A Promise of Bigger Things to Come


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I cried like a baby at that statement. I spent the next 30 minutes explaining how much I loved, needed, and wanted Vince to stay with me. I also explained my act of screaming in pleasure to get John to hurry up and finish.

He told me not to come home tonight. He would talk again tomorrow afternoon at our house. He needed time to think.

So, I called Mandy, and spent the night with her. Bill was out of town, and Mandy was supposed to have a sleepover, but it got cancelled at the last minute. After I told Mandy my story she got really disturbed. It was a wake up call to her also. She vowed to never cheat again.

The next afternoon I sheepishly walked up my front steps and into my house. Vince was sitting on the couch in the living room. He told me to sit down in the chair across from him.

"Libby, I will tell you I did not sleep last night. I spent all night going over everything that happened. I thought we had a pretty good thing going, but I guess I was wrong. I guess I will just ask you straight up, do you want a divorce?"

'"Oh my God Vince, the last thing in the world I want is a divorce. I too did not sleep last night. I kept replaying my recent decisions over and over in my head. All I can come up with is curiosity, and selfishness. I am so sorry Vince. I love you more than you will ever know. I will admit that I fucked up, and hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I assure you nothing like this will ever happen again."

"I will admit Libby that Im not sure I want a divorce. I cannot imagine my life without you. We have always been a team, plus you are my best friend in the whole world."

Talk about feeling like shit. I just looked down and cried.

"Vince, we cannot throw away over twenty years of marriage over my stupid one time indiscretion. I will do anything to make this up to you. I know you are struggling with this, and so am I. I love you, and hope that twenty years of a loving wife will overcome this?"

"Right now Libby I just don't know. I want to believe you, but never in a millions years when we left yesterday morning did I think that we would be dealing with something like this. I am taking two weeks off from work and leaving. Unless there is an extreme emergency, you are not to contact me. I will not tell you where I'm going. I'm not even sure myself. I need to think, and figure all this out."

"You're not going to go somewhere and get a revenge fuck are you Vince?"

"No Libby, I have never cheated on you, and never will cheat on you as long as we are married. Unlike you, I take my marriage vows seriously. I just need to get away from you, my job, this house, and this whole fucking situation. I'm still struggling with the idea that this was my fault. Maybe I just wasn't man enough to give you what you needed."

That hurt. I have never felt so low in my life. What have I done?

"Hear me on this Vince. This is all on me. You are in no way to blame. You are a wonderful husband, father, and a very talented lover. I let someone fill my head with a stupid idea that I needed to experience something one time outside of my marriage."

"Who? Who told you this? I bet it was Mandy."

"It doesn't matter Vince. I stupidly listened, but I also made the decision to follow through. I take full responsibility for my actions. All I ask is that during the next two weeks, ask yourself, do you want to give up twenty years of a good thing? Can you forgive me, and most importantly, trust me again? I made a huge and serious mistake Vince. I don't ever make the same mistake twice."

"Ok Libby, I guess I have a lot to consider. You know me, I never make a decision without fully analyzing all sides of the issue. When I get back, one of two things will happen. I will either file for divorce, or I will stay with you and work through this."

"That is more consideration than I deserve Vince. The next two weeks are going to be agonizing for me, but I will wait, leave you alone, and whatever your decision, I will accept it."

"By the way Libby, if I find out that you hooked up with this guy again while I'm gone, we're done forever."

"That is not going to happen Vince. It was a horrible experience, and you finding out was even worse. I love you Vince. Only you. If you let me, I will spend the rest of our lives showing you."

Vince packed a couple of bags and left. I had no idea where he was going, but I hoped he would figure everything out, and decide to stay with me.

The next two weeks were the hardest of my life. I cried myself to sleep every night, if I slept at all. I replayed over and over in my mind why I did it. Every time I came up with the fact that I was just being stupid. Did I really think I would get a lot out of it?

I also envisioned Vince on some beach somewhere fucking all these young girls. I know he said he would never cheat, but he certainly had an excuse to.

It was two weeks to the day that Vince left when he called me. His plane had just landed, and he was coming to see me. I guess this was it. After today I would either be another divorce statistic, or I would have another chance with the love of my life.

Vince walked in and put his bags down. He looked so good. He was really tanned, so I'm guessing he was on a beach somewhere.

He didn't give me a hug, or kiss, he just told me to sit so we could talk.

"First of all Libby I guess you can tell I have been on the beach. I went to Cancun and got a little hut on a remote beach. I stayed away from the crowded beaches, nightclubs, and big hotels. I just sat on the beach, did some reading, and a hell of a lot of thinking. I will tell I had to fight off a lot of images of a young guy with his big cock in you."

I was crying. As hard as the past two weeks has been for me, it must have been even harder for Vince.

"I came to the conclusion that this wasn't my fault Libby. I am a good person, and a good husband. I have given you everything I have to give, including my average cock. I guess I will never truly know exactly what you were thinking, but you obviously weren't thinking. We are human, and humans make mistakes. You made a big one Libby."

"I know Vince, believe me I know. For two weeks now I have done nothing but beat myself up over this."

"While I was away, I realized that this was the longest I have ever been away from you. It was the longest amount of time of not being able to talk with you. I missed you Libby."

I perked up. "Oh Vince, I missed you so much. I cried every night you were gone."

"Me too Libby, which is why I came to a decision. I just can't imagine my life without you baby. You are the love of my life, and the only woman I want. I don't want a divorce, but I do want a wife that I can trust completely. I want a wife to love only me, and only make love to me. What I'm trying to say is that I think I can forgive you, and let's put this behind us."

I jumped up and dove into his arms. We kissed passionately as we fell to the floor. We couldn't get our clothes off fast enough. He immediately entered me in the missionary position and fucked me hard and fast. I was consumed with passion. I was yelling for him to fuck me harder. I don't think we had ever done that before. It was so spontaneous, and so heated. We both reached orgasm at the same time. It was a physical and emotional release that we would never forget.

Later that night we made slow love with lots of foreplay, and oral sex. I had my husband back, and vowed to never lose him again.

It took about a year of me doting and giving all my attention to Vince, but he finally accepted the fact that I did not want to cheat on him. I got lucky that I had a husband that would forgive. I admit the fact that I fucked up, and not just got caught. I love Vince now more than ever.

Mandy also changed her ways. Like me, she gives all her energy and attention to her husband Bill. She never brought up cheating again.

I wrote this story as therapy, and as a warning to you married ladies who think the grass might be greener somewhere else. Don't fall for the myth about the big dick. If you love your husband, then be satisfied with what he gives you. Most guys with big dicks are so egotistical they don't really know how to please a real woman. I lucked out, and my husband and I will grow old and be buried next to each other. That is a good thing.

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