A Reunion Meant to Be

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A revenge meant to be.
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I know it's not gauche to arrive at a High School Reunion early, but I don't care. I want to see Brad when he first comes in, if he comes at all. Neither he nor I have come to a reunion before. It's been 25 years, right at graduation that we last saw each other. I doubt that he will want to see me, but I am living on the hope that he has been willing to forgive me.

I am at a table where I can see my former classmates come and sign in for the banquet and dance. Thank goodness for the name tags. So far, I haven't recognized anyone from just their face. I also haven't exchanged the lies about 'You haven't changed a bit.' Mostly we are fatter, grayer, and slower than we were.

Twenty-five years ago, Brad and I were about to be engaged, with plans to marry while he was in college or upon graduation. I expected a ring shortly after our high school graduation. We had been an acknowledged couple for over a year and had known each other many more years than that. Nobody anticipated what would happen, leastwise me.

Brad had gone with his youth group from his church on a mission trip during Spring Break to Ethiopia. I missed him a lot.

Fredrick Donaldson was the big man on campus that all the girls went for. He had not paid me any attention during most of our high school days which didn't bother me since I had Brad. He asked me out on a date. I responded, "Brad and I are going steady. You know that."

"You and I are over 18. That means we're legal adults who can decide what we want to do."

"Well, I want to stay loyal to Brad."

"Are you engaged yet?"

"Well, no."

"Then it's not forbidden to go out on a friend's date."

"Why all the sudden interest in me?"

"Two reasons: One, I have always kicked myself for not having asked you out before you and Brad got to be a thing. Two, I will be leaving shortly after graduation to join my parents in New York. I'm living by myself until I graduate. If we don't go on a date now, I might not ever get the chance again."

I had heard of the fine restaurants that Frederick had taken dates in. Ones my family nor Brad could afford. And what girl wouldn't want to be picked up in a new Corvette convertible? Frederick was easily the most handsome and richest boy in the senior class. My defense was weakening.

"I think I should check with Brad first."

"I thought he was in Ethiopia. I don't think you could talk to him in time."

"Can we make sure Brad doesn't find out?"

"Sure, I can take you to Overton where no one from around here ever goes."

We made a date for Friday. He took me to a French restaurant where you don't ask how much the meal costs. Frederick ordered for me. I was surprised that the waiter brought a bottle of champagne when both of us were only 18. Money has its privileges. I had never had champagne before, but I didn't want Frederick to think I hadn't. I drank it like it was a soda pop. I was feeling good in no time.

Frederick was charming and enthralled me with stories of places he had been and important people he had met. He promised to introduce me to my favorite band whom he knew personally. When we got up to dance, I was hoping the night would never end. He held me so tight I felt like I was part of his body. His hand on the top part of my ass pulled me into him and his hardon rubbed against my belly. It appeared that most of the couples were dancing that way. Again, I didn't want him to think I wasn't used to such dancing. I began to get aroused. I imagined I was with Brad and I increased the hold I had on Frederick, my substitute for Brad. The lower part of my body succeeded in manipulating his penis through his pants. He kissed me and I kissed back. Like he said, it's not like I was engaged yet and I did want to express my appreciation for the dinner and dancing.

I began to get tipsy. Frederick said he was worried what my parents would think if I returned her home in this condition. He suggested some coffee. I agreed. Before I knew it, we were in a hotel room with Frederick making some coffee. We sat together on the bed while the coffee was brewing. He flattered me and began kissing me again. Although I kissed him back, I said weakly, "We shouldn't."

His lips kept wandering and my body expressed pleasure while my mouth kept saying, "We shouldn't."

He said that he admired my self-restraint. "You are such a strong woman, I bet you could see a man's penis and not be tempted."

I enjoyed the compliment and agreed.

He said, "Let's prove it." Before I knew it, he had lowered his pants and his penis popped out, in its full glory. I have to admit, it was impressive -- about eight inches and thick. I was in shock.

"See. You're not phased. I bet you could even touch it and not get aroused."

I was aroused already but couldn't admit it. He took my hand and reached over to his phallus. I gently wrapped my hand around it. Instinctively, I moved my hand up and down.

"I bet you're so under control you're not even wet." Swiftly, he lay me back and pulled down my panties. I was about to shout 'Stop' when the most wonderful feeling came to me. His fingers were moving against my clit. My mouth was saying 'No' but my body was moving in rhythm with his fingers. After a little squirming and moaning, I had an orgasm, by far the strongest orgasm I had ever had.

I gathered myself and sat up. I told him that was as far as I could go. I had felt so good, I knew it was a lie. I was waiting to be convinced otherwise.

Once again, he repeated that we would soon be separated. Then he added that this might be my last chance to experience another man before I was officially committed to Brad. I guess that reasoning and the remaining influence from the champagne got us once again from kissing, to breast sucking, to rubbing my mound, and finally to sex. My seduction was gradual and seemed inevitable.

It had been about a half hour after our second round of sex that it hit me what I had done. I started crying. "I was saving my virginity for my husband. What will I do now?"

Frederick announced, "You are the best woman I have ever made love to. Harriet, I have always had a big crush on you. Now, I believe it is love. I want you to come with me to New York."

"I can't just leave like that. What about Brad? What about college?"

"Harriet, what do you think Brad will do when he finds out what we did tonight? Do you really want to worry about college and finding a job? Haven't you always said that you want to be a wife and mother above all else? You could do that and not worry about money if you marry me."

"Frederick, this is too much for me to handle the way my head feels. Please take me home."

I stayed away from Frederick until Brad got back. The guilt was like a 50 pound sack weighing me down. I was so ashamed. I was sure everyone knew by looking at me what I had done. I knew my parents would disown me if they found out. Getting away, Frederick or not, was sounding better with each passing, fearful moment.

I was a nervous wreck when Brad and I met for the first time after his trip. I thought for sure he could see a scarlet letter "A" on my forehead. But Brad was so excited about telling me about his mission trip, I don't think he would have noticed something was different about me unless Frederick and I had been making love in front of him. I just let him talk and talk about what a life-altering experience it was. He seemed so uninterested in what I had done while he was gone, I was able to reduce my feelings of guilt over the next weeks. I transitioned back to the routine of being Brad's girl without him noticing anything was amiss.

I thought nothing was amiss too until I missed -- my period. I was not on the pill because I wasn't married yet. I was too far into the experience that night to see if Frederick had a condom on or not. Surly the odds of my getting pregnant was low given we only did it two times. By the time of graduation, I was two months along. I was just beginning to get a bump. I gave Frederick the news.

I was surprised. He thought the news of my pregnancy was great. Now, his parents would be more likely to approve the marriage. He convinced me that he really did love me and would take care of me. Not knowing what else to do, the thought of leaving town before the shame of an out of wedlock pregnancy would bring me looked like the best alternative. I remembered how good the sex was with Frederick and somehow my wishful thinking helped me believe that Frederick and I could have a happy marriage and raise a family. But what to do about Brad?

What I did next was as shameful as my getting pregnant. I guess it was a defense mechanism for me to make up stuff in my mind to be mad at Brad about. I said things like, "If you loved being around half-naked, black women so much, why don't you just go back and stay there?" and "Your head is so big, we both can't fit through the door together anymore." and "I'm tired of you neglecting me." And, of course, "I saw how you looked at that girl. If you want her more than me, go for it."

Saying things like that was paired with me picking at him for any tardiness, lack of compliments, or irritable practices like his popping his knuckles. By the time of graduation, I had told him to forget the engagement. I started openly dating Frederick. I wasn't sure how Brad would react. He withdrew and began drinking. He came to our graduation ceremony drunk. The last time I saw him, he was puking his guts out at the Dairy Dip. That helped foster the false belief that I was better off without him.


I was so involved with my trip down Memory Lane, I had not been paying attention to who had been coming in. I had frantically begun scanning the crowd when I heard from behind me, "Hello, Harry." I jumped straight up out of my seat. Only Brad called me Harry. I wanted to hug him so bad.

"Have a seat Brad unless you're busy."

"Meeting old fiancees and friends is the business of reunions isn't it?"

"Brad, we were never engaged." I regretted saying that as soon as I said it. "Please sit down."

He sat across from me. His face did not seem friendly.

"Is Frederick here?"

"Frederick passed away over a year ago. He suffered from MS the last part of his life."

"I'm sorry for you."

"Any kids?"

"Two. Both girls. One married and one in a same sex relationship. I am truly Empty Nest now. What about you?"

"Never married. No serious girlfriend. I've had trouble trusting women."

I thought, "Oh shit, he's still carrying a grudge. This isn't going well. I guess I need to take my shot and leave if it gets too bad."

"Brad, I came tonight in hopes that you would be here. I would like to apologize to you for the way I ended our relationship. I . . . "

"Excuse me, you dumped me."

I sighed. "Yes, and rather crudely and insensitively. I would like to explain why I did what I did if you will let me."

"And why should I do that?"

"To give us both closure. Don't tell me you haven't wondered why I acted that way. Don't tell me you never thought about me again. I think I've thought about you almost every day since then."

"I'm sorry, I find it hard to believe you've thought that much about me when you thought so little of me then."

"That's why I want to talk to you. I loved you then and I still love you."

"That's scary. If you loved me and treated me that way, I am scared what you might do to me if you hated me."

"Can you get us a couple of drinks? I need something for my nerves. A Bloody Mary for me."

He stood up for a minute looking puzzled. "The drinks aren't free. I think they're $7.50 each."

I gave him a ten. He gave me another lesson on how much resentment he still had.

I drank my BM pretty quickly. Brad nursed his bourbon and Sprite. I told him my story about me and Frederick when Brad was on the mission trip. I explained how ashamed I was. My plan to never tell and go on with our marriage got blown out of the water when I found out I was pregnant. Escaping with Frederick seemed like the easy way out. Now with Frederick gone and no kids to mother, I wanted to know if there was any way I could do something to make up for the way I treated him.

Brad was silent for quite a long time. He seemed like he had reached some kind of conclusion. "That's some story. I had no idea you were pregnant. You know, you having sex with Frederick and getting pregnant, is not the worst thing you did. You chose not to tell me. You didn't trust that my love for you would allow me to find a way for us to stay together. I don't think we have a future now because I know you don't trust me enough."

"Oh, Brad, if you would give me a chance, I promise I would do everything I could to show you that you could trust me. Just give me a chance." We began to notice that we had eavesdroppers on our conversation."

"Brad, can you come up to my room and continue our conversation in private?" He agreed and went to the desk to order some liquor to be sent to the room.

Once in my room, he sat down in a chair and pulled it close to the bed where I sat. We talked about some relatively trivial things until the liquor arrived. Once drinks were poured, the talk got serious again. I spoke again.

"I convinced myself that you would be fine once I was gone. My thoughts were diverted mostly to my pregnancy and getting used to having a husband. The sex part of being married was the easiest to adjust to. Frederick really seemed to be looking forward to our child until he found out it would be a girl. Still, he seemed pleased although not excited. I should have known when he asked me in the delivery room when we could start trying to have a boy.

"As soon as I was able, Frederick and I started having sex with me getting pregnant again as the goal. Well, me having a boy was his main goal. He was disappointed again. He started drinking heavily and began being physically rough with me especially during sex. During one bout of rough sex, my water broke. I was several weeks early and there were complications. Frederick was devastated when he found out I could not have any more children.

"Frederick stayed away from home as much as possible. When he was home, he was angry and seldom did anything with the girls. About a month later, things changed as far as his disposition. He seemed happier. Our sex life dwindled but he no longer was rough. I breathed a sigh of relief when he was actually nice to the girls.

"Frederick worked in his father's business. His father had hoped that Frederick would take over for him some day. After several years, his father seemed less optimistic about Frederick's abilities to manage a large business. That became evident in the will that was put in place after the untimely demise of both parents in a car accident. Frederick was appropriately sad at their passing but became furious when the will was read. Although he was named CEO, his powers were greatly restricted. The Board of Directors became the real power and management. Over time, however, Frederick came to enjoy being just a figurehead. He got to attend and hold business dinners where important people mingled with a few celebrities. He toke pride and acclamation for his charity work, i.e. giving money. And he always took credit for the company doing so well after his father was gone.

The girls and I did not get to enjoy his success other than having a larger expense account. With his parents gone, he no longer needed to hide his big secret. He not only had a mistress he kept, but she bore him the son he needed. They went from being a secret to being a source of pride to him. The guest house on our property became the residence of his second family. He spent more time with her and his son than he did with us.

I did not see many options at the time. I couldn't see trying to divorce him and live on a lot less than what we were used to, at least before the girls were out of school. Janet, his mistress, turned out to be a very nice woman. She truly loved Frederick and was sorry that she had fallen in love with a married man. We actually became friends and soon the girls and her son were playing together.

While I was waiting for the right time to break from the marriage, Frederick got the news about his MS. From the beginning he was not a cooperative patient. He was determined to ignore medical advice and go out in a blaze of glory. That meant he went back to cigar smoking, drinking and whoring. The latter activity was what lost him his mistress. She left with a hefty monthly payment which guaranteed access to his son even though he showed no interest in following in his father's footsteps in business or in whoring.

I stayed with Frederick to the bitter end. He left all of us, including his second family, well off financially when he died. I am truly free to go where I want and do what I want. I am hoping that you want me in your life, no matter what that entails.

"There, I've poured out my soul. What say you?"


"I guess I should tell you my story first. After you dumped me, I began drinking. I got close to alcohol poisoning at one time. That was after you left with Frederick. I'm glad I didn't know about you being pregnant. That may have gotten me even closer to suicide than I was."

I could see Harriet's reaction to that statement. She started crying.

"I got with a good therapist and started my life over. I started college and become engrossed with schoolwork. I graduated in three years and was hired on by a good company with opportunities to advance. I barely dated. Even then I never had more than a first date.

"Harriet, I have to be honest. You really tore out my heart and shredded it into little pieces. I had loved you so much. I never would have believed you could betray me." I let that statement sink in.

"What I found out over the last twenty years is that I never completely stopped loving you not matter how hard I tried. Believe me, I tried really hard." Again, I paused for effect. Harriet was now pleasantly surprised.

"I came here ready to shame you and ridicule you and made you feel as bad as possible. Now I have my chance, I just can't do it. Damnit, I still love you in spite . . . I can't help it. What I want to do most of all right now is rip off your clothes and make love to you."

"You don't have to rip off my clothes, Brad. I can take them off just as fast." And she did so.

In the next four hours, I was able to generate three climaxes to her many more. We lay in bed, wet with sweat, cum and her juices. We were exhausted, blissfully exhausted. I felt it was time for the big question. I asked her, "Where do we go from here?"

She answered, "Anywhere you are."

"Do you really mean that?"

"Absolutely. If you ask me to sell my house and move to where you are, I'm there. I'll move in with you or buy a place near you. Whatever you want. I have so much to make up for. We still have close to 30 years or more to make each other happy. I don't want to waste a minute more."

"Okay. Here's the plan. I making this up as I think about it. I have a few things I need to do to get ready for you to move in with me. You sell your house. When you have everything packed and ready to come, call me to tell me you're on your way. Until then, don't call me. Let's let our anticipation build up so we'll have an explosion of joy, and sex of course, when you arrive. It will be like tonight again only better."

She looked a little puzzled but readily agreed. We made love as much as possible before I had to check out of the room.


Of my gosh! My wildest dreams have come true! I immediately called the girls and told them of my good fortune. I can't wait until the girls meet Brad. I had confided with them over the years about Brad. They long ago had agreed with me they wished I had married him, although they realized they would not have been born. After talking with the girls, I changed my Facebook to page to 'In a relationship.' If there was any way to broadcast it to the world any better, I would have done it.