A Second Chance Ch. 02

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There's an attraction, what could possibly go wrong?
19.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/07/2022
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I hugged her tighter and carried on making love to her, and she clung to me, moved with me, kissed me, just as she had when we'd made love before, but it was all starting to feel very different.

That passion seemed to have merged, so much better, it had been pretty bloody spectacular before but shit, this was amazing.

Yes, we were buzzing with the moment, buzzing about being so intimate with the person we felt closest to; she gazed up into my face with such meaning, such passion that right there and then, I would have danced across hot coals and broken glass barefoot to make her happy.

I didn't of course, we made love until we came, both together, and spent the next forty-five minutes kissing each other and just murmuring sweet nothings.

"I forgot the one thing about 'no condoms' Craig," she said, sliding her feet out from under the duvet, "the after-sex waddle!" she stood and did indeed waddle, knees together, out to the bathroom.

I got up, pulled on my boxers and followed her, I needed a pee, and I also felt in need of some restorative coffee, seeing as my bedside alarm told me it wasn't even nine o'clock. I picked up Callie's new nightdress, still vastly impressed with the purchase in general, but her body in it in particular.

"Well, that's a new trick I should remember," she said as she turned off the bathroom light.


She walked across the landing to me, beautiful,

"I'm sure you've cleared me out!"

"Really?" I remembered that Anna had always been horny a day or two into her period but have never mentioned it speeding things up.

"I'm certainly not 'on' anymore that's for sure," she looked down at her groin, "never been fucked that close to a period!" She put a hand to the slight rise of her tummy, "Wow!"

"Glad to be of service," I said, "I was thinking of getting some De-Caf, want some?" I handed over her nightdress.

She pulled it over her head and down her fine body. She watched me watching her.

"You can't seriously be more turned on by me wearing this," she waved her hands down her torso, "over my fine naked body Craig?"

"Yeah," I said, "it's the reason I bought it." She kissed me.

"Tomorrow night, I'll have a shower before I go to bed, NO! Before I come to bed with you, wearing my new SEXY teddy!"

I smiled a rather rude smile letting her know that would be just fine as far as I was concerned. I took her hand and walked her across to the second bedroom across the hallway and opened the door, turning on the light.

This was the room that Di had designed and fitted out as a child's bedroom, her child's bedroom.

Like all her other rooms it was perfect, painted in a selection of light, bright colours and while the antique iron framed double bed was quite old, the mattress was brand new. The antique furniture was classic dark wood, and all matched the room and the décor perfectly, and the view across the garden from the large bay window was lovely. There were bookshelves, already holding Di's collection of the hardbacks and paperbacks she'd loved as a kid. Mine were in a box in the garage waiting for me to unpack them.

Callie looked at me,


"This was the room my sister Diana would have put her child in," I shook my head to remove that sad thought, and Callie squeezed my hand as she looked up at me, "So Cal," I said, "how about we move lil' Emmie down into this room, we'll bring down all her stuff, there's tonnes of room for it."

"Oh Craig!" she stepped in, looking around in joy and some wonder, "That would be so lovely! Oh, look at this room!"

I stepped closer to her, and whispered in her ear,

"We move you down into that one," I pointed to the other spare, "But on the understanding that you sleep with me of course?"

She pushed up close to me, and wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed,

"THAT would be amazing!" She opened her mouth and our tongues twirled together.

I reached down to cup her wonderful buttocks, and she purred, carrying out a small dance that turned my 'grab' into a massage.

I danced back to my room with her,

"And while we're talking about moving things, how about I put a small wet room with a shower, handbasin and a WC just there!" I pointed to the adjoining wall to the small walk-in wardrobe in the room next door.

She giggled,

"Just when I thought it couldn't get any better!"

We went downstairs, made coffee, and watched some Simpsons episodes, and rather than taking position at each end of the sofa as we had before, she was cuddled up to me. Perfect.

We slept together that night, holding each other and waking the next morning, a short time before my alarm was due to go off. We started to kiss, and a short time after we were back making love again; Wow it was good.

We got up, into the bathroom and showering together, not a first for either of us it turned out, but fun for all that. Dried off and dressed I headed down to the kitchen to start breakfast, while Callie had Emmie up and in the bathroom.

Breakfast was really good fun, with Emmie still hugging Bear, and just a bit annoyed at having to leave him behind while she went to school; she finally relented when I placed him on the sofa, and I promised to leave Disney Plus on for him.

I went to work, and was terribly happy all morning, even being noticed by the two Margaret's. I left slightly earlier, and was there to collect Emmie from school, her big beaming smile and shout of 'CRAAAAAAIG!' as she ran towards me and leapt up into my arms, and onto my heart. She put her arms around my neck and squeezed tight.

In the last few weeks, I'd gotten more involved with her care. After my babysitting Saturday, I'd offered to collect her from school as it was on my way home, and I had a certain amount of flexibility at work where Callie didn't.

She asked if I could do that on Thursdays and the very occasional Friday, seeing as she had to stay late, to work a duty in their afterhours clinic. I took her to school once with Callie and was introduced as 'Craig' and was duly recognised as a 'someone that would pick up Emma Sinclair'.

Bonnie's Mum chatted with Emmie and made a point of checking me out. I offered my hand to the Yummy Mummy across from me and was glad I was wearing my smart work suit especially for the moment.

"Craig Douglas," I said, "Callie's having some issues at her place and is staying with me while they're sorted."

"Charlotte!" she beamed, giving me a friendly once-over, "So Bonnie has told me, you're the one with Disney Plus!"

"Yes," I said, "It's nice to be recognised, and to be honest," I reached down for my charge's tiny hand, "I no longer have Disney Plus, my little mate Emma here does!"

"Emma!" said the smiling Bonnie's Mum with her hands on her fine hips, but Emmie and Bonnie were both all girlish giggles.

"She does kind of get away with it," I said.

"Yeah, I can see!" said Bonnie's Mum, "But every time she's come to stay with us, she's been such a Darling."

"Yes, I must confess I'll miss her when they go home."

"Awwww," said Bonnie's Mum, "Will they be far away?"

Sneaky; a nice way for Bonnie's Mum to find out where I lived. I named the district rather than the street name.

"That's way across town!" she said, "Nice! Isn't it a problem getting here for Emma morning and afternoon?"

"No," I said with a grin, " and this is on my way to work, but we've got to keep her life as normal as possible."

"Of course," said Bonnie's Mum, "Bonnie here is helping!"

"Yes," I said bending down to Emmie's best friend, "if it wasn't for your help and advice, I'd have nothing to watch between four o'clock and seven!"

I was to find out later that Charlotte had already discussed 'Craig' with Callie on several occasions!

"Come on then Princess," I said, "shall we go to the shops and buy something nice for Mummy's tea!"

"Yeah!" she said.

"You've got to help me cook it though Emmie," I said.

"Of course!" she said, as if such a thing was obvious.

As I walked away, I could see the smiles from a variety of women; some parents, a couple of staff members, all grinning at how Emmie had me wrapped around her little finger.

We stopped at Sainsburys and with Emmie high in the trolley seat, again pronouncing at anything I picked up.

Eventually, I settled on steaks for us and some nice-looking butcher's burgers for my tiny shopping advisor, as she reeeeeeally didn't want the perfect, lightly marbled beef I figured would need less than four minutes a side, and no more than a light coating of olive oil, and salt and pepper.

We got home, and Emmie ran up to her room and changed into her home clothes, running back down to rescue Bear from the sofa, in front of the TV I'd switched on just in time.

With the remote in hand, she was sat in front the TV and another Disney movie was playing.

Looking at my watch, I guessed roughly how long it would be until my gorgeous lover would step through the front door, sashaying along the hallway, that amazing arse of hers moving as if it was separate from the rest of her. I decided to send her a text.

"Hiya Callie, grab two bags of chips on your way home, to go with the tea I'm cooking you, text me when you're about to leave work."

"Ooooh!" came the reply, "I'm being spoiled!"

"Taste it first then tell me," I replied.

She texted me and I started to heat up the griddled frying pan for the steaks and Emmie's burger. I cut her a large bun and laid lettuce, tomato, some red onion and a blob of coleslaw just for badness.

The next message, 'just leaving the chippy' arrived, and the steaks and burger went on. The smell was amazing.

I heard the clunk of the front door, and a shouted, 'hello!' followed by Emmie's thundering feet.

"That smells amazing!" said Callie and she stepped into the kitchen carrying Emmie, who was carrying Bear.

"You've just got time to go and get changed!" I said, "dinner in the dining room I think!"

"Oooh," she said with raised eyebrows, "Back in a second!" She lowered Emmie and trotted out of the room.

I plated up our food, spreading a mountain of chips onto each plate and carrying them through to the large dining room with the full-length window that looked out across the garden.

Emmie appeared first, changed into a party dress, followed by Callie who was wearing a stretchy black minidress that clung to her the same way her German nightdress did. She'd brushed her hair out of the work ponytail and pins, put on a thin necklace and was just connecting the second of the matching earrings.

"Wow!" I said, but quickly catching up, "Ladies!" I said grandly, "Please step this way, Miss Emma?"

Tiny Emmie giggled, and I lifted her into her chair and pushed it forward so she was level with her huge burger that would have done a restaurant proud. She grinned and started on her chips.

"Miss Callie," I said pulled the chair next to her daughter out. She made to sit down, and I pushed it in.

I undid a large bottle of Coke; OK I really wanted to attack Di's wine cellar, but it was a school night.

"This is a naïve domestic cola without any breeding, but I THINK you'll be amused by its presumption." Callie laughed and smiled at me, while I mentally thanked James Thurber for the quote. I poured out into the two wine glasses and one tumbler and sat down at the head of the table next to Emmie, "your very good health!"

We all drank from our glasses and set too.

The steak was everything I'd wanted it to be, along with a salad much like the one in Emmie's burger roll, along with some sautéed mushrooms.

"Craig!" said Callie, as she tasted her first piece of beef, "this is amazing!"

"Thank you," I said, looking across at her, "you look amazing as well."

She smiled,

"Thank you!" She even blushed.

Dinner was really simple and really nice, and we chatted about our days and had more Coke, followed by some fruit with Ice cream, a very simple sweet course my Mum had often used.

We moved back into the sitting room and the TV (Bear was watching the Muppet Show) and sat on the sofa with him, one large huddle of contented people; Callie up close to me with my arm around her and Emmie sat on our laps, moving as the mood took her.

At the end of the Disney short we'd watched, Callie announced that it was bedtime, and Emmie was nagged up to her room; we'd decided we'd move her and her things down to the first-floor room that weekend, even though Callie would be sleeping in my room before her stuff came down.

I cleared up in the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher, closing the thing with a satisfying 'clunk' and the faint whir as it filled with water and started to do its thing. I made tea and took them through to the sitting room and had to put both mugs down as my phone pinged to a text.

'Count to 10 then meet me in the kitchen😊'

The addition of the smiley face had me laughing and remembering the 'sex at your place' invite message Anna had suggested.

This time it was different, I just knew tonight was going to be special. I counted to ten, fifteen actually, as instructed and stepped out into the hallway, and across to the kitchen.

She was stood by the island unit and looking so fucking amazing.

The Berlin department store lingerie collection had been huge, and I'd really taken my time choosing.

The royal blue lace bodice had looked so hot, with a tiny lace skirt/fringe thing around it and I could see that the necklace and earrings she'd put on with her little black dress, were to match this as much as anything.

She stalked across to me,

"Thought I'd do something nice for you in the kitchen, Craig," she kissed me, pinning me back against the worktop, you've guessed it, right by the coffee machine. She dropped to her knees, unbelted, unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pulled them down along with my boxers.

"Hmmmm..." she said, looking up at me, "this looks very nice!" She licked her lips, opened her mouth and fed my hardening dick into her mouth.

I'd been blown many times, something that Anna had never been shy of, and once right here.

Although Callie didn't have Anna's experience, she more than made up for it with her passion, and was soon backwards and forwards, mouthing me, licking me, eventually sucking me as she fucked me with her mouth. I felt my sap start to rise in response to this amazing stimulation, the gentle, almost cat-like sighs and purrs she made, just making me more and more excited about this perfect moment.

"Christ," I gasped, "Callie, be careful Baby." OK, during our night of passion, she'd declared her intention to blow me in the kitchen, but I'd always believed that it was the height of good manners to let my lover know when the end was on its way.

She grabbed me and gave a few wanks,

"I don't need to," she said with a grin, "I've done a lot of research into this!"

She all but stuffed my erection back into her mouth and speeded up doing what she had done before, just in time for me to feel THAT FEELING, the one that would have had me taking hold of Anna's head and fucking her mouth, something that had really turned HER on, and had her diddling her clit at the same time, that whole 'her naked, me dressed' thing that had been a large part of our lovemaking, sex, whatever...

I came into Callie's mouth, and I could tell it had come as a bit of a surprise, but she coped and must have swallowed as she went. She licked and swiped around the head of my cock with her tongue, squeezing out any remains of my pleasure. She even went so far as to open her mouth and stick out her tongue, her training must have involved some internet porn sites obviously.

"Was that OK?" she all but squeaked.

"OK?" I reached down for her hands and pulled her up, "OK? It was... incredible!"

"As good as the one she gave you?" she had her head to one side in that 'cute' way of hers.

This could end badly,

"Much quicker," I said, thinking up and response that wouldn't get her pissed off at me, or make her feel bad about her performance, "you were incredible, I couldn't hold back, hence me telling you I was about to come."

She seemed happy with that one, and I gave myself a mental pat-on-the-back-well-done; I mean, it was a blowjob and from my perspective, I'd never had a bad one, not ever.

"I'm pleased!" she said with a grin, stepping across to the sink, dragging a cup from the rack and filling it with water, rinsing her mouth and spitting. She stopped and turned back to me, "Shit! That wasn't too unladylike, was it?"

"Considering what you'd just done, I think it was totally justified." I pulled up my shorts and my jeans, happy that there were no drips. I stepped across to her. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her to me, "there is one problem though Callie," I said, "I'm effectively out of commission until I recover, so... anything you'd like me to do? While we are waiting like?" She pursed her lips, "And I don't mean what you'd like to watch on Netflix."

"Weeeeeeeell, I suppose you could go down on me," she folded her arms, "only if it's not too much trouble, you know, seeing as I've just..."

I clamped my mouth to hers and kissed her, not tasting me at all, which I had done with Anna a few times!

I swung her up in my arms and carried her out to the stairs. But remembering the two mugs of tea, walked back into the sitting room and lowered her so she could pick them up. She did so, laughing to herself as I carried her, and them, upstairs to my bedroom, where we'd make love.

I lowered her down and she was able put down both mugs; once done, I put her down on to the bed, delighting in how sexy she looked.

"You look so fucking hot Cal," I said kicking off my trousers and shorts, and dragging my shirt over my head, "I picked the right one, that's for sure!" I lay on the bed next to her and she rolled onto her side

"When I saw it in the week, it turned me on so much, that's why I did... you know!" She giggled, "Craig, I..." she rolled her eyes and looked up, "That's the first time I've ever done that, all the way like!" She giggled in her embarrassment.

"It didn't show Callie," I said slipping an arm around her waist, "It was, like you, just wonderful!" Her smile got huge.

"I spoke to a friend at work about oral," she said, "said that I'd read something in a book and didn't quite believe it; she kind of filled in the blanks," she pushed her lace-covered boobs against me, "then I watched some internet porn yesterday."

"Whatever you did, it worked brilliantly, it was so lovely. More so because it was you doing it."

"Oh Craig!" she said, "you say the sweetest things!"

"Because you're so sweet," I said, kissing her, "Right! About time I repaid the favour!"

"Oh yeah!" she said, with the hint of a tremble.

I could see she was looking to remove the panties that the teddy came with,

"All part of the service, Babe," I said as I rolled down the bed and settled between her thighs.

Five minutes, ten minutes, something like that and eventually Callie pushed my head from between her thighs, with a peal of throaty laughter.

"NO MORE!" she all but screeched at me, "Shit!" she pulled up her thighs and pinched her knees together. Not that effective as it just meant her puss was in my face and the gentle application of an arm meant there was almost nothing she could do to stop me from burying my face into her again.

We ended up rolling together, laughing fit to burst, my face still damp with her very own moisture, sprayed up and on my cheeks after I'd spent a long time stroking her G-spot, her puss pushed hard up into me until the pressure was released and she dropped down to roll through another orgasm and she begged me to stop.

"Make love to me Craig, I want to feel you inside me again," she kissed me, softly and tenderly. I rolled over her again, and she clung to me, grunting another 'oh yeah' as I pushed up into her swollen and very wet puss. "Oh Craig!"