A Phone Call to Judy Ch. 01


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And when she told me what it felt like when he exploded inside her, it was like a jolt of electricity directly to my clit. My cunt began to throb and contract, squeezing my fingers over and over again, as I pressed my legs together, trying to hold on to those last delicious feelings. It was one of the best orgasms I'd ever experienced. I was too wrapped up in my own sensations to know for sure, but I think Judy came with me at that moment.

When my mind cleared and I could talk again, I quickly said good night and hung up the phone, embarrassed at what I must have sounded like when I climaxed.

Later, it was as if that night had never happened. Judy and I never talked about it, but happily, things seemed to be the same between us as before, at least on the surface. But for me, it was not the same. I was attracted to Judy, but had no idea what to do about it.


A few years later, our company was taken over by a larger competitor and there was a big shakeup in management. Judy and I were among those who were laid off in the reorganization and "downsizing." Both of us had spent over 15 years with that company—our entire working lives.

I understood intellectually that it was just business and no real reflection on me, but it was a devastating blow. I know Judy felt the same, but we didn't have much of a chance to talk about it before our final day at the company rolled around.

I was fortunate in that my husband had just landed a great new job with a salary that made it unnecessary for me to work. But I decided to start a consulting business to help me stay busy. We moved to the city where his new position was located and I left my friends from my old company, including Judy, behind.

I stayed in touch with a few of them and exchanged a few e-mails with Judy. But even though I often thought of Mr. Big and our late night telephone conversation at that planning retreat, we sort of went our own ways and lost touch.

But as the days went on, I felt as if something very important was missing from my life. I missed my friends, I missed going in every day to the company where I had worked ever since college.

My husband was terribly busy with his own career and we hardly saw each other. Our sex life went to hell in a hand basket. I knew I wanted something more. But what?

One day I was surfing the internet and out of curiosity, I tried to find some erotic stories online. David and I had always enjoyed reading erotica as part of our foreplay, and I thought some new stories might spice things up for us. I stumbled across literotica.com and began to read.

The site opened a whole new world to me and caused me to begin thinking about my sexuality in new ways. I was fascinated, intrigued, and frequently turned on. I left comments on the stories that I read and wrote to authors telling them how I had enjoyed their work. I struck up a couple of good online friendships with some authors, and that led me into the world of chatting, and yes, cybering.

After reading the stories for a couple of months, I decided I could probably write something as good as some of the things I had read on the site. I didn't have much real life experience to draw on, but the stories and chats had begun to expand my imagination about sex, so I gave it a try.

My first story was to be a multipart series about some experiences during my college days. But after the first installment I lost interest (goes to show about my real life experiences) and I moved on to other topics.

One of the stories I wrote was a fictionalized account of my company's planning retreat and all the things that led up to my masturbation session on the phone with Judy. I recounted her tales of Mr. Big, and told how I felt as I got myself off listening to her. It was a pretty good story, if I say so myself. And I got a lot of great feedback from the readers.

It's funny, but the thought kept running through my head, wondering whether Judy might somehow stumble across the story and realize it was about her . . . and me, even though I had changed the names and some of the other details. I knew it was a million to one chance that she would ever see it. But the idea that she might just kept swirling around in my brain, making me excited, aroused and apprehensive, all at the same time.

Then one day, my consulting business took me back to the town where I had lived and worked those many years. And, as fate would have it, I ran into Judy having lunch at a restaurant. We hugged warmly, tried quickly to catch up on what we had been doing. It was obvious we had too much to say for just a quick chat, so we agreed to meet for a drink and catch up later that day.

When we got together at the bar that evening, I could tell that the past year had taken its toll on Judy. She wasn't the same ebullient woman I remembered. I had been fortunate to be able to move on with my life after we were laid off. She, on the other hand, had to stay there in town because of her husband's job and try to find other work. And jobs were not easy to find in such a small town, especially a position like the one Judy had worked herself into at our old company.

They got by for nearly a year on the generous severance package she'd received, but the time came when she had to go back to work to help ends meet. So she took a job as a secretary at another large company there in town, and she was understandably feeling that she was right back where she started nearly fifteen years ago.

I studied her face as we sat there and sipped our drinks. She was not the young girl that I had met over 15 years before when we started working together. But she was still lovely, perhaps even more so. Her face was a bit fuller now, her curves a bit rounder. But those deep blue eyes were still mesmerizing, though they didn't seem to have quite the sparkle that evening. Her dark brown hair was still full and thick, and it fell in soft waves to her shoulders.

As we talked about our new lives, I could see this sadness in her body language, even though she was too "tough" to let anyone see her cry. So I reached over and hugged her tight and told her how sorry I was for how things had turned out.

I went on to tell her about the sense of loss I had been feeling, too, and how it had affected my life. I told her, half kidding, that I had resorted to writing porn for this internet site to help fill my days.

She looked at me in disbelief. I had never been very open about my own sex life with her because I didn't really have that much to tell. So the idea that I would be writing erotica seemed to surprise and fascinate her.

"So my straight laced Sarah is a pornographer," she teased. "I could have thought for a year and not come up with that hobby for you."

Then she looked at me and said softly, "Can I read some of your stories?"

Right then I had a decision to make. And I didn't make it without a great inner struggle. But I thought back to that night at the planning retreat. How I had felt hearing her talk in soft tones about how Mr. Big had fucked her, how he had turned her on like no one else ever had. And I knew what I would do.

"I'll send you a link," I told her, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

When I got home late that night, I turned on my computer and sent a quick e-mail to Judy. "Here's a little sample," it read. "Hope you enjoy it."

And then I sent the link to the story about our planning retreat. I was almost hyperventilating by the time I copied the link to the e-mail, but I quickly hit send before I could back out. I sat there and stared at the computer screen for a very long time, wondering what I had done.


For the next week, I couldn't wait to jump out of bed and check my e-mail, hoping for some kind of response from Judy. But by the end of the week, I had decided that I'd made a very big mistake. She had undoubtedly been royally pissed off that I had turned that experience into an erotic story and posted it online for the whole world to see. She was probably telling everyone that we used to work with what a pervert I'd become.

But late Friday afternoon my cell phone rang. I could see from the caller ID that it was Judy. My hands were shaking so hard that I could barely push the button to answer it.

"I read your story,' she whispered.

Then there was this long pause. It was excruciating.

"So, what did you think?" I asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as I could under the circumstances.

"I came that night, too," she sighed, "at the planning retreat."

My knees turned to jelly and I collapsed into the chair, not knowing what to say next. But she didn't wait for me to respond.

"That was the sexiest thing I have ever read," she continued, her voice still unusually quiet.

"Oh god, Judy, I'm so glad you liked it! I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to talk with you about that night, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

"It's okay. It's probably a good thing you didn't tell me about it sooner. I would have probably called you a perv and cussed you out."

"So what changed?"

"I think it was that day you came to town and we talked. You really 'got' how I was feeling and you were willing to be so honest with me about yourself. And besides," she added, "I really needed that hug right then."

"Where do we go from here?" I asked, having absolutely no idea what she might say.

"So, do you want to hear more about Mr. Big?" This time I could hear a smile in her voice. But I also knew she wasn't kidding.

"Of course I do!"

"All right, Sarah, are you by yourself?"


"Then take your clothes off and go lie on your bed." Her voice was barely above a whisper. It had that same breathy sound I remembered from that night at the retreat.

"I'm already undressed, Sarah," she whispered, "and I've been lying here getting ready, thinking about how you must have looked that night. My nipples are hard and you wouldn't believe how wet I am."

Well, she hardly had the words out of her mouth before I was exactly the same way. Wet. Open. Needing to be touched.

"I'm ready, Judy," I told her breathlessly after I had shed my clothes in record time and thrown myself onto the bed. "God, am I ever ready."

"All right, Sarah," she instructed. "You don't have to say anything unless you want to. But if you want to tell me what you're doing or feeling, I'd love that. Okay?"

"Okay," I said, the word almost sticking in my throat, which had gone dry with nervousness and excitement.

"The thing I've never told you about Mr. Big, his name was actually Gary, was how he literally owned me," she began, her voice low and breathy. "Once I saw his cock for the first time, that was it. I had to have it. I just needed it, you know? I would have done anything to have him."

"Um hum," I responded softly, as I let my hands drift over my neck, my chest, my breasts.

"And god, when he fucked me for the first time, I knew I would do anything for him. I mean anything." I could hear Judy shifting the phone around, presumably to allow her hands the freedom to touch herself as I was doing.

"One night he called me and said he wanted to take me out dancing. He said to be sure and wear a skirt, a sort one. So I thought I'd go him one better. I found this little thing with a tartan plaid that made me look just like a school girl, and I knew it was the one."

"Mmmmm. How short was it?"

"It barely covered my ass, Sarah. But I knew that's how he wanted it. I borrowed a white button up shirt from one of my guy friends and bought a pair of knee socks to wear with my Mary Janes. I looked like quite the little teenage slut."

"Oh fuck," was all I could manage as I began to pinch my nipples, sending little jolts of pleasure directly to my clit.

"So when Gary came to pick me up, he loved it. I could see that big cock of his starting to make a tent out of his jeans."

"Mmmmmm," I moaned softly. "What are you doing right now, Judy?"

"I'm lying here with my legs spread apart with one hand on my clit, rubbing it very slowly and touching my breasts with the other one."

"Oh god, Judy, I can just picture you."

"I know. I can see you, too, baby."

I left one hand on my breast and moved the other one slowly and lightly over my belly until I could feel the coarse dark hair on my mound. It was already wet with my arousal, and I slipped two fingers inside just a little, not wanting to move too fast.

"Sarah," she whispered. "I want us to cum together."

I felt a little spasm in my pussy when she said that. "Ohhhhhh, I want that, too."

"So he took me out to this little club where they had a small dance floor with several tables and booths in the back. It was pretty dark, you know. I felt really self-conscious being dressed like that, but when I reached down and put my hand on Gary's cock, I knew he was as excited as I was, so it seemed okay."

The thought of her caressing that big tool on the ride to the bar made my juices flow even more freely, and I raised my fingers to my lips to taste myself. Of course, in my mind, I was tasting Judy.

"So we sat in a back booth, and Gary ran his hand up the inside of my thigh." She was almost breathless now, whispering these intimate things to me as I lay there with the phone propped against my ear, my feet flat on the bed, knees wide apart. "And he ran his finger over the outside of my panties. Of course, they were already soaked."

I let out a soft moan and slid two fingers deep inside and used the heel of my hand to grind on my swollen clit, rocking back and forth to the sound of Judy's voice.

"Then he whispered in my ear, 'Take them off. Now.' And, Sarah, I did what he said. I took my panties off right there in the booth. He took them from my hand, held them to his face, held them to my face, so we could both smell my arousal. Then he shoved them in his pocket."

"Ohhhhhhhh," was all I could manage.

"Then he led me out onto the dance floor for this slow dance. He was so tall, I had to reach way up to put my arms around his neck, and I knew my bare ass would show if I did. And, my god, I did it anyway. I just showed myself to anyone who wanted to look. And Gary took those big hands of his and put one on each side of my ass and pulled me to him, until his cock was rubbing against my belly. We didn't really dance; we just sort of stood there and swayed with the music."

"Oh fuck, Judy," I hissed, "are you close?" My three fingers were plunging in and out of my wet cunt, while my other hand worked my clit.

"Yesssssssssss," she said breathlessly, I'm so close. My ass is propped up on a pillow and I'm fucking myself with my fingers."

"Oh my god, if I touch myself one more time, I can't hold back anymore," I panted. "But I have to know what happened."

"I'm barely hanging on by my fingernails, Sarah. I'll try and hold off so we can cum together."

She tried to finish the rest of her story between her panting and moaning. "So after the song was over . . . mmmmm . . . Gary led me from the dance floor and down this dark hall toward the bathrooms . . . Ohhhhh . . . but before we got to the bathrooms . . . he leaned me up against the wall and slipped his hand under my skirt . . . mmmmm . . . and started playing with me. Fuck, I was so wet, my thighs and crack were just slick."

With that, I drew my feet up even closer to me and forced my knees wider apart. The skin was stretched tight around my clit and the tingling was almost unbearable. The spasms were getting more frequent as my fingers slowed their movement to match Judy's pace.

"While he was fingering me with one hand, he used the other to unfasten his belt, and then his jeans. I was going crazy wanting him. I was past the point of caring . . . mmmmm. . . whether anyone saw us, but I was scared to death . . . ummmm . . . that we'd get thrown out and arrested. But I just closed my eyes and reached up, grabbed his neck and helped him as he lifted me up and pinned me against the wall with his cock buried deep inside me."

"Fuccckkkkk!" I screamed into the receiver as my orgasm ripped through my body.

"I'm cummmmminggggg! Judy screamed back, her words punctuated with pants, groans, then finally whimpers.

As I listened to her on the other end of the line, my back arched, my hips bucked up and down on the bed as I tried to force my fingers as far inside my throbbing cunt as they could possibly go. I bit my lower lip until I tasted blood, but I couldn't have cared less. All I could think about at that moment was this intense burning at the very center of my being that seemed to radiate out to every extremity, and back again to my cunt.

My eyes were clamped shut, but I could still see a picture of Judy, shoved up against the wall, impaled on that huge cock and begging to be taken by Mr. Big.

As I was coming down from that incredible orgasm, I suddenly realized that the phone had been thrown off the bed. I reached quickly down on the floor to pick it up, my hand still wet with my cum.

"Judy?" I panted into the phone. "Are you there?"

"Oh, fuck, Sarah. I think I am. That was amazing."

"Oh god, I know it. Thank you so much . . . for everything."

"Shit! My husband's going to be home in 20 minutes. I'm so sorry, but I have to go. I just wish we could lie here and enjoy this a little more."

"It's okay, Judy. I understand. And it was truly wonderful. Do you think . . . we can do it again?" I asked, my voice trailing off.

"Hell yes we're gonna do it again," Judy laughed. "But there's one condition."

"What's that?"

"Next time we'll be in the same place, and I'll get to see the expression on your beautiful face when I make you cum."

And with that, I heard a click and the dial tone. And all I could do was whisper, "Oh my god," over and over again.

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perejohn41perejohn41about 1 month ago

Loved it. So hot. I can just picture those two girls on the phones talking to each other as they fingered themselves. Wow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I shared a hotel room with a work friend on a business trip. When she called her husband from the room, they wound up having phone sex. I went to leave the room as I realized what was happening but she pushed me back into the chair motioning to me to stay. Her dialogue drifted to her having sex with me. I got so horned up I was soaked as I listened. She slid her fingers to her crotch as she spun her story on the phone. I had to do the same. I came faster than her husband. I never thought I was bi until that night.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Mmmmmmm. That was wonderful. Going to start reading chapter two now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

You have painted a clear picture of these two women. Better still would be that your words and ideas made this story a must read from start to finish.

Great work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Damn i am soooooooo turned on right now i came just reading your story

Fantastic work write more plz love it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
That was amazing in so many ways. Bravo!

Perfect story. Sexy, intelligent, erotic. Perfect.

bigbird25059815bigbird25059815over 12 years ago

Brilliant on so many levels! Mmm

juci_lucijuci_lucialmost 13 years ago

oh pixie, you know only too well how to turn me on!!! loved this story and my pussy did too!!! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Awesome story! Dripping and going to play with my favorite toy as soon as I post this! Keep em cumming:)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I wish I had a friend like Judy... ;)

Amazing story. Well done!

I'm super-hot and wet... planning on touching myself as soon as I finish this comment. Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


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