A Tale of Two Switches Ch. 12


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Alex froze. "Are you kidding me?" She asked. "I thought you setting me up with Jinn for some lessons was as far as your interest went."

"Alex, have you ever know me to do things in half measures?" She asked. "Especially where you're concerned. Your happiness is important to me, and I promised I would help. Now I know this isn't Zuma or Malibu, but it is gentle, and Jinn agreed you're ready to go solo."

Alex hugged Zabi closely. "That is lovely baby, thank you. So are you are going to tell me you have a board in the car?" Alex teased while feeling a little hopeful.

Zabi shook her head. "Sadly if I had done that it would have ruined the surprise." She smiled as Alex tried to hide her disappointment. "So I had someone bring a selection of gear over for you to choose from."

Alex gaped as Zabi waved to two Italians who jogged down from a van by the road. Each carrying a couple of board bags.

"This is Marco and Rosa." Zabi introduced. "They run a local surf shop, and will get you fitted up with everything you need."

"Ciao." The pair greeted as they began to lay out a selection of boards for Alex to choose from.

"That's rather nice." Alex commented as Rosa showed her a Chemistry Flash Point in light blue.

"Yes she is." Zabi teased watching Rosa's shapely body emphasised by the figure hugging wet suit. "But alas she is straight and married to Marco."

"I meant the board." Alex replied poking her tongue out at Zabina. "That's perfect, the squash is nicely rounded and I like the quad fins."

"Possiamo avere questa Rosa?" Zabi translated for Alex, and Rosa nodded happily. "E abbiamo bisogno anche di una muta per favour."

"Nessun problema." Rosa replied, looking over Alex's body before asking Marco something, who ran to the van and returned with an O'Neil Bahia wetsuit, which Rosa held up to Alex's body to judge the size.

"Perfezionare." Rosa commented.

"Grazie." Zabina thanked. "Okay, I think all you need to do is get changed." She told Alex.

Gathering Zabina in her arms, Alex planted a hard kiss on Zabi's lips. "This is so awesome. Thank you Zabi. I love you so much."

Smiling happily, Zabina slapped Alex's behind. "Go get changed in the car, or the waves might be gone before you get out there."

Alex settled for planting another kiss on Zabina's smiling lips then sprinted back to the car, which happily had blackened glass in the rear windows to allow a little privacy.

While Alex changed, Zabi steeled herself down on the rocks that made up the breakwater. Rosa and Marco, who were already wearing wetsuits, grabbed boards and ran in to the gently rolling waves that eased up to the shore. Zabi sighed, wishing she was a little happier in the sea so she could experience Alex's enjoyment, but she was a weak swimmer at the best and the sea wasn't her friend. It would be enough just to watch Alex play for a while, that alone filled Zabi's heart with joy.

As Alex ran back towards her, Zabi couldn't help but sigh again. Alex's body was looking so trim, the workouts had firmed up every muscle and the tight wetsuit showed off every beautiful curve, from her firm breasts, down to the lovely rounded buttocks and strong thighs.

"Thank you again Zabi." Alex said as she scooped up the board. "Will you be okay there?"

"I'll be fine, go and play, just make sure you come back in one peace." Zabi instructed, wondering if it was worth popping back to the car and hiding Alex's clothes. It would be interesting to help her out of the wet suit later either way.

Alex's feet hit the water at a run. The first thing she noticed was the water off the coast of Italy felt warmer than the Pacific, she had always thought this body of water was the Mediterranean, until Zabi had recently corrected her knowledge. 'You learn something every day' she told herself.

Zabi had also been correct about it being a deep bay, a few meters out the sandy bottom dropped away sharply, and Alex dropped on to the board and began to paddle away, her broad shoulders working away and cutting over the surface easily.

At Alex's level of ability, surfing was just as much about being in the right place mentally as it was skill, and that was where she had fallen down before. After her accident and subsequent dumping by her then girlfriend, Alex's self-confidence had taken a battering, and it had taken Zabina a lot of persuasion to convince her that she wasn't worthless. One early lesson involved getting her to strip naked in the restroom of Dominic's club. She smiled at the erotic memory. If anyone had told her then that she could get so turned on by being tormented by Zabina, she would have though them mad. And she wasn't even going to start thinking about how aroused she got by being naked around her.

A rolling wave lifted her board up, and Alex dragged a hand in the water to bring her sideways on to the swell. Rosa waved from where she was sat waiting with Marco. It felt funny to be out here. She had done a little surfing back on Venice beach in the shallows, but that was under the watchful eyes of Jinn. Now she was on her own and about to give herself to the waves and the power they could muster.

A brief flash back washed through her mind. Catching the breaking edge of the wave slightly wrong and wiping out totally. Then getting dragged down by a vicious undertow where the world turned blue and white, only to be thrown in to a rock and the pain that followed.

Alex banished the memory, pushing it from her mind and feeling the movement of the waves around her. She closed her eyes. Listening.

The sea around her inhaled, drawing back the shallow water as a rolling swell built further out.

Alex went from sat upright, to flat out paddling in a blink, powering towards the inbound wave. She felt the water shift below her and turned sharply, running with the wave. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Marco hit the edge of the wave and begin to ride.

Jinn's words came to her mind. 'When you want to ride, count to six.'

'Too early Marco'. She thought, as she felt the wave gather strength under her.

The wave began to peak, and Alex came to her feet, feeling the board stabilise as her balance levelled out.

White water curled at the waves lip, and Alex dropped off the curl and on to the front face of the wave.

Her heart pounded as the wave roared in protest at her suborn refusal to give up.

A memory of Zabina touching her for the first time sent shivers up her spine, as she remembered riding the sensations like she rode a wave.

Alex relaxed in to the moment, much the same as he did with her very first climax at Zabina's hands. The edge of the board caught the wave perfectly and she went from fighting the wave to riding with it.

The wave's roar eased off as she zipped gracefully across the water. Her mind and body at one with board and wave.

Somewhere behind her she could heard excited Italian yells of encouragement.

As the wave approached the shallows, Alex cut back running the opposite way as the breakwater took the force out of the wave, and she slowed and stepped off the board in to the water.

Adrenaline was pumping around her body and Alex could feel her legs shaking with the effort of standing after the rush of catching the wave. She glanced back wondering if she had the physical energy to go again. Rosa and Marco were cheering madly from further out, and for a second she was tempted. Then she glanced back to where Zabina was sat and she knew exactly where she wanted to be.

By the time Alex reached Zabi, the adrenaline had drained from her body and she was shaking like a leaf. Alex carefully laid the board down as Zabi stood and wrapped her in a warm beach towel. Alex gazed in to Zabina's face and the look of pure pride she found there, melted what little strength she had left. Alex fell in to her embrace, her eyes filling with tears as her emotions got the better of her.

"I always knew you would find your true self one day Alex." Zabina told her softly. "Now your journey of discovery is complete."

"Thank you Zabi." Alex managed to say between sobs. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"Nonsense. I just showed you the door. It was you that stepped through it."

After a while of just holding on to each other, Zabina and Alex sat down on the sand, Zabi leaning against the rocks of the breakwater, and Alex leaning against Zabi. Neither of them spoke, they just watched the waves roll up to the sand.

As the sun began to sink towards the horizon, Zabi kissed Alex's salty hair. "Do you like it here Alex?"

"I love it baby." She replied. "The pace here is so much easier to live with. I feel like I can just stand still for a moment and enjoy just being with you."

Tears stung Zabina's eyes, and she blinked them away. "Would you like to stay here?"

Alex's hand found Zabi's under the towel and gave it a squeeze. "I would love to stay here. I know you want to, and I can honestly say I love it."

"Enough to stay forever?"

"Yes. Forever."

Zabina's arms tightened their grip around Alex. "Then here is where we stay."


Well thank you all for reading these stories. I have reached the point where I think Alex and Zabina are very happy, and that is how I want to leave it.

As much as I have enjoyed these two, I feel it is time to move on to new projects. I will however be collating these together and rewriting some sections to hopefully publish in eBook format, if I ever get the chance.

Thank you once again.


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Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Love the story, but it really wasn’t about switching as it was only done a few times 5 still

deepred53deepred53over 2 years ago

A wonderful sweet, exciting, erotic story about two dear people and their love for each other. A fitting ending…we should all be so lucky. Thank you for bringing us along on this journey!

ObsessiveReaderObsessiveReaderabout 3 years ago

Very beautiful story. I love exploring their relationship and dynamics.

TheserialwaffleTheserialwafflealmost 4 years ago

Absolutely wonderful. I never liked hurting people of inflicting pain to achieve pleasure. It needs treatment. But this is perfect. The development is very good. They are beautiful people. The last chapter is music. Congratulations you are great

Nightfall64Nightfall64over 4 years ago

I absolutely love this, no power trips and no sadists, all about love, respect, and pleasing oneself by pleasing a beloved.

albrighaalbrighaover 5 years ago

All I can say is thank you for sharing your story with us. So much was shared but the most was that the door was open and it’s you that makes the decision whether to walk through it. I hope you will let me know if there is more.

JodiHutchinsJodiHutchinsalmost 6 years ago

I’m so sad that this is over but it’s a beautiful happy ending. I think you did a magnificent job giving us closure on their relationship with warm fuzzies. I can’t wait to see what new adventures you have in store for us.

LilyVonSchtuppLilyVonSchtuppalmost 6 years ago
Sorry to see it end.

I'm sorry to see the Two Switches series end. Im glad you wrapped it up with a "happily ever after" ending. They certainly deserved it. Although I will miss wondering what unique situation they will find themselves in next. Thank you for sharing their story with all of us. I look forward to whatever you dream up next, whether it be a new series, a stand alone story, or a continuation of an existing series.

YourLinkYourLinkalmost 6 years ago
A lovely year it has been.

This story took me back to Tuscany. The countryside, the wonderful food, the wine. Ahh, peaceful and at ease I am. I think you ended this tale perfectly. A lovely and happy ending. I note that M wrote that there was a sadness that the story ended, but not for me. Every journey has a beginning and an ending. I think its a law. Oh right, it is a Buddhist law. The three sufferings: birth, illness and death. Sorry to stray. I just wanted to send you my thanks for your effort and for sharing it with us.

Wera55Wera55almost 6 years ago
I found perfection

This romance was from the beggining the best i ever read... And this last chapter made up any flaws that other chapters may had...

Being from south europe too, the description of environment and the speeches on those beautiful places made me tear a little. Just perfect.

Happy endings are always funny to see because most of the times they are unreal but at the same time perfect.

Slurpy29Slurpy29almost 6 years ago
Simply Wonderful

I’ve really enjoyed the tales of Alex and Zabi and you’ve ended it wonderfully. I am a little sad that it has come to an end, but am happy I can go back to reread (which I plan on doing quite often). There’s not much I can add that hasn’t already been mentioned. You are a fantastic story teller and I look forward to reading more. As always 5 stars from me.

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicalmost 6 years ago
Sad that it's ending, but ...

I can't think of a better place for these two to settle down and live a quiet life filled with food and wine and nightly moonlit streaking through the vineyard. I was grinning from start to finish on this one and though I am sad that their story is ending, I can't wait to see what falls out of your deviant little mind next.

MaonaighMaonaighalmost 6 years ago
And they lived happily...

...in a beautiful place. And this, Alex, is a beautifully fitting end to the saga. I loved your descriptions of the Italian countryside, my mouth watered at the thought of that wonderful Italian food, and you had me getting quite emotional at the loving welcome Auntie Donna gave Alex. A suggestion: although Alex and Zabi's tale is finished, you might get a little mileage out of Ellie and Roisin. Thanks for this chapter, thanks for the whole series; it's been a great ride.

stroudlestroudlealmost 6 years ago
One word for you


OK heres a few more

Beautiful series loved it all . I think Alex and Zabi will be very happy in their little piece of Italy and a brilliant ending . Leaving our lovely ladies on the beach in the sun to enjoy the rest of their days together. LOVED IT.

Stonking good story , sexy , funny , hot , tender , more sexiness and buckets of love.

I dont know how you do it but you get better and better and starting from such a high point thats saying something.

Five more stars and another entry in my fav box.

Thank you for the last year and heres to many more.


LinneaLundinLinneaLundinalmost 6 years ago
Thank You

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Alex and Zabi’s adventures. Their amazing world has been delightful reading. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

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