A Second Chance At First Love Ch. 06-08


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"Sure," Sadie replied, nuzzling her cheek against Bree Ann's forehead. "I bet I've fantasized a hundred times about what it would be like to wake up next to you."

"I can be a beast in the morning before I get my coffee," Bree Ann warned with a smile.

"Well, I just so happen to have a machine in the kitchen that will make lattes, cappuccinos, and the best tasting plain-old, black coffee that money can buy. Please say yes!" Sadie practically pleaded. "After all, we don't want to mar what has been an absolutely perfect night, do we?"

The desperate look in Sadie's eyes that begged her to say yes was enough to make the decision an easy one for Bree Ann. She wasn't sure how she would explain things to her three girls. They would, of course, know what had gone down the moment that they heard her voice, and she could already hear the teasing she would have to endure once Bree Ann told them what she intended to do.

"I'll stay," Bree Ann replied, grinning widely at the squeal her decision got from an excited Sadie. "Just let me grab my phone and give the girls a quick call."

Bree Ann slid out from beneath the covers and left the woman she loved lying there with a smile on her face. Padding out of the room while wearing nothing but a smile, Bree Ann found her bag and dug out her cell phone. Turning the device on, she entered her code and went straight to the listing for her home, pressing send.

Bree Ann listened as the call connected and rang three times before it was answered. "Hey, Mom!" a chipper-sounding Skyler said while sounding slightly out of breath. "So, how's the date going?"

"The date is going fine... really well, as a matter of fact. So well that I think I'm going to be spending the night here with Sadie," Bree Ann announced.

There was a rustling on the other end of the line. Bree Ann could hear the sound of muffled voices and then a series of squeals. Her daughter then came back on the line, the sound of her girls laughing lightly now clearly coming in over the receiver.

"Well, it sounds like things are going REAL well," Skyler stated teasingly. "Want to tell us about it?"

"No, I do not," Bree Ann replied haughtily, though she was smiling as she rolled her eyes, knowing the trio wouldn't let the subject go so quickly.

"Oh, we get it, Mom," came the reply from Skyler. "A gentlewoman doesn't perform cunnilingus and tell."

That brought on a fresh spate of laughter from the other end of the line. Bree Ann knew that her grandsons and Macey would already be in bed. Out of spite, she kind of hoped her three tormentors' laughter would wake up the sleeping babies.

"Ha ha," Bree Ann replied.

"What time should we expect your walk of shame, Mom?" Lisa asked. "And would it be okay with you if we videotaped it?"

"Don't you even think about it!" Bree Ann replied, horrified at the thought. "If you girls embarrass me, I swear I'll put all three of you over my knee!"

"Wait a minute!" came the sound of Kaia's voice. "What did I do?"

"You were the one that seduced both of those two and turned them into lesbian troublemakers to begin with," Bree Ann spat back. "So I'm ultimately holding you responsible for their bad behavior. You will be the first one to go over my knee!"

"For the record, Mom, she likes that," Skyler said with a laugh.

"You three are impossible," Bree Ann replied, sounding comically flustered with the conversation. "The three of you need to get some sleep because you know the boys will be up in a few hours, and Macey will be awake with the sun."

"Okay, Mom," Skyler said. "We plan to get to sleep as soon as we finish this really kinky sex session we were having when you called.

"Hurry! Get the whips and chains!" came the sound of Lisa's voice.

"Goodbye!" Bree Ann declared, before the trio of pranksters could go on, disconnecting the call.

She returned to find Sadie lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling with a pronounced smile on her face. The pretty blonde noticed her entering the room and turned to her with welcoming eyes, folding the covers back in invitation. Bree Ann slid into the bed next to her girlfriend and immediately laid claim to her girlfriend's lips, their tongues intertwining inside Sadie's mouth. It didn't take long for their passion to build, the fingers of the pretty blonde's left hand finding Bree Ann's right breast and began to manipulate her stiffening nipple.

"How were the girls?" Sadie asked as their kiss finally ended, but as she continued to tease Bree Ann's nipple.

"Their all three a pain in my backside!" Bree Ann complained though it was apparent to them both that her heart wasn't behind the complaint.

"So they gave you a hard time?" Sadie replied, covering her mouth to cover the grin that had blossomed on her face.

Bree Ann relayed the conversation she'd just had with her girls, Sadie, not even bothering to hide her laughter. Bree Ann poked her in the shoulder and pointed out that Sadie was supposed to be on her side. And when she'd finally stopped laughing, Sadie cuddled her new lover close and kissed her forehead.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" Sadie asked.

"I don't know," Bree Ann replied with her bottom lip poked out in a faux-pout. "But it better be something good."

"I know," Sadie said, sounding suddenly excited, her eyes going big. "How would you like to meet my strap-on, Bruce?"


Kaia slid her strap-on into Lisa's tight cunt, her sodden walls seeming to grab at it and pull it into her hot and steamy depths. The cocoa-skinned beauty began to pump her hips, driving the thick gel-member in and out of the dark-haired beauty's pussy. From underneath Lisa's flat tummy, Skyler lay on her back, her head propped up by two pillows as she licked and sucked at Lisa's turgid love button. Lisa, whose right cheek rested against the wetness of Skyler's pussy was far too distracted now by the dual stimulation she was receiving to concentrate well enough to eat her wife's peach.

It had been like this all night. Skyler and Kaia were busy rewarding their other lover because Lisa had gotten news during the day that she'd be receiving a big promotion the following Monday. All of her years as a personal assistant and earning her degree had finally paid off. She would actually be offered an executive position, which would come with a hefty raise that nearly doubled her pay.

After getting the call about the promotion, Lisa shared the news with Kaia and her wife. After a brief three-way hug, Lisa's two lovers had announced that they were taking her upstairs and were planning to give her the best night of sex she'd ever had. Lisa had come nearly a dozen times over the next two hours, with one brief respite for water and a snack and the other when Bree Ann had called to tell them she wouldn't be coming home.

"Fuck me! Yes, baby, fuck me!" Lisa crooned, her next orgasm already beginning to build, though Kaia had only given her a dozen strokes. So far tonight, she'd come several times from being eaten, and at least three times as Kaia or Skyler fucked her; had one huge climax as the

pair double-penetrated her, and a few more times while being tribbed. It seemed as if the team was attempting to fuck her to death, and Lisa was only too happy to allow them to give it their best shot.

Skyler clamped her lips around Lisa's clitoris and began sucking at biting at the flesh-covered bundle of nerves. That was all it took to push Lisa over the edge for another climax, Kaia continuing to work the strap-on in and out of her cunt despite her vaginal walls doing their best to hold the gel member in place as she came.

"No more," Lisa pleaded, rolling over onto her side as her chest heaved up and down while she attempted to catch her breath. She ended up in a fetal position, her eyes closed while Kaia and Skyler looked down at her with amused looks gracing their faces.

"I think that we may have broken her," Skyler said with a playful giggle.

"We'll know for sure if she starts sucking her thumb," Kaia replied, never one to miss a chance to pile on.

Lisa raised a single hand, extending her middle finger and flipping them off. That caused the duo to laugh once again, even Lisa managing to crack a smile. The pair joined her lying on the bed, sandwiching the sexy brunette between their naked bodies.

"So your mom really did the deed," Lisa stated, her eyes still closed as she enjoyed the warm feeling of these two women's bodies against hers.

"It seems that way," Skyler replied. "Of course, I knew she wouldn't admit to anything. But you could hear in her voice how happy she was."

"Yeah, you really could," Kaia added reflectively.

"I guess we all need to get to know Sadie better," Skyler suggested. "It seems she may turn out to be an even more significant part of mom's life than we thought."

"Hey, speak for yourself," Lisa replied, nudging Skyler's shoulder. "Kaia and I have been trying to get you to face facts for months."

"All right, already," Skyler said, with a roll of her eyes. "I'm just saying that we need to invite her to dinner, or perhaps the five of us go out on a double date. Anything to get to know her. We basically only know her through mom's stories."

"Skyler wants to get to know the woman that's gonna be her new step-mommy," Lisa teased with a grin.

"You're both jerks," Skyler said in a huff, though Kaia and Lisa both knew she wasn't angry.

"We're just teasing, Sky," Kaia replied, reaching across Lisa's prone form to caress the younger woman's soft shoulder. "Why don't we throw a cookout and let your mom invite Sadie and some of her friends if she's comfortable with them knowing about the change in her sexuality. We'll ask some of our circle of friends and make a big day of it."

"Sort of like a coming-out party?" Skyler asked, trying to precisely put her finger on exactly what Kaia was suggesting.

"Well, I wouldn't put that name on it. Your mom might feel pressure if we do. And remember, it's her decision when she wants to announce her sexuality to the world. I'm not even sure that Bree Ann has had time to put that much thought into what category she'd classify herself," Kaia replied.

"That's true," Lisa said. "She could fall under bi or pansexual, I guess."

"She doesn't have to even put a label on it," Kaia added. "What's important is how she feels about Sadie. I think it's plain to see that Bree Ann is in love with her. I can't see your mom having sex with her without that component being present."

"She definitely wouldn't," Skyler said. She knew her mother was many things, but casual about sex wasn't one of them. Skyler knew that her mother was wholly aware that she was having sex with Kaia at the beginning of their relationship. But the Grace matriarch had also learned that her daughter was very much in love with the cocoa-skinned beauty. And that had proven reason enough for Bree Ann to set aside any objections she might have had about her daughter's relationship with the beautiful former Marine. "Mom's definitely in love with her, though I'm not so sure how ready she'll be to make that information public just yet."

"Well, we can feel her out about it once she gets home tomorrow," Lisa suggested. "She might need a little time to figure out what she wants. 'Til then, perhaps we recommend that she invite Sadie over for dinner tomorrow night to give us a chance to get to know her better."

"Agreed," Kaia and Lisa said in unison.

"Your mom is right about one thing, though. The three of us need to get some sleep. Hopefully, the boys will sleep through the night because you know that Macey will be in here at the break of dawn wanting breakfast," Kaia declared, as she rolled over and crawled up to the head of the bed, taking her usual sleeping position.

Lisa and Skyler joined her, the three of them snuggling together and pulling the sheet and

comforter up to cover their bodies. Kaia extended her arms and allowed the two women she loved, to snuggle in against her well-defined shoulders before closing her eyes and beginning to nod off. Lisa soon joined the cocoa-skinned goddess in sleep, both women's breathing signaling their slumber to Skyler.

It was some time before the auburn-haired beauty finally found sleep. Skyler's final thought before dozing off for the night was a prayer. She asked God to protect her mother's heart. Because Skyler knew that her mother might not survive having her heart become broken again. She'd barely survived the loss of her husband, and Skyler wasn't sure her mother's heart could handle another blow.

And Skyler had every intention of making sure Sadie understood that.

Authors Note: Bree Ann and Sadie's love continues to grow as Bree Ann slowly comes out to her friends and family with mixed results. But a beautiful younger woman from Sadie's past threatens to derail Bree Ann's relationship with the beautiful blonde

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GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusabout 1 year ago

To my mind, Maonaigh has earned a permanent spot in the Literotica pantheon. For him to declare himself an admirer of your work counts a lot in my book. All the more reason to embrace his points as constructive criticism.

I have tried to offer my own critiques in the same spirit. I take keenly to heart the admonition offered by some along the lines of "If you want professional-grade writing, go to Kindle. Everything on this site is offered free of charge, and so we ought to lighten up and cut you some slack."

I believe that each 5-star rating ought to be exceptional. I can't recall anything Maonaigh has posted that I didn't find worth of 5 stars. The flaws in your writing I've made reference to previously, in my opinion, rob you of that 5th star. I look forward to the day when the quality of your work, in terms of craftsmanship, qualifies you for a full 5.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusabout 1 year ago

To my mind, Maonaigh has earned a permanent spot in the Literotica pantheon. For him to declare himself an admirer of your work counts a lot in my book. All the more reason to embrace his points as constructive criticism.

I have tried to offer my own critiques in the same spirit. I take keenly to heart the admonition offered by some along the lines of "If you want professional-grade writing, go to Kindle. Everything on this site is offered free of charge, and so we ought to lighten up and cut you some slack."

I believe that each 5-star rating ought to be exceptional. I can't recall anything Maonaigh has posted that I didn't find worth of 5 stars. The flaws in your writing I've made reference to previously, in my opinion, rob you of that 5th star. I look forward to the day when the quality of your work, in terms of craftsmanship, qualifies you for a full 5.

toesucker1toesucker1about 1 year ago


What a gracious acknowledgement of well-meant criticism!


Your comment was respecful and helpful, unlike the insulting one given in the previous chapter. That person could learn a lot from you.

P.S.: I’m loving this series so far.

Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Karipet i like the descriptions, it help my minds eye visualize the characters. Still dont like Lisa tho lol dont know why.

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

K, don't worry too much about auburn-haired beauty or about getting names swapped (though didn't notice that in this piece). The genius of a good writer is in the story. Any good editor and many good friends can help with the rest. YOU just keep on with the story itself. We know this isn't Kindle here. We shouldn't hold writers to that here.

In fact, it's a little silly, but I kind of like the over the top descriptives. It makes the story feel kind of "Harlequin" bringing the romance more to the surface (as opposed to just the sex [which was exceptional in this chapter].

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

One of the best on Lit.

shurlin3shurlin3about 2 years ago

Dear Karipet, love this series so far, looking forward to the final chapter you are working on. Speaking of final chapters, I recently read your series “Bambi’s Separate Worlds”, chapters 1 thru 5. After two years since you wrote the first five chapters, any chance you will get back to this series and write / post the sixth and final chapter you said you had planned at the end of chapter five?? Such an interesting and hot and well written story series, seems a shame to leave it unfinished.

KaripetKaripetabout 2 years agoAuthor

To those who've complained about the use of the descriptive term "auburn-haired beauty," please note that I've gone out of my way to remove it from the third and final installment of this story. I do read these comments and take the constructive criticism offered seriously. I want my tales to be as enjoyable for my readers as possible, so improving my writing is paramount in my mind with each new story I take on.

I'm more than 14K words into the third installment and likely have another 3k or more to write before sending it to my editor. I hope that you will find the ending to my story more polished and enjoyable.


NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnonabout 2 years ago

Everything that I thought about this story has already been said much more eloquently by Maonaigh.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

Long way to the Top if you wanna ( until here ACDC) Love for sure ....... We are always talking about the broken heart, but isn't the soul, just a soul deep love can break something in you or? ...... So Kari let this prayer from Skayler hit the Sky, so the Angels can save this sapphic duo for long lasting time ...... Lovely romance ☺️


haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthereabout 2 years ago

I didn't lose count. I didn't think you could top yourself after using 'auburn-haired beauty' 18 times on page one. Then you did it 26 times on page 3 and 23 times on page four. 3 times in some paragraphs, twice in many more. Between that and the other typos and odd references, I'm out. The original story with the three girls survived with an interesting plot line. This one just seems contrived to reuse mom as a character. I'm over it. No more.

Slurpy29Slurpy29about 2 years ago

You’re doing beautiful in developing relationship between Bree Ann and Sadie. Each sharing their feelings in a relatable way. I do agree with Maonaigh, seems like you were pretty hung up on the description of “auburn-haired beauty.” Using it not only to describe Bree, but at the end you referred to Skyler in the same fashion. Overall this has a wonderful flow, the romance between the two main characters is well done and then you have, Skyler, Lisa and Kaia on the other side, which I think is fun. Looking forward to reading on how Bree handles the challenges of coming out and hoping Sadie doesn’t cross the cheating line. Me personally, I have a hard time with characters who cheat. Fives stars from me. Please keep it up!

MaonaighMaonaighabout 2 years ago

A very readable successor to FindingHer Way...a five-star successor. What I'm going to say now will sound critical but it's meant to help you. In places there is too much repetition. I lost count of the number of times you wrote "auburn-haired beauty", sometimes twice or three times in the same paragraph. There are so many other ways you could have referred to Bree. There are some places where you ruin the mood by using frankly laughable words in an effort to find an alternative. There is the paragraph where you describe a tongue as an "oral appendage". Imagine that as if you are having a conversation with your doctor and she said: "Now let me see your oral appendage". Sounds a bit silly, not to mention unnatural, doesn't it?

This all may sound as if I'm knocking you. I'm not. I like your stories but your writing could be so much better if chunks of it sounded more natural. When you've written something, put it aside for a while then read it aloud to yourself. The more natural it sounds the better.

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