A Taste of Kate

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A couple gets caught up in the thrill of risky threesomes...
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This story is a complete work of fiction. While the story does contain some elements drawn from my personal experiences, any resemblance to real people or events is simple coincidence. This is a slow burn to get to where we are going; at the time of writing, this is far and away my longest piece, at more than thirty-eight thousand words. This is also my first piece of published erotic fiction; all other stories I have shared to this point detail accounts of actual experiences I have lived.

Be warned that this story deals with a wife who has sex with men other than her husband, with his consent and approval. It also contains interracial and pregnancy risk themes. If any of these items bother you, please consider one of the many thousands of other stories on Literotica.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale.


Kathryn Stevens sat nervously perched on the edge of her toilet seat, studiously avoiding looking at the plastic stick in her hand. She was nine days late at this point, and her body felt off in a familiar way... so she had decided that it was time to be sure.

It was really only a matter of time, she supposed. She and her husband Ken never used condoms -- she had made a painful, itchy discovery as a teen that she had a latex allergy. Kathryn -- Kate (but never Katie) to her friends - had used various other methods of birth control over the years, but none of them were great for her. The pill made her gain weight, made her moody, and tanked her libido. The ring was better, but she didn't like the weird bleeding she was prone to while on it. The damned shot, while convenient, caused an allergic reaction that got worse every single time she got it - to the point that Ken had forbidden it as an option after her hives had included trouble breathing the last time the doc had given it to her. Kate had unsuccessfully tried an IUD years ago, but the bleeding just never seemed to stop; she wasn't keen on giving that another go. She had used the pill for years as the best of a bunch of bad options, but she had reached her wits end with it.

Six months ago, Kate had decided to not refill the pill, and holy shit had she been so much happier off of the damned thing. The fifteen pounds she had struggled with for the past couple of years seemed to just melt away. She was happier, more confident, vibrant. Ken had appreciated the changes in her attitude (to say nothing of the massive jump in her sex drive) so much that it didn't take much convincing for him to agree to say to hell with the pill. They had chosen to go back to pulling out... but the fact was that they had NEVER been very good at it -- their first three children were evidence of that.

Well, evidence of that and of Kathyrn's high fertility. She had two friends who had struggled with getting pregnant, and she knew that it was normal for most people to have to try for months... but Kate herself had the opposite issue. It seemed that Ken had to only look at her the wrong way, and that poor rabbit was as good as dead.

She'd been off of contraception for six months now, and they had quickly moved from pulling out every single time to pulling out only on risky days. Kate's cycle had always been clockwork regular -- bleed for two to three days, ovulate on day fourteen. Every time.

She and Ken had joked about it -- once, they had gone so far as to chart her periods ahead of time on a brand new calendar for the entire coming year. She was only off by a single day on one period for the entirety of those twelve months.

In theory, they should have been pretty safe. In practice, the couple were their own worst enemies when it came to safety. Both Ken and Kate absolutely loved it when he came inside of her. Kate always felt a little unfulfilled, a little hollow if he pulled out. And Ken loved to fill his wife up; he always said that it just felt like his cum belonged inside of her. As a result, neither of them were super wonderful at insisting on proper pulling out; he would often push the absolute limits of his ability to hold back his orgasm, she would often lock her legs around him and try to get him to stay inside for a few extra seconds when he was ready to come.

Given these tendencies, given how they kept pushing things right up to the risky days, it really was only a matter of time. And so, here she was, thirty-eight years old and a mother of three, feeling like the three minutes for the pregnancy test to give an answer was more like three hours. Finally though, the time was up, and Kate turned the test over.

There it was -- the faint but unmistakable second blue line that she had known she would see. Baby number four was on the way.

Now, Kate just had to figure out how to tell her husband.


Not to sound overly trite, but Kathyrn and Kenneth Stevens were a happy couple. They had been married for sixteen years, had gone through the challenges of being young and poor, of dealing with long career hours to get ahead, of the trials and tribulations of parenthood. They had two boys, one girl, ages twelve, nine, and three. Ken was successful in IT; Kate had been a nurse, but when she got pregnant the third time, she had decided that she wanted to become a stay at home mom. Ken had grown a sideline consulting business that didn't fully replace her salary, but did make it viable for them to make such a move, so Kate had quit work before baby number three. She had been by and large content with her life since that time.

As most couples experienced, Kate and Ken's sex life had been up and down over the years. When they had first gotten together, they had that early relationship period where they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. They had been open minded, free willed, happy to try almost anything once (and most things twice, just in case the first time was a one-off bad experience). Years and life and kids and responsibilities had sapped some of that fire away, and their sex lives had waxed and waned over time. Truth be told, sex had become less frequent, less passionate in recent years... but Kate going off the pill had seemed to jump start things quite a bit.

Kate had always been an attractive woman - a fairly tall brunette with curves in all the right places, and gorgeous blue eyes. Mother nature had blessed her with C cup breasts which had swollen quite a bit with motherhood. Naturally, nursing babies had taken a toll there, but Ken (who never seemed to see the need as Kate had never lost any beauty in his eyes) had agreed that she could get a lift done after the last baby if she truly wanted it; these days, her round D cup breasts sat high and proud on her chest.

Ken himself was the most normal, unremarkable guy you'd ever meet. Two years Kate's senior, he was a couple of inches short of six feet tall, with an average build (that might have been slightly softening around the middle), and brown hair and eyes. Turning forty hadn't cost him his hair yet, but he didn't kid himself -- that hairline was slowly receding. What Ken did was work hard between his day job and his consulting business, sometimes putting in extremely long hours. He never complained, though; he wanted the best for his family, and he worked to provide that for them.

Since her husband did such a good job in the sole provider role, Kate felt that it was her part to take care of the home and kids, as well as take care of herself -- losing the last of the baby weight had been one of her big motivations to stop the pill, after all.

The thought made the housewife frown a little. She had worked her ass off to get her pre pregnancy body back, she'd had the lift done... but damn it, here she was pregnant again. She made a vow to stay very active, to gain as little weight as possible during the pregnancy, to do everything she could to minimize the impact to this body she had worked hard for.


Kate lay back, totally limp, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Ken had always been excellent at giving oral, but when she came this time, she had been worried that her actual soul was going to leave her body. "Oh God, stop, no more, oh come here," she panted.

Ken knew how to set his wife off, knew which buttons to push. He had focused hard on her clit, but when her orgasm started, he had shifted to licking inside of her vagina, basically fucking her with his tongue. For whatever reason, that seemed to magnify the orgasms for Kate, and he was happy to do whatever it took to please her. To be fair, he absolutely loved to worship his wife's pussy, would have been happy to lick her anytime, anywhere. So to keep licking while she grinded and clenched against his face, saturating him with her juices... well, his attitude there was akin to Bre'r Rabbit and the briar patch.

Grinning, he moved up above his wife. Kate looked deeply into his eyes as she took Ken's stiff cock into her hand and aimed it at her molten center. As wet as she was, it took exactly one thrust for him to nestle his balls up firmly against his wife. Kate gasped -- while not huge, her husband was a little longer and a bit thicker than the average guy, and he always seemed to fill her up just perfectly.

His wife wore a sultry look on her face as Ken began to slowly grind in and out of her. She was so very wet tonight, and seemed to respond to every little motion of his. When he went to kiss her, she responded eagerly -- a bit unusual, since Kate wasn't normally a huge fan of tasting her own juices on his mouth after he had gone down on her, but Ken wasn't about to complain. After several moments, she broke the kiss and fixed him with a deep gaze.

"I have something important to tell you," she breathed with a crooked grin.

He matched her grin. "So tell me," he replied while maintaining his motions.

"You're going to be a dad again," she stated. "I'm pregnant."

Ken's grin grew so wide that it threatened to split his face. "I thought so," he replied.

Confusion crossed Kate's face. She had thrown the pregnancy test packaging away in the outside trash can, and the test itself was under some towels in the linen closet. How could he have known?

"How...?" she started.

Her husband kissed her again. "Shhhh," he replied, cutting her off. "I'll explain later. Right now, I'm enjoying this pregnant pussy. I definitely won't be pulling out."

Kate shivered as he picked up his pace. "Don't you dare," she demanded.

His head filled with visons of his wife's belly growing round beneath him, of her breasts filling with milk for his child, Ken moved from sensual lovemaking to animalistic fucking. When he couldn't hold out any longer, he made sure to bury his cock as deep as he could when he came; the knowledge that her cervix was closed off to his sperm as their baby grew inside her womb made his orgasm even more intense.


"It's pretty easy," Ken explained to Kate later on, once they had both regained the ability of conversation. "I pretty much knew already, have actually known for a couple of days now. You taste pregnant."

"What?" Kate interjected. "You are full of shit. That's not a real thing!"

"It is!" he laughed. "I've noticed it literally every time you've been pregnant. You taste... sweeter. More musky, but still sweeter, if that makes sense. It hit me a couple of days ago, I wondered again last night. Tonight, I was pretty much certain."

Kate shook her head. "That's so weird. Really? You're not just making this up?"

Ken laughed. "Nope," he assured her. "It's a real thing. And the change is definitely noticeable when we have sex the first time after you deliver. That sweetness just disappears."

"Well, I'm so sorr-eee," she whined in response. "I can't really help that, can I?"

He grinned. "Obviously not. I'm just saying that it's different."

In truth, Ken had noticed that she was also noticeably more bitter when she wasn't pregnant, though her being very wet tended to eliminate that part. Wisely, though, he kept that to himself. Kate could be a little self-conscious about things he viewed as trivial; he'd never want her to feel bad, so not every detail needed to be shared.

"Anyway," he continued, "after you came tonight, there was no doubt in my mind. I was actually going to ask if it was possible. When did you test?" he asked.

"Today," she admitted. "I was going to show you the test tonight." She paused. "Are you sure that you are okay? I know that we hadn't really talked about another baby..."

Ken shook his head but grinned. "No, but we haven't exactly been super careful, have we? I think that we both know how babies are made, so it was bound to happen. I'm a little surprised that it actually happened this month -- I thought we had been way more careful about the dates -- but the fact that it did happen isn't surprising. So yes, I'm happy. I love you so much. Besides," he added with a mischievous wink, "you're sexy as fuck when you are pregnant. I mean, was I really going to complain about getting one more chance to fulfill my pregnancy kink?"

Kate playfully hit him on the shoulder. I guess not," she answered. "I love you too."


The pregnancy went well. The first trimester morning sickness gave way to the ease of the second trimester -- and to the huge libido leap in Kate that went along with it. The couple's sex life stayed strong all the way up to delivery, with Kate demanding sex and extra orgasms during the end of the pregnancy at least partially due to various studies suggesting that orgasm and the proteins in semen were both tied to helping induction of labor.

Anytime Kate started to feel bad about her body, she only had to give her husband half a chance and he'd be caressing her swollen belly, commenting on how sexy she looked, or rubbing her feet dutifully. The man had always found her sexy, but it was obvious that his attraction reached an extra level when she was carrying his child.

Eventually, the couple discussed their future. While they both loved children, four kids felt like enough. They had twice thought that they were done -- first after baby number two, then again after baby number three. Now, after number four, it was definitely the right time to call an end to having more children.

Neither of them wanted Kate to have to deal with any more birth control side effects, and neither were interested in condoms. Sure, they could look at lambskin or the other non latex options that would at least avoid a stinging, itching vagina... but even so, condoms just felt impersonal. There was something primal for both of them for semen to end up inside of Kate, and they just didn't want to deal with the mess and inconvenience and annoyance of condoms.

So the decision was made -- Ken would get the snip. Insurance covered it, and sex was already on a pause while Kate recovered from delivery. He could spend a couple of days with frozen peas in his lap while he held the baby. Then there would ne no more surprise pregnancies, no more worries about pulling out, and no birth control side effects to deal with. Well, at least not after he got his final recheck ten weeks or so after his surgery.

At first, it seemed that everything went perfectly according to plan. Kate delivered a healthy seven pound, two ounce baby girl and got to come home with no complications. Ken got a quick surgery and an allotment of frozen produce. Six weeks later, their sex lives resumed with the thought that only a month remained until worries of pregnancy were forever over.

Well... perhaps resumed is a strong word to use. While both Ken and Kate were enthused at the idea of returning to sex, Kate discovered that her hormones were all out of whack -- right after the baby was born, she found that she was having major problems getting wet, and she was too embarrassed to use lube. This led to painful sex for her, which not only reduced her enthusiasm for intimacy, but also did the same to Ken -- he hated the idea of hurting his wife.

Then, the baby blues hit -- and they hit hard. Kate found herself a walking zombie, always tired beyond belief. Kate and Ken had been spoiled by three "good" babies -- according to Kate's parents, baby number four was a "real" baby who was fitful and cried through so many nights. The new mom found herself so exhausted that washing her hair was often an insurmountable task; Ken had to step in and assume many household chores even months after the baby's birth. This led to the new father's own exhaustion as he continued to work long hours with his two jobs; but without his help, Kate simply could not manage her normal domestic duties.

Adding to all of this was a sadness that seemed to settle in like a smothering blanket over Kate. She wrestled with the deep realization that this was her last baby. This was it. She was done.

For some reason, this made her terribly, achingly sad. She knew that it was illogical -- she and Ken had really been happy with two children; four was certainly enough! She didn't actually want another baby, but now that it was impossible, now that the choice had been taken from her, she felt a strong sense of loss that just wouldn't seem to go away. While she knew that it didn't make sense, knowing that she couldn't have another baby made her feel like less of a woman.

All of these factors conspired against the couple, and they went from near daily sex (sometimes more) to sex perhaps once every week or two. The quality of the sex dropped precipitously, as well -- rather than being the involved, enthusiastic partner she had been in the past, Ken often found his wife to be distracted, bored, barely present in the moment. Far too often, sex felt extremely transactional, as if Kate were trying to check off a necessary chore rather than seeking any intimacy or connection with her husband.

Most of the time, there was no foreplay; Kate seemed to have lost virtually all interest in orgasms and would rarely allow her husband to go down on her. Extras like different positions or toys or anything remotely kinky were things of the past. Sex usually consisted of a blunt statement to the effect of "come on and fuck me" while she lied back and let him climb on top of her, or perhaps she turned to her side and allowed him to penetrate her from a spooning position. Ken had to get it up, get it in, and get off... and that, for the most part, was the new normal of the Stevenses sex life.

This new normal went on for more than a year. Certainly, there were a few odd occasions when Ken saw flashes of his old wife. There were sessions here and there where she allowed him to give her an orgasm, where she took part and kissed him and made him feel wanted. But these moments were few and far between, and eventually all but died out. Ken tried to be positive and patient, but it was tough feeling like his needs just didn't matter.

It was bound to happen sooner or later, in some situation or another. But it happened to be late on a Saturday night when the baby was almost sixteen months old that Kate caught her husband masturbating to porn.


As usual, Kate had been so very tired that she barely made it to nine 'o clock before falling asleep with the baby. As usual, it was up to Ken to get the kids to bed, though on the weekend they stayed up later. For once, however, Ken had some energy afterwards and wasn't quite ready to go to sleep. It had been two weeks since the last chore-like sex session with his wife -- Ken had actually hoped to have gotten lucky this Saturday night, but that wasn't in the cards -- and the poor man was undeniably horny.

So Ken slipped away to the living room, and after ensuring that everyone in the house was settled in and asleep, he loaded up some porn on his phone to help relieve some of the tension. Either Kate had done a little ninja training of late, or Ken had just gotten caught up in the video; he didn't hear a sound as Kate opened the master bedroom door and moved down the hall towards him. He didn't realize that anyone else was in the room until his wife's unhappy voice called out.