A Practical Solution


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I woke up when Melanie turned in my arms, put her face next to mine, and gave me a series of quick kisses on the lips. We hadn't really spoken since I first put my lips on her clit in her living room, and saw no need to now. Our desire was complementary and mutual. She shinned down my body and with alacrity sucked my cock until it hardened to her specifications, and then she mounted me, slowly impaled herself, and started riding me, all the while staring into my soul with her green laser eyes while I manipulated her nipples. Impossibly my third orgasm was just as mind-blowing as the first two, and Melanie once again devolved into an inert form.

We regained complete cognizance about 4:00 p. m. Melanie smiled at me and said "Thanks, I needed that."

I chuckled, "I get the best sex of my life by a factor of four and I get thanked besides? Am I dreaming, or in a bizarro world?"

"Oh, it's plenty real, and it was at least as fabulous for me as it was for you," she giggled. I had never heard sophisticated Melanie giggle before.

"Let's shower and then we need to talk," she grinned.

The shower was the most pleasurable of my life even though we both were too sore and/or wiped to fuck. We definitely were spanking clean when we exited, especially our intimate parts.

Melanie dressed in jeans and a modest blouse while I put my clothes that were scattered over the living room back on, thankful that only my boxers were slightly torn from me ripping them off.

Melanie sat on the couch that was the scene of the first crime holding one of my hands and sipping some more wine.

"I have a confession, Jubal?"

"What's that, Melanie?"

"Since almost the time I first met you I've been grooming you for today. I wanted you to see that I intensely loved my husband and family before I came onto you, and hoped that would allow you to accept a very practical relationship with me without guilt or unrealistic expectations."

"Hmmm; what practical relationship is that?"

"I know that you have high standards for the women you date and don't get laid as much as a red-blooded male like yourself would like. Now you know that I love and am devoted to my family but I need sex as much as, or even more than, you do. What I propose is a thrice weekly secret sexual encounter that is highly beneficial to both of us."

"A practical solution?" I smiled.

"Eminently practical," she smiled back.

"How would it work?" I asked.

"Something that very few people know is that I own the fitness facility on the first floor of our office building."

I knew that she was a frequent visitor there -- because I was too -- but I had no clue that she owned it. It made sense, however, since she had to do something with her money and working out was something that she understood and enjoyed.

I smiled and asked..."And...?"

"And," she grinned, "there is a massage room right next to the office reserved for me with a connecting door, and accessible so that no one can see who goes in and out. Also, it's soundproof -- which after our experience today I know will be important. I suggest that we meet there three times a week during the work week at mutually convenient times."

"What about weekends?"

"I still hope that you will come over most of the time and go to events with our family, and engage with us just like you have for the last two years."

You know how sometimes you have been thinking about an issue a long time without success, and then suddenly something happens to make everything clear. That's what happened to me that instant. I suddenly realized that my lack of a consistent romantic relationship was because I was comparing all of my dates to Melanie and they came up short. Immediately after that I realized that I had already been just short of falling in love with Melanie and after the sexual experience of my life today I was in love. Since she was in love with Jack I wouldn't tell her -- but would sure enjoy the feeling.

After a pregnant pause where she looked at me expectantly I said "Sounds like a plan -- and a very practical solution to both of our problems."

We passionately kissed goodbye -- there was no computer problem, the problem was with her "equipment" -- inside, and as I walked out the door she said "The girls have soccer games at 9 and 10:30 tomorrow morning and then we're going to brunch. Please come along.

"Sure will," I grinned, not only because it would give me a chance to surreptitiously ogle Melanie, but also because I really liked her girls, and they seemed to like me.


Normally man plans and the Gods laugh, and things go to hell. Surprisingly that did not happen here. Between working late, getting into the office early, and nooners, Melanie and I enjoyed an extremely mutually rewarding sex life at her fitness facility in our office building over the next fifteen months. It was only when one of us was out of town for more than a few days that we didn't fuck and suck three times during the workweek. I say "fuck and suck" because I didn't want to presume that for Melanie it was the same as it was for me. For me, 90% of the time it was making love, not fucking. True to my word to myself I never told her that I loved her; but she probably knew because I almost never brought a date when I went to her house, or the kids' activities, virtually every weekend.

One Friday early morning, after Melanie and I had maybe the most intense mutual orgasm that we ever had had and I was filled with joy and love, but she had a tear in her eye. "There's something I need to tell you Jubal," she said in a serious tone but not looking me in the eye.

I gently lifted her chin so that I was staring into her emerald green irises. "What, Melanie?"

"Jack got back from the doctor yesterday; because his lungs are failing badly he was susceptible to cancer and he has only a couple of months to live."

"I'm so sorry, Melanie," I said -- and meant it because I knew that he was the love of her life and I really liked him too. "What does that mean for you?"

"Today I'm going to tell management that I'm taking an extended partial leave of absence; I have to be with him in his final days. However, now I'm going to need you more than ever."

"I'll do anything to help," I told her.

"I hope that on weekends you can take Jack in a wheelchair to the girls' events, and stay over Saturday and Sunday nights. I'm going to get a day nurse three days a week, hopefully meet you here in the early morning, and then work a half day before I relieve the nurse. Is that OK with you?"

I guess she was just being polite in asking because by then she had to know that I'd walk over hot coals for her. "Yes, Melanie -- I'll do anything that you want.

About two weeks after Melanie's talk with me as I was sitting next to Jack, while he was in his wheelchair, at one of the girl's soccer games, he gripped my wrist and said "Jubal; can you do something for me?"

"Sure Jack!"

"I know, and you know, that I don't have long left. The girls will need a male influence in their life. Will you continue to attend their functions and help them out until Melanie re-marries, which I hope that she will?" he asked with a tear in his eye.

I got a tear too, gripped his wrist, and said "I promise -- a blood oath that I will." For one of several times I felt a pang of guilt. It was clear that he didn't know that I was having sex with his wife; I had hoped that she would find a way to tell him, but she knew him better than I did and would know what was best.

He thanked me profusely, and they we turned and cheered.

Things worked out as Melanie related until a week before Jack died. That week I didn't see her or the girls at all -- family members came in from out of town for the last days. I was a pall bearer at Jack's funeral and handled most of the logistics for the reception afterwards because Melanie was in a bad place. She did lean on me at the reception and thanked me profusely for all the help I had given her and the girls.

The week after the funeral I had little contact with Melanie and the girls, but then Melanie made every effort to return things to normal, including going back to work full time. However, during our love making sessions I noticed a change in Melanie. It was hard to put into words, but it seemed -- ludicrous since our sexual activities had always been phenomenal -- like she was even more anxious to please me, and more dependent on me for emotional support.

I didn't mind at all -- in fact I hoped that it meant that she was falling in love with me.

Things went on that way for about two more months when something strange happened. On a Saturday I was taking nine year old Jennifer home from her ballet recital that I had just attended while Melanie was at eight year old Susan's gymnastics meet. Jennifer was really excited because the performance had gone well, and we stopped for ice cream on the way home.

As we were sitting in my car finishing our sundaes Jennifer turned to me and asked "Do you love my mommy?"

I was taken aback. Since I hoped to have a relationship with her in the future I was not going to lie to her -- but I wasn't sure that I wanted to admit it either.

"Why do you ask that, Jen?" I coped out.

"Because I think that Mommy loves you and wants you to come live with us, but she's scared to ask. Do you love her?"

That completely bowled me over, causing me to freeze my spoon with a scoop of ice cream on it between my cup and mouth. When I recovered and stared into Jennifer's green eyes, which were identical to her mother's, I said "Yes, Jen, I do."

"Did you ever tell her that?"

"I don't think that I have."

"Then why don't you, so maybe she'll ask you to come live with us."

"Do you want me to come live with you?"

"Of course, silly; Susie and I both really like you a lot, and we're sad with Daddy gone, but when you're around we miss him less."

Then, like a typical kid, she completely changed the subject and started talking about something that happened at school and I zoned out, although I nodded my head, said supportive things from time to time, and wondered about the future.


The night after my talk with Jennifer I saw no reason to let things fester. My normal M. O. was to go home from Melanie's house after dinner on Saturday and Sunday nights. That night I maneuvered to stay by asking the girls if they wanted me to read them a story at bedtime. Even though they were close to too old for that, once I suggest it they both were enthusiastic and Melanie would have had a mutiny on her hands if she tried to stop it. She just looked at me then snickered.

After I read the story to both at the same time, I tucked them in separately. I asked each of them "Would you mind if I moved in with you guys?" With big smiles on their faces they each shrieked "I want you to move in with us!"

After I kissed each of them on the forehead I went to see Melanie who was cleaning up in the kitchen. "Are you trying to get them to fall in love with you?" she cackled; "I think that they already are."

I went over to her, lifted her into my arms and carried her into the living room despite her mild protests.

I sat her down on the couch, held her hands, and said "I'm in love with you -- and Jen and Susie -- and I want to marry you."

She looked a little shocked but quickly recovered. "I'm twelve years older than you are and you'll want kids of your own and I'll be forty next month."

"I think that both Jen and Susie would like a little brother or sister, and your body is like that of a twenty five year old's," I snickered.

"What makes you think that I love you?" she challenged.

"Jen as much as told me so when we were eating ice cream after he ballet recital," I challenged right back.

A staring contest then ensued. After what seemed like five minutes of glaring at each other Melanie got up, and started walking to the interior stairs. When she got there she turned toward me and asked "Aren't you coming?"

She mumbled "Stop it you pervert" several times as she swatted my hand as I pinched her butt while she was walking up the stairs. When we got to her room, however -- I noticed that she had replaced the entire bedroom set and mattress since Jack's death -- no words were spoken as we fell into each other's arms and had the most rewarding loving session in history, telling each other time and again how much we loved them.

The next morning I was awakened by a shriek followed by eight year old Susie jumping on top of me. "Jubal, you're here, you're here. Are you moving in with us?"

Groggy Melanie retorted "Not unless you leave us alone; we'll come downstairs shortly. Get your sister and make yourselves bowls of Cheerios."

Susie bounced out of bed and we heard another couple of shrieks when Susie told Jen the news, and then more noise as the girls hustled downstairs.

Melanie turned toward me, kissed me, and then smiled. "You outdid yourself last night, big boy."

"That's the most love I've ever felt in my life," I replied. "However, shat are other people going to think if I move in so soon after Jack died?" I asked.

"That we love each other, and that the girls need a male influence," Melanie smiled. Then she gave me a quick kiss and said "Let's brush our teeth and shower and then get down to see what the little gremlins are up to."


I think that Susie and Jen were more excited than Melanie and me when we got married six months later and they were co-maids of honor. They were also really excited to go on our week-long honeymoon with us to Aruba when it was winter back home even though to placate their principal they had to bring some school work along.

Once Melanie stopped getting her birth control shots, since we were rutting like a couple of bonobos, including in the middle of many nights, she got pregnant quickly. Today my heart is filled with joy as I escort Melanie and my little boy Jack home from the hospital to his excited sisters. As we have a family hug I think to myself "How can I possibly be this happy!"

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EastCoaster1EastCoaster1about 2 months ago

Second read, still deserves 10 stars... but there are only 5 to give... I gave them.

This is not only a Loving Wife story, it's one of very few actual cheating wife stories where I can truly sympathize with the "cheaters"... both of them.

Beautifully written, sensitive to all of the characters, and very nicely done.

butch38butch38about 2 months ago

I've seen and heard a lot in the 85yrs of my life, but this story brought tears to this old man's eye's. Keep up the good writing to the enjoyment of all of us Lit readers. Thanks!

PikaGelionPikaGelion2 months ago

Okay, maybe I'm an old softie. But is it wrong to enjoy a story that is NICE?

Thank you for sharing your creative efforts.

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