A Sisters' Ploy Ch. 09


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Kylie liked that, unlike previous boyfriends, Matts' ejaculation wasn't the end of their love making. He knew how to let a woman enjoy their post sex pleasure and to make her feel like they were more than just a receptacle for their cum.

Matt's erection had persisted, at least in a fairly firm state, for quite a while after his orgasm. He found pleasure in occasionally and lightly screwing it around in Kylie's vagina as he nuzzled her. It was Kylie who raised the topic of what she'd just witnessed...

"Do you think my sister is crazy?"

Matt turned his head to look at Lucy still in the kitchen as she went through the final steps f preparing the dinner as he answered...

"No, I think she's trying to find a way to enjoy every aspect of sex without triggering her sensory issues. We've all seen before how, if she's drunk enough, she doesn't have the issue. In fact, if I recall correctly, you're the one who triggered that discovery by deliberately setting out to get her drunk.

But we all recognised that it's not good for Lucy to go through life drunk as the solution to all her problems. I think she's exploring just how drunk is enough to give her at least temporary relief. To see what the minimum amount she can get away with to let her really enjoy the passion and human interaction of sex.

Anyhow, watching it seemed to turn you on"

"It's a funny thing watching your sister get fucked. More so when you have a view up between her legs and can actually watch her vagina get pounded by a big thick shaft."

"I'll take the big thick comment as a compliment, but pounded is a rather harsh word. I thought I was being quite gentle."

"True, but I can't think of a word that describes gentle thrusting."

Matt ponded that for a second...

"Nor can I."

Matt was enjoying his intimate contact with Kylie as they talked. She was still penetrated by an erection that, as far as he could tell, retained a good percentage of its length and firmness; not all of it, but enough. Kylie had been squeezing it periodically, as if to encourage that outcome.

He playfully bent his head down to suck Kylie's nipples, knowing what a powerful effect that had on her. She let out a little hum of encouraging pleasure as he started, brushing her hand through his hair. But it had an effect on him too as he felt his erection harden again and fill Kylie's vagina.

Kylie noticed too...

"Have you got another boner? That's quick."

"Yes. But it's a pity I can see Lucy plating up dinner. I don't think we're going to have time to use it."

Kylie turned her head towards the house to confirm Matt's observation...


Reluctantly Matt pulled his erection out of Kylie and they both sat on the edge of the lounge while they put their swimwear back on before going and taking their seats at the poolside table where Lucy had laid out the plates; Matt's being next to Lucy's. Lucy watched as Matt, still displaying a significant erection, tightly sheathed by his swimwear, approached her and sat down in front of his plate.

As he sat next to her, their flanks and thighs in full contact, she felt the first inklings of that all too familiar discomfort with the contact. The wine, and its numbing effect, was starting to wear off. Lucy avoided flinching, making sure Matt was oblivious to her discomfort. For the moment it was tolerable, but the exercise had given her some indication of the minimum dose necessary to block her feelings. And she knew it would need topping up before they went to bed.

Lucy got through dinner, just, but as she cleaned up the plates and took them inside, she brought out the wine and topped up their long empty glasses. If they stay out here by the pool, Lucy knew that Kylie would often end up sitting on Matt's lap and resting against his chest. Lucy had been a mere, sometimes envious, spectator to this, night after night, and it was something Lucy wanted to be able to do. Since the night was warm and there was nothing worth watching on the TV, there was a pretty good chance they would stay put.

The reappearance of the wine, and Lucy's fairly rapid consumption of the first half of the glass, was not unnoticed by either Matt or Kylie. Matt knew it probably signalled that Lucy was starting to feel uncomfortable again, but very deliberately left it to her to set the rules of their degree of contact.

So Matt was rather pleased when, after about fifteen minutes, Lucy repositioned herself to sit on his lap in the way Kylie so often did. As she put her harm around his neck and rested her flank on his chest, he rested his arm on her thigh, his hand resting lightly, but meaningfully, against the gusset of Lucy's bikini pants.

As Lucy reached forward to pick up her glass for another sip, Matt's hand was pushed by Lucy's own movement, more firmly and intimately into her crotch, lightly tickling up her already arouse clit; so Lucy made a point of putting her glass down between sips, at least until Matt worked out what she was doing and lightly fingered her through her bikini pants without her reaching for her glass.

When Kylie had first started sitting on his lap like that, Matt had been slightly embarrassed by the fact he always grew a boner. After all, the outside of her butt was pushed firmly against his crotch, sinking down into his lap in a way that left her resting in contact with the bulge of his cock.

That and the fact that her breasts were right in his field of vision, the exposed cleavage revealed by her tiny bikini top, bulging out over the hem of the bikini's triangles, would give any man a boner. But like a lot of that stuff, if you do it often enough, it loses the power of its effect. It continued to have an effect on him, but its physical manifestation in his pants became less apparent.

But Lucy was a different matter. The breast display was no less seductive, but she was sitting closer and more intimately, the wet bikini top highlighted her extended nipples and he could feel her aroused clit through the thin material of her bikini pants. Plus he knew he'd be fucking her again in a couple of hours.

This was back to a full boner. Initially trapped under her thigh, it escaped the first time she leaned in to pick up her glass, thereafter being a hard rod sitting between her thigh and his stomach; stimulated by the movement every time Lucy reached in for her glass. Lucy knew it too, deliberately moving against as she animatedly spoke.

Each had a reason for enjoying being aroused. Lucy because it too offered some distraction from her sensory issues that fortified whatever the wine missed out on. Matt, well, basically because he was a man and enjoyed being kept in a persistent state of erection inducing arousal by a pair of stunningly attractive women.

But neither wanted to cum. Not yet anyway. Both knew what lay ahead when they retired for the night.

Both Matt and Kylie noticed that Lucy kept topping up her state of mild intoxication for the rest of the night; sipping the wine in measured amounts as she felt the effect of it wearing off. It was an hour before their usual bedtime that Lucy sculled the half glass of wine in front of her, stood up and announced...

"I'm going for my shower."

Then turning to Matt, added...

"You'll find me in bed."

Matt and Kylie watched Lucy disappear inside, then Kylie turned to Matt...

"That's a full on boner you're showing there. You don't get aroused like that when I sit on your lap any more."

"She was rubbing herself against it."

Kylie stood up, walked around the table and sat on Matt's lap; straddling it to face directly at him. Looking down, she stared at the pool of pre-cum that had penetrated the material of his swimmers and the way Matt's erection surged and the bell swelled up as she shuffled forward towards it.

Putting her arms loosely around his neck, she replied...

"Yea, sure. At least I got some sort of reaction when I sat on you this time. I think you're in for a busy night. That last half glass of wine was meant to see her through her plans for you."

"There are worse things that can confront a man."

"So, I don't get to fuck you in the morning because Lucy's instructed you to wake her and fuck her instead. Lucky Lucy left us time for a root earlier in the evening or I'd be fucking you now. But I figure I should leave something in your tank for Lucy. After all, it Is her night."

"Don't think I'm not a bit nervous about how to approach touching her up while she's still asleep."

"Why? She has you tweaking her nipple for half the night every time you sleep with her."

"Yes, but this is a bit more full on. You know how she likes her sleep and even how hard she is to wake up. She's even told me to start fucking her if I have to. In any other context, it would be a sexual assault."

"I think you're over dramatizing it. If Lucy has told you to do it, that's what she wants. You know Lucy, she doesn't let anything happen if that isn't what she wants. Anyway, enough talk. I want to enjoy you while I still have you."

Kylie moved forward again, pressing her crotch against Matt's erection as she started kissing and caressing him.

They kept it up until they heard Lucy exit the bathroom. Kylie pulled back and looked at Matt...

"The seductress awaits you. Time for your shower too I think."

As Matt stood in front of the shower and pulled the waist band of his swimmers over his erection to take them off, he reflected on Kylie's challenge. The girls inducing erections in him was nothing new. How could a man not be aroused by their barely covered beauty, and Kylie in particular almost made a point of arousing him whenever she could.

But tonight it felt different. He did feel an aroused anticipation that had kept him hard for most of the evening. It was the thought he would experience Lucy in a way he never had before. It might be little different from his sex with Kylie every other night, but Lucy was special. They'd been friends for so long, it was natural he had an extra affinity for her. They'd been the chaste friends seemingly forever and while, in the course of her sex education, he'd now fucked her many times, it was largely a passionless affair because of the need to work around her sensory issues.

Yes, twice now she got herself drunk enough to frolic in the pool with him, but knowing this time she was lying there in the bed waiting for him and primed to unleash her passions on him added a lot to it.

As he showered, his erection persisted. He noticed it was unrelentingly skin stretchingly hard; anxious to be put to the use it was designed for.

It remained that way as he walked naked down the hallway and into Lucy's room; making him fell a bit self-conscious as he first passed Kylie in the hall, who couldn't help by make a comment and have a grope of it, and then Lucy as he entered the room.

But the sight he found there was worthy of an erection.

With the lights still on. Lucy was laid out on the bed waiting for him. She was dressed in a silky, loose fitting short, crop top, black camisole and a pair of her stretch black, satin, string sided hipster undies.

The flimsy material of her camisole draped across that part of her breasts that it covered in a way that highlighted them, her nipples provocatively pushing up the soft, delicate material. And her undies had been pulled up tight, proudly displaying Lucy's glorious mons bulge to its perfection and forming a camel toe that revealed Lucy swollen and aroused labia.

Yes, she could have laid there naked waiting for him, but in a far more seductive way, she was effectively gift wrapped. Matt almost felt inadequate in presenting her with nothing more than erection.

As he knelt on the bed and bent over her, he asked...

"Is it OK if I touch you."

"Touch me all you want."

Matt ran his hands down her flanks, as far as her hips, before sliding them back up and under her camisole to cup her breasts as he bent in to kiss her. Her nipples hardened to his touch and Lucy lifted her hands over her head, indicating Matt should slip her camisole off.

What a contrast this Lucy was to the one he'd first started the sex education of, given at that time she was almost paranoid about any exposure of her breasts and crotch; never having been seen naked even by her house sharing sister.

Matt kissed down her body, running his hands back down her flank until her came to her mons bulge, kissing it through the material of her panties as Lucy lifted her hips to signal they should be removed too.

As Matt worked back up her body after pulling her panties over her feet, Lucy tucked her hands under his armpit and drew him fully up...

"Penetrate me."

Matt dropped his hips to bring the tip of his erection into her crease, surging it until he found the tip captured by the opening to her receptive vagina; pushing gently against no resistance until he found himself fully penetrated. Almost immediately Lucy rolled them over, leaving her on top, lying on his chest.

She pushed down hard on his erection, as if trying to make sure it couldn't go in any further...

"I just want to enjoy your embrace."

Matt caressed Lucy's back and ran his hands through her hair as she lay her head on his chest; occasionally pushing down hard on his erection again and screwing it around inside her as she brushed her nipples across his chest. But for the most part, it seemed Lucy wanted a lover's embrace; something Matt was only too happy to oblige her with even if his manhood surged in anticipation every time Lucy screwed it about.

For maybe ten minutes they lay together like that; Lucy periodically squirming on top of Matt to deepen her penetration and brush her nipples, Matt content to glide his hand across her soft skin and enjoy the feeling of cupping the sexy cheeks of her bottom as his erection surged inside her.

The change in mood came quickly and without warning to Matt.

Lucy suddenly lifted her head and almost threw it against Matt's face as she started to passionately kiss him, as the same time lifting her stomach to start thrusting his shaft forcefully in and out of her; firmly rubbing her clit against his pubis as she did so.

As she settled into her rhythm, Matt could also sense her nipples being brushed across his chest.

Slowly she rose up on extended arms. Enough to give her a better angle for her clit stimulation, but not so much that Matt couldn't lift his head to suck her nipples.

As it had earlier, Lucy's moans and breathing communicated to him the rapid increase in her arousal. Indeed, she climaxed fairly quickly. As she laid back down on top of Matt and induced him to roll on top, she asked...

"Can you take your time and try and have as much body contact as possible?"

"Sure, if I can. Do you want me to put the sex pillow under your hips?"

"No, you don't need to do that."

"You know I can't really be sure of getting an angle that will stimulate you without it."

"Yes, but that's not important. I just want to get the full experience of being fucked by a stud of a man who wants to rub himself against my body, instead of him having to treat me like I'm toxic."

It occurred to Matt you could never say that Lucy wasn't direct. At least you knew what she wanted and why. He was chuffed by her suggestion she regarded him as a stud while recognising her reference to toxic was simply her recognition of her own normal desire not to be touched more than absolutely necessary.

"I'll do my best."

Lucy's words gave Matt a lot of freedoms he didn't usually have with her. Normally he was anxious to finish himself quickly for fear of triggering her sensory issues and of course trying to maintain the least contact possible with her non-erogenous zones.

He supported his weight on elbows and knees just above Lucy, letting his thighs and much of the length of his legs be in contact with hers as he started thrusting. He used short, deeply penetrating thrusts; ones that gave him the emotional pleasure of deeply fucking her without boiling up his balls too quickly. At the same time he let his torso glide across the top of hers, brushing across her nipples in a way he could feel was hardening them.

Lucy's grip on him was medium to light. Tight enough to give him an orgasm if he thrust in a way that maximised his physical pleasure, but not so tight as to brew him up regardless.

Matt could almost sense Lucy relax into what was happening. As he continued thrusting, her body seemed to receive the experience like it was some sort of exotic new form of massaging pleasure as she ever so gently and lightly caressed his body. She hummed in apparent pleasure; not, Matt thought because his actions were stimulating her to an orgasm, but rather because she seemed to be enjoying Matt's attempt to give her the sort of sex she asked for.

Matt was enjoying himself too. A lot. Two orgasms already that afternoon, combined with his controlled technique was giving him a lot of endurance, both in terms of not cumming and in term of having the energy to continue. With all concerns about either stimulating Lucy, or taking too long, removed, he was enjoying the sex and his intimacy with Lucy free from any guilt.

As he kept pushing it deeply into Lucy, his manhood felt as big, thick and hard as it had ever felt. It rubbed delightfully against her vaginal walls and jammed itself firmly against her unyielding pelvic floor muscle on full penetration; both actions being pleasurably rewarding.

But in a way, he still couldn't help but try and stimulate Lucy. It was a habit born of his past sexual experiences. The full penetration gave him an opportunity to try and stimulate her clit and he hoped that somehow, twisting his shaft around inside her on full penetration may have even triggered her g spot.

It was actually to his surprise when Lucy's breathing started to show signs of arousal towards orgasm. Only Lucy knew that the cause was Matt's brushing against her nipples, but the cause didn't matter to Matt. He was simply chuffed to find himself doing it.

It progressed rather quickly, her previous non sexual hums being replaced by some very sexual groans.

As Lucy came, she lifted her hips up to push them firmly against Matt, deepening his penetration of her, as she squirmed and twisted about under him.

As her contractions pummelled his manhood, she tightened her grip on him. For the first time, that triggered the first tendrils of an orgasm from which there was no going back. As Lucy subsided back down onto the bed, Matt found his thrusts wanting to be longer and faster as if his body was giving instructions to him. He listened, his grunts of pleasure echoing around the room.

Feed by a persistent erection that had lasted most of the evening, pumped up further by Matt's extended penetration and fucking of Lucy, the climax when it came, was a monster. Matt let out a cry that filled the house as his brain was flooded with the pleasure from that first pulse of his cum rushing up his shaft to fill Lucy's vagina, followed quickly by pulse and pulse of additional cum delivering pleasure. He surrendered to his desire to pump Lucy to prolong and enhance his enjoyment; pumping away until his body said 'stop' and suddenly withdrew from him all energy, leaving him slumped over Lucy, almost unable to move.

He giggled to himself about the way the male body uninhibitedly debases itself in the throes of sexual climax, but wouldn't have it any other way.

Lucy ran a hand through his hair...

"That seemed to be a pretty good one."

"It was. I hope I didn't hurt you."

"I loved it. I loved the feeling of a man really fucking me. It makes me feel -- I don't know -- bonded to him while at the same time gives me pleasure that I've pleasure him. There's something really sensory about it in a positive way."

"Speaking of sensory, how are you doing?"