A Taste of Slavery Ch. 63


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Bill laughed. "Sounds like a plan."

"We'll need to bring the Slave Trainer," I said. "Whore might feel somewhat resistant to our plans."

As soon as Bill said yes to the Slave Trainer, Whore's face drooped like she'd lost her best friend. It's the way I felt when I had to wear one, as one of my best friends were my orgasms. At noon, Whore came to the basement and licked every cunt there to a quick orgasm. Shasta made her suck Sean too.

At 3:30, we left for the clinic after leaving the baby monitor in Rhonda's room. Fifteen minutes in and out, just changing appointment times. Lisa and I couldn't get ones together without waiting for another three weeks, so we got different times on the same day in a week. Even more reason to sell Bill part of our business. I told Bill about the nice sex toy shop we'd found and told him we should stop there before going to the Department Store. He had no problem with it so told Robert to drive there.

When we got there, I went straight to a section I'd looked at previously, but never purchased anything from. I got a foxtail anal plug. I told Bill I'd pay for it, and he nodded, amused.

After I'd purchased it, I asked the clerk, a young man, "We need to put this in the slaves ass right now. Is it okay if we do it right here in the middle of the store, or would you prefer we do it in the bathroom."

Being a young man worked in our favor. He could enjoy watching himself if she didn't go to the restroom. "No you can do it right here. I don't care."

I was sure none of other five people currently in the store would care either. They were all male. Whore was listening in horror at what I was proposing. Even Robert was enjoying the potential for spectacle.

"Thank you, sir. Do you have an open bottle of lube or will I need to wet it in the slave's cunt?"

"No open lubes, though I'd be happy to sell you one."

"No, not necessary. I'm sure her cunt will be more than wet enough. Please bend over and lift your skirt, Whore."

She looked at me with a look of utter dismay.

"You call your slave, Whore?" The clerk asked, a big grin on his face.

"It suits her," I said. She still hadn't complied, so I said. "It's going to happen, Whore. You can do it now without further punishment or wear the Slave Trainer all night."

Whore bent over the sales counter and raised her skirt baring her bottom. The other five men in the store immediately drifted closer to get a better look. This was better than whatever skin mag or porno film they'd been considering. I wet the plug in her cunt, which was indeed wet, then pushed it into her rectum.

"Wiggle your ass, Whore, show us what it looks like."

She was crying but she wagged her ass, much to everyone's delight and amusement.

"Stand up, let's see if your tail dangles below your skirt."

Whore stood and I'd chosen wisely. Her skirt covered the tail by about two inches.

"Thank you, sir. You've been most kind." I said.

"Any chance Whore can suck my cock?" The clerk asked. "My dick is harder than a poker."

I looked at Bill. "Go ahead, Whore," he said. "We have a few minutes to spare. I suggest you do it behind the counter so you're not visible through the window."

Whore dejectedly went behind the counter, knelt down, and began sucking the clerk's cock. He must have been excited. He climaxed within four minutes.

The store patrons asked if they could have their cocks sucked too. Bill said, "Sorry, we've got other things to do."

They were disappointed, but on the other hand, they'd just seen a great live show, so they couldn't be that upset.

We returned to the limo. Whore said she couldn't sit on her tail, so Master told her to lie on her stomach over Lisa's lap. It was time to explain what Whore was doing tonight.

"One of the first things Master made Lisa and I do was seduce a sales clerk in the changing rooms of the department store at the mall. You will be doing the same."

"Do you hate me, Domina?"

"I don't think of you in terms of like and dislike; hate or love. You exist. You're a slave. You need to be trained. If you're going to be a slave for a week, you might as well be a good one. At the moment, you're still thinking about you. Your embarrassment, your shame, your humiliation. You are not thinking about your Master, his pleasure, his desires, what he would want. It's always been about you, Whore, never about anyone else. You need to work on forgetting your pride, your station in life, your importance, and think about the person you're serving, whether it's the man in the sex toy shop, a clerk in the dressing room or the person who owns you for a week. Are you ready to pay attention to me?"

"Yes, Domina."

"Believe it or not, I didn't put that tail in your ass just for the fun of it or to make fun of you. I'm trying to save you from two and a half hours on the Slave Trainer. You can't just walk into that department store and ask to lick someone's cunt in the changing room. They'd probably kick you out of the store immediately for being a pervert. You have to work up to it, seduce the person you must serve. My Master put a vibrating plug in my ass. The head of the women's department was helping me. I got a lot of things I knew wouldn't fit, and as she was bringing me some things that actually fit, I let her see the plug in my ass, which started vibrating as she asked about it, causing me to bump my head on the wall.

"It surprised her to see me with a something in my ass, so she inquired about it. I told her I was a submissive and my Master required me to wear it. She did not know what a submissive or Master was, so I told her I was a voluntary sex slave and must obey my Master no matter what he required. I apologized for my behavior and said Master wanted me to have sex with her, lick her to an orgasm and if she agreed, my Master would let me cum. Otherwise, I would be kept on the edge of an orgasm all night without any relief. She took enough pity on me, she allowed me make her cum, not once, but twice. But she would not lick me, even though I begged her for it. I told her if she wouldn't give me one, I must go without orgasms.

"That was Gwen, the woman you met at the Memorial Day party. Why she came to that party is another story. My point is this. You must do the same. How you do it is up to you, but wearing that tail in your ass will raise questions, and give you a chance to explain yourself. If you can imagine for one second someone will totally ignore the tail in your ass, you're wrong. Even more than the butt plug in mine. Gwen might have ignored it, at least until it started buzzing in my butt and caused me to hit my head. This may allow you to succeed where otherwise you would fail. Perhaps you say you lost a bet, and you must do whatever the winner wants for one week and he wants you to lick her cunt in a dressing room. If she'll give you the chance, you will make her feel she's died and gone to heaven. If you can't get anyone to accept oral pleasure from you, you will wear the Slave Trainer all through our supper tonight until the battery goes dead. If you do lick one, you only have to wear it for an hour. If you can get her to lick you too, you won't have to wear it at all.

"Unless you're really lucky, and the woman is lesbian or at least bi-curious, or a submissive herself, she won't want to lick your cunt, so plan on wearing the Slave Trainer for at least an hour, but almost everyone is willing to cum if it's not going to cause trouble for them, provided you don't scare them away. Think of it like the men at Trelio's on Saturday. Even though you were naked and tied over a table, everyone was hesitant to start the sex because they thought they'd get into trouble. Once the dishwasher started the ball rolling because he had the least to lose, and showed everyone no trouble would ensue, fifteen people wanted to fuck you. Now if you think you can do it without a tail in your ass, remove it, but without some degree of empathy from the person who you're trying to seduce; you won't succeed. Having to wear a tail in your ass might make someone feel sorry for you. Those are the rules. If you think you can order someone to let you lick their cunt, go ahead. I think you'll have more luck playing to their sympathies."

"How will you know if I've succeeded, Domina?"

"For you, leave their cum on your face until we've seen it. For them, the clerk who comes out of a dressing room will be a lot different from the one who went in if she licked you. We'll be able to tell, believe me. You would too if you were watching for it. You're to pick out slutty slave clothes. Your Master will pay for them."

She looked up at Bill seated across from her. "I told you I'd replace the items I tore and cut off your body Saturday morning. This is your opportunity as long as you realize I won't pay for anything not appropriately sexy. I want them to be clothes a man would be eager to rip off you."

Whore nodded. We arrived at the mall and went into the store. Gwen was working but she didn't see us at first, waiting on someone else. If Gwen started waiting on Whore, she wouldn't have any trouble licking a cunt. Gwen might even lick her back, but it was someone else who helped Whore first. She was older, on the early side of her forties, I thought. Older women might be tricky, more conservative, less likely to experiment for the hell of it. I thought Whore would be working hard to seduce her.

Whore was explaining her boyfriend wanted her to wear sexier clothes, more like what she had on tonight than what she usually wore. Could she please get some help picking out some nice things to drive her boyfriend crazy. I thought it was a good start, personally. Gwen finally saw us and came over.

"Why are you girls here? You barely wear clothes anymore. Where's your Master? Wait, don't I know you from somewhere?"

The last question to Bill.

"Gwen, this is William Thornhill," I said. "He's staying at our house while our Master is in LA. We're here for the same reason we were here when I met you. A new slave is trying to seduce one of your sales clerks."

"Which one?" Gwen looked around and saw Whore with the clerk. "Oh, good luck. That's Edith. I doubt I've ever met anyone as rigid as she is. I think she was born with a poker up her ass. The slave will be lucky if Edith doesn't whack her with her purse, then stomp on her." A sudden light dawning. "Wait a minute, the billionaire, Thornhill. Oh, my God. Why are you in Fresno? Is that your slave?"

Bill smiled. "Temporarily. She lost a card game. She's mine until next Saturday."

"One of their poker games?" Gwen asked. "The ones where the slaves serve the players?"

"Yes, though this was a side game, after the main event. She bet a week of servitude against a hundred thousand dollars. How do you know about the poker game?"

"I was a slave serving at two of them."

"Not anymore?" Bill inquired.

"No. It's a long story. Julia can tell it some other time. Aren't you married? I read you have a wife. How does she feel about you having a slave for a week?"

"I do. My wife is also my submissive. She doesn't have a problem with it. She's with Scott this week since I'm spending the week with his three slaves. Seemed only fair under the circumstances."

"They're going to the dressing room," I said. "We'll soon see if we have a winner or a disaster."

"You don't mind we have a slave trying to seduce one of your clerks?" Bill asked.

"It's kind of hard to get snotty about it since Julia seduced me. Are you currently serving as their Master?"

"I am." Bill responded.

"Would you mind if I borrowed one of them for fifteen or twenty minutes. My husband does as well as he can, but he just doesn't understand cunt as well as Lisa or Julia do."

"By all means; take your pick."

Gwen took my hand. "No offense Lisa, but Julia was my first. It's hard not to remember your first without a certain degree of fondness."

"I understand completely," Lisa said. "She was my first too, and I've never gotten over her tongue in my pussy either."

Bill and Gwen both laughed and Gwen led me into the back room. She removed her panties.

"Given up going bare already, Gwen?" I said. "How quickly you've forgotten how nice it is to wear nothing beneath your dress."

"Shut up and lick my cunt, slave. I don't have a lot of time since Edith is also off the floor. I want three orgasms as fast as I can get them. If you're fast enough, I'll take a fourth."

"Yes, dear," I said, sliding her dress up over her thigh highs. "At least you're not wearing pantyhose."

I started pleasing Gwen's pussy and further words became impossible. Gwen had her first orgasm within four minutes, gasping "You haven't lost your touch." Each of the next two didn't take much more than three minutes either.

"Again," she moaned. "God, that feels good."

I hadn't taken long. We had time for the fourth.

"Leave my cum on your face until your Master tells you to remove it."

"Yes, Gwen."

"So no 'Mistress' anymore?"

"It's hard to call you Mistress since you served as a slave beside me."

Gwen patted my cheek, damp with her dew. "I did love it when you called me, Mistress. You may return to your temporary Master again. Here, a present for you." She handed me her panties. At least they were an attractive style.

"What do I need with panties?"

"Something to remember me by. Sniff them if you miss me."

I laughed and tucked them in my purse. We returned to the store floor. Master handed me his handkerchief. I smiled and wiped my face.

"Where's Whore?" I asked, seeing no sign of her.

"Still in the dressing room," Lisa said. "She hasn't come out yet."

"I hope Edith hasn't killed her and isn't trying to find some way to dispose of the body," Gwen said. "I'd better check."

Gwen went up to the door, knocked, then peeked in, starting to say, "Do you need...."

We couldn't see a lot from where we were sitting, but Edith was on the floor and seemed to be licking Whore's cunt. There was a quick whispered conversation and then Gwen closed the door. When she came back, she had a smile on her face.

"I'll be damned," she said.

"It looked like Edith was licking cunt, Gwen. Was she?" Lisa asked.

"Yes. Buried deep in the slave's pussy. I said, 'What's going on here?' and the slave said, 'Don't stop her now. I'm about to cum.' I told Edith she better damn well finish what she'd started and I'd see her the backroom when she was finished."

"Are you going to fire her?" Bill asked. "I'd feel responsible."

"No, but I've been hoping to get Edith to loosen up and not take things so seriously. Now I've got something over her, maybe she'll quit acting like such a fucking, stuck up Nazi."

Edith came out of the dressing room and Gwen pointed to the back room. Edith hurried to the back, her face downcast. Where I'd just been with Gwen. "Sorry, got to run. Store business, you know."

Whore showed us her face. Master nodded and she closed the dressing room door. Eventually, she joined us, carrying a dozen or so items.

"Do I need to have you model each of these items for me here in the store to ensure they are slutty enough?" Bill asked.

"I got a bra and panty set to replace the ones you ruined, sir, and I know I'm not to wear them while I'm a slave, but they are virtually transparent, so would qualify as slutty under most definitions. If the remainder are not slutty enough, you may punish me with a spanking of 25 swats for each one."

"What if the punishment were an hour in the Slave Trainer for each one?"

Whore thought for a moment. "Even then, Master. They are all quite slutty."

"I suppose I shall accept they're sufficiently slutty until you model them for us."

"Thank you, sir."

"Find someone to wait on us. Edith is getting a dressing down or an undressing. It was hard to tell what Gwen would do."

"Yes, sir."

Whore found another woman to ring up our order. She started to protest that Edith should ring up the purchases as she'd been working with Whore and should get the commission. Bill told her that Edith was answering to the Department Manager for an indiscretion and may not be available for some time. He handed her a hundred dollar bill.

"If you end up with the commission on this, you may give this to Edith for her help. If she gets the commission, you may keep it for your trouble."

She rang us up without another word of protest. The total was over $5000. Whore had chosen many expensive items of clothing, though from first glance, they were all sexier than hell.

When we got back to the limousine, Lisa asked Whore how she got Edith to lick her. Gwen was certain Edith might have strangled her if she even tried suggesting her cunt be licked. I was as eager to learn as Lisa was.

"Can I remove the foxtail plug first, so I can actually sit up like a normal person, Master."

"Be my guest," he said, handing her a handful of tissues to place it in since she couldn't wash it.

She put her hand behind her, grasped the base of the tail and pulled it out, wrapping it in the tissues. She sat on the seat.

"Domina was right. Edith was amazed when she saw the tail in my ass. She couldn't help asking about it. I told her I'd lost a bet with a man and had to do anything he told me to do for a week. I was so ashamed that he was making me wear a tail in my ass, but there was nothing I could do about it. I actually started sobbing. It wasn't hard. I told her I had to do all these degrading sexual things, and told her about you making me bend over in the store and wetting the tail in my cunt, then putting it in my bottom, followed by sucking off the clerk who sold it. She was quite sympathetic towards me.

"I told her the worst thing was providing sexual pleasure to others without receiving any myself. I told her her he didn't ever let me orgasm."

"What a liar," I interjected. "Master lets you cum."

"I've cum once today, until she licked me. It's not a total lie."

"So what then. She started to lick you?"

"Heck, no. I told her I was desperate and really needed to orgasm badly, and I'd not only pleasure her, but I'd give her $2000 if she'd allow me to orgasm. I wrote her a check, but kept it in my hand until she licked me to an orgasm."

"You paid her?" I asked.

"Master has paid people to allow me to pleasure people in their restaurant. Why can't I pay them to pleasure me?"

We all laughed. "Are you mad?" Whore asked.

Bill said, "I didn't prohibit you from doing so. Of course, you just turned her into a prostitute and you into a John, so there's that, but I'm not law enforcement and I'm not going to arrest you. I'll have to be more careful next time to specify you can't pay for sex. What made you think of it?"

"I looked at the price of the clothes you were buying for me and figured if I were buying them myself, it would cost me a pretty penny, so anything less than full price would be like me buying the things for myself at a discount and I wouldn't have to wear the Slave Trainer."

We all laughed again. "A word of warning," Bill said. "If you pay for sex again, it won't save you from the Slave Trainer."

"Yes, Master."

"I think I need you to suck my cock, Whore. It seems the evening's activities have aroused me."

"Yes, sir."

She dutifully unzipped his trousers and his cock sprang forth in all its glory. She sucked his shaft until he spurted his seed into her mouth, leaning back after cleaning him, smiling, knowing she'd gotten away with something.

I'd given Robert the address of a pleasant Greek restaurant we'd eaten at a few times. We went there and had no trouble getting in given the lateness of the evening on a week day. They had checked blue and white tablecloths but not long enough to conduct our normal shenanigans under and I wasn't going to give someone several thousand dollars to ignore us.
