A Seniors Club Ch. 03

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Seniors visit Mistress Calista for an S&M meeting.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/15/2005
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It had been several weeks since the Seniors Club had been formed. It was a resounding success for its six members even though no additional 'cells' had yet been formed. There had been several 'meetings' and most of the members were becoming more adventuresome as the weeks swept by. The autumn season was fast approaching and Laura wanted to do something more daring than had occurred so far at the 'meetings'. She had become the defacto leader of this first, and only, cell and she wanted to expand the groups' sexual activities.

As always, she used Gary as her 'consultant' and sounding board. She phoned him for any ideas to spice up the 'clubs' activities. After much discussion on what to do, Gary suggested a light S & M night might be in order. Laura became instantly intrigued by the idea and asked how to go about arranging it and obtaining the 'light S & M services'. He told her to leave the arrangements to him; he would look into it and get back to her with what he discovered. Laura thanked him and hung up.

Gary had heard stories about local BDSM groups in the city, but had never actually visited any of the purported groups. His actual experience with S & M had been with Monique Caldwell, three years ago. Although they each had submitted to one another, it was a private excursion into the world of Domination just between Monique and himself. They had never considered visiting a Professional Dominant nor had they ever repeated their S & M experiences. He remembered that Monique had once mentioned a night club that she had heard was devoted to the so-called 'Dark Arts'. *(see note at the end)

Making several discreet inquiries, Gary learned that a certain Adult bookstore in town sold a lot of BDSM equipment and he decided to check it out. He entered the store and began to look around at items that were offered for sale. When the manager was free of other customers he approached Gary and asked if he could be of help. Gary told him that he was looking for a BDSM group in town so he could find someone knowledgeable with the life style. After a long conversation with the manager, who checked him out with a multitude of questions, Gary was finally given an address of where to begin his search. It was the address of a very upscale and posh restaurant and nightclub called 'The Dungeon'.

Gary drove to the nightclub and went inside. Sitting at the bar, Gary ordered a beer then began a long conversation with a very good looking bar tender named Sophie. After chatting with Sophie about several things Gary asked about how the club got its name, 'The Dungeon'. She was hesitant to disclose the source of the name, fearful that Gary may be plant from the police, or worse; a religious advocate do-gooder type. Sophie pressed a button under the bar which called for the owner, David Gordon, to come to the bar. He introduced himself as the owner and Gary asked if they could talk privately. David led the way to his office with Gary in tow.

"Mr. Gordon," Gary began, "I have an unusual request, but I don't mean to offend you." David listened cautiously as Gary told him the he represented a several seniors. He asked David if he could help him find a professional Dominant that might be of help in an S & M experience for the seniors he represented. David told him that he had received similar questions from others, but he didn't know for sure if there was anyone who could help him. He admitted to having been given the business card of a woman that supposedly was involved with that 'sort of thing' and would look to see if he still had the card.

He stressed that anything that followed from this inquiry would be fully Gary's responsibility. David feigned searching through his desk for a few minutes to find the card, and finally told Gary to he had found it. He wrote a number of a piece of scrap paper and told Gary to call it and ask to speak to a woman named Calista. David also told him that he would deny having given him the number to anyone other than the woman he had just named. He was very explicit in telling Gary that he was on his own regarding the woman and any relationship she might have with any form of alternative lifestyle. Gary nodded, thanked him, pocketed the scrap of paper and left the nightclub.

Arriving home he decided to call the number. After several rings a young woman answered the phone and asked why he had called. Gary explained that he had been the phone number by someone, named David Gordon, who told him to ask for a woman, named Calista, to retain her services. The young woman asked Gary for his full name and telephone number. Gary complied and the woman said she would see to it that someone would call him by tomorrow. She hung up and Gary was left wondering if anything would come of his request.

Gary's phone rang the next day, late in the afternoon. The woman caller identified herself as Calista. She asked to meet with Gary at seven pm for dinner at the same posh restaurant in the city named, The Dungeon. He was to ask the head waiter for her table and they would meet over dinner to discuss what services he had in mind. Gary was unsure of what was happening, but the restaurant she had suggested, The Dungeon, was very upscale. He had been there when he was searching for an S & M person and he wasn't concerned about meeting her there. Gary hung up the phone and went to his bedroom to get ready to meet the mysterious Calista.

He arrived at The Dungeon restaurant twenty minutes early and went inside. Gary waited for the head waiter and asked for Calista's table. The head waiter guided him through the main dining room and up the stairs to a semi private table. The table was located on the balcony at the top of the flight of stairs at the rear of the restaurant overlooking the main dining room. There were three tables on the balcony; each separated from the other tables by a wall. There were heavy drapes at the front of the walled enclosures which could give the diners even more privacy, if they desired.

Gary was seated at the table in the center enclosure. He had noticed that each of the table enclosures had a door at the rear of the small dining room. The walls were decorated in a dungeon motif featuring restraints on the walls, a facsimile small barred window and paintings of a 'rack' and other dungeon implements. Gary figured that the restaurant got its name from these paintings. The head waiter asked Gary if he wanted a drink while he waited and Gary asked if the woman, called Calista, had a favorite wine. The waiter nodded yes and suggested that a dark red Zinfandel was one of her favorites, especially at evening dinners. Gary ordered a bottle of the Zinfandel with two glasses.

The head waiter returned a few minutes later with the wine. He uncorked the bottle then went through the obligatory 'ritual' of pouring a tasters' amount in Gary's glass. Gary sniffed then sipped the wine and nodded his approval and the waiter poured a full glass for him. Glancing at his watch, Gary noted that it was nearly seven o'clock pm. Promptly at seven the door at the rear of the enclosure opened and out stepped a stunning young woman, fashionably dressed in a black cocktail dress. She had dark brown hair, green eyes, deep red lipstick on her lips and was about five feet eight inches tall in her pumps. He judged her weight at about one hundred twenty pounds. She had smallish breasts with hard erect nipples that pushed the fabric of her dress out smartly and a well shaped firm ass. She wore small earrings and a matching necklace that appeared to be diamonds.

"Hello, you must be Gary," she said, extending her hand as Gary stood up, "I'm Calista." Gary nodded as they shook hands.

"Hello...yes, I am Gary," he replied as he held Calista's chair while she sat down.

"Ah, a gentleman," she said smiling, "Not too many of you around these days, unfortunately." Gary acknowledged her compliment and told her that she was very beautiful. Her captivating smile told Gary that she appreciated his complimenting her too. Gary told her that the head waiter had told him about her dinner wine preference and he showed her the bottle. Calista nodded approvingly as he poured her a glass of wine. She sipped the wine and said "Perfect," as she smiled again. "Let's order first and then talk about your needs," Calista said.

Calista ordered a filet steak, rare, and Gary had a New York strip steak, also rare. Both of them sipped their wine while Gary told Calista about the 'Seniors Sex Club'. Calista was not surprised by the seniors need and desire for sex, but was pleasantly surprised that finally some seniors had done something positive about it. Their food arrived and they continued their talking about the short history of the club as they ate. Calista was all ears as they talked, fascinated that they had formed a 'club' devoted to seniors having sex. She was intrigued by the group sex aspect that enabled the senior members to expand their sexual experiences beyond the usual and mundane. The finished their meals and ordered some coffee while they continued their discussion.

"The reason I called is that the members would like to experience an S & M day or night with someone who really knows the lifestyle," Gary told her as he related his experience of how he came to this restaurant and was given Calista's number by the owner. Calista nodded, but unbeknownst to Gary, the restaurant owner had called her to alert her to Gary's possible telephone call. "We are not seeking any hardcore nor extreme fetishes that could injure any member. We would just like to spice up our sexual experiences with a professional Dominant and have a lot of fun," he continued.

"How wonderful, I think it's a splendid idea. I think I can help you to realize your requests and I assure you it will be a safe experience for all of you." Calista told him that she was indeed a professional Dominatrix and would be happy to provide the experiences that Gary's group desired. She went on to explain her fees for the six people involved and that she might also have two female submissives assist her. "I gather by what you've told me, Gary, that your members are very discreet and can be trusted not to reveal the experience, or my involvement, to anyone other than the 'club' members." Gary nodded 'yes', as Calista continued to speak.

"I think this will be a fun experience for all of us," she smiled. "I would like to start with a tour of my facilities so they can see what implements and toys are available and how they might be used on devoted lifestyle people. Next, I will develop a 'light S & M' program for you and your members that they will always remember, yet stay within the safety boundaries you explained earlier, Gary." Calista explained that she would provide the place and time for the 'event' and to plan to spend several hours at her Dungeon. She would provide Gary with a map to get to the site and that she would call him with the available dates for their S & M experience.

Calista called their waiter for the check, but Gary interceded and told her that gentlemen never allow a lady to pay for dinner. She conceded with a lovely smile and Gary paid the check and left a generous tip as Calista stood up and shook his hand again, reminding him that someone would call him in the next few days. Her lovely smile nearly melted Gary again, as he watched her depart through the same door through which she had arrived. Pleased with himself and the arrangements he had made, he decided to call Laura and tell her about his meeting with Mistress Calista.

Gary received the call from Mistress Calista on the very next day. She told him that the seniors' club S & M session was scheduled for the upcoming Saturday afternoon, promptly at one o'clock pm at her estate. She gave him the driving directions to her estate with instructions to arrive in a single car. Further, they were to dress casually, and none of them were to wear any underwear. Gary called a meeting of the club that same night and the six of them met at a small lounge downtown. Laura introduced their meeting topic and Gary related his meeting with Calista. He told them what the arrangements would be including the fee, the dress requirements and a single car to transport them to Mistress Calista's estate. Brian volunteered to drive his Navigator SUV and he would pick them up at the parking lot of the new mall near the department store. The group was very excited about the prospect of an S & M meeting and asked Gary about the beautiful Dominatrix, Mistress Calista. Gary further explained that Mistress Calista would begin the session with a tour of her facilities. She would have two female submissives assist her, that the seniors' safety was a priority and she too wanted the club members to have a fun experience. They talked excitedly about their upcoming adventure for nearly two hours before they adjourned to each go home.

Saturday seemed to take forever to come around for all of them. They met at the mall, parked their cars and assembled into Brian's SUV. They drove off to the interstate and were on their way with some apprehension in each of them. After nearly two hours of driving, they pulled off the interstate to a county road for a few minutes then onto a small country lane. They drove through a heavily forested area then followed a high stone wall for over a mile before coming to a heavy wrought iron gate. Brian stopped at the locked gate and pushed the intercom button. A male voice answered and asked their business. Brian told the voice they had an appointment with Mistress Calista and the gate slowly swung open to let them enter the grounds.

They drove for another ten minutes through a winding driveway surrounded by thick forest. Soon the trees and under brush parted to reveal a huge country manor home that resembled a medieval castle complete with a huge stone tower. Brian drove to the main entrance where a man awaited them. The man introduced himself as Eric and said he was an associate of Mistress Calista. Eric directed Brian to the side of the house to park and told them to knock on the door at the Tower Dungeon entrance. Excitedly, the six club members got out of the SUV, walked to the door that Eric had indicated and knocked on the heavy oak door.

The door creaked open to reveal a young woman with dark brunette hair showing under her hooded terrycloth robe. She smiled and introduced herself as Ella, a live in submissive to Mistress Calista. She invited them into the Tower ante room then closed the door. Ella told them to remove all of their clothes and leave them on a side table in the ante room and to each kneel on one of the six pillows on the stone floor. When they were all naked and kneeling, Ella placed a leather collar around each of their necks and locked it. She removed her terrycloth robe to disclose she was naked. The six seniors were astonished with Ella's beauty. Her supple form and dark brunette hair framed her stunning body. They marveled at her very shapely naked body which measured around five feet, six inches tall. She appeared to be in her late twenties with a shaved pussy, lovely thirty six C cup breasts, well shaped with no discernable sag and hard erect nipples.

Just as the seniors were coming to an appreciation of Ella's nakedness, another young naked woman entered the ante room carrying two long hand chains with three smaller chains hanging from the end of the two longer chains. "This is Beth, another of Mistress Calista's live in submissives," Ella announced. Beth was equally as stunning as Ella. Beth had dark eyes that sometimes appeared to be black. She was twenty five years old, weighed one hundred and twenty pounds and was five feet five inches tall. She wore her jet black hair straight which fell to the center of her back and she too had a shaved pussy. Her breasts were a wonderfully shaped thirty four C cup with areolas the size of a fifty cent coins and hard protruding nipples. Beth attached the three smaller chains to a ring in the seniors' leather collars then handed Ella one of the chain and kept the other in her hand. The seniors immediately recognized that the chains were actually leashes.

Both Ella and Beth kneeled on the stone floor to await their Mistress. Soon the sound of heels clicking on the stone floor resonated throughout the ante room as Mistress Calista entered wearing a floor length red and black silk cloak. She stopped in front of Ella then Beth, as each of the women opened Calista's cloak to kiss her pussy in homage to their Mistress. The seniors gasped when Calista removed her cloak to stand naked. She held the cloak out away from her body and Ella jumped up to catch it just as her Mistress released it. Ella hung the cloak on a wooden hook, retrieved the leash and resumed kneeling. Calista smiled as the seniors kneeled with mouths agape at what they had just witnessed. Their eyes trailed all over Mistress Calista's marvelous naked body. She was five feet, five inches tall, about one hundred twenty five pounds, barely thirty two B small titties, hard erect nipples, shaved pussy, a long clit and a tight firm ass.

"Welcome to my home," Calista began, "I am your Mistress Calista for the next few hours as you enter the realm of my world...the dark arts of S & M." None of the seniors missed the emphasis Calista put on the word 'your' Mistress. They listened intently as she continued, "You will tour my S & M facilities, see the various instruments used to provide infinite pleasure with some accompanying sweet discomfort and pain. The later will be held to a minimum since this is your first experience with S & M. You will only speak when it is appropriate for you to give a response to questions asked of you. You will answer 'Yes Mistress' or 'No Mistress' unless another response is indicated. Sounds from discomfort or pain such as groans, crying out and such are exempt from the yes/no Mistress rule.

"You will follow my commands immediately, as obedience to my will is paramount," Calista continued. "If at any time any of you decide that the demands levied on you are more than you can bear, you can speak the word 'Enough' and everything will stop for you only. The word 'Enough' is what we in this lifestyle call a 'safe word'. This prevents injury or illness and if you are truly suffering, I encourage you to use it. The session today is a learning and fun experience for this Seniors Club, and I don't want anyone hurt or becoming ill. Once used, the submissive that used the word, will be excused from the activity that prompted use of your safe word. If you want to resume with follow on activities you may do so, since this is a trial experience for all of you."

Calista whirled about and called out to Ella and Beth to have the seniors stand and lead them by their leashes to the Tower Dungeon. Mistress Calista climbed the stone steps at a pace that accommodated the seniors and soon all were at the top of the steps. Eric met them at the Dungeon door and it creaked aloud as he opened the heavy oak door. Ella and Beth led the group into the Dungeon while Eric turned the dim lights on. The seniors looked about to see the various implements of discipline, pain and torture that Calista had accumulated. The walls were covered with straps, crops, whips, restraints and chains of various lengths with clamps on their ends. Several overhead chains dangled from the ceiling and the Dungeon contained other items such as special benches, X frames, special chairs, slings and pedestals.

Another wall displayed dildos, butt plugs, strap-on harnesses, chastity belts for both women and men, various leather and steel restraints and many other items that none of the seniors could identify. The seniors had an eerie feeling come over them as they wondered to themselves if some of the more painful looking devices would be used on them today. As they continued to walk through Calista's Dungeon they could see ropes, rawhide cords, elastic cords, paddles, gags, hoods, various weights, stocks, cages and other implements that they could not identify. Each of them began to question whether this S & M adventure was such a good idea. They saw a king size bed in the corner of the Dungeon with manacles and steel rings in the head and foot boards of the bed. Quickly, they realized the value of the safe word that their Mistress had stressed to them earlier.