side, as they approached the stage.

Jenny skipped forward and clasped her hands together. "That - was - fucking - amazing!" she exclaimed. "We're going to need to add a sex scene to one of our performances," she added with a wry grin.

Kate and Dan stared at them in shock. "How long have you been there?!" Kate blurted out. "Did... you see..."

"... Everything," Jenny said, finishing Kate's sentence. "We came in to pick up some extra programs but hid when we saw you walk in and start to... uh... you know."

"We were gonna try to slip out, but..." Terrence added.

Josh interjected, "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone what you did -- if you won't tell anyone that we had fun watching!" He began to chuckle.

"But... we thought everyone had left..." Kate said, still processing the fact that her friends had seen and heard everything that had just transpired between her and Dan on the stage.

"Nah, we just went out back for a smoke," Josh explained.

"Naked?!" Kate exclaimed, still exasperated.

Jenny laughed. "Brittany taught us to prop the fire exit open. It's safe once everyone leaves."

"Jesus..." Dan muttered.

"Anyway, thanks for the encore!" Jenny concluded with a wide grin.

"Um... you're welcome?" Kate replied, bashfully. Terrence smirked and turned to leave. He tugged at Jenny's arm as if to suggest that they still ought to offer some privacy.

"Well, see you guys tomorrow!" Terrance said, waving back at them as he made his way off to the changing rooms. Josh turned to follow him. Jenny gave Kate and Dan a wink and headed out, seeming pleased with her discovery of their secret tryst, like a teenager who'd just acquired some juicy gossip.

Kate stood there stunned. She waited in perfect silence for the unexpected visitors to exit and then threw her head in her hands, whining, "Oh my god, I'm so fucking embarrassed..."

Dan started chuckling. Kate looked up at him, astonished at his response.

"What?..." he asked before giving a shrug.

Kate was red and fighting back nervous laughter, prompted by the amusement on Dan's face. "How can you be so cool about it? The things I said..." she muttered. "... what we did..."

Kate thought about all the dirty things that had come out of her mouth, how she had begged for an audience without realizing one was there, how she had flaunted her desires so openly and the aggressive way they had just fucked, believing themselves to be alone. She couldn't believe that their friends had seen everything she and Dan had just done together.

"Oh - yeah... because it's sooo shocking to think that a member of an all-nude performance company might actually have a little exhibitionist streak in her..." Dan laughed.

Kate was taken aback. An exhibitionist! She'd never considered that before. Suddenly it made a little sense. That word felt like a seed that he had planted in her mind. It began to grow...

Dan began to pace back and forth on stage. His eyes seemed electric with activity. His smirk seemed to reveal a wish to relish in that moment of realization of what had just happened. Kate watched him pause at the edge of the stage, standing there proudly, feeling confident in what they had just shared, having no regrets. There he was, profoundly sexy, talented and sharp-witted, eager to embark on wild adventures with her. She felt a swell of emotion inside.

Dan contemplated something in silence for a moment, then grinned and announced, "Well, you know what Shakespeare would have had to say about this..."

Kate looked up at him, a small smirk forming on her face. She knew he was about to say something hilariously corny and stupid. It was already well-established that each was always vying to out-pun the other. Kate wanted nothing more than to be reckless and silly with him, day in and day out.

"What's that?" she said, cautiously.

Dan chuckled, "He would have called it..."

"... Much Ado About Nothing!" they shouted in unison as Kate threw her hands up in the air, accenting the gesture with an impish eye roll. They exchanged wicked smiles.

With nothing left to do but finally abandon her embarrassment and embrace the evening for what it was, Kate tackled Dan with a barrage of kisses.

The frisky sounds of their affections echoed through the empty theatre and skittered across the walls. Kate closed her eyes and listened, content to receive the quiet reverberations like sweet applause.


"A Nude Troubadours Production" was submitted to the 2019 Nude Day contest. If you enjoyed this story, please consider voting by clicking a star! Also, remember to check out the other great submissions by your favorite Lit authors. Thanks for reading -- and here's to a Happy Nude Day!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story, would have liked to hear what the family thought of seeing their daughter naked on stage and how she moved on from there. Was she ever naked at home in front of her father or brother. Think there could be another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

All that fun without a single’Turgid!’ Lol. Fun!

Argle55Argle55over 2 years ago

pure awesomeness :)

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderover 2 years ago

So nice and juicy and enthusiastic. Full of the joys of discovery and excess!

Rhg12345Rhg12345over 2 years ago

Brilliant. Beautifully written. The Shakespearean-styled quotes are perfect.

testdrivertestdriverabout 4 years ago
That really surprised me

With the cleverness of its construction. And hot sex :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
You are

A slap yo momma amazing with your story telling.

SolarRaySolarRayalmost 5 years agoAuthor

@A_Little_Show: LOL what a great comment! Thanks so much!

A_Little_ShowA_Little_Showalmost 5 years ago
I love love LOVE this story

This story exactly tickles my kinks. It is written beautifully with believable inner dialog and steamy hot sex. I was in Kate's head the whole time. I listened through headphones while my phone read it to see on a long drive. [I was in the passenger seat] I would have cum in the car somewhere around Columbia SC if the kids hadn't been in the back.

nubianjocknubianjockalmost 5 years ago
Great Tale!

I really enjoyed the wholesomeness and believability of your characters. While I expected her brother to come out of f the shadows, the cast mates were a nice surprise. Looking forward to reading more of your stories. Well done!

SolarRaySolarRayalmost 5 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback anon! Privates1stClass: Ha, I like to imagine he would! Thanks everyone for your votes and support.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Deserves a Sequel.

Would have given it 5 stars as I loved the whole thing, brilliant concept, well told, good start, middle and ending and a nice twist at the ending. Settled on 4 stars though as the one missing point for me would have been the response of her family or perhaps an extra twist at the end to discover they were not the only ones on stage.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 5 years ago
I think Shakespeare would have approved

He wrote some bawdy stuff, so he'd have enjoyed a Nude Troubadours Production.

Great story. Good luck in the contest.

SolarRaySolarRayalmost 5 years agoAuthor

Hey, thanks so much everyone! I'm grateful for your reads and really appreciate your feedback. It was a fun challenge to weave a little bit of Shakespeare into a light-hearted exhibitionism story. Happy Nude Day!

JjonestJjonestalmost 5 years ago
Wonderful Tale

This both made me feel like I was really watching it and feel like I was experiencing it at the same time. Great job detailing the emotions, thoughts and actions while weaving in some Shakespeare to boot! Five stars!

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