A Simple Walk in the Woods


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I got behind Rachel and licked her very moist pussy and fingered her engorged clit until she had an orgasm, then I carefully inserted my steel-hard cock into her snug pussy. The penetration alone -- accompanied by her baritone continuous groan -- was almost enough to make me cum but using all of the fortitude that I could I held off squirting and started pumping.

I didn't last long; I didn't have to. About two minutes into my jack-hammering, while I latched onto and squeezed her tits, I came like a howitzer. She came right with me, spasming like she was having a seizure. Despite the short duration of our copulation we were both sweating.

When I ultimately withdrew she quickly turned around, kissed me hard on the lips, and then moaned "Please take me to a bed."

"No problem," I growled. I picked her up, almost sprinted up the stairs two at a time, bounced her on the guest room bed, and then proceeded to eat the pussy that I had just fucked -- while simultaneously mauling her tits -- with the vigor of a starving man.

Rachel and I didn't leave the bed for over two hours. We finally did just to clean all of the sweat and other bodily fluids off of us in the shower, then still naked to call our spouses. Surprisingly both were not reachable. Elsbeth's sister Eleanor mysteriously just said "She's out for the day and I don't know when she'll be back."

"Just tell her that I called, Eleanor, and let me know if any of her plans change," I politely said before telling her to hug her kids for me and I terminated the call.

In Rachel's case she merely said "My husband John didn't answer so I left him a sweet voicemail and said I would be out with business associates the rest of the night. You and I have business to discuss, don't we Blake?"

"Yeah -- we have to discuss how many orgasms we can possibly have before tomorrow morning," I growled.

"I do have to work tomorrow morning, you know," she grinned.

"Yeah, but you have work to do here tonight -- to keep me as sexually satisfied as I've ever been."

By the time that we fell asleep in each other's arms I realized that if she was as good at her job as she was as making me sexually satisfied she probably was the best businesswoman in the State.


Rachel moved out of her hotel room Monday morning, putting all of her clothes in her rental car, and after her meetings arrived at my house about 6:00 p. m. I had given her a remote control for our three car garage so she pulled into the empty space and carried her suitcases into my house and up to the second guest bedroom where we slept the night before. I got home a half hour later and she was in the kitchen with just an apron and high heels on making an appetizer before dinner.

Given my worship of her tits and pussy, she became my appetizer.

There was something about my connection with Rachel that overwhelmed me. It was more than just her perfect tits and snug muscular pussy; it was something ethereal that I simply could not explain. She stayed overnight Monday -- Thursday.

Before I got home on Tuesday I went to a pay phone in a bad part of town where I was sure there were no cameras -- I looked -- and in a disguise I walked two blocks from my car to the phone and with gloves on, and having wiped my quarter clean, called the authorities and reported where they could find the body of the serial rapist and then hung up.

It didn't take long after my call for the news to get out; apparently the authorities quickly located the body and did a rush DNA evaluation. Thursday morning all the media in town -- including the headline on the major morning newspaper -- confirmed through DNA testing that the dead body found was that of the serial rapist. The entire city breathed a sigh of relief, and Rachel was almost giddy when she read the two page article in the newspaper.

I drove Rachel to the airport Friday morning. After I kissed her goodbye she said "We both need a month to think things over; I don't know what fucking you the last week means; it will probably take me a month to figure it out; when I do I'll call you."

"Sounds like a plan," I replied because I had nothing to add. Even though it had been the best sexual experience of my life I really needed time to think too. I gave her another quick peck on the lips and she disappeared into the airport.

Fortunately Elsbeth wouldn't be home until Sunday afternoon because my cock was worn out and my lips were chapped.

When I picked Elsbeth up at the airport she seemed rested and up-tight at the same time. Between the time that I had dropped Rachel off and picked her up I had started to feel guilty about my relationship with Rachel. I would have been a real asshole if I didn't feel guilty, but even once I felt extreme guilt I knew that I was still an asshole. I was debating in my mind whether to tell her, but decided to wait until we had the "baby talk" before I made a final decision.

That night Elsbeth reprised her blowup doll persona when we had sex but it didn't really bother me because I was fantasizing that I was fucking Rachel so I had a really good orgasm. I think Elsbeth wondered why I sucked and mauled her tits much more enthusiastically than I ever had before, but didn't say anything about it.

When we kissed goodbye before work on Monday morning we both indicated that we had to talk that night.

After we ate Chinese takeout Monday night and put the dishes in the dishwasher Elsbeth got a glass of wine and I got a can of seltzer and we sat on our deck to talk. She got right to the point.

"Blake I have two things I have to tell you. I'm embarrassed about one, and am sorry about the other although I had to do it. I don't want our marriage to end but I'm afraid that what I've done will make you want to end it."

"That serious, Elsbeth?"

"Yeah, I think so Blake," she sighed. Then getting up her nerve she said "I was in a fog the last few months because I fucked another guy -- twice. He was just visiting for a few days and I'll never see him again, but I had to tell you because the guilt is eating me up. I don't love him, it clearly was a mistake, and he wasn't near the lover that you are, but when I was really feeling down and you were out of town I fucked him in his hotel room two nights. I attribute my recent weight loss to my angst about that."

She looked at me with sad eyes. I just stared back. Had it not been for my liaisons with Rachel I probably would have gone ballistic. Instead I just kept my powder dry.

I think that Elsbeth was surprised that I didn't go off on her. After a delay of a minute or so when the expected fireworks didn't explode I calmly said "What's the other thing?"

Tears started forming in her eyes. "I believe that I can convince you to forgive me for what I just told you. I don't know if you can forgive the other thing that I've done and will tell you now, but I really had no choice. Over the last couple of years the idea of having children has completely freaked me out. I simply can't do it, and to be sure that you couldn't talk me into it while at my sisters' houses I had an outpatient procedure that ensures that I can't conceive."

Again I had a reaction that Elsbeth couldn't possibly have predicted. The first thoughts that went through my mind were "I wonder if Rachel has my kids if when she's nursing I could still suck on her luscious melons." That thought really weirded me out. After I shook my head I had a more conventional thought, though still with less anger than Elsbeth or I would have expected.

"Since what I wanted to talk to you about tonight was that it was time to start a family or we are done, you've answered my question. We are done. I'll get the divorce rolling this week."

Elsbeth inexplicably started to cry. "Why are you crying? You had to know that would be the end of us. I could have gotten past your tryst but not denying me children after we always agreed that we would have them."

"I hoped against hope that it wouldn't; but combined with my cheating I can't blame you. Do you want me to find another place to live right away, or are you going to move out?"

Again, more weirdity entered my brain. "Fuck no I'm not moving out immediately or asking you to; until your blowup doll simulations the last two times that we had sex you were a great fuck and I'm horny as hell." I didn't tell her that Rachel had made me that way. "I intend to fuck you until the divorce goes through or until I find something better. Take off your top!"

The next few minutes there were startled expressions from Elsbeth. I don't really remember exactly what they were; I wasn't really listening to her. For some reason my cock had saluted and all that I could think of was pounding her pussy into submission, pretending that it was Rachel's. I remember that she did say "What?" or "What are you doing?" several times, but not much else.

Within five minutes of me saying "Take off your top" I had ripped all of her clothes off that she didn't remove herself, had swept what remained on the kitchen table off of it (fortunately only one breakable item), and as Elsbeth lay on her back on the table I was sucking her tits while I was moving my cock back and forth in her pussy at 60 mph. With the intensity of my actions she couldn't be a blowup doll. She writhed, pulsed her pussy, and screamed in earnest. When I discharged a mammoth load in her pussy I was thinking of Rachel and I felt almost as wonderful as if it had been her.

By Tuesday morning Elsbeth could barely walk and she looked all of frightened, sexually content, perplexed, and mortified. As I walked out the door without giving her a kiss I said "I'll see a divorce attorney today and have her draft a consent divorce for irreconcilable differences. I'd prefer if we'd stay together at least for now but if you don't want to get fucked don't come home tonight because if you do come home you will be fucked until I can't get it up any more."

I did see a family law attorney on Tuesday and hired her to draft consent divorce papers. I fucked Elsbeth vigorously every night that she came home. She was served at home Wednesday night so as not to embarrass her at her workplace, but that didn't stop me from fucking her. It was the strangest thing -- I knew that I couldn't explain it to myself and I could tell from the deer-in-the-headlights look that Elsbeth always had when we were home that it was inexplicable to her too -- but as the divorce proceeded we probably had the best sexual relationship since our honeymoon. She was no blowup doll anymore, but a wildcat. Of course it did help that I usually thought of Rachel when I was unloading in her, but that was neither here nor there.


Although I was sorely tempted to call Rachel almost every day after one month since I dropped her off at the airport for some reason I didn't. I couldn't explain that to myself either because you would think that since I was getting divorced that I would like to see how my connection with Rachel would play out in the future; but I wanted her to make the first move.

Almost six weeks to the day after the Sunday that Rachel and I spent together she called me on my cellphone.

"Hi Blake; why haven't you called me?"

"Hi Rachel; I was waiting for you to call. I wanted to be sure that you were really interested in me before talking to you, so letting you call would indicate that to me."

"If you weren't six five and strong as a gorilla I would think that you were a pussy," she chuckled.

"You're the one with the pussy," I chuckled back.

"OK, so now that we're on the line; I have something to tell you, Blake the bastard."

"Oh, what's that sweet Rachel?"

"You knocked me up, probably that Sunday that you enticed me over to your house and then spent the entire day with your dick in my cunt and your lips on my tits, that's what."

I paused for a long time; she remained silent on the other end. "How do you know that you're pregnant?"

"A blood test yesterday and throwing up this morning, that's how."

"Why do you think that it's mine?"

"I can just feel it. Also, you put more sperm into me in the week that we were together than my husband has in the last year. Finally, my doctor says that her timing is highly accurate and six weeks is when we first had sex. Anyway, I can confirm it with a DNA test as early as after eight weeks."

"Why weren't you on birth control?"

"Because my previous doctor said that because of the makeup of my uterus and fallopian tubes that there was a very small chance that I could ever conceive and I have been fucking John the last two years without birth control and never got pregnant, and the birth control pills I had the first few years I was married made me sick."

"What do you intend to do?"

"I intend to convince you that our connection six weeks ago was real, that you want to co-parent our kid with me, and that we'll have a great life together."

I was silent for a while longer. Then she continued. "I can tell that you forgot how good my tits and pussy looked. I'm sending you a refresher to your iPhone right now. After you get that call me if you want to remember what my tits and pussy feel like," and she terminated the call.

My phone beeped a few seconds later. The texted photo was of a smiling naked Rachel. I did suddenly remember how good her tits and pussy looked, and my dick got hard. Then I remembered one of the dreams I had had and called her back.

"Did you like the photo?" was how she answered the call.

"You know that I do," I replied. "I have a question."

"I have an answer," she chuckled.

"When the kid is nursing do I still get access to your tits?"

"Only if I produce enough milk for him or her; if so then you can get leftovers."

"I have another question. When can I come to see you?"

"I told John that I was divorcing him as soon as I found out that I was pregnant. I'm moving into an apartment this weekend. You can help me move Friday and then fuck your baby momma through Sunday."

"What's your new address..." was my last question.


Things moved swiftly after that. Rachel was more interested in moving to my city than I was to hers so within two months after the pregnancy-informing call we were living in a small house in a close-in suburb of my city and she had quit her job with a good recommendation to get a new one after she delivered. At the nine week mark she had a DNA test done on our baby girl-to-be and it was no surprise to either of us that she was my daughter.

My divorce came through in four months since Elsbeth cooperated. We split everything 50-50 including selling our house. We both had good incomes so neither of us was significantly economically prejudiced by the split.

Rachel's husband fought the divorce until he was presented with the DNA test, after which it was no problem. They split everything 50-50 too.

It's now coming up on our ten year wedding anniversary and Rachel's fortieth birthday. She and I have three kids, a dog, and a rabbit. I'm happy as a pig in poop. She has no angst whatsoever about turning 40 and is looking forward to the party I'll throw for her -- which will include our kids and all of our adult guests' kids.

Despite breast feeding three kids Rachel still has the best tits I've ever seen and a day isn't complete unless I'm sucking on them for at least a few minutes.

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KaeyoKaeyoabout 1 month ago

Elsbeth dodged a bullet. MC is an asshole.

LechemanLechemanabout 2 months ago

Ok, the MC did come across as immature and both he and Rachel did not appear perturbed with disposing the body.

Both characters were unhappy in their marriages, a romance recipe for the future.

The killing blow for Elspeth was her outpatient procedure although it was rather convenient for her to 'spill all' on her infidelity that the MC had no prior knowledge.

The immaturity (and irony) of the MC was strongest when he repeatedly all but 'raped' his wife - I thought that was a nasty stunt as he was equally guilty.

Still, the story was a good read.

Psychman24Psychman242 months ago

Agree that its ridiculous and incredibly risky not to call the police. They had nothing to hide and the truth was on their side. Also while the wife cheated, it was fleeting with no emotional connection and she confessed. The husband slept with his affair partner over and over in their own home (and bed) and never confessed, letting the wife be the bad guy. Wonder what she thought when she did the math and realized her husband had cheated and knocked up his partner and immediately moved in with her. I'm sure she realized what a scum bag he was at that point. Why isn't there more anger directed at the husband here, no need for revenge? Is there a double standard for male cheaters?

James G 5James G 53 months ago

Why would they hide the body? That makes no sense. He did nothing wrong.

enderlocke77enderlocke773 months ago

was the mc a criminal why would they hide that rapist scene. sure werent normal ppl. sorry that messed up the story for me

AllNigherAllNigher3 months ago

Mostly are with waif's comments. Also, is the mc 13? A primary concern for him when deciding if he wants a relationship with the woman he got pregnant one he is divorced is whether or not he gets to suck her tits when she's breast feeding? And she's ok with the guy? Uh.... Ok ... Not a fan of anyone in the story.

RedRachaelRedRachael3 months ago

MC is a piece of shit

fritz51fritz513 months ago

well written, though disaster is just around the corner - two cheaters. The chance of one person who had done it before doing it again is high, but both of them? Practically a sure thing that one (or both) will cheat again.

Chimo1961Chimo19613 months ago

Nothing better than a big set of milk filled boobies. Mmmmmm dam

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