A Step in the Wrong Direction Ch. 03


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Seven days later, Dave awoke to the sound of retching; Jenny wasn't in bed, he could see the soles of her feet through the bathroom door, which meant her head was facing the porcelain. Worried, Dave went to the bathroom to comfort his wife; brushing her hair to the side and rubbing her back, her shoulders heaved as she sobbed against the toilet bowl. "I'm s, s, sorry." She stuttered as her chest hitched.

"What for, love?"

She looked him in the eye and braced herself for his reaction. "I think I'm pregnant!" He stared at her for a second, then embraced her tightly. She thought back to the day when Jake had fucked her in the gym, she must have been ovulating then; but Dave had also fucked her that evening, so there was still a chance it could be his. She looked at Dave's face; it had lit up with the prospect of becoming a father. She couldn't bear to burst his bubble, and in her heart she hoped it was Dave's child she was carrying; but she knew that it was probably Jake's, and she would have to prepare Dave for that possibility.

Jenny decided then, that she would sow the seeds; role playing when they made love, have him pretend he was someone else as he filled her pregnant pussy.

For the two weeks up to her epiphany, Jenny had avoided Jake; he still came around to see Sarah, but it seemed that their love had cooled. Their lovemaking was less frequent; although Jenny noticed the tell-take stains of unprotected sex in her daughter's panties. It looked like Jake was going for the double, and Nicole's prediction would come true.

When Sarah showed signs of pregnancy, a month after her mother, Jake came around more often. Jenny's fantasies with Dave often included scenarios where he'd find her in bed after fucking Jake; if Sarah was out, sometimes these fantasies weren't so fantastical.

Dave continued to make love to Sarah; although, with Jenny around the house more often, finding time together was increasingly difficult. Sarah's appetite for sex seemed to grow with her belly; preferring the deep penetration she received when lying on her side as either Dave or Jake fucked her from behind.

Neither man knew that their partner was being fucked by both of them, until the fateful day that Jenny's water broke. Dave ushered Jenny to the car, Sarah followed with the overnight bag. On the journey to hospital, Jenny sent a text; Dave assumed she'd sent it to one of her colleagues, telling them she'd gone into labour, so he was surprised when, an hour into Jenny's labour, Jake turned up with his parents. Sarah was alone in the waiting room when Nicole sat beside her. "It won't be long until Jake's second little one is with us." Nicole said as she patted Sarah's belly. Sarah looked confused, "Oh!" Nicole said, shocked. "She must have wanted it to be a surprise. You'll see soon enough." Nicole joined her son and husband, who were waiting anxiously by the delivery room door.

Dave exited the room; his face drained. "Welcome to the club!" Brian slapped Dave's shoulder; Dave fought an overwhelming urge to punch him in the face, deciding to sit next to his daughter instead.

"Is everything alright Dad?" Sarah said, putting a hand on his knee; Brian shook his son's hand as Jake went into the room to see his new-born son.

"It's not mine." Dave said numbly. "That fucking boyfriend of your's has been shagging my wife. I thought it was just role play; but she was thinking of fucking him while I was fucking her!"

"And you were thinking of me while you were doing mum." Sarah squeezed his hand. He looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry." She said, "Nicole thinks that this one's his too." She rubbed her belly.

"Isn't it?" Dave said; there was hope in his eyes.

"I'm a month further gone than they think." She said. "I knew that Jake was trying to get me pregnant; he seemed to know when I'd be on my period before I did. It looks like he'd been too preoccupied with getting mum knocked up, that he didn't notice I'd missed one. I only took him bare when I knew I was safe, and after I knew I was pregnant."

"So it's..."

"Shh!" She held her finger to her lips as Nicole approached. "I'm not telling. At least not yet." She winked at Dave as Nicole sat down next to her.

"Are you not going to see your new brother?" Nicole said to Sarah. "You'll be able to see how gorgeous your's will be." Sarah squeezed her dad's thigh as he helped her up; she looked back at him as she crossed the waiting area to the delivery room.

Dave watched her until she disappeared into the room, mouthing "Keep calm!" from the doorway before she disappeared into the room. Nicole's face was full of pride and smugness; he wanted to slap her, hard, but he needed to stay strong for Sarah. He knew the hurt of Jenny's betrayal had stung him; but there was hope that the schemes of this poisoned family had been thwarted. Admittedly, he'd done things to his stepdaughter that no parent should, in order to ruin a plan he never knew existed; but at least there was hope.

"Well." Nicole said. "What do you think of your naughty little wife now?" Dave looked at his feet and shook his head; he knew how she wanted to play this. She wanted him to be a good little cuckold to her son's child, or children; he raised his head and smiled at Nicole. She saw something in his eyes and backed away a little; not sure if she should push any further, Nicole got up and scurried to her husband. She spoke in Brian's ear, he called to Jake, and they left the hospital by the fire escape, not wanting to go past Dave in the waiting room.

Sarah's head appeared in the doorway, first looking towards the swinging exit door, then to her stepfather, who was grinning. "I think Nicole saw a spider!" Dave laughed.

"Dad!" Sarah scolded, "What did you do?"

"Nothing, love." He laughed. "Honest." He put up his hand in a cub-scout salute. "Right then." He said, getting up from the chair, "Let's have a closer look at this sprog." He walked into the delivery room, kissed Sarah on the forehead and looked at the dishevelled form of his sobbing wife. The baby lay in a cot next to the wall, fussed over by a nurse; Dave walked over and looked in, the kid was definitely not his. The nurse looked at him with a sympathetic smile; he smiled back and went to his wife's side.

"I'm sorry." Jenny sobbed. "It was just a fling. It was so exciting, I couldn't help myself. I just..." She broke down in floods of tears, Dave placed a hand on her back and moved it in slow circles, placating her.

"Well it's done now." He said calmly. "If Sarah is okay with Jake still being in our lives; he is still her boyfriend after all, I think."

"For the time being." Sarah said dryly, "At least until this one appears."

"And it is his child." Dave said, "So he'll have to take some responsibility for it; although I doubt Nicole will see it that way. Smug bitch!"

Jake visited Jenny in at home only once when Dave and Sarah were out; she told him that she wasn't interested in their affair anymore; to carry on any longer would be foolish, especially if the child that Sarah carried was also his.

Sarah stopped visiting Jake at his home; Nicole's gloating made her ill and she couldn't wait until that smug smile was wiped off her face. "My son, breeding with mother and daughter. Dave will have to get used to cleaning Jake's sperm from both of you now, in the vain hope that Jake won't knock you up again!" Sarah walked out, and she didn't look back.

Jake tried his best with Sarah, but she didn't trust him anymore; his visits with her were brief, and he always remained fully clothed, his cock staying firmly in his trousers despite his best efforts. It was probably for the best though; If she'd let him get close enough, several times during that month he might have tasted Dave's sperm inside her freshly fucked cunt.

Despite her infidelity, Dave was still very much in love with Jenny; he could see how hard it was for her to be around Jake, especially now his demeanour had changed. He tried to treat Dave the way his mother and her regular studs did with Brian; but in his arrogance, Jake hadn't noticed that the family was turning against him.

It started with Jenny's homecoming; Jake, Brian and Nicole were waiting at Dave's front door with blue balloons and a bunch of flowers. As soon as they were in the house, Nicole started ordering Dave around, getting him to make cups of tea and prepare food for them; he would have gladly done this for guests anyway, but Nicole's attitude towards him was quickly grating on Dave's nerves. He noticed that Brian didn't say a word throughout the ordeal; he just sat there smiling"

When Jake came to visit them on his own, he attempted to boss Dave around, but quickly found out that, even though Dave may have been cuckolded by him, Jake was by no means in charge. Although Dave never directly threatened him, Jake felt uneasy around him; scurrying upstairs to the sanctuary of Sarah's room at the earliest opportunity.

The safe haven of Sarah's room had lost its appeal to Jake now that she wasn't putting out. She was a stronger woman than her mother, and he often found he ended up doing her bidding, rather than she his; the foot rubs seemed to be endless.

Just when Jake thought he had to endure another month of pampering his pregnant girlfriend, she shouted for her father from the bathroom. Sarah had capitulated, and instead of sending Jake home with blue balls, she'd given him a hand job; he hadn't lasted long, covering them both with sticky cum in less than a minute. Now, alone in the shower, she had felt her first contraction. Jake was hurt that she'd called for Dave instead of him, and it hurt even more when he emerged from Sarah's bedroom and saw her, bare, milk filled breasts jiggling above Dave's head as he kissed her naked belly. Slapping her bum gently, Dave told Sarah to get dressed; it was time to bring another child into the family circus.

As the contractions got closer, Sarah was taken in to the delivery room; Jake followed, although Sarah wanted Dave to be in with her, Jake insisted that he was the father and he should be the one to hold her hand. Dave hoped she might break a few of his fingers. As Dave sat down next to Jenny, the sound of Nicole's voice scythed down the corridor to the waiting room. "I need to see my son!" She shrieked at the nurse on reception. "My second grandchild is on the way."

Dave braced himself for the onslaught of verbal jabs and sneers that Nicole was so fond of. Her put-downs were repetitive and tedious; like she'd read the chapter of the Cuckoldresses Handbook which dealt with humiliating the cuckold, and committed it to heart. To Dave, it was all like water off duck's back; he stopped paying attention to her as soon as she sat down, although she was so self-absorbed that she didn't notice.

As Nicole prattled on, there was a scream from the delivery room and, seconds later, the cry of a new-born baby. It was music to Dave's ears; not only had Nicole stopped speaking at him, but she had left in the direction of the scream looking somewhat worried. As she neared the room, Nicole was almost flattened by her son as he barged out; tears streamed down his face as he held his hand awkwardly, sitting down as far away as he could from Dave and Jenny. "Good girl." Dave thought as Nicole made her way into the room.

"Oh, my beautiful grandchild!" Nicole proclaimed as she shouldered a nurse out of her way. " Oh my gorgeous little... Let me see him!" There was a wail, and a thud. Dave got up to see what the commotion was; Jenny followed in his wake, holding her son. Brian sat next to Jake, who was still nursing his hand.

In the room, Sarah sat in the middle of the bed, a huge grin lit up a face which was shiny with perspiration; hair stuck to her forehead and lay damply on her shoulders. In her arms was a baby girl with a fair complexion and the tiniest wisp of blonde hair like her mother's. Dave stepped over Nicole, kissed his daughter on the head and his stepdaughter on the lips. Jenny stood, unable to comprehend what was happening, but when Dave waved her over to the bed, she came readily. "I don't think it's Jake's." Sarah told her mother.

"How?" Jenny said, "Who's is it?"

"I'm not sure I can say?" Sarah replied.

"Was it a gang bang?" Jenny asked. "Is that why? There were so many, you lost count?" Sarah knew this was a conversation for another place and another day; maybe when the kids had grown up, left home and were thinking of which retirement home to put their parents in, that would be a good time.

Nicole groaned on the floor. Dave felt the urge to back heel her, but thought better of it; he had a feeling that the nurse she'd elbowed may have already done that. Besides, he'd already dealt a blow to her ego that no physical abuse could do. "Is there any chance you could take out the trash?" he asked the nurse.

"I'll see what I can do sir." She grinned back at him. The nurse went to the door and summoned a porter who arrived with a wheelchair. Dave and the porter lifted Nicole into the chair and she was whisked away to a recovery room. Dave waved from the door as Brian and Jake hurried after the stricken harridan.

Surprisingly enough, neither Nicole, Jake nor Brian were there to greet them on their return home; they never graced Dave's doorstep again, much to Dave's delight. The news on the grapevine was that they had skipped town; the house certainly looked empty as Sarah and Dave cruised slowly past.

Jenny remained curious about the father of her daughter's baby; there was something about the child that was vaguely familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. The timeline didn't fit with what Sarah had told her. On returning to work, Jenny found that one of the bridesmaids from the bachelorette party had given birth the same week as Sarah. Apparently, they'd taken a male stripper back to the hotel, and four of them had fucked him in a Russian roulette style game; fucking them in turn until he blew his load inside one of them. The cogs turned in Jenny's head, she thought aloud, "If she gave birth just after Sarah, she must have conceived the weekend I spent at Jake's; which is when she here with... No!"

She confronted Sarah about what she had deduced, but Sarah denied it; claiming that she'd been to a party on Saturday night and one of Jake's friends must have knocked her up. Jenny was in no position to argue, so she left it. As the years wore on, and Sarah's daughter grew in to her looks, Jenny swore she could see Dave's features in her face. After what she'd put Dave through, she couldn't really blame him, and he was such a good father to all of her children.

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CrankThzJackInDaBoxCrankThzJackInDaBoxover 7 years ago

thus far i've did only read tad bit each story the franchise thus far

NOW THAT'S BEEN SAID i've seriously do wanna absolutely adore

these stories howwwwweverrrrrrrrrr you switch the scenes sooooooooooooo

damn quickly it's just simply unbearable

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