A Sea of Heartache


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Peter put down the book he was reading and paid closer attention to the radar. He was just thankful the crossing was a whole lot less rugged than it had been when he crossed almost two weeks before. Try as he may, he just couldn't get Karen out of his mind.

"Wow! They took a little beating here, too," Peter whistled, seeing some of the damage along the shoreline as he idled up the channel to the marina. When he got there, all the slips were empty. Either the few non-wintered resident's boats were out enjoying the better seas, or they'd pulled them out of the water to avoid the storm. One of the attendants was standing on the dock to catch his lines.

"Everyone make it through ok," Peter asked, setting his bumpers?

"Most of the chicken shits took the ferry to the mainland," he laughed. "It wasn't too bad. A few broken windows and some trees down."

"That's a relief. Adamson is a nightmare."

"I heard. They've got boats and choppers running teams and supplies out there now. They've been staging over at the ferry dock."

"They'll need all the help they can get."

Peter shut down and set the brow. He paid his docking fee and asked the guy to top off his fuel and water tanks while he went in to collect his mail. The guy was right. The shoreline looked a lot worse than the rest of the little plantation. The interior seemed completely unaffected. It was business as usual.

He had a brief conversation with a nice lady he'd treated for pneumonia a year or so before as he was leaving the post office, and returned to the boat. He fixed a light lunch and sat back down in the salon. The seventy-eight-degree days were history. It was in the forties and just a plain, drab gray, day. It matched his subdued mood. He kicked back and thought about his next move. He wouldn't be making his next round of the islands for another two weeks. What to do, what to do.

"Permission to come aboard, Captain!" The soft voice from the dock brought him out of his thoughts. He turned in his seat and looked out. It was Candace, and she wasn't in her uniform.

"Well hello there. Sure. Come on aboard," he smiled. "Where's Tammy?"

"That coward took the ferry to the mainland when they started rounding up the animals two by two."

"Oh well. She said she was going to. Can I get you a beer?"

"I'd love one. Thank you."

"I'm afraid there won't be any sunbathing today. It's miserable out there."

"Winter's almost here. I just thought I'd come over for a visit. The restaurant was dead this morning. I was just closing up when I saw you pull in. I just took a shot in hopes you might be up for some company."

"Well I'm glad you stopped by. I was just sitting here pondering my next adventure," he smiled.

"What is it...exactly...that you do?"

"I go between the outer islands taking care of the people who can't get to the mainland for treatment."

"Whatever possessed you to do that?"

"I don't know. I like the freedom. And I love my boat and my plane. I can either sail or fly whenever I want. If I can make a few people feel better along the way; it's all good."

"That has to be an awfully lonely life?"

"It can be. But I have my books and my music. I'm usually moored somewhere quiet and totally secluded most days, soaking up knowledge and dancing with myself," he laughed."

"Sounds like someone has a deep, dark story. And no. I'm not going to ask you what it is. If it were any of my business, you'd tell me," she smiled, sitting next to him on the couch.

"And what about you, Ms. Candace. I don't mean to pry, but you just don't seem like the waitress on a tiny island type."

"That's probably because I'm not only a waitress. I'm a writer. I live out here because I love it out here. The place, the people. Everyone knows each other and we all look out for each other. I just work at the restaurant to pass the time and gab with the locals. Gotta keep up with the local gossip."

"Would I have ever read any of your work?"

"If you're a history buff you may have. I've written a few histories on these islands, and one on the Catholic Inquisition."

"Wait a minute," he said, snapping his fingers and going to his book cabinet. He pulled out an appealing looking paperback he'd picked up on a whim from the local authors rack at the commissary on Adamson weeks before. Candace's beautiful face adorned the back cover. "Candace McMillian?"

"Guilty," she smiled.

"Well imagine that?! I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but it's in the que. Well. Now I can say I've met literary royalty. A best seller, no less. Would you sign this copy for me?"

"I'd be honored," she smiled, blushing, taking the book and pen from him and writing in perfect cursive.

"You didn't have to beat me with a "baseball bat" to convince me you were a great guy. Fair winds and following seas, Peter. Love, Candace."

Peter burst out laughing the moment he read the inscription. "I didn't have to, but it was certainly an awe inspiring experience," he smiled.

"Yes it was. And if you'd like a repeat in mono instead of stereo, I'd like that, too. Tammy's loss. That's what she gets for abandoning ship."

"I'd like that very much." He was smiling as he leaning in and kissed her softly.

In truth, Candace was far more appealing than Tammy. For starters, she was extremely intelligent. Her long, shiny black hair and green eyes gave her a certain mysterious, spooky appearance, while her big, beautiful smile, accentuating her high cheek bones, gave her a friendly and approachable appearance. He took her in his arms, their kiss intensifying. She slowly opened her pouty lips to allow his tongue access as he gently eased her back on the couch.

Her hands went to his chest, gently pushing him away. "Would it be ok if we took this to the bedroom, Peter? Prior knowledge of this couch has my back sending out distress signals." She was smiling that beautiful smile. He rose, taking her hand and led her down to his berth.

Peter was pleasantly dumbstruck when she pushed him back on the bed and stood before him doing a slow, sultry striptease, her eyes never leaving his. Candace slowly unbuttoned her blouse, her fingers working at a languid pace. He had all the time in the world. He reached out and rested his hands on the curves of her lush hips. They began to sway seductively, giving subtle hints of things to come.

Candace slid her frilly blouse down her arms, swinging it slowly, then laid it over his head. He was seeing her flawless skin through a thin red veil, the soft sent of her alluring, subtle cologne wafted from the material, filling his senses.

Peter watched breathlessly as she effortlessly slid her hands behind her, still gyrating, unfastening her red, frilly lace bra and letting it slowly slide down her arms. When it landed in his lap, she pulled the blouse off of his head and roughly pulled his face in between her full, firm breasts. She was running her soft hands through his hair as he kissed and nuzzled the glorious orbs, slowly taking each hardening nipple into his mouth, suckling; teasing. They popped to attention in a flash. Soft moans began escaping her full lips.

He slowly kissed down her firm abs, the tantalizing musk of her cologne making him ache to be in her, his trembling hands moving stealthily in and unfastening her belt, then the button. He leaned down, took the dainty zipper between his teeth and slowly lowered it, exposing a lacy pair of matching red lace panties. The scent of her heady she-musk softly drifting through the scant lace as a dampness began to spread along the fragile material. Peter leaned down and kissed her familiar quim through the thin lace, gently blowing through the flimsy fabric. He could feel her breath quickening along her tight abs. Goosebumps formed on her thighs.

With a gentle touch, he rolled the skimpy panties down over her curvy hips slowly, kissing and licking her dampening pussy as it appeared over the disappearing lace. When they cleared the beautifully trimmed thatch, he ran his tongue along the tasty slit, spreading her dripping labia with his tongue, softly nibbling the puffy lips.

Candace pushed him back on the bed, stepped out of her pants and the sexy panties and began slowly undressing him. He just laid back and watched her coordinated moves. Her firm, ample breasts were swaying above him as she worked. She had a mischievous expression on her beautiful face that had his pants threatening to burst open from the internal strain.

As each button of his shirt came undone, she planted butterfly kisses over the charged skin beneath, her hands rubbing his heated flesh, opening the shirt slowly. When she'd reached the last button, she splayed the shirt open and straddled his chest, her hands on his shoulders.

"Peter, before this goes any further, I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear."

"Wow! Talk about coitus interruptus," he laughed.

"That all depends on you. I just want to be sure that you understand that this is strictly for fun. No strings, no commitments. Deal?"

"Sure," Peter replied. He was slightly stung hearing words he'd used so many times with so many women thrown back at him. Not that he had any desire for anything lasting, but the words were still deeply unsettling.

"Good. Because I love that amazing dick of yours. As long as we have an understanding, have your way with me," she giggled.

Peter wrapped his hands around her solid thighs and guided her down his chest to his face. The anticipation and the perception of the upper hand obviously turned her on. Her warm, wet pussy left a snail trail of her sweet she-honey from his chest to his neck.

"Ouuu! That's it, Baby! That tongue is almost as good as that big dick." She purred, as he lapped at her wet folds, craning his neck to nibble on her hardening clit. Her hips were undulating on his face, her sweet juices coating his chin.

Candace reached behind herself, blindly unfastening his belt and his jeans, slowly leaning back further and slipping her hand inside. Her soft, tiny hand wrapped around his straining cock and pulled it out over the waistband of his shorts, stroking him from behind her back.

In a move worthy of a gymnast, she dismounted his face, turned and threw her leg over his head again and slowly began licking his rigid pole like an ice cream cone. The sweet sixty nine had them both writhing and moaning as they carried on with their mutually pleasing tasks.

Peter's hands reached up, his tongue buried in her velvety folds, and spread her plump, perky ass cheeks. He slid his tongue out of her warm glove and slowly flicked it from clit to puckered ring, gently nibbling her taught taint. The sweet scent of her heated, musky sex billowed around his head and filled his senses. Her moans increased, keeping time with her ragged breath. He could feel the heat radiating from her lithe body as her entire frame began to vibrate and melt into his.

Feeling adventurous, he wet his finger in her dripping chuff, rotating it in time with his probing tongue, then eased it out of her sweet peach and eased it slowly into her puckered rosebud, his tongue increasing the pace on her turgid button. Her moans turned to squeaks as her erratic tempo on his cock increased.

Peter began twisting his finger, sliding it in and out of her puckered ring. Her sweet pussy was soaked in her oozing juices, her skin turning a deep shade of crimson. She was so close.

He reached his free hand up and fondled her full breast flattened between them, rolling and tugging the straining nipple in his fingers. That was all she could take. She sat up, seemingly oblivious to the finger in her tight ass and rode his face like a cowgirl breaking a bronc, screaming.

"You glorious sonofabitch!! Eat that fucking pussy," she growled. Her gyrations on his face increased. He was afraid she'd break his finger off in her ass as every muscle in her beautiful body locked up. Her screams stopped abruptly; caught in her throat, her body shuddering as a gush of her she-cum blew from her, soaking him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yes!!" she whimpered through gnashing teeth, her luscious body still quivering uncontrollably. A sheen of sweat covered her, reflecting the gray daylight brimming through the portholes. Peter's hand held her hip firmly, holding her steadily on his face as he tongued and finger fucked her magnificent ass and that delicious pussy. She was barking out cries of pleasure in alien tongues, rocking on his face.

"Errrrrrr!! Ahhhh!! Dear God! That was fucking amazing!" Her entire body melted as she rolled off his face and immediately moved to his hips, shucking his pants further down his trembling legs in one fell swoop; then straddled him.

"I need this huge cock in me right now," she moaned, rubbing the head around her pulsating clit. It only took a touch of his throbbing cock against her clit for her to go off into orbit again. He watched as her entire body again locked up, his rigid sword still in her hand. The wet hairs of her dripping pussy were tickling the tortured head, causing his legs to twitch in anticipation.

She inhaled sharply, staring at him through those emerald, lust filled eyes. In one smooth move, she had him at the entrance to her dripping trim, slowly opening her tight, pink flower. He smiled at the determined look on her beautiful face as she slowly impaled herself on his rock-hard tool. He was in a state of euphoria as he felt the taught muscles of her amazing glove slowly envelope him, hesitantly accepting every inch slowly between her dark, wet, inner walls. The girl obviously worked out. Every inch of her tight tunnel was a muscled Nirvana of pain and pleasure.

"You feel so fucking good," Peter groaned, lost in the sensations pinging off of every nerve and pleasure center along is body.

"I think you've stretched me be...be...beyOND THE LIMITS!!" Her head was snapping around like she was caught in a storm, her damp hair whipping across his chest.

"AhhhHHH!!" She was screaming. It was as if she was bewitched. She let her lean body fall on his sword, burying him in her completely.

Candace used her legs like a spring, her strong thighs lifting and lowering her on his cock at an increasingly erratic pace. Wet, slapping sounds echoed off the walls. It didn't take long for Peter to begin feeling that familiar, all-encompassing heat rising from his toes, sparking every pleasure sensor, making him feel as light as a feather. He took her hips in his hands, helping her ride him.

"That's it, Peter! I feel that juicy, beautiful cock getting bigger! Come on, Baby! Give it to me! Come with me, Lover!!"

That was all it took. Peter's body spasmed. He dug his heels into the bed and drove his hips up, pounding his girth into her, lifting her off the bed. Her hands fell to his shoulders, her half closed eyes locked on his as she began to twitch, barking.

"Ah...ah...ah!!" Peter joined in her chorus. All the resistance he could muster to prolong his crowning point was totally gone. Gush after gush of his hot spunk shot from him in an explosion of sheer, unadulterated passion. Fireworks were going off in his head as he continued to drill his spraying tool deeply inside her.

"Yeeeesssssss!!" His lusty screams met hers in mid air, echoing off the overhead in a chorus of bliss. She continued to ride him, swaying her sultry hips, milking him completely.

He felt his spent body melt into the rumpled sheets. Nerves he didn't even know he had were all firing off at once along his sweat dampened skin. Eyes closed, he reveled in the awesome aftermath coursing through him as she collapsed, deflated, on his chest.

"That was beyond anything I've ever experienced," she whispered, rolling down beside him, his shrinking cock haphazardly slipping out of her satiated pussy. She laid his arm out and wrapped it around herself, snuggling into him, rubbing his chest.

"You must do kegels twenty-four seven," he laughed, panting, wrapping her in his arms.

"Any cooch would feel that way to you, King Peter," she giggled. "I can't even call that thing a dick. It's definitely a Richard. Richard Fauntleroy Worthington Excalibur Richardson...Esquire!" She laughed even harder. Her firm breasts were brushing against his ribs as she did. The feel of her still hard nipples against him slowly started his dormant cock sputtering back to life.

"I'm glad it pleases you."

"Pleases me? I swear I was giving you an internal blowjob when you were buried in me. I know I felt that thing separating my vocal cords during a few of those deep dives of yours." They laid there silently for a few more minutes, both letting their breathing normalize.

"Peter. You were ok with what I asked you earlier, right?"

"You mean about there being no strings?"


"Sure. I mean, I don't like ties, Candace. I like to come and go as I please and do what I want. I just don't need any commitments right now."

"Good," she smiled, rubbing his chest. "Now. In as much as you totally rocked my world, I do have things to do. If you don't mind, I'm in dire need of a shower, then I have to be going."

"Help yourself, Candace. If you need soap or anything, there's some in the vanity drawer."

"Nah. I come prepared. I always have the necessaries in my purse," she smiled, rising. "I work among the public. Gotta always look your best."

Peter just watched as that amazing ass disappeared into the head.

When he heard the shower start, he rose and pulled the sheets off the bed; not at all surprised at what a mess they'd made. He was smiling. It was definitely a five star afternoon, but something was eating at him. He just couldn't put a finger on it.

He remade the bed quickly and slid in behind Candace in the shower.

"If you're here for the second act, you'll have to take a raincheck," she laughed. "But since you're here, get my back, will you please?" She handed him her soap over her shoulder.

"You smell good," he inhaled deeply, burying his face in her neck.

"Don't you dare get me started again," she giggled. "Wash. No sampling the wares. And put that thing away!" She was playfully swatting his hard cock away from the crack of her glorious ass cheeks as it found its' own way between them.

"Yes, Ma'am," he laughed, taking a step back and returning to the pleasant task.

"I promise to make it up to you, Peter. The next time you're in, if you're not busy, I'd love to see you again."

"Just come on by. If I have the patient on board sign up across the brow, I'm seeing a patient. But otherwise, consider that an open invitation."

"You see patients here on this island, too?"

"Sure. My general rule is that it usually has to be someone isolated or without insurance, but I'm pretty flexible."

"Hmmm. I'll keep that in mind. But I do have to get a move on," she smiled, kissing him. "Thanks for an amazing afternoon, Sweetie. I'll see you again soon."

Peter got out and dressed, watching Candace's amazing body disappear under her stylish clothes and walked her to the brow. They kissed again and she was off. She blew him another kiss as she stepped off the brow, waving.


His acrobatic afternoon with Candace left him totally spent. After he'd waved her off, he decided he needed a nap. He picked up the copy of her book and laid on the couch and began to read.

Somewhere during the preface, he fell asleep. How long he slept, he wasn't sure. A rapping on the salon door woke him. He sat up, shaking his head to chase off the cobwebs, and went to answer it.

"Adele! What are you doing here?"

"They've been evacuating all non-essential personnel from the island for a couple of weeks of paid vacation and, considering that they've also evacuated most of the patients, I became non-essential."
