A Slow Ride


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"Yes, that would be nice, and I have already found a new place. They have some very nice cabins, all with a deck viewing a lake. You will love it, so bring your laptop," she stopped talking abruptly as if she thought she was babbling.

"That sounds amazing Christina. Can I pick you up on Friday afternoon?"

"Yes, I will book us two cabins."

"No, get one. I want to chat and it will just be a waste of money to get two because we will just hang in one cabin in any case."

"Okay, Patrick," she breathed deeply, "I am so sorry for what they did to you." I appeased her worry by making sure she knew I was doing a lot better.

We ended the call, and I felt contented. I ran into Michael at a coffee shop the next day, and he asked for forgiveness again. It sounded like they had resigned themselves to the fact that I was done with Tamzin. He did try to convince me again that nothing happened, but understood why I doubted. The bigger bombshell was that Rochelle and he broke their engagement the week I was in Miami. I did not say it, but that confirmed to me that they were lying, that Michael and Tamzin did fuck. They had their threesome and it blew up spectacularly as I expected it would. He told me that Rochelle and Tamzin are barely on speaking terms.

"Do you now understand why I refused to entertain the thought of a threesome?" I said angrily, and he did not deny that one took place.

Friday I picked Christina up, complimenting her on the fact that she seemed to have lost weight, and her hair was longer. We shared the bed, and I barely got a word in edgewise because she was wanting to know everything that happened on the tour. She expressed gratitude that I managed to find Joanna. I started to feel that I had deprived myself and should have spent more time with Christina, as our personalities meshed well.

Saturday morning we set off on our bikes after discussing our route. Christina had improved as a rider, but her chatter was the thing I loved more. We laughed a lot, and I steered any mention of the breakup to a different conversation. She got the hint and Tamzin as a topic was avoided. I also found out she has a penchant for finding punctures, as she was so focused on chatting that she often ventured off the path. I had to fix four leaks during the thirty-mile ride, with her providing a running commentary.

"Can you just shut the fuck up, Chrissie? I cannot work if I am shaking with laughter." I admonished lightly during the third repair. She did not shut up.

At the main complex, I had the bike technician change her tires to tubeless, which were a lot more reliable. I started a new book idea in my mind, as Christina had predicted when she told me to bring my laptop. She took care of lunch for us, as I started outlining my story idea. She came out with two bowls of pasta and held her hand out for my notebook. This was an absolute hard boundary for Tamzin, and yet I handed it over easily. I hated it when Tamzin read any of my frameworks because she believed and criticism needs to be negative.

"So, DEA Agent Sian Storm goes home for a funeral, sees a massive meth operation, and falls in love?" she summarized as she read my outline, "She is a busy girl."

"Yeah, basically."

"Is she hot?" Christina teased.

"Not conventionally, but I will make her absolutely stunning. She will have men wanking their balls empty over her"

"Good, so she will not be Tamzin lookalike?"

"The bad guy's girlfriend might be like Tamzin."

"Revenge by pen, that is just perfect Patrick." She handed my notebook back and I added more ideas. We had dinner at a nearby hotel. Sunday morning we went on another ride, taking a harder route, but the views were rewarding. Christina held her own again, saying the tire modification made her bike feel easier to ride. I did not bother with the science of it, just confirmed her observation.

I also concluded that my protagonist will be modeled on Christina as I watched her during dinner.

She had dirty blonde hair with light green eyes that seemed to glow as she spoke. She had full lips and a delicate facial structure, with a little upturn at the tip of her nose, which cheekily moved as she spoke. She had full dark eyebrows and just a smattering of freckles. Christina was beautiful to me, as I watched her. I felt myself withdraw as I analyzed myself, and she did not raise the issue, she filled the gaps. I had no idea where she stored all her puns and jokes, but I laughed a lot.

She drew closer to me in the following months, we had a lot of dinners, and she would show a lot of interest in my writing. The story was flowing well, and I was constantly gleaning personality cues from watching Christina, making Sian Storm as realistic as I could. I loved writing her character, simply because she was so organic and natural. Christina was complex, diverse, and yet easygoing. Her confidence in her knowledge meant that we could easily discuss hard topics without getting into arguments.

I also avoided any contact with Tamzin, there was nothing more to say to her.


Three months after starting the book I allowed Christina to read what I had written, watching her apprehensively.

"Wow, Patrick. This is so good," she commented.

"Thanks, Chrissie. This is the first time I have ever given someone a preview."

"You never allowed Tamzin to read your manuscripts?"

"No, she was very dismissive and toxic about my work. At the time I never saw it, but now I realize I subconsciously prevented her from sowing her poison."

"She and Michael had designs, Patrick. I don't think they ever fucked, but there was something. That was why Rochelle booted him." Christina said softly.

"I am not surprised. And I firmly believe they had the threesome."

"Not a threesome, Rochelle was not there for the evening. She hated what they were doing. She told me that the plan was for nothing to happen, and she tried to stop it after you left because she saw how much Tamzin had hurt you. They blew her off."

"Why did she dump Michael?"

"She hated the cruelty he displayed."


"Patrick, she wants to see you. But she is ashamed."

"I will see her, Christina," I could see that it bothered Christina that her friend could not join us.

"Okay, I will make dinner at my place, so you can leave if you want."

"Okay. Are you happy with what I had written?" I changed the subject, knowing I would not leave the dinner. Christina would not invite me to something that could hurt me if she was not sure I was safe. I also did not tell her that the breakup was rarely on my mind now.

"Yes, Patrick. You seem to really love Sian Storm," she said, her tone gentle.

Thankfully her back was to me as she spoke because there was no way she would have missed the realization in her words.

I loved Christina.

It was a simple statement that blew through me, devastating all my barriers regarding the time it should take to date again. I loved this blonde with her green eyes and a mouth that always wore a smile.

"What is next, Patrick? You have now established a romantic connection, so what happens now?"

"Graham, her buddy in the sheriff's department has to figure out his feelings, Christina. He has to find out if he can be what she deserves." I turned to her as I spoke.

I turned away again as she faced me, trying to hide my emotions. I knew I would be modeling myself as Graham, and I wondered if I would be what Christina deserves. For the rest of the evening I was sure she could see right through me, how could she not. Christina had been reading me perfectly since I got back from the book tour, so this would be easy to see. She said nothing, but I was sure I discerned a change in her too. We set a dinner date for me and Rochelle to meet.

It was a highly emotional evening. I was late, and Rochelle said nothing as I walked in. She just pulled me hard against her and started to sob against my chest. Her remorse was authentic, and I whispered forgiveness as she cried. I felt Christina's arms around us and we stood like that in the lounge for almost half an hour. I forbade Rochelle from trying to talk about that evening, deciding we need to move forward.

Our friendship was restored as well, but it was different. Rochelle had changed, she considered all her actions now. I asked her about it and she said she had taken to heart what I had said, that choices have consequences. She acknowledges that she previously had not considered the idea that I also had a choice to make after Tamzin's decision. Then she apologized for talking about that evening, which made us chuckle.

In the next few days, Rochelle became Michelle Storm, Sian's younger sister in my book. I struggled through Graham's character, and finally just became honest with myself. I found it enlightening to examine my love for Christina through my writing, finding out how different it was from all the other girls I loved before her. I laid my soul bare, confronting all my past demons regarding love, and abandonment.

Every time I saw Christina my love intensified, so my character displayed it in the book. I made sure Sian saw that there was something because I was sure Christina saw it on my face. I wrote my love declaration on paper, at times sobbing at the intensity of my emotions as I wrote. I had never felt this deeply for Tamzin, and I started to be grateful that she did what she did as for the first time I felt true love. I was shit scared of it and still could not get enough of it.

I found excuses to see Christina, cycling to her offices every day to surprise her. We would have street food from vendors outside her place of work every day, sitting on a park bench as she asked me to describe scenes in my mind's eye. Then she would ask me to explain why I chose to add certain attributes to ordinary people. Christina delved into my mind daily, and every time I found more pieces of myself as I did my best to impress her. We decided to go for a weekend again, Rochelle with us. We booked a double cabin, which was a waste as we proved that we all could fit in one bed. It was incredibly difficult for me, sleeping next to the woman I loved with my whole being.

Saturday morning, as I was checking the bikes before our ride Rochelle came to me and punched my arm hard.

"Are you a fucking coward, Paddy?" she hissed angrily, then smiled.

"Ow, fuck, Rochie! What the fuck?"

"You are so desperately in love with that girl, and she fell for you long before you and Tamzin broke up."

"I know, jesus. But how long before I know it is not a rebound?"

"It is not Patrick. You love her differently," Rochelle clenched her fist again and I flinched, then started laughing, "Make a plan, jackass."

She walked away snickering. We went for the ride, and I gave my laptop to Christina after we returned. She read the manuscript whilst Rochelle and I made burgers. Christina came for lunch, and I caught her furtive looks in my direction. She went back inside, and Rochelle scowled at me.

"I wrote it in my book Rochelle. But I will tell her tonight if she does not see it. I cannot hold it back anymore."

"Good," Rochelle smiled as she felt included in the conspiracy.

I got up and walked inside, where I poured us wine. I gave Rochelle's to her and put mine next to my seat. I then took Christina's wine to the bedroom where I found her crying softly. I put her wine down and sat down next to her on the bed. We sat in silence as she sniffed. Then she spoke.

"Patrick, is Sian me?"

"Yes, Chrissie," I looked at my feet, feeling her eyes burn into me.

"Do you really see me like that, so perfect?"

"Yes I do, Chrissie," I muttered, "I like your character Christina, who you are as a human."

She got up abruptly and I did as well, and grabbed her, pulling her against me. She pushed out of my arms, and turned her back to me, wrapping her arms around her body. I walked to her again and held her from behind.

"Are you Graham?" she asked, the sound barely audible.

"Yes, my love," I whispered, terrified. She spun around and our lips found each other. I started to cry as we kissed, completely overwhelmed by the absolute love I felt. She pulled back slightly and touched my face. She was also crying.

"Do you really love me like that, Patrick?" she asked.

"No, Chrissie. Not like that anymore. It is far deeper now. I cannot live without you anymore."

We kissed more, and I heard the door to the bedroom close as Rochelle gave us privacy. I kissed Chrissie, then she kissed me. I felt her body against me, the warmth and comfort that it conveyed from her heart. And I felt the absolute privilege of being the one she is kissing. I have never wanted to kiss someone as desperately as I was kissing her. It was frenzied and passionate, then it was gentle and sweet, only for the wild hunger to consume us again. I slid my one hand to the butt that I have watched so many times as I followed her on the tracks, and it felt like I imagined it would.

Chrissie pushed her hips into me as I touched her butt, and I heard her moan softly. She dropped her hand to my butt as well, and her touch felt incredible. My butt had been held a lot by girls, but this was different, and I had no idea why. I pulled back a little and slipped my hands under her shirt, gently stroking her naked back as she was no wearing a bra. She did the same. Then I helped her pull my shirt over my head, and she did the same. Her breasts were not overly large, but they were firm with the most perfect pink nipples I have ever seen. They were described accurately in my book too. She pulled me against her and I felt her nipples against my chest as we kissed.

Then I pushed her back on the bed, and kissed her nipples, rolling them between my tongue and top teeth and her moan told me she liked what I was doing. I pushed my hand under the waistband of her track pants and over her panties. Chrissie hissed loudly through her clenched jaw as I touched her pussy, and she started to buck, eventually allowing one solitary shriek to escape as she orgasmed hard. I let my mouth journey lower, pulling her track pants and panties down together. She had soft down on her mound, and I needed to taste her.

"No, not yet Patrick. Please, I need you inside me."

I stood and took my track pants off, watching her smile as my very hard cock came into view. She reached her hands to me and I lay down between her legs. She reached between us and took hold of my cock, pulling it towards her pussy, and I felt her wetness touch my head, and I started to push in as both her hands dropped to my ass, pulling me in. It was incredible to feel her warmth engulf me, to feel her abdomen spasm as her next orgasm started to approach. It hit as I buried myself completely, and I looked into her eyes as she came hard, never closing her eyes.

I sensed she was still looking for approval. I kissed her softly as she came down, and then I started to pump into her, using long strokes. I was not in a rush, knowing an orgasm from me will interrupt the ethereal sensations I was feeling. Chrissie now had her arms around my neck and held my face close so she could kiss me. I looked into her beauty as the inevitable happened. I was never going to last in her, not with the intensity of my sexual and emotional attraction. I pushed in as deep as I could and started to cum, feeling the electricity running along my spine and my whole body started to tingle. I have never had such a powerful orgasm in my life.

"Oh jesus Chrissie, please can I have this again?" I asked softly.

"Yes, right now if you can, my love." Hearing her say those words were the end of me and I felt my cock swell again.

I started the same rhythm because I had heard Chrissie's noises affirming that it was what she was enjoying. I coaxed two more loads out of my balls before we stopped. Chrissie held me on top of her, kissing me for at least another half an hour. We finally made it to the shower, but I had no way to express what I was feeling. She spoke first.

"Are we real Patrick?" she asked.

"Yes, from my side we are. I am truly honest when I say that I am feeling things I have never felt."

"I am nervous, Patrick," She said softly.

"I promise you I am not messing around with you, my angel."

"No, Sian is so perfect in your book. What if I don't measure up?"

"Sian is based on you, she is not a hope, she exists in you. I promise you I did not embellish in any way. I watched you, your ways and mannerisms and I wrote them down. Every time I write something into her character, I have seen it in you."

"It is just hard to believe that you see me that way, after Tamzin. Also, Rochelle, she is so beautiful."

"She is Chris, but I love you for so much more than just the fact that I find you absolutely beautiful, stunning, and pretty."

"Those mean the same things," Chrissie laughed.

"Put it to you like this, a thousand pens cannot describe your beauty. There is no expectation to live up to because you are everything."

We dried off and then I pulled her against me as we lay down on the bed. I turned my head and gently kissed her as we spoke. Graham and Sian's love was coming to life as we allowed our minds to bond. Rochelle came in after a while and lay down on my other side. She was teary with happiness when she saw how deeply I truly loved Christina.

We slept in one bed that night, chatting and discussing my book. They shot down my romantic ideas, saying I was too biased because I was in love. I loved lying there, knowing I have a beautiful girlfriend and a friend that will stand by me. The next morning we went for a very slow ride, taking the scenic route, but stopping everywhere. I was made to pose with Christina at every opportunity and Rochelle played photographer. She uploaded the pictures as we progressed. I knew by the end of the ride that I was going to marry Christina.

Back in the city, she had decided that I follow a poor diet, so she would come over every evening, sometimes with Rochelle, and we would have dinner. Christina would then sit next to me, facing me as I wrote, which seemed to flow easily with her present. I often turned my head for a kiss, and I noticed her self-doubt vanishing as I stopped hiding my desire for her.

I did propose a year later after we celebrated the first release of my new book. Sian Storm became a series, and Christina always sat next to me facing me. She liked the fact that I always called her my muse when I introduced her. But to me she was everything, and she knew it. She never made me feel insecure or caused self-doubt. I married her a year later, and she laughed as I prayed our children would look like her. She gently admonished me, saying that I was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, and finally, I believed it.

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shadrachtshadracht8 months ago

Super lovely. I love a happy ending and I'm grateful after all that it didn't end with a triad with Christine and Rochelle.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Great story. Tamzin was too self absorbed. She got what she deserved


DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 1 year ago

Great story would love to hear the same thing but from Tamzin perspective.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Great story but WTF does you screen name mean. 🤣

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

great. never had the "talk" with Tamzik though. would have liked to hear her lies, reason, thoughts.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 years ago

Tasmin character felt unexplored. Rochelle was "smug" part of the threesome yet later you describer her as "a friend that will stand by me". Love HEA stories but this one felt pretty forced. 3/5

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Very good story. AAAAAA++++++

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

5 stars - I really really like this story

Bh76Bh76almost 3 years ago

You’re improving with each story but I think you’re writing them too quickly. Take some time to read through them as you write them. Outline the bones and build off of them. Your stories have much room to be expanded and build some more character depth. Keep on writing!

nestorb30nestorb30almost 3 years ago

Engaging story but the writing was a bit stiff and some if Patrick's reactions, internal and external, did not ring true for a man.

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