A Reunion With Beth Pt. 02

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Mature, lost love, sex.
3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 05/06/2024
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How quick things have moved on in the 30 years since I last saw Beth, hand written love letters (I still have the ones she wrote), replaced by e-mails and texts, mobile phones taking the place of hours standing in a phone-box, pockets full of 2p pieces, trips to the cinema mostly replaced by streaming.

For my part, I had got married, had children and divorced, I had a good job, a demanding one, so much so I had no social life, no close friends per say, just colleges, so I found myself alone at night with just my computer to keep me company. F.B. Became my companion, reuniting me with long lost friends, I even joined their dating site, where I enjoyed the intimate company of several women, whenever I felt the need, no strings attached. One day, an old team mate of mine posted a picture of me, in my prime, fighting my way to becoming a Welsh champion. It wasn't the action shot that drew my attention, it was the background. Sitting there was Beth, holding my mascot teddy, the one she gave me, her hands wrapped around it, like the way she used to hold me. It brought back memories, mostly good, some bad.

So it got me thinking, I wonder what she's doing now, I knew she had married and had no idea of her surname, so I entered her maiden name. A large list appeared, I scrolled through, rejecting all until lo and behold, there she was, older, bigger, but her face was instantly recognisable, my Beth. I considered sending her a friends request, but on reading her profile, I found out she owned a shop in a village about a 20 minute drive away, so I decided to pay her a visit. I waited outside making sure the shop was empty before going in, she had her back to me when I entered, busy putting things back in a drawer,

"I'll be with you in a moment." She called out to me.

"That's okay Beth, I've waited 30 years to see you again, a few minutes longer is going to make no difference." I replied.

She turned to face me with a look of shock and surprise on her face,

"What the hell?" Was all she could stuttered,

I Lied,

"I was just on my way back to the car, when I looked in the window, imagine how stunned I was when I saw you behind the counter."

She didn't rant and rave nor tell me to

"Get out."

I fact she never uttered another word, from the back room an old man appeared, the same old man I had seen her with previous,

"Sorry we are closing, you will have to come back another time." He told me.

I duly obliged and left.

That night whilst talking to Debbie online, a friends request appeared in my inbox from Beth, I accepted and almost instantly a message came up,

"We need to talk."

"Okay." I replied

And arrangements were made to meet the following Monday afternoon. Although she appeared on my time line, there were no further messages from her. I arrived early, awaiting her arrival, half expecting her not to show up and if she did, I was totally uncertain what she would say.

"Hi, I'm sorry." A voice from behind startled me.

Now really up close, I could see that life had not been kind to her, always on the larger size, she was now rounder than she was tall, her dark black hair now contained more grey than black, her once seductive green eyes, looked hollow and lack lustre and those inviting lips, I had kissed so many times, seemed cold.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

With tear filled eyes she told me,

"I found out later, that you didn't lay a finger on my dad, but he was so convincing, I believed him, when I found out the truth, it was too late, you were married, so was I, he is the man you saw in the shop."

"Fucking hell Beth, he's what 20 years older than you?"

"27 to be exact, but given the circumstances, it was the only way out." She answered.

"What circumstances?"

From her bag she pulled out a photograph of a young boy,

"Your son, our son, the boy you never knew."

Tears were rolling down her eyes as she continued with her story,

"Shortly after the night my father confronted you, I found out I was pregnant, thanks to my fathers lies, there was no way I was going to allow you anywhere into his life. My religion does not believe in abortion, so when Jeff offered to marry me and bring up our child as his own, I had no option but to say yes, in six weeks we were married, before I began to show the signs of motherhood. We put his early birth down to being premature. I'm so sorry."

I had a million questions to ask, but only one came out,

"Does he know?"

"No and never will, at the age of 9 he fell from a tree, suffered severe brain damage and passed away, he followed his father, loved taking risks, loved adventure."

As if she hadn't shocked me enough she did so again, this time I just broke down and wept, from her bag she brought out teddy, my mascot from my early fencing days, I had forgotten that she had it but seeing it again pushed me over the edge.

Through a snivelling nose and tear filled eyes, I muttered,

"You kept it all these years?"

Her reply astounded me,

"Every night, I kiss it goodnight, every morning, I wish it good day, not only am I thinking of you and the way my family made you suffer, but also our son, some of his ashes are contained inside, a constant reminder of two loves lost.

With that she got up and left, confining me to thoughts of what things may have been.

We continued to chat via messenger, but she refused any invitation to meet again. Then things changed, the pandemic hit, in a way I was one of the lucky ones, I was classed as an essential worker and still had daily interaction with others, not on the same level as before but still able to leave the confines of my house. Beth on the other hand was restricted, virtually house bound with an ageing husband, who had lost all interest in her many years ago. Every night she would be waiting for me to go online, chatting for many hours and as time moved on,these chats became more intimate. During one such conversation, Beth revealed that she and her husband had not enjoyed any sexual contact for 15 years, although I felt for her, I saw it as a chance to seduce her again.

It began innocently enough, me reminding her of our walks, the first time we held hands, our first kiss, our first fuck. Every evening I pushed the subject a little harder,

"Do you remember when we got locked in at the youth club?" I asked.

"Yes." Came her reply.

"You were so horny that day, after we had spent the afternoon in the cinema, watching a confessions film, we prayed that training was being held that night, in that room."

"Yes." Was all she answered.

"You dragged me into the ladies changing room, virtually ripped your knickers off and rode me hard."

"STOP, ENOUGH! I'm going now." Was her answer.

The following evening I threw her another memory,

"Back stairs of The Top Rank, Wednesday night, roller disco, the bouncer caught us, you sucking my cock, me fingering your cunt."

"PLEASE STOP!" She begged.

"Why are you getting wet." I asked

She answered with just a blushing emoji.

All through her enforced isolation I pounded her with memories, then one evening, during one of our chats, she wrote,


"Does that mean I can fuck you?" I asked.

"NOOO." Was her reply.

"Are you sure?"

"NOOO." She hit back.

"Is that no, you are not sure, if I can fuck you or no I can't fuck you?"


Weeks passed and the crisis was beginning to recede, the Government began to slowly relax restrictions and soon hotels opened. In order to draw back trade special offers were galore, cheap nights, food and drink, great deals were abound.

"Can you make these dates?" Beth messaged me.

"Yes, why?" I replied.

"I've booked two rooms for three nights, we can meet up and see what happens." She wrote.

"Two rooms?" I enquired.

"Lets go slowly, I'm not totally sure yet."

The days came around quickly and I checked myself into my room, nothing special, a bed, TV, a bathroom and wardrobe, as it was a nice August day, I messaged Beth to say,

"I'll meet you outside."

Her reply was short and simple,

"Come to my room first, I'm nervous and scared, the doors unlocked, just come in."

Beth was standing by the window, glass of wine in her hand, staring out at the coastline when I entered,

She looked tired and stressed and as I moved towards her, she pulled away,

"I've never even thought about being unfaithful before, let alone finding myself in a hotel room with another man, since getting married." She confessed.

"So far all we have done is have some naughty banter." I hit back.

"Yes I know, but I want more, much more." She shyly whispered.

Taking this as a sign of encouragement, I took her glass of wine from her hand, placed it on the window sill before putting my lips to hers, years of sexual frustration seemed to be released with just a simple kiss. She was devouring me, probing my mouth deeply with her tongue, her hands frantically wrestling with my trousers as we edged closer towards the bed. Free of it's constraints, my cock sprung up, pre-cum leaking from its tip, she rolled it her fingers, moaning,

"I so need this."

I lay her on the bed, keeping her legs open and hanging over the edge, skirt raised. I was disappointed to see that under it, she wore a pair of big black panties, motherly and practical but what made them sexy was the growing damp patch spreading across the gusset. She was ready, so was I, there would be no foreplay, just fucking. I yanked the material aside, exposing her completely bald pussy, lips engorged, open and very wet. I had barely put my throbbing head inside her when she began to yell,


And she did, her body tensed then shook, I could feel her juices coating my cock. Without letting the sensation subside, I pushed fully into her, my balls pressed tight against her huge arse. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, holding on tight as I began to slowly rock my hips, in and out my cock moved, each stroke a little faster, a little harder, her moans becoming louder.


She grabbed my hair, forcing my lips to hers, sucking on my tongue, I could feel her grasping for breath. Under her top, heavy big breasts bounced wildly, hard nipples pushing against me. Her breathing was becoming more ragged as a second orgasm began to build.

"UH, UH, UH, CHRIST ALMIGHTY." She yelled out as her body exploded again.

From somewhere outside and below us a man shouted out,


I looked at Beth in horror, when I realised our loud love making could be heard by those sitting outside enjoying the summer sun.

"Lets give him his wish, only this time you cum to." She whispered to me.

Who was I to disappoint our audience, gripping Beth's hips, I pounded her pussy harder and faster than before, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in. Both of our bodies rising off and falling back onto the bed, with the force of our fucking. Beth as if enjoying knowing people were listening was getting louder and more descriptive. Her moans and grunts echoed of the walls, drifted out of the window, floated on the summer breeze.


The pressure in my balls was building up to the point of no return and my ejaculation was imminent, so I whispered to Beth,

"Shall I pull out?"

The way she held me tighter, gave me my answer and after a few more forceful strokes, my hot sticky sperm began to pump inside her.


She was not kidding, a torrent of juices gushed from deep inside her, soaking me, the bed and the floor. Totally spent we collapsed in each others arms. From outside,we heard cheering and clapping,

one man shouting up,

"Thanks pal, I was enjoying a quiet drink, now the wife wants to go to bed."

I was tempted to take a look at who our audience were, but Beth reminded me, we will probably see them in the bar later and if they knew it was her, she would die of embarrassment.

She told me to go to my room, get showered and changed, she needed to phone her daughter and we would meet up outside later.

As I waited, I took in the people around me, listening to them chat, trying to discern the voices that called out to us. I failed to do so, but shortly after a man and a woman joined another couple sitting in front of me and when the ladies departed to the loo, I overheard one man say to the other,

"Did you?"

"Oh fuck yes, Suzy was so wound up, she rode me hard, then sucked me dry. What about you?"

"Jesus, no, Mary thought it was disgusting."

When Beth turned up, I whispered in her ear, that I thought that was the couple who enjoyed hearing us. Beth glanced over and what she said shocked me,

"I wouldn't kick her out of bed."


"Oh Shaun, 30 years is a long time, things change, although I've not done it for many a year, I have experienced a woman in bed."

"What? Who? When?" I stammered.

"You men are all the same, the very mention of two women together, makes you hard, I bet you are hard right now?" She giggled.

I was.

She was tight lipped about her adventurers, but the more she drank, the more relaxed she became, kissing me in public, pulling down her gypsy top slightly, giving me a view of her naked breasts, stoking my leg, her fingers so close to my cock.

"My round." She informed me.

Before heading for the bar. It must have been busy in there, as I seemed to be waiting an eternity for her to return. When she did, she had a broad grin on her face,

"Sorry I needed the toilet." She said.

We had another few drinks before we headed back to our rooms, I was hoping to spend the night in her bed, but as we arrived at her door, she pointed to my room, saying,

"Tomorrow, now I need sleep."

Dejected, I gave her a kiss and turned to move away, but she held me back, saying,

"A sign of things to come." Whilst she stuffed something into my pocket.

With that she was gone, I heard the lock on her door being closed, any thoughts I had of fun with her, gone. I had hardly got into my room when my phone pinged, a message from an unknown number,

"I hope you like the gift Beth gave you." I read.

Confused, I pulled out whatever Beth had pushed in my pocket, it was a pair of black lace panties, still damp, way to small to be Beth's. Again my phoned pinged, this time a message from Beth, simply saying,


I tried to answer both messages, trying to find out what the hell was going on, but received no answer.

A bleary eyed, hung over Beth met me for breakfast, she picked at her food, keeping an eye on the entrance, not speaking much.

"What gives with those panties? And texts?" I asked.

She just looked at me, smiling, whispering,

"You'll see soon"

We continued to eat in silence, when I saw her face light up,

"My room, 10 minutes, okay." She told me.

With that she seemed to sober up, virtually dancing down the hall, blowing me a kiss as she entered the lift. Once again I was left bemused, not sure what was happening. The clock seemed to stop, each minute seeming like an hour, with one minute to go, I entered the lift, it stopped the floor before mine, in walked Mary, the woman who's partner had said.

"She was disgusted."

We both aligned at the same floor, both walked down the corridor the same way, both stood outside Beth's door. I looked at her, she looked at me, and in that instant, I knew that it was her panties Beth had put in my pocket. The door opened and Beth ushered us both in.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I demanded of Beth.

"Come in, sit down, relax and hopefully enjoy." She said to me.

Mary moved towards Beth, took her in her arms and kissed her fully on the lips, I could see their tongues swirling together. OH BOY instant hard on. They kissed and kissed, hands exploring, Beth raised Mary's skirt, wearing just a small thong, the cheeks of Mary's arse looked inviting. They finally pulled apart, Mary sat beside me, her leg in contact with mine.

"Sorry Shaun, I need to explain."

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