A Very Sick Day

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Hubby wasn't supposed to be home.
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Cooper Stillwater groaned, rolled onto his side and lifted his head as something broke through his fucked-up fever dream. Had he really heard a scream or yell? Or was that also inside the dream? He laid his head back down on the pillow, but cringed at the cold, wet feeling; he'd clearly been sweating up a storm. Propping himself up on an elbow he looked to see what time it was on the alarm clock. But the clock wasn't there. What the fuck? he thought.

Finally, he remembered there was no clock because he wasn't in his own bedroom. He was in the small guestroom at the other end of the hall. When the fever had suddenly hit him so hard yesterday, he had bunked down here to try and keep his wife and daughter safe from catching his bug. He hoped it worked because he'd really hate for them to feel as bad as he did right then.

He dragged himself around till he was sitting on the edge of the bed. It was dark in the room, so he clicked on the bedside light. Where he'd expected to see a clock before, he instead saw the typical detritus of a sick room. Looking it over brought back memories from the fog of illness. The best thing he saw was a Covid-19 self-test. A negative self-test. In fact, he suddenly remembered, it was his second negative test. He'd taken one yesterday when he'd first started feeling so bad and then he'd taken another one earlier this morning. Well, having the flu sucked, but it could be worse.

Next he took in the Nyquil bottle. Another thing he'd used both yesterday and then again this morning. After seeing the latest Covid test come up negative, he'd taken a very healthy swig of the Nyquil and laid back down for more sleep. He realized that the effect of the tonic was probably another reason he was feeling so punchy. That made him wonder how long he'd been out this time. He figured it had been around 8:00 this morning when he'd first gotten up.

Getting to his feet, he shuffled over to the windows, opened the tightly drawn curtains and squinted against the brightness. The sky was quite hazy, so he couldn't tell what time of day it was, he just knew it was still daytime. Looking down from the second story, he saw his wife's Toyota in the driveway. He remembered that Sofia had popped in this morning to check on him and had said something about running over to the office to pick up some files she could work on from home.

He pulled the curtains closed again and headed toward the bedroom door. He needed to take a piss, plus he'd be able to get some towels from the bathroom that he could lay on top of his sweaty sheets. Stepping outside the door he paused to let his swimming head settle a bit. He wondered where Sofia was. Probably in the home office downstairs he guessed. He looked down the hallway to the staircase at the far end on his left and thought about going down. But he let the idea go, knowing he should still stay away from her, and it would be better to just get back to bed and try to sleep this shit off.

He started the few steps diagonally across the hall to the bathroom that was predominantly his daughter Carmen's, but also served the guestroom. As he put his hand on the knob, he heard noise from farther down the hallway, apparently from the master suite on the right. Sofia must be in our bedroom, he thought. "Sofia," he called out, but his voice was just a strangled croak. He opened and walked through the bathroom door, figuring he'd take care of his business first, then go say hi to his wife.

After pissing, and washing his hands, he splashed warm water on his face to wash off the sheen of sweat and then cold water to cool it down. He picked up a large bath towel and a hand towel to put down on his bed and pillow when he went back to try and sleep. The guestroom was to his left as he stepped out of the bathroom, but he turned right to see if Sofia was still in their bedroom.

As he passed the closed door of his daughter's room on the left side of the hallway, he could see that the door to his bedroom just a few feet farther down on the right was open. There were definitely noises coming from it. Voices? Perhaps Sofia had the radio on while she tidied up the room. But with his next step he knew it wasn't the radio and he stopped in his tracks.

When he'd thought of Sofia being in their bedroom, he'd pictured her changing out of the clothes she'd worn on her office errand or perhaps making up the bed. But the noises he was hearing were the opposite of anything so mundanely domestic. He moved closer, hugging the wall as he went. No, these noises were ones he associated more with taking clothes off, rather than on. And of thrashing the bedcovers about, rather than tidying them up.

Cooper paused at the frame of the open door, feeling dizzy from both the effort of moving about in his ill, semi-drugged state, and from growing anxiety. He steadied himself against the wall and tried to focus on the sounds. Where in the room were they coming from, and could he make out any words?

The effort to concentrate suddenly thrust a blazingly clear thought into his head. Why are you skulking about? Why don't you just walk, no, charge in there and confront her? Or them?

"Or them?" Paradoxically, that was the reason he was holding back. Something bad was going on, but he didn't know that charging in wouldn't make it worse. One thing he'd learned early in life in sports, that had later served him well in combat and even today in business was, don't rush in blind. Even if it was only the few seconds between the defense lining up and the snap of the ball, you took the time to see what you were really up against. It had become so ingrained in him that even in his current weakened, but frantic state he was able to restrain his surging animal instinct to rush in. Maybe if he was carrying an M-4 instead of a bath towel...

He focused again on sound. The noises that sounded like voices were clearly coming from more than one person and they all seemed male. But what he hadn't heard were sounds of struggle and that was the other thing stopping him from charging in. Had he caught Sofia cheating? It was too incredible a thought and he was conscious of just how mentally foggy he was right now. He needed to know more before he blew things up.

The idea of going back to his room to get his phone so he could record things as proof popped into his head. He actually started to turn back before he caught himself. You've been watching too many YouTube cheating videos, he mentally chastised himself. Just peek around the corner, get the lay of the land and figure out the best way to deal with it.

He dropped the towels and stood straight up against the door frame, thinking himself narrow. Slowly rotating his eyes around the corner, the first things he saw were their dressers against the side wall. Then the edge of their bed came into view. Rather than being a disheveled mess, it was neatly made, just as Sofia insisted on every morning.

As he continued easing into the room, he became more certain that he'd been right about the disturbing noises. A surge of nausea hit him and he paused for a moment with eyes closed. Whatever was going on, it was happening on the opposite side of the bed, probably in the small seating area in front of the windows that overlooked the backyard. As he listened, he could finally make out words.

A young man's voice was groaning out, "Oh, yeah, Mama. That's so good. Suck it just like that."

Then another male voice, also young. "Pull out a second, dude. She needs to spit on my cock again, her hand's getting rough."

"Go ahead, baby. Get him wet," the first guy said. Then the sudden cessation of another noise finally made Coop register it. He realized it had actually been there all along, steadily underlying the men's words like the hum and occasional slurp of a swimming pool filter. Like a woman sucking rhythmically on a hard cock.

The next noise confirmed that mental image of a woman bobbing up and down, taking a cock into her throat and working up a mouthful of spit. It was the sloppy splash of the woman, his wife!, spitting heavily onto the second guy's cock.

"Me too," came a third voice. Higher, but still male. Another gathering of saliva and then a loud, wet spit. Onto another cock? Or into her palm? Either way, his mind's eye clearly saw Sofia on her knees with a cock in her mouth and two more in either hand.

Steeling himself, he edged his view the final inches around the door frame and saw that he'd hit the scene right on the head. Right on the head. He moaned internally at the unintentional pun as he saw the skinny, pale ass of some dude thrust forward and heard the sound of a busy swimming pool pump going back into action.

The way the three men were crowded around the kneeling woman mostly blocked her from view, but he could see enough of her profile to tell that it was indeed Sofia. And she was indeed holding a cock in each hand, rhythmically stroking them, but also using them for leverage to help move her head back and forth along the skinny guy's cock.

Cooper swooned a bit, feeling a flush of the fever that had sent him to bed in the first place. He gripped the door frame and pulled himself back to keep from giving himself away. Leaning back against the hallway wall, Coop concentrated on breathing slowly and regaining his equilibrium. It wouldn't do for him to barge in on them only to stumble on his unsteady legs or vomit on the floor.

Get the lay of the land and then act, he reminded himself. Just what the hell was really going on? Who were these guys? Were they regular visitors to his wife when he was away? If he hadn't come down sick, he'd be away on a 4-day business trip right now. Had this interlude been planned earlier, and they were going ahead with it anyway, despite him being there? Because his wife was confident that he was conked out in the room down the hall? It came back to him that it had been her idea for him to take another large dose of Nyquil when he'd come awake that morning.

Once more repeating his life-long ritual of taking deep, calming breaths before going into action, Coop Stillwater again made a slow, careful pivot around the door frame and took in the scene more clinically. Sofia was still on her knees, facing the front of the room, so she had a good chance of catching sight of him if she glanced to the right. But it seemed that her eyes were either closed or gazing up at the guy drilling her throat.

The guy on her far side, in her left hand, was a black guy, about 20 or so, with a short dreadlock 'do. He also had a good chance of seeing Cooper if he wasn't careful. But like Sofia, his eyes were alternating between squeezing closed in pleasure and staring down at the Latina MILF.

The other two guys were both white. The one in her right hand had his back to Cooper, but Coop could tell he was the shortest and plumpest of the three. The skinny guy in front was mostly turned away, but Coop could see enough to realize it was Kent Becker, who lived just two houses down, across the street.

Kent?! A neighborhood kid they'd known for years who'd gone to high school with their daughter, Carmen. Although he'd been a year ahead of her and was now in his freshman year at Kansas State. He was in town on spring break, although Coop wasn't sure if there was an official spring break this second year of Covid. But Major League Baseball was back, and Kent and a couple of buddies had made it home for a few days to catch the Royals' home opener.

Kent had said all this when he'd been over to their house on Wednesday night. He'd come over with his parents, who were long time friends of the Stillwaters. The young man had been talking to Carmen about making her final choice about which college to attend. He'd been extolling the virtues of K-State, telling Carmen how much fun they were having, but also that most of his classes were really interesting as well.

Cooper remembered being caught off guard at the time, as he was so often these days, that little Kent Becker was 19 and his own Carmen was 18. Kids he had coached in Little League were now two young adults, starting their own lives away from home.

Away from home! he suddenly thought. Wednesday night they'd also discussed how Cooper would be leaving on Thursday for a 4-day work trip. Of course, that was before the slight wonkiness he'd felt on Wednesday had burst into a full-blown fever on Thursday, scuttling the trip. But Kent didn't know that. He probably thought that, with Cooper out of town and Carmen in school, Friday would be a great opportunity to visit Sofia while she worked from home.

But visit to what end? To come over and start a fling with Sofia? Or was it restart a fling? Coop's stomach lurched. Maybe this was something that had been going on for a while that had only been interrupted by Kent going off to school. Maybe the boy and his wife had planned the timing of Kent's visit not around baseball, but around Coop's expected absence. And what about the other two guys? Was that also something she'd been doing for a while or was it a special spice for this visit?

Cooper's terrible wondering was interrupted by a sudden peak in the action in their bedroom. Kent had grabbed Sofia's head with both hands, holding it still so he could thrust into her mouth instead of her bobbing up and down on him. He was clearly getting close to finishing and Coop wondered if Sofia was going to just let him shoot straight down her throat. It was one of his favorite ways to end a blowjob, but something his wife would only go along with on those occasions when she was especially wound up herself.

The sounds coming from her throat certainly sounded like she was encouraging Kent to blast her tonsils. Whenever a gap opened up between the two white guys, he could see the saliva dribbling out of the corners of Sofia's mouth, down her chin and onto her light brown breasts with their dark brown nipples. When he imagined Kent's cum following the same path, his cock surprisingly jumped in his boxer shorts.

Suddenly, the boy pulled out of Sofia's mouth and began stroking his cock with his left hand, while his right moved to the top of her head. "I'm ready to cum, bitch. Do you want it?"

"Uh huh, uh huh," Sofia grunted. She stopped stroking the other two and just gripped their cocks tightly to hold herself steady. Cooper could clearly see her eyes staring up into Kent's as she opened her mouth wide to catch his seed.

"Ask for it!" the college prick grunted. "Beg me for my young, hot cum!"

"Please, please give it to me," she whimpered. "Please fill my mouth with your delicious cum, you know how much I want it. Please!" she added one more time before opening wide again.

Her words did the trick, and the first thick wad of man-cream came jetting out of Kent's cock, straight into Sofia's waiting mouth. A second spurt followed, then his aim went awry and the third splattered her cheek, while the fourth hit her chin. Then he thrust his cock back into her mouth to finish. She closed her lips and Coop saw her cheeks draw in as she sucked hard, obviously eager to get every last drop.

Just before the shell-shocked man's knees gave out on him, Coop again twisted out of the room and leaned heavily back against the hallway wall. It took him several seconds to realize his cock was jutting out of the slit in his boxers and he was squeezing himself. When he did realize, he froze in place. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked himself out loud, but far too quietly to be heard by the others.

He was being cucked in his own bedroom and was getting off on it? Was that really him? Then an earlier thought hit him again -- hard. They were in his bedroom while he was in the house! Sure, the guys didn't know he'd skipped his planned trip, but Sofia did. And still she'd carried on with her planned blowbang reunion with Kent and his buds.

In his feverish mind, Coop had already convinced himself that it was indeed planned, and it only made sense that it was a reunion rather than a first-time encounter. She must have been fucking around with Kent for some time before he'd gone away to college, otherwise how could everything have progressed so quickly today?

But was she so desperate to renew her slutty relationship with a group of guys twenty years younger than her that she couldn't stand to cancel the orgy just because her husband was home after all? Did she really think that little of him?

Then another thought hit him, knocking his senses the other direction. What if she'd called the boys over at the last minute because he was home? Because she wanted him to find them? He thought back to the many times they'd watched porn together. Swinger parties and gangbangs were favorite scenes for both and usually he would end up putting her on hands and knees facing the screen so they could both watch the action as he took her from behind. While mostly they pretended to by voyeurs at the party, sometimes he asked her if she wanted to take the gangbang girl's place. Wouldn't she like to have an extra cock or two to suck and fuck?

In those cases, she often said yes. Other times, she asked him if he'd let her or wanted her to play with extra cocks. In which case he always answered yes. He could hear himself in his memory. "God, I'd love to see you taking another cock in your pussy while you were sucking me. Or maybe watching you suck off a line of guys like that, while I fuck you doggy style like this." They both came hard during those sessions. But it had always just been intense role play, hadn't it?

But was it going on for real now? Had she decided to take advantage of Kent's short visit to stage one of their wildest fantasies in real life? Was Coop supposed to watch this action and jerk off? Or maybe he was supposed to go in the room and join in.

The poor bastard wished he wasn't so fucked up, none of this was making any sense. The fantasy idea was outrageous by itself. And she sure wouldn't have thrown it together last minute with him sick as a dog. No, it was still much more likely that his sick day had fucked up a previously planned encounter. But would she really be so brazen as to carry on when he ended up staying home? The endless questions caroming around his skull were driving him crazy, but he couldn't make them stop.

Feeling perplexed and angry, anxious and excited, he did the only thing he could think of and looked into the room again.

The main scene remained the same, with just a few adjustments. The second white guy was now in Kent's place, with his cock buried in Sofia's mouth. And Kent had taken the chubby guy's place to her right. But he was sitting back on the bed, out of reach of her hand and just watching. Perhaps resting for another go-round?

The black guy had taken over stroking himself and had also closed in so he could rub the head of his cock against Sofia's cheek. She released the white cock and turned her head to take the black one in her mouth for a few strokes before going back. Soon that became their rhythm and Cooper found his own penis was poking through his boxers once again as he took in her eager devouring of the two young pricks.

"God, I love married ho's," the black kid said, his gangster swagger undercut by his Chris Tucker voice.

The tubby guy just responded with a surprised-sounding grunt as his hand suddenly sped up and he was shooting his load all over the side of Sofia's face as she continued sucking the black guy's cock. The white kid was spraying wildly and some of his spunk landed on the black shaft as it pulled back from the MILF's mouth on a stroke.

Kent laughed from the bed. "He got you, dude. He fucking got you!"

The brother froze for a moment, then kept his cool and laughed it off. "Incidental contact, baby. No harm, no foul. And Mamacita's gonna clean it all off anyway. Ain't you, Mama?"