A Very Intimate Family Ch. 03


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I shouldn't have been concerned, though, because Beth played it perfectly. She casually got up, walked up to me, stood to the side and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I noticed she didn't block me from Charles' view, but what really caught my attention was the way she pressed her breasts into my body and rubbed them against me in front of our son.

Then, as smooth as you can believe, she said we ought to get going so we could get our shopping done in time to miss the dinner rush at the restaurants. As she said it, she casually walked to my dresser, pulled open my underwear drawer and fished around in there until she pulled out the absolute last pair of underwear I would have selected to wear.

She bought this underwear for me two years ago for our anniversary; sexy male showoff boxers. They were extremely light weight and thin, made of flimsy white nylon with a large opening in the front that never stayed closed. I'd only worn them three times and only when Charles was gone overnight and we had the house to ourselves. They weren't meant as real underwear – they were meant for playtime, and Beth knew that.

She glanced over at Charles and asked how it went with the faucets. Kneeling down in front of me while she carried on the conversation with our son, she held the boxers open and gestured for me to step into them. I went along with her, stepping into the flimsy boxers and stood there while she pulled them up my legs and adjusted them on my hips. The only thing was, my cock slipped through the front opening as she drew them up my legs, and as she stood up beside me, I was left standing there with my cock flopped out in front of both of them

I couldn't have imagined, not in my wildest dreams, what she was going to do next, but, the way she did it made it seem so perfectly natural, I was blown away.

Just as casually as could be, and right in the middle of her conversation with Charles about the faucets, she reached down and wrapped her hand around my cock. She didn't hold it long, maybe three seconds, before she gently pushed it through the fly of the boxers and glanced up at me.

I have to say right here that I could have adjusted this myself, or, she could have done it in less than a second. But, the time she took just holding my cock in her hand in front of our son was so obvious, even I could tell she paused and held my cock for no other reason than for Charles to see her holding my penis in her hand.

And, he saw exactly what she did, there's no question about it. His eyes were glued to his mother's hand as she held me and I'm sure he picked up on the fact that she lingered there too long.

"Okay," Beth said unceremoniously, "I did my part to help get you dressed, you can do the rest yourself."

Then, as nonchalantly as you've ever seen, she took a few steps toward the hallway. "I swear," she chuckled, "sometimes I don't know what the two of you would do without me."

A second later, she was disappearing down the hallway telling me to hurry up and get dressed, adding she'd wait for me downstairs. After Beth had gone, Charles and I made eye contact with each other and we both broke into smiles at the same time. Without saying a word, he turned and followed her down the hallway and down the stairs, leaving me alone in the bedroom to consider what just happened.

As I got dressed, I thought about what impression Beth's bold actions might have left on Charles. What she'd done had an obvious sexual overtone, and she'd done it in such a brilliant, innocent manner. She basically showed Charles that she could, and would, touch my cock in front of him. Not only that, but because she didn't react to the overtly sexual meaning of her actions, I think she set the stage for her to do it again – for her to touch my penis in front of him, again.

I stopped dead in my tracks, though, when I wondered if Charles got the impression she might do the same to him, too.

"Holy shit!" My mind screamed. "Was that her intent? Was she trying to show Charles that she had the capacity to touch him in a way that appeared innocent, but was actually very much sexually motivated?"

I shook my head as I grabbed my keys and wallet and went downstairs to join them. On the way, I adjusted my cock in my jeans so they wouldn't see my excited condition and tried to appear calm, cool and collected when they saw me. And, as I took my last step down the stairs and turned into the kitchen, Charles and Beth were waiting for me chatting away just as if nothing unusual had happened. As soon as Beth saw me, she shook her head in mock disgust and asked me if I was finally ready to go.

"Be nice." I quipped back. "I just spent most of my day replacing the facets in the bathroom for you. I think you can cut me some slack, wouldn't you say?"

Beth sauntered up to me and very melodramatically, gave me a coy face and placed her hands on my chest. "Oh, that's why I love you so much." Beth cooed. "But, we're wasting time, so let's go and I'll thank you properly later."

Driving to the mall, Beth sat in the front seat next to me and reached out to grasp my hand as I drove. Charles was recounting, in detail, our adventure in the bathroom replacing the faucets. As he talked, Beth and I stole glances at each other and smiled back and forth. I could tell from the look on her face and the sparkle in her eyes that she wasn't really paying attention to what Charles was saying. Instead, her head was filled with thoughts about what was going to happen tonight.

But, as we turned into the mall, Beth surprised me when she found the perfect opportunity to glance over her shoulder at Charles in the backseat and told him how much she appreciated our work in the bathroom, adding she'd have to find a way to thank him later, too.

My cock lurched in my jeans as she turned back to the front, glanced at me and squeezed my hand as she grinned.

As I parked the car, Beth shifted in her seat. She took a deep breath and started to speak as she looked back at Charles from time to time.

"Normally," Beth began, "I wouldn't dare drag either of you shopping with me because I know how much you loathe following me from store to store, looking at your watches and wondering when I'll be done."

"But," she continued, "if we're going to relax the dress code at the house and be running around in our underwear, I'd like to pick out some nice things, and, I'd appreciate your opinions. So, I know this might be asking a lot, but, if you can put up with this long enough for me to find what I'm looking for, we can get out of here and find a place to have a quiet, peaceful dinner at a reasonable time."

"Sure." Charles agreed. "I'm cool with that."

Beth looked at me, and I agreed too. "Okay then," Beth said, opening the door, "let's go."

As we walked away from the car, Beth reached out and hooked her arm in through Charles' arm, and then did the same with me. She smiled as we walked together, arm-in-arm, the three of us together.

"I like this." Beth giggled as we walked. "I've got the two men I love the most in the whole world right here beside me. Think how jealous all the other women in the mall will be when they see me with you two cuties."

You should have seen the way Charles started to beam when Beth pulled Charles and me closer into her and chuckled out loud. "Now, if I catch either of you looking at any other girls while we're here, you're dead meat." She said, jokingly. "You're my guys, so no wandering eyes."

I'm never surprised at the way Beth can come up with the most unique way to say something. Of course, I knew this was her way of continuing the euphemistic pressure on Charles. She wasn't being explicitly obvious about anything, but, the connotations of what she'd said was so clear, I'm absolutely confident Charles' mind had to be in overload by now.

Beth was still smiling as she guided us into the anchor store at the end of the mall. We rarely shop there because the prices are typically beyond what we're willing to pay. But as we approached the entrance, she casually mentioned they had a very large lingerie department with some really cute things.

We had to ride the escalator upstairs to find the lingerie department, and as we rode, Beth whispered to the two of us we should probably stay together so the other women shoppers wouldn't be alarmed by two men roaming around the racks of bras and panties while they shopped for their own intimate apparel.

It made sense to me, and as we stepped off the escalator and wound our way into the sea of soft and silky bras and panties, Beth pulled her arms away from us and led the way with us right behind her.

At first, she just browsed – looking around at the displays as we came upon them. After a few minutes, she seemed to be more dedicated about where she was going and before too long, we were standing at a display rack of very shear bras and panties.

Watching her reach out and pull one of the bras from the display, she ran her fingers underneath the cup of the bra as if to see how sheer it was. She needn't have done that, because anyone could see that it was absolutely see through. Her fingers were perfectly visible, and as I looked over at Charles, he looked back at me and raised his eyebrows.

"What do you think?" Beth asked, looking first at me, and then at Charles. "These might be comfortable for lounging."

"Yeah." I said, immediately. "I think they're perfect."

She reached out and picked up a pair of matching panties and held them up. They were just as sheer as the bras were, with the exception of the patch of cotton sewn into the crotch. She turned directly to Charles and held the panties out, thrusting them into his hands. "Do you think these are cute?" She asked.

It was probably mean of her to put him on the spot like that. Poor Charles turned red and looked at his mother not exactly sure what to say. He tried to say something intelligible for a few seconds, but Beth didn't let him flounder very long. Taking them back in her hands, she simply said she liked them and didn't really care if we did, or not.

Charles and I watched as she picked through the racks and selected three of those mesh bras: one pink, one white and one beige, and then picked out matching panties of the same color. There was no doubt in my mind that these would do absolutely nothing to hide her breasts, nipples and pussy from her son's eyes.

She handed me the thin garments, asking me sweetly if I could carry them for her while she looked around some more. And, as I took them for her, she saw a display that caught her eye and walked in that direction, leaving Charles and I standing there looking at each other. He got a small smile on his face and in less than a second, we were both nodding our heads in silent agreement that so far, the shopping trip was going well.

We caught up with Beth as she was looking through a rack of slinky camisoles. "These are so comfy." Beth said, looking at me. "You wouldn't have to wear a bra with these, you can just kinda let 'em hang out."

The camisoles were light and silky. They had a deep scoop in front front with lace across the bodice, and as she reached in to select one marked a size larger than she needed, I knew it would hang so loosely on her, her bare breasts would easily be visible from the side and down the front if she bent over. "This will work." Beth said, turning toward Charles to see if he'd carry it for her.

Unfortunately, Charles wasn't paying attention and he didn't hear her. He was standing next to us, but, his attention was thoroughly captivated by the display of panties no more than five feet away from where we were standing. Beth quickly glanced at me, handed me the camisole and walked to another display and began looking.

"Come on, Buddy." I said to Charles, leaning in close to him and gesturing over to where his mother was now browsing.

Charles seemed startled when he finally heard me, and then realizing his mother wasn't next to him anymore, he looked up at me quickly and nodded his head. Together, we walked around the racks and joined Beth while she looked at a few more bras, but, she elbowed me after a minute and pointed to Charles without drawing any attention. Curiously, he was once again looking at that same display of panties. Obviously, there was something there that caught his eye.

We both watched Charles as Beth picked out a silky yellow bra and the matching panties. The whole time Beth stood at the rack, she glanced up at Charles every thirty seconds to see if he'd turn around and pay attention to what she was doing. But, he never did. I even rustled against the rack trying to make some noise, but he never noticed.

Beth and I looked at each other and then back to our son. I hunched my shoulders when she glanced over at me and she seemed just as puzzled as I was. Then finally handing me the bra and panties she'd selected at that rack, she walked right up to Charles, hooked her arm into his and took him directly to the display he'd been staring at.

I followed them over there and stood behind Beth as they looked at what was there. She still had her arm hooked into his, and I overheard her when she leaned in toward Charles and spoke very softly.

"You like these?" Beth asked, quietly. "You've been staring at them for the last ten minutes."

Charles turned around to look at me, and when he did, his face was beet red. It was like I'd just caught him with his hands in the proverbial cookie jar. It was a mix of panic and guilt, and as soon as Beth saw it, she tugged on his arm and asked him again if he liked these panties.

Charles nodded his head and upon seeing that, Beth reached out to pick up a pair of the panties from the display and held them up.

Obviously, these were not your normal, everyday panties. They were clearly much fancier than that, made from a very soft and shiny fabric. But, that wasn't the thing that made them unique. It was the rows of curly ruffles across the back of the panties that made them so unusual.

"They're cute." Beth said, holding the panties up in front of Charles. Then, handing them to our son, she reached out, picked up another pair and turned to face Charles. "Don't they look comfortable?" She asked, softly.

Charles had to clear his throat twice before he could answer her. "Yeah." He mumbled. Then, turning to look at me again, I saw the blush on his face spread to his neck and ears, and I immediately knew something was going on with him.

"Maybe I should get a pair." Beth said in an upbeat tone.

"Uh huh." Charles said, quickly.

"Actually, these are really cute." Beth added. "I like the ruffles. It gives them that innocent 'girly' look. Right?"

Charles looked back at me again, but this time he didn't make eye contact for long. As soon as I looked at him, he immediately turned back to his mother, closed his eyes and answered her by nodding his head.

Very casually, Beth reached out to take the bras and panties I was carrying from me. She pointed over across the main aisle into the sleepwear section and asked if I wouldn't mind going over to see if I could find her a simple, rayon nightshirt. "Something not too long, and not too short." She asked. After she said it, she gave me a steady stare and told me to take my time.

Okay, I'm not stupid. I know she was asking me to give her some time alone with Charles. So, just as calmly as she asked, I said, "Sure, I'll go see what I can find."

I left them standing there, and calmly walked out of the lingerie department, crossed the main aisle and disappeared into the sea of racks and displays of robes and nightgowns. I was temped to turn back and look at them, but I didn't. I waited until I'd crossed behind numerous displays, snaked my way along the wall and ducked behind a tall rack of thick, terrycloth robes that were hanging up.

I edged my head around the display until I could see Beth and Charles standing closely together. It looked like they were whispering, with Beth leaning in and looking up at Charles' face. As I watched, he turned to see if he could see me, and then satisfied he wasn't being watched, he turned back to his mother and said something to her.

I watched for a couple of minutes as they spoke back and forth, and then was completely taken aback when she reached up to his cheek and brushed her thumb across his face. I'd seen her do that numerous times when he was a kid – when he'd start to cry and she'd use her hands to wipe away his tears.

Of course, I was concerned and had no idea what would bring our son to the point of tears in the middle of a department store. But, knowing this had something to do with the fact that we were in the lingerie section of the store along with the panties they were looking at, I was sure Beth was better off handling it than I was.

I watched them for a few more minutes. They were looking at the panties again and Beth was reaching out to the display and turning to look at him as she did. Soon, she seemed to be smiling and had even nudged Charles playfully and given him a quick hug as they stood there.

Charles turned to look for me again, and not seeing me, turned back to his mother. The next thing I knew, they were walking between the racks and talking back and forth as they walked directly to the sales counter where a woman smiled at the two of them while she rung up and wrapped Beth's new lingerie in a fancy shopping bag.

Seeing them turn toward where I ought to be, I immediately looked around and luckily found a rack of nightgowns close to where I was hiding. Facing away from where they would come from, I began calmly looking through the rack of nightgowns knowing any second they would stumble upon me and I wanted it to look like I was trying to find the rayon nightgown she'd sent me to find.

"Having any luck?" I heard from a few feet away.

Turning to glance over at Beth and Charles, I made a frustrated face. "There's probably a thousand nightgowns here." I replied. "I can't find what you wanted. I'm not even sure they carry something like that."

"Oh, forget it then." Beth chuckled. "We've spent enough money here already. And besides, I bet the two of you are hungry by now."

On the way out of the mall, I couldn't detect anything out of the ordinary with Charles or Beth, so I decided to let it go for now and made the decision that tonight would be a good night to treat the family to Charles' favorite steak house. And, not much longer after that, we were sitting in the restaurant looking at menus.

After a few minutes, Charles excused himself to go to the restroom, and when he did I asked Beth what happened back at the store. What she told me took my breath away and caused my cock to harden.

Apparently, Charles was very interested in the ruffled panties. "Very interested." Beth emphasized. I didn't really understand what she was saying, but when she spelled it out for me, saying Charles was interested in the ruffled panties for himself, I was stunned.

"He was so embarrassed." Beth explained. "He started to cry. He wanted them so bad, I finally told him I'd buy a pair for me, and, a pair for him if he'd be brave enough to wear them with me."

"He's afraid of what you'll say." She added. "I told him you'd be fine with it, but, you're going to have to convince him of that. Okay?"

At that instant, I got a vision of my son standing naked in front of his mother as she dressed him, bending down to pull the ruffled panties up his legs and tucking his hard, straining cock down into them. Totally immersed in that vision, I was unable to answer Beth until she called my name a couple of times to get my attention.

"Yeah." I said. "Of course. I'm totally fine with that."

To be continued.

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DonpadreDonpadreabout 1 month ago

What a cock tease this story was. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

We fucking need a continuation...

ZetadavidZetadavidabout 2 years ago

Really enjoyed it, but really need more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very hott and horny is all i can say. I mean please write more. I would love to be the mother father or son in this family preferably the panty wearing son cus im a panty wearing sissy boy that is dying for some big fat hard cock to put my lips around and deepthroat andhave a mouth full of hot sticky cum oy yesss..i love tasting my own cum but to have a big cock squirting it all in my mouth is what i want or stretching my tight little man pussy out by fucking me doggie style. Would love to join my mom and fad or my hot ass sexy ass mother in law and father in law while wearing her dirty thongs like i am while reading this story and just to let u know u have endless possibilities so keep it cumming

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That really sucked!!! No ending!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

... continue this story please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Yes please

So good IMO - please make more for us! I find this series EXTERMELY arousing and I NEED MORE!

This is sent anon cuz I'm too turned on to work the login correctly but I'm menotyoufla :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I love that the son struggled with this but that the parents were loving and supportive. Really great work

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 4 years ago
Well damn!!!

What a let down. The story has been great with all the buildup and sex so far, but then you just stop writing and leave us with our dicks in our hands. Not nice and not appreciated. Sure, I can imagine the rest but it's not the same as reading it. Very sadistic and cold hearted. I was wanting to see Charles in his new frilly panties and Beth in her matching pair of panties. Well, like they say, fool me once, fool me twice, etc. I'm going to look for an author that writes panty stories that finishes the stories instead of leaving the readers hanging.

x_pac6969x_pac6969almost 5 years ago

Ive read a couple of your "stories' and same old same old You never follow up on what happens and leave your readers high and dry will have to "unfavorite you as an author.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
finish this soon

finish this soon please its time mum took son to bed

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

now it seems u r making the son totally gay and theres no sex with the son in 3 stories--it wouldve been great if u made him bi

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
finish please

oh do finish please i so would like to know what she wears for them ans how they take her

screedbearscreedbearabout 7 years ago
why not

this story needed to be finished, could have easily have another 3 chapters, the question is why haven't you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
next chapter

oh do finish this please i would like to know how where and what they do to each other so next chapter please

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Well sht

It was promising though

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