A Tiroir is a Drawer


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"I think most guys don't want people to see their buttholes. It might be universal."

"What about girls?"

"If it gets me laid, if it makes me preggers, I'll hang upside-down splayed open in the Blue Hallway, all day long, Kev. Whatever. My body doesn't matter. All that matters.. Yeah, You know."

"You're gonna get fat, though. Barn-sized, right? Why are you so willing to do that?"

"Barn-sizing is temporary, 3 months, about, the last trimester, and who the fuck cares. Trade that for a kid? A real baby? Anytime! Guaranteed! I've wanted to be a mom forever. I mean, some girls want the money, stipend is pretty good, but for me it's the life's-purpose thing, ties my insides in knots, the Want of it."

I kissed her, then broke it and looked down as I pulled off. My fingers found the base of my cock and I pinched along it to push out any last droplets for her while I was still inside. It's not an easy thing to do, but I thinkI made it work okay.

Coira said, "Dora, Yonit, you need to get inverted, fast, or you'll let some of that precious stuff drip out. Spin, spin! Legs up the headboard!!"

I moved away as they did that and as soon as they were situated, I bent over and kissed each one of them. "Blessings and joy be with you, Dora... Yonit... Oh, and Dora? If you remember anything of what I said while we were making love, don't tell anyone, please."

Her assent was a grunt, she was too exhausted still to react more strongly.

It seemed like the thing to do to hug Coira again, so I did, and I looked down.

My cock was hanging long, even longer. I wasn't 'up', but it was definitely an out and curved down length of hose and I was amused at what the women downstairs were going to think when I got down there.

Coira saw my look and offered to lick me clean, but I said, "No, I wanna go downstairs Just Like This."

She laughed and kissed me on the cheek. "Gonna frighten those girls, swinging that around."

As I got to the door, I called back, "It's January. My outside length is a quarter-inch."

I think my voice carried because as I heard a laughter response from downstairs.

Getting to the top of the stairs, though, the pattern of clapping to 'greet the returning hero' or whatever was more a normal thing, and I realized how many people had decided to visit our house. We had a steady flow of them, even a bunch that went downstairs to the basement so more people could be in the house at the same time (a firm 15-minute naked rule was in effect).

We were getting quite a big haul of gifts, I was sure, and I wondered how many things we were getting duplicates of.

Did it matter?

Standing next to my girls, I shook hands as people came in, giving hugs sometimes, smiling and trying to be laid back in the face of so many people interested in seeing just what it was like to be around a naked guy who had a big swingin' pipe, or something.

One surprise was how few guys seemed threatened by me.

I'd read once that sculptures and paintings depicted smaller penises so that guys wouldn't feel jealous or threatened by them. In the Before, I'd seen Michaelangelo's David in Florence, Italy, near the Uffizi, and that was such an eye candy event it was hard to decide what to pay attention to first.

David's penis and balls were right there, for sure, but even though the rest of David was 1.5x or 2x normal size, his penis was smaller than, well, most people's, and not on par with his hand-size.

My focus that day wasn't his package. My attention was stolen by the granite he was carved from. It was _partially translucent_. The light went past skin-deep and came out with a glow. His leather strap, the sling of his slingshot, was carved to lie against his back, from his upper left hand down to his lower right. That lower one was cradling the sling and a rock inside.

It struck me how the weapon was hidden by just being this minimal thing, a tiny leather strap and a small rock.

David's eyes (missing gemstones originally put in them) wore many expressions - fierce, afraid, determined, analyzing, all these things at once. There is no other thing like that David, in all of sculpture, in all of art, anywhere, Ever. It was one sculpture in its whole building, a $14 entrance fee just for that one thing, and that price gave me an experience for two lifetimes.

The point of mentioning this is that I realized while I was there that there's a compromise to make when greeting people, that I might give them a little more attention and see More.

Some people were simplistic in approach, but most had varied expressions that carried many thoughts at once. Each exchange with those people, saying hello and thank you for coming and may God bless us all even in the midst of this daily life, well, yeah, that filled me with a calm happiness.

Greeting that many people over the course of a day also took a toll of fatigue.

Mom came over and knelt behind me as I sat at the table greeting people. "Kevin. I can see you're tired. Want some coffee? Food?"

"Coffee, would be great. Cream and sugar."

She looked at me with confusion, "You've always had it black."

I shrugged, "Change of pace, Mom."

She kissed the back of my head and came back a few minutes later with the coffee and I got my second wind.

It was tiring for me, but it was polite for the people coming to visit. They were bringing gifts, so it was a job, sort of, a dollars-an-hour thing, that would pay benefits later,. At least that's what I told myself.

One really old guy came through the line, dressed, wearing a hat that said "USS Yorktown" and I wanted to salute him. Instead I stood and shook his hand and said, "Sir. My respect for your service."

He said thank you, and, "Thing is, I have two hats. When the Yorktown sank, I was reassigned to the Indianapolis."

My eyes got big and I stepped back, "Oh my god. Sir. Wow."

The people around us didn't know what was going on.

He just nodded and said, "Thank you. Not many people know what I mean by that."

I shook my head, tears coming to my eyes unbidden, I had to blink them away. "No need. I'm sorry all that I can offer you are words of respect and maybe some coffee."

He laughed, a small chuckle, "You have your hands full, son. Fill up the boats again, Mr. Cooper, and you can start with boning my granddaughter."

The girl next to him immediately said, "Grandpa!!!"

Everyone laughed, eventually even the girl, who I didn't recognize at first - Jillian Harris. She moved with a grace that said she had some martial arts or dance experience, but she was too buxom (at least a C, maybe a D cup) to do much if it was dance or gymnastics. I'd heard before that having a large chest in those pursuits was a strong disadvantage.

After they moved on, I whispered to Jane to see if Jillian was on a secondary list and ensure she got some time, that man Deserved Grandchildren, more than lots of people.

"What's this thing about the Indianapolis...?"

I whispered, or at least talked softly, and the other girls leaned in to hear me.

"I heard a story once, I'm pretty sure it was that ship. It was sunk in the far South Pacific, end of world war 2. No one knew exactly where, so it took searchers a week or so to figure it out and go backtracking. Most of the sailors who made it off the burning ship and into the water, were eaten alive by sharks, in full view of their shipmates."

I heard, "Oh my god!" and "So... he got lucky!"

"Yeah. Plus, you don't get out of that kinda thing with just luck. You've gotta be a steely-eyed hardcore bastard-man." I almost said 'missile man' but changed it at the last minute when I realized they didn't have astronauts.

"Those words don't sound complimentary."

"There Is No Other Meaning. It's not a compliment, it's recognition and honor."

Rowena said, "Kevin, you talk funny sometimes. Odd-funny. I like it."

"Thank you, ma'am. Flattery might just get you laid."

They all laughed and we went back to greeting people.

== ===

Two hours later at my 4 pm break, I came up to find Losa was handling the Secondaries. She had them in a 69 to get warmed up for me, but as soon as I walked in the room she uncharacteristically called me over to the bed and stood on tiptoe to kiss me.

Losa was shorter than I was.

I bent down since the kiss had been a surprise, and took her in my arms, letting the warm welcome spread some joy through my body.

She broke the kiss and said, pointing, "Rita, Sue. Remember, Rita's on bend first, Sue, you're beside on clit."

I didn't quite understand this but watched it unfold.

As Losa dropped down to suck in my cock and get me going, I wondered if making love this many times in a day would be any kind of record for me. I'd been with more girls, maybe, but in terms of orgasm count it might have been a tie.

Losa's sucking was active but unrushed; the same couldn't be said for Rita and Sue. Rita bent over the bed with her butt towards me and legs spread; Sue got beside her facing her rear and bent over, using one hand up along Rita's abdomen and the other around her butt to push into her well-engorged lips.

Seeing this helped me out, too, and as soon as I was passably up (not long!), I stepped forward and positioned. "Rita? Got something here. You want it?"

She grunted in a wow-yes way, so I pushed in and was happy she wasn't a virgin. Though, maybe she was, she was really tight, but at least there wasn't a hymen to worry about.

Sue was going to step away, but I motioned for her to stay and kiss me, and said, "Keep your finger moving on her button, I want to feel her come on me."

Getting a grin in reply, we worked together, kissing sometimes, and Rita's orgasm came soon afterwards.

Something seemed increasingly wrong with the way things were happening around me. Based on previous conversations with my ex-wife and various other stuff, even porn I'd seen on my former Earth, the idea that most women would orgasm during sex as a regular thing wasn't quite normal.

In fact, I believe the idea that women orgasmed during sex to be a famously wrong idea, that in fact they didn't, and though most women had a good time during sex, they didn't always come.

Here, in this universe, just about every time I stuck my dick in a girl, about 3 minutes later she'd start coming.

Still, it was fun!

Losa called out four minutes, and got Sue shifted around to switch to going into her instead.

Sue had a hymen. We talked, figured it out, did the thing, waited, and then calmly restarted and pushed in to get a nice hip-slap going.

Rita tried to collapse, not being paid attention to, but I told her to stay standing, i'd come back into her when I was halfway through coming in Sue. This may have been an aspiration and not reality, but at least I was trying.

My cock was stretching Sue's skin and I could see the ridge of my cock under her skin displacing her and making the passage move. I had a hard time imagining something more sexy, but then I was constantly being surprised. Plus, her pussy's tightness made even the smallest movement an incredible thrill.

Looking over at Losa, waiting, I said, "Losa. Reach under and fondle her boobs?"

Losa nodded, taking my direction forthrightly like a job.

Really, being a Red really was a job - the goal was officially to assist in helping people get pregnant, though I thought of that as being trying to get themselves pregnant more than anyone else. The role applied, though.

Losa stepped by Sue's side and played with her breasts hanging underneath, her mouth curling up in a smile to show that she was enjoying the process, too.

I pulled Losa into a kiss, letting my tongue dance with hers briefly before returning to my slam-slam-slam of getting my cock into Sue... and... then... COMING, Ohhhhhyezzzzz....

Fuck, I liked coming!

Getting a couple of pulses in, maybe 4 or 5, I eyed where I was going and shifted over to get Rita with the latter bits, sliding into her different-but-amazing pussy and rocking in there with my own renewed joyful convulsions.

After maybe a minute, catching my breath, I stepped back, pulling out of Rita. As I did, Losa told them both to quickly lie on the ground upside down, their legs up over the side of the bed, Now-now-now.

They complied, dragging because they had just come or gotten close; I wasn't sure if Sue had but Rita was disconnected a little and seemed dazed.

Once they were done, Losa dropped in front of me and pulled my directly outward horizontal half-hard cock into her mouth and started sucking it again.

Pulling off, she said, "Kev. You need a shower real quick. This is tasty, but... might want..."

"Good plan." I looked at her, and remembered I was supposed to give her small jobs.

"When I'm done in the shower, have Kat come up here and tell her I want to suck her boobs for a while, it's comforting." Pausing, I said, "Make sure a couple of people around can hear you say that, but don't, like, 'announce' it or anything."

"Sir. Will do. Any reason why?"

"I want to give Kat some recognition today, as a sexy and beautiful woman, sorta, make sure she knows she's as beautiful as you are."

Losa looked at me with one eyebrow up. "Sir. You don't need to do that."


"I'm nothing special, in the looks department. I'm smarter than you are, sure, but you don't seem to be afraid of that. It says good things about your character."

I laughed, "You might be smarter. What's the age of the universe?"

She tilted her head and said, "11.4 billion years."

"No, it's... Oh." I realized that my own universe might be different, they might have different abilities to look at astronomical objects, they probably didnt' know about CMB radiation, they had no way of seeing so many thing... I was best to just agree. "Uh.. Yeah. That's right."

She was correcting me, and continued, "I said, smarter, not more knowledgeable. You know things I don't and vice versa. What's the name of your 12-Trial doctor?"

This was red-alert alarm territory!!

I said, "I see your point. I should have asked something requiring intelligence instead, I apologize." I moved off to the bathroom and got in the shower.

Kat showed up a few minutes later and hung out with me in the bathroom.

On a surface level, she was prettier than her sisters and mother. Her face was prettier, her boob-size fit her body better (and my tastes), her skin was more alabaster perfect, all of it fit together. Plus, I think, her being older without being as old as her mother, made it all fit my tastes better.

"So, Kev, you're setting them up and knocking them down, pretty fast."


"Secondaries. You've handled, what, 10 am, noon, 2, and now 4 pm? That's 8 women. In a day."

"Really only four ejaculations, I gave half of one to each."

"Still. If you get any pregnancies from this, or even any progeny, it's going to be notable. Like, someone will pay attention."

"And that's good?"

"You've already got the Sabine scores. That means at one point, like, after 12-Trials, you pegged the test."

Not knowing about the tests, I kept my mouth shut. I was getting too lax, my age-of-universe and who's-your-doctor question had slammed my worry-meter up again.

"I guess..."

"We should see if you can go at one an hour, maybe?"

"For how long?"

"Dunno. Just might be fun to see."

"Fun for who?"

She laughed, "You, silly! And anyone else? They all seem to be having a great time. At least, it sounds like it downstairs. We've ... heard things from upstairs, so it's not a secret."

I was out and drying off, and we walked over to get clothes from one of my dressers. Sue and Rita were still upside down, next to each other and whispering back and forth, their boobs hanging slightly oddly because they were upside down.

Pulling on underwear, Kat asked, "Why are you doing that?"

I looked down and realized I was getting dressed, and that wasn't allowed. "Oh. Right."

She said, "Hold on," and dropped to her knees in front of me, pulling down the underwear I'd just pulled up and letting me step out of it. Folding those, she set them on the floor next to me and bent in to suck on my cock, dangling in her face.

All I could do was say, "Hmmm."

Letting go after a minute or two, I was definitely tubular and less shrunk than I had been. "That's good. We don't want you to come downstairs looking like it's a cold day out."

I laughed as she stood, looking at the snow on the lawn. "Yeah, well, it kind of is."

"It's not cold inside. We've got the furnace kicked up and your dad said, 'screw the bill, none of our guests deserve to be chilled'.

Remembering, I walked back over and knelt down in front of Sue and Rita, still inverted and upside-down to me. "Thank you, girls! I hope something good comes out of this. You're both really beautiful, I'm a lucky guy."

Rita said, in an almost smartass way, "You are Definitely a lucky guy, but it's for having One Stupendous Schlong!"

They giggled and I was properly appreciative. Bending down further, I leaned in and kissed their breasts, one each, not more than 5 seconds, enough to show I liked what they had.

"MMmmmMMMmmm... You can Keep Doing That, Mister!"

"You're already full, Sue. If this doesn't take, I hope we can schedule another try."

Rita cut in quickly and said, "Count on it!"

Sue touched my ankle in a sort of tender way, as best she could upside down, and said, "Thank you. I'm not Ever going to forget this."

I stood and said, "You're welcome, both of you."

We went back to the main room, to find a whole new group of people there. Everyone had to stay 15 minutes, per the rules, so new people came and went.

Some, we found out as we walked down, had been over across the street waiting as a group at Mrs. Caladan's house, after she put up a sign saying it was okay to do that on the back of her car in the driveway.

More hugs from girls and some guys, more strong handshakes and formal head nods from parents. We hung out and talked. I just listened.

== ==

The next trysts at 6 pm and 8 pm were fast, I did them the same way that I did it with Sue and Rita, from the rear under Losa's excellent guidance. For overnight, we had four more gals who stayed behind.

I wondered how many girls were there who needed help, and the answer was probably all of them.

I showered again, a quick body hose-off, after each tryst. It seemed prudent. I was hugging more, and I figured I was picking up body sweat from the girls (and mothers) I was hugging downstairs, too.

There were a hell of a lot of MILFs!

As much as I was a celebrity, I tried to keep it sort-of formal, greeting people. They didn't want to see a high school dude goofing off and playing fast and loose, too loud and too proud. They wanted to see someone respectful, who was the ideal genetic donor to make a great kid or grandkid.

That night we went to bed about 9 pm, 2 of the four Secondaries and myself. The other two were in one of the bunk beds, next to each other. They'd trade out, 'as space became available', obviously.

Lying there, though, not wanting to start anything right away (it'd only been an hour since 8 pm), I stared at the ceiling and thought back on the day.

I had seen more naked bodies than during all the rest of my life combined.

I had seen more BEAUTIFUL naked bodies, just in one hour, than all the rest of my life.

The occurrence of obesity, or even just general flabbiness, well, it wasn't there. I'd seen a few older men, maybe in their 50's or 60's, who had a small paunch. I'd seen pregnant women, some pregnant high-school age girls, even, that had some amount of body fat, but that was totally appropriate to their situation.

Everyone else looked like they worked out daily with weights and aerobic conditioning.

Sixpack abs and biceps were the norm, muscles that could DO things.
