A Photographic Memory


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"Just a couple of things before we start, Lisa." He called me over to him and pulled a printed form from his camera bag. "I just need you to sign this model release form. And we need to agree a fee."

That was something that had never even crossed my mind.

"How much do you usually pay?" I asked him, completely out of my depth.

He named a price that sounded generous to me, and I signed his form. In return he wrote me a cheque and I was, for the moment at least, a professional glamour model.

"I think I ought to warn you." He said, as he passed me the cheque. Here it comes I thought. "That I make it a habit to take my own clothes off if I'm asking my model to undress; I think it's only fair."

"Yes." I managed a smile. "I know. I saw everything."

"Hmm. Yes, I suppose you did -- in both senses." He smiled back, completely unconcerned.

He stood looking about him for a moment or two and then seemed to make some kind of decision.

"Right girls. If you'd like to get ready." I knew what that meant and the randy surge that I had felt earlier fled rapidly, chased away by abject fear. "You can leave your things beside this boulder, and then they won't get into shot."

I looked at Corrine and gave her a wan smile, trying to look at ease and failing miserably. She smiled back, whispering that it would be fine, and began to undo the belt of her jeans.

I'd been naked on the moor many times, but never in the company of two naked strangers, and I felt extremely vulnerable when my virginally white panties finally joined the little pile of clothing by the rock. Through my own fault I was wearing less than the others to begin with, but I had deliberately taken my time in undressing so as not to be the first to be naked. It hadn't occurred to me that the others could then stand and watch me hook my fingers under my waistband and push my panties down my legs.

"Very nice." Brett commented, his eyes giving my nakedness a once over. "You'll do nicely. I'm glad you're a proper blonde, we can use the contrast between yours and Corrine's colourings."

In his words there was not a hint of racism or vulgar insinuations. It was simply a professional observation, and it helped me immensely.

"Ready girls?"

Both Corrine and I nodded our agreement, she with much more willingness than I.

Our first pose was on the top of a large granite slab, where he had us sitting propped on one arm with our legs folded beside us like bookend versions of the little mermaid statue in Copenhagen. There were several versions of this first pose. In some we faced each other, in others we looked away over our shoulders. The only thing they all had in common was that they required no physical contact between Corrine and I.

I assume he chose this position purposely as it let me ease myself into posing without displaying too much, and I was duly grateful. As I have said, I'm not shy about my body, but as yet I was not sure what was required of me and how well I could deliver. Such a toe dipping introduction was just what I needed. It was, however, the only pose in which we would not be in contact, from then on we posed together.

I must admit that I don't recall all the details of all the poses he put us through, there were so many. I just remember him giving instructions, circling around us, taking shots from all sides, and from above and below, so I don't remember everything. It was too intense, too erotic and too bewildering to take it all in, and I'm left with just the highlights, snapshots of our amazing afternoon. I've seen the photos, but even they don't convey it all.

I do remember very clearly, however, the first physical contact of any kind between Corrine and myself. We were still imitating that famous little mermaid and he directed her to move behind me so that we overlapped and she looked out over my folded legs. I remember then the soft gentle touch of her hand resting on my thigh, and the smooth velvet feel of her skin under mine. I glanced down at it, mesmerized by the contrast between the paleness of my skin and the rich brownness of hers, only to be reprimanded for moving. But he was right that we would compliment each other with the difference.

I also remember him making us raise one knee, so opening our legs and exposing our pussies. For Corrine this was probably no big deal, but for me it was. I'd never had my pussy photographed before, not even by a boyfriend, so it was quite a serious thing for me. Even so, as he lined up and took that first picture I got a hell of a buzz from hearing that shutter click. It meant that somewhere in the world men, who I had never met and never likely to, would be staring at my bits and maybe even wanking over them. I closed my eyes briefly and took in a deep breath as I contemplated that exposure and felt the thrill it generated. I'd got over any inhibitions I have had and now I could pose anyway Brett wanted.

Still on top of the slab, he then had me sit cross-legged with Corrine kneeling behind me, shooting her first with her hands on my shoulders, and then letting her move closer to put her hands around my waist, making me aware of the soft cushion of her breasts and the hard buttons of her nipples against my back. I sighed again within and felt my arousal awaken once more. I'm not into women, but I couldn't help but be turned on just a little by the intimacy of that sensation.

I think he was alert to my mood for he then had her move her hands, this time to cup my breasts in her palms, letting my nipples peak out from between her fingers. Was he testing me? I'm not certain, but I wasn't about to complain, that's for sure. She squeezed my breasts, holding them out as if presenting them to the camera, smiling out over my shoulder while I gazed passively down at those dark fingers around the pink of my nipples. I wondered, maybe hoped, if he would have me doing the same to Corrine.

We went through more postures and positions atop of that granite slab, none of which I remember clearly simply because none of them had the same impact as that little series of 'firsts' for me, but by the time we slid back down onto the grass we were used to feeling each others hands on our skins, resting sensuously on legs, around waists, on shoulders, even interlacing platonic fingers like sisters. He had posed us with knees drawn up, legs extended, open and closed, all the time moving around us, camera pointing and clicking, recording our nakedness, our vulnerabilities, for some unnamed American magazine. I was beginning to wonder just how many positions we could find ourselves in.

He led us over to a large granite boulder that he used as a backdrop, our smooth brown and white bodies standing out in beautiful contrast with the mottled grey of the granite behind us. It was there that he had us in what I still think of as his best, most erotic pose. I stood on one leg leaning back against the granite, gazing up with an arm thrown out above my head, and the other leg bent with the foot planted flat against the surface of the stone. Corrine knelt at my feet, gazing up at me, her hands around the thigh of the leg I stood on, as if holding me up. I remember feeling the soft feel of the hair on the back of her head resting against my raised thigh and the sensation of her cheek just, and only just, touching against my pubes.

I realised quite suddenly that her face was literally millimetres from my pussy, my naked and very moist pussy, and that if she wished, she could turn her head and kiss me in that most intimate of places. She didn't, of course, but I also realised that if she had, I wouldn't have stopped her. I was already turned on, and the thought was only serving to heighten my arousal. My only concern was that she would smell my aroused pussy and sense how horny I beginning to feel. I'm pretty sure I blushed, but with my head tilted back and my face averted, I got away with it.

Brett then reversed our positions, as he had with several previous poses, putting us in the same positions but with Corrine standing and me kneeling before her. Her thigh muscles felt firm under my hands and her belly soft against my face, especially when I deliberately nestled my cheek onto her pubes. I don't think either of them really noticed, but I had, of course, done it to check. I wasn't absolutely certain, but I was pretty sure that the heady musk of a randy woman reached me from between her legs, and it was nice to know that our session was affecting her as it was me.

More moves, more positions, more contact between us, and then we were standing together in front of the grey of the granite, black girl and white girl, arms around each other in a close embrace, our breasts pressed tight and our faces turned to the camera, cheeks pressed together. As we were in this pose Brett bent into his bag, searching, I think, for a lens filter, and I felt a smile crease Corrine's face while Brett wasn't looking.

"This is exciting, isn't it?" She asked in a whisper.

I wasn't quite sure exactly what she meant, but I nodded anyway, whispering my simple agreement back.


"You have a nice body, it feels good."

"So have you." I wasn't about to agree that she felt good, even though she actually did. I didn't want the poses to get too explicit.

Her hand came up to my face and unexpectedly turned it towards hers, holding me there just long enough to plant a quick kiss on my lips. I know my eyes shot open in astonishment and I was about to protest, but at that moment Brett brought us back to the job in hand.

"C'mon girls, hold the pose." He admonished us.

"Sorry." Corrine whispered to me in a tone that said exactly the opposite. "I couldn't resist."

"Well, do." I whispered fiercely. "I'm not like that."

We returned to our required poses, smiling at the camera with our cheeks once more together and our arms around each other as if nothing had happened. The contradiction between being open to having my pussy kissed just a little earlier and then not being cool about a brief peck on the mouth didn't occur to me until later.

"Okay." Brett called out after taking the same shot several times. "Stand a little more facing the camera so that I can see your fronts."

We hinged ourselves open to about forty-five degrees, Corrine feeling for my hand as it slipped from her shoulder.

"I'm really sorry." She whispered again. "It's just that I'm getting really turned on."

"So am I." I whispered back, a look of amnesty on my face. "But not quite that turned on." I used my eyes to indicate Brett. "And we're not on our own, either."

Brett was sporting an erection. His tumescent cock standing proud and obvious from its nest of curly blond hair.

Corrine smiled, choking back a little giggle. Brett seemed unaware of our gazes.

"That's it; now just cup each other's boobs."

We did it automatically, getting our wrists tangled as we reached out. I was surprised at how nice her breast felt in my hand and, more especially, how erotic it felt to have her rock hard nipple nestling in my palm. Her breasts were bigger, fuller, and heavier than mine, more womanly to the touch.

Brett took a number of shots from different angles, the time he spent giving me the chance to become used to the sensation of a woman's breast in my hand and to having my breast touched. The sensations were unquestionably pleasurable, and both added to my arousal. I think it was the fact that I was in such an intimately erotic situation with another woman and that nothing was actually happening between us, but I remember wondering if I should be enjoying it quite that much.

From then on the poses became more and more blatantly sexual. Both of us were photographed with our legs wide open, everything we had in plain view -- and I enjoyed every moment. There was a pervading atmosphere of sex about the shoot now, as if it had gone beyond purely business and had become mostly for the pleasure of three randy young people.

Eventually Brett had me lying on my back, my open legs facing his lens, and Corrine sprawled beside me, propped on one arm and with a knee raised to show her pussy.

"Okay." He told us. "That's good. Now Corrine, run your hand down Lisa's stomach until you just reach over her pubes."

I shivered slightly at the thought of her touching me there, the first time either of us had been told to touch each other that intimately. Corrine was gazing down at me with excitement shining clear in her dark eyes, and just for a moment I thought about objecting. I still didn't really want to be touched by a woman, although God knows, I was getting horny to the point where I needed touching by somebody - anybody.

Her hand slid down my belly, travelling deliberately slowly and softly, skating temptingly over my skin. I looked up at her, my nerves showing, and we stared into each others eyes until I felt her fingertips reach and brush over my bush. I speculated briefly on how far down she would go, but then she stopped with her longest finger just, and only just, making contact with the hood of my clit. Even so, I could not repress a little gasp that was half pleasure and half anxiety.

"All right?" She whispered down at me, wary of my hesitation.

"Yes, fine." I licked my nervous lips, my heart beginning to race as I wondered just how far Brett would take the shoot. His camera was clicking rapidly, preserving forever the spectacle of me with a feminine finger so nearly touching my clit.

"Good. Now, spread her out."

Corrine understood what was required long before I did, and it was only her two fingers sliding down inside my labia that gave me the clue, but by then it felt too nice for me to care. When the fingers scissored open and Brett's shutter clicked again it was too late to complain, and I just lay there and let him come in for a close up of my wet and wanting pussy held wide to his view. Almost without thinking I reached up and laid my hand on her back, stroking the smooth brown flesh as she touched me so intimately.

"Okay, now straddle her and hold her legs open."

Corrine did as she was told, her naked bottom presenting itself to my view, as she hooked her hands behind my knees and spread me wide for the camera. The shutter carried on clicking.

"Now pull her legs back."

Corrine rolled me back so that my bottom was on display.

"Just dry it a bit, will you."

Brett passed Corrine a tissue and I felt my face flame as she leaned forward to wipe my own juices from around my anus. The humiliation of my arousal so graphically revealed almost eclipsing the embarrassment of having my bottom wiped for me. But to give them their due, they both performed the deed professionally and without a trace of a snigger, and Brett went back to his camera once more. At least now they both knew how turned on I was.

As he had done before, as soon as he had taken the shots he wanted, Brett had us reverse our roles, so that it was Corrine lying down with me running my fingers through her pubes before spreading her pussy with my fingers. This was the very first time I'd ever touched a girl there, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I could certainly smell her scent this time, and her labia were spread wide by now from their own puffiness. Her pussy was already like an opened scarlet flower and really my touch was simply for the camera, I did little to open her any wider.

Her pussy was beautiful, it must be said, her colouring shading from the milk chocolate of her legs and belly to the dark chocolate of the swollen labia that surrounded the deep shiny pink of her slit. She was aroused to the point where her vagina gaped open, and her large clitoris stood erect and full, just waiting to be touched. I was tempted, oh, I was tempted, but Brett's presence and that of his ever busy camera helped me resist.

Just as he had asked Corrine to kneel over me, so I had then to straddle her, holding her legs wide for Brett to get his close shots. This time I wasn't looking at Corrine, I was staring at Brett's cock. I'd seen before that he was gifted in that department, but now that he was fully aroused it looked huge. I don't mean stupidly huge or abnormal, just very large and very, very hard. I felt a bit like a cat gazing longingly at a carton of cream, wondering and wishing. I tore my attention away and back to the shoot.

Again like Corrine, I was instructed to bend her legs right back so that he could capture both holes, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed once more to see that her little black pucker was not covered in wetness as mine had been. I was, I guessed, even more turned on than she.

"Right." Brett's voice interrupted my reverie. "Turn around now and face the other way."

I looked at him a little uncertainly, not quite sure what he meant.

"I want you to kneel on her, as if she was a man and you were riding his cock."

I turned around clumsily, my toe catching on her nipple quite hard as I straddled her the other way, mouthing my apologies as I lowered myself down onto her.

"That's okay." She smiled. "It's my fault they're standing up like that."

I suppose it was, but mine were also just as hard and just as erect and I wouldn't really want them to be kicked.

"Now lean forward a little with your hands on her breasts." Brett ordered me, completing the pose.

"There you go." Corrine grinned. "Now you can stroke it better."

I giggled softly and did just that, feeling the rubbery texture of her nipple moving between my fingers.

"Keep still." Brett told us off as Corrine wriggled a little beneath me.

"You really are sopping wet." She told me, pushing her pubes up against my pussy. "I can feel it on my stomach."

"Sorry." I told her, as Brett circled us, his camera to his face and his cock bobbing up and down in front of him.

"Don't be, it's nice and sexy."

He took a few more shots with Corrine reaching up to hold my breasts in her palms, and then he asked me to kneel on all fours over her. I didn't think this pose would make a very good picture, but I did as I was told anyway. But to my surprise - well, to my momentary surprise, Brett carefully put his camera down and approached us without it.

"You know what's going to happen, don't you?" Corrine asked, looking up with unexpected anxiety in her eyes.

"I think so." I answered, feeling pretty certain that I was right. My heart pounded with anticipation.

"He's going to fuck you. Do you mind?"

"No." I shook my head eagerly. "Right now I need a good fucking."

She smiled sexily. "Shame you don't go both ways."

I almost agreed with her. In fact I had been almost on the verge of cumming since sitting on her and feeling her pubic hair rubbing so erotically against my pussy. I was as hot as I can ever remember being and the prospect of that cock inside me was taking me even closer to the edge. I raised my bottom into the air a little in readiness and waited, my heart racing and my pussy throbbing with need as I gazed down into the eyes of my modelling partner and his usual lover.

Corrine opened her legs to let Brett kneel behind me, and I felt him shuffle into position, placing one hand on my rump as he lined himself up. My lips were apart and I was panting like a bitch in heat when I felt the tip of his cock touch against my crack, I couldn't help it. I was so damn hot and I wanted fucking so damn bad.

He found the entrance to my vagina and eased himself just inside, leaving me suspended in limbo, wanting him deep inside me but a little bit in awe of his size. He was already stretching me with just the tip inside me, or so it felt. For a moment he paused, making me think that he was worried if I could take him and making wanting to scream yes, but in fact just setting himself ready to thrust. I was trembling with anticipation, holding my breath, my pussy pulsing and my chest pounding. I gazed down at Corrine, looking for support I suppose, and finding a much needed smile of encouragement.