A Thrilling Prophecy


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Then she turned to the lecturer again and he was left to wriggle to try and get his massive erection more comfortable, but all that did was to rub him up against her thighs again, making the stiffness worse. Was it his imagination, or were her thighs pushing back harder at him? He closed his eyes for a moment to try and settle himself, then looked at his watch. Only ten minutes to go then he'd be able to move! "Well, maybe!" he grimaced as he imagined himself leaving the lecture theatre bent double!

As the minutes passed, he gradually managed to get some control. His breathing was back to normal and the erection softened a little.

He glanced sideways again. She evidently saw him, and turned to grin at him again. Her eyes glistened and face was alive with mischief! She held his gaze as her hand reached across to pull his pencil out of his grasp, before pulling it back and letting it drop between her own thighs, the red of the pencil clashing with the garish black criss-crossed stockings. His gaze was drawn with the pencil to her legs. The black skirt had ridden higher up her thighs in the time that they'd been sat there and the hem was now a good nine or ten inches above her knees. Her thighs were pressed closely together and his pencil sat neatly trapped between them! When he looked up her eyes were back on the lecturer, but he noticed that her body seemed to have tensed.

He paused for about twenty seconds wondering what to do. She clearly wanted him to pick it up, but would it be that simple? His erection was back big time as he slowly slid his left hand across her thighs to try and grasp the pencil, but as he touched it she opened her legs a fraction, the pencil dropped down and, as his fingers chased after it, her legs clamped shut again trapping his fingers half way up her thighs. The fishnet stocking material was roughly pressed into his fingers, but the soft, warm flesh of her thighs felt absolutely incredible!

Her eyes had never moved, looking straight ahead. He tentatively pulled back a little on his hand, but her legs seemed to clamp tighter around it. He knew that he could easily pull it out if he really yanked hard, but he didn't want to cause a scene and, frankly, he was quite pleased to leave it there!

So for the last five minutes of the lecture that's how it stayed!

6.After The Lecture

As the lecture finished, his neighbour grinned mischievously at him as she eased opened her legs and let out his hand. Nothing was said and she turned immediately to her friends and ignored him as they packed up their belongings and filed out of the big room.

He was confused -- big time!

Was this another instance of the 'gypsy prediction' coming to pass? Should he follow it up in some way?

In the hallway, his 'Goth' was busily chatting to the blonde haired twins with her back to him. Suddenly, after being sat so closely next to her, she seemed the sexiest creature in the universe. He just had to say something ... didn't he!?

He sidled up to her, struggling in his mind to find a suitable opening.

"That was nice," he said after a short pause, cringing at the banal comment as it came out.

The girl turned with a quizzical expression on her face. The two twins looked at him as if he'd just escaped from a lunatic asylum.

"Oh, was it?" she responded neutrally, but with a faint smile lighting up her face. The twins paused for a moment before turning and walking off, promising to catch up with 'Laura' later. Well, at least he knew her name now.

He still wasn't sure what to say next, and as his turmoil increased her expression changed to one of puzzlement as she waited patiently for him to say something.

In the absence of any other inspiration, he finally blurted out what was really on his mind.

"Shall we go somewhere where we can do it ..... errr . ....well, you know ........ in private?"

Laura's expression stayed puzzled for a short while before her eyes widened and she gasped in shock, "Do you really mean what I think you mean!"

"Errr, well .......... I thought that you might be err ... up for it so to speak?"

He was beginning to get the message that he might have got this wrong. Her expression turned a bright red as she hissed viciously, "I can't believe this. You're actually propositioning me! What do you think I am!!"

He didn't respond, but cringed slightly as he saw her arm flash forward to slap him. He shut his eyes, but the blow never landed.

When he opened them again, he saw that she was shaking her head slightly as if sorting this out within her own mind.

"It was just a bit of fun that's all. I thought that you might be, well, nice ..... I guess that I got that wrong didn't I!?" She started to turn away in evident disgust.

The horror of the misunderstanding was beginning to dawn on him. She'd probably tell all her friends and his name would be mud forever. He caught her arm as she turned and pleaded for her to listen. In the space of a few minutes, he'd confessed about the gypsy prophecy and why he'd thought that this could be another 'occurrence'.

Her expression had swung between shock, dismay and disbelief, until eventually she responded guardedly, "That has to be the most convoluted pick-up line I've ever heard."

She searched his eyes intensively for a few moments before adding in wonder, ".....and you really believe it don't you?"

"Well, I didn't at first, but after this morning I'm not so sure!"

"This morning?"

" Yes, I ......................." he stopped. Somehow, even to him, it sounded a bit unlikely.

"You actually got laid........... here, on campus?" she continued, still looking faintly disbelieving.

He nodded.

"Un-believable," she gasped shaking her head again and turning to leave, "but I'm not that sort of girl I'm afraid!"

He watched her take a few steps, suddenly feeling intensely sad.

"I really am sorry," he called after her in a forlorn voice, "I really should have thought ..... but you're such a ..... a beautiful girl."

She paused in her stride and turned her head, looking back at him in that puzzled way again.

"You certainly SHOULD have 'thought' -- how could you think that I'd just drop my pants for you?"

"I know. Stupid of me. I was getting a bit carried away I suppose," he switched on his best smile, "Forgive me?"

She shook her head in a gesture of mock exasperation, and raised her eyebrows expressively.

"Unbelievable!" then, at last and to his un-dying relief she smiled, "Ok ...... maybe forgiven .... clearly you have a good taste in 'beauty'!" Then she turned and with a quick "Bye" she was off down the corridor again.

He was appreciatively watching her swaying hips under the tight black dress as she drew away, when he saw her stop about ten yards away, and turn again.

"Look, I've got an idea. Do you want to meet me under the statue in front of the Arts block in... ,"she looked at her watch, " .... say half an hour?"

He paused, not sure what to make of her sudden change of attitude.

Her expression darkened a little at the hesitation.

"Believe me, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

He spluttered into life, "Errr yeah, great, fine ..... I'll be there!"

"Mmmmm," she muttered as she turned away for a final time, "I must be mad."

7.Afternoon Curriculum

It was gloriously sunny in the open air, the afternoon sunshine beating down relentlessly and Peter was hot, doing his best to stay in the shade.

The statue of the University founder, Wilson Esiah Benfield was a large, imposing granite affair set atop a square plinth. It was raised up by eight layers of steps, but in the early afternoon provided little in the way of shade.

Peter looked at his watch again. He'd been here since twenty past two, and that made it nearly twenty minutes. He scanned around the bustling faces as students swirled past, each in their own little groups, laughing and joking at each other. Occasionally he'd get a quizzical look but quickly glanced away.

"Where is she?" he thought in irritation. The irritation was tinged with a degree of doubt however. Maybe she was just getting her own back for that disastrous encounter earlier? Maybe she was secretly watching him from somewhere, enjoying making him look like a lovelorn fool? He scowled as he scanned around again, but couldn't see her.

He looked at as watch again before sitting on one of the steps. "Right," he said to himself decisively, "five more minutes, then I'm off!"

Four minutes later, his boiling point almost reached, he suddenly felt a soft hand on his shoulder.

He jumped at the shock and surprise as he half turned to see the black 'Goth' settling down next to him on the step. Clearly she'd sneaked up from behind, but any anger he might have felt was washed away in the avalanche of relief that she'd actually turned up at all!

The steps were low so she had to squat well down to sit beside him, revealing acres of fishnet covered thighs. He had to consciously drag his eyes upwards to meet hers.

"Am I late?" she asked sweetly.

Wisely, for once, he kept his mouth shut, and forced a smile of greeting

"Sorry, took me a while to track them down," she said mysteriously.

"Who?" he replied, somewhat distractedly.

Now that he was up close, he was captivated by her eyes. They were a wonderful mixture of so many colours. Greens and blues merged endlessly with soft shades of orange and light brown. 'Beautiful' he decided.

"Hello," she whispered," is there anyone there?"

"Oh, sorry .....I was just ... err ... admiring your eyes. They look fantastic!"

"Well, I suppose that makes a change from staring at my legs," she responded with a wide smile, obviously not unhappy with the compliment, before adding reflectively, "you really are a strange one aren't you?"

"Just your everyday friendly weirdo!"

"Mmmmm ... well."

She shook her head again, "You know, I nearly didn't show .......it's such a strange situation ... but ... well, here I am."

"I'm glad"

She lifted up her hand which was clenched shut, and said slowly, "Guess what I've got here?"

He looked at the hand. It had to be small to fit in, but really he hadn't a clue.

"I errr, it's a .... oh, I've absolutely no idea" he confessed eventually.

"Oh, you're hopeless!" she laughed as she opened her fingers.

Lying in the palm of her hand was a key. It was just a small, silver Yale key, nothing unusual that he could see.

He looked up at her inquisitively, "It's a key."

"Well done Sherlock," she laughed sarcastically, "and what do keys do?"

"Open doors" he responded automatically, still not clear why they were having this conversation.

"Oh God! I think that you're really too dim for this Casanova lark!?" she gasped in exasperation.

"Look," she pointed across the campus to one of the distant Halls of Residence, then stared back into his face, "Key, Door, Empty Room .........."

She laughed as she saw the realisation dawn on his face. He was reluctant to make a fool of himself again though.

"You mean, you want to ..... with me ........still?"

"Maybe .....," she responded uncertainly, "I haven't quite made my mind up yet. You need to pass a test first."

His look was as confused and puzzled as he felt.

She turned her face directly to him, the sun making it almost glow, "Kiss me then..."

"What! ......... really?"

She leaned forward, eyes riveted on his, her moist lips opening slightly. The initial shock wore off in about a microsecond as he leaned towards her, twisting his head slightly to welcome the pressure of her lips on his. Her eyes were twinkling as their lips met, but soon closed as the initial, gentle, tentative pressure was replaced by firm responsiveness and her hand lifted up to his neck to pull him closer.

The kiss didn't last long, but when they pulled back, they were both breathing deeper.

She searched his eyes, saw the excitement and hunger, and smiled again.

"Mmmmmm ..... not bad .... I suppose that just about qualifies ..."

"...as a pass!" he interrupted quickly.

She didn't answer, but pushed herself up on her feet, catching his hand and hauling him to his feet as well.

"It's got you through so far!" she laughed and then lifted up the key and pointed to the Halls, "Shall we?"

The short walk to the halls of residence seemed to fly by. He remembered later that she'd chattered most of the way about her course and other innocuous stuff, but at the time hardly anything registered. He still couldn't quite believe that it was happening again!

Then they were up the stairs and in a short hallway, before coming to a stop in front of Room 213. It was just a simple, pastel brown, mass-produced doorway, but suddenly it seemed to have become a fundamental barrier. On this side, normality and two 'friends' getting to know each other, on the other, well everything would change. Somehow he knew that it would be a true 'Crossing of the Rubicon'.

She'd stopped well and seemed to be in deep thought, before she lifted up the key. She looked deep into his eyes.

"One thing before we go in Peter. You've got to be clear that this is an absolute one-off. I'm still not sure why I'm here -- it's strange, maybe the 'gypsy' thing really does have an effect. But I've got a relationship back home and I won't mess it up, whatever happens now and I want your word that you won't pester me afterwards or tell anyone else about it." She gripped his arms tightly to emphasise her words, "It's important!!"

The intensity of her words almost un-nerved him as he responded haltingly, "Of course I wouldn't tell anybody. I don't really understand what's been happening today either. It's weird .... but 'good' weird!" he added with a smile before continuing, "But I don't want to cause problems for you -- if you like we can just ..... just go back and have a coffee or something......."

She looked back in exasperation again before shaking her head, "Are you serious? Now that you've got me all worked up and you want to pull out?!"

He looked back aghast before spotting the twinkle in her eye, "Oh! You're teasing again."

She responded with a bright chuckle and pushed in the key. With a quick twist the door was opened and the 'Rubicon' was crossed!

Inside, Peter was surprised how big the room was. He'd always assumed that student halls would be something akin to a cell without the locks and bars, but this was much more spacious. A fitted wardrobe stretched down one wall with a full length mirror reflecting light from the small window opposite the door. Underneath the window sat a small metallic desk and chair, and the wall adjoining the door was adorned with posters of a variety of celebrities and football stars, many minus most of their clothing!

On the floor was a large pseudo sheepskin throw-down rug and, on the far side was the 'elephant in the room', a spacious looking single bed. The furnishings were generally soft and done in shades of pink.

"Definitely female!" he thought.

As the door swung shut, they looked at each other, both of them trying to avoid staring at the bed. Suddenly it was awkward again. They were standing about three feet apart and Peter was desperate to take hold of her, but scared stiff of making the wrong move. She looked unsure and uncomfortable again. He knew that he needed to do something before the moment became difficult.

Given the heat of the early afternoon, they'd both been carrying their jackets and bags as they'd walked over to the halls, so he moved forward and offered to take them, placing them neatly onto the chair before adding his own to the pile.

When he turned round, he realised that she'd silently followed him and was looking up, intently studying his eyes before she suddenly appeared to make a decision.

"Kiss me again." she whispered huskily.

He needed no more encouragement, as he leaned forward to press his lips onto hers, savouring the sweet memory of the moment under the statue. As he placed his hands on her bare arms, she stiffened slightly, but as their lips began to work together more urgently she seemed to sigh as she pressed forward and moulded herself against his firm body.

In an instant their mouths were open, tongues writhing urgently together, their breathing becoming ragged. Her arms slipped under his, one hand running back and forth across his shoulders, the other wrapping itself around his head, rifling through his hair. Instinctively, his hands were roaming up and down her back, feeling the delicious curves beneath the black dress, gradually getting lower until they caressed her round hips and behind. The large bulge in his jeans was back instantly and she sighed again as she pressed herself tightly up against it, letting the contact initiate shivering little messages of pleasure from her pussy.

Without a word, she suddenly pulled back, her hands urgently plucking at his shirt buttons, dragging them apart until she could run them over his smooth, muscular chest. Quickly her lips were back on his, tongue twisting and turning, challenging him to respond. His hand quickly found the zip at the back of her dress, fumbling a little to unhook the catch before dragging the zipper down to her waist and letting his hands roam briefly across her magical, sensitive skin before realising that the black, glossy belt was stopping it going further.

Quickly his hands, slipped between their intertwined bodies, searching for the buckle and dragging it open, letting it crash noisily to the floor before his hand was round her back again, dragging the zipper all the way to the small of her back. Her hips had started to grind against his hardness as his hands continued to explore her back, stopping briefly at her taut bra, then descending and coming across the unexpected delight of another lacy band around her waist that absolutely had to be a suspender belt! Wow, cool, he hadn't expected that!

From the depths of delight and lust that were swirling around his mind, something suddenly seemed out of place. He struggled to identify the sound but then was suddenly pulling his lips away from hers as he realised that a key was turning in the lock, and the door was sliding open!

"What?!" he gasped.

"Oh no!" she added in disappointment as comprehension shot across her face.

In a second, her friends, the two blonde twins, had stumbled giggling into the room. They were still wearing faded denim jeans and pastel coloured tops that did everything to accentuate the curves of their bosoms.

"Oh look Katy," laughed one, "they couldn't wait for us!"

The second had a hungry look on her face as she strode over as Peter and Laura unpeeled themselves from each other. She was smiling broadly as she looked him up and down, briefly letting her fingers run across his bare chest before turning to her sibling.

"Mmmmm, this one will do nicely I think Kim," smiling at the flushed face of his 'Goth', "Laura seems to be developing some serious taste! Come on, let's get in the mood!"

With that the two woman began to unbuckle their belts, kick off their shoes and start to drag off their faded blue jeans.

Peter's mouth was still open, unable to believe the course of events, but instinctively admiring the women's figures as they removed their clothes. He glanced questioningly at Laura who was looking on in something approaching horror. She seemed to be frozen as she made a stumbling reply.

"I errr, sorry Peter. It's Kim's room you see and when I told them about you they, well........," she paused, looking for some understanding in his face, "...... well, it seemed like a good idea at the time, then she added angrily, " ....... and you were looking out for willing women weren't you!" This shot out like a bullet.

"But it was you I wanted," he gasped back, making her feel even worse. She turned her face away as the blush spread uncontrollably across her soft features.
