A Visit from Mom

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A drunken mother makes a late-night visit to her son.
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I was sound asleep in my apartment when I was awakened by the click of a key in the door lock. I knew who it was immediately, only one other person had a key to my apartment. That was confirmed when I heard high heeled shoes clicking on the hardwood floor.

"Hi baby, are you awake?" She sat on the edge of my bed and turned on the small lamp on the nightstand. I could tell from her voice that she had been drinking. Mother did not hold her liquor well and this was typical. "Would you like some company tonight?"

I propped myself up on one elbow as she leaned down to kiss me. I could taste the whiskey on her lips.

"Of course mom, you're always welcome here."


Mom had always been good to me as I was growing up. She worked a job that kept us fed and clothed. We lived in my grandparents' house which she inherited after they died. She made sure that I did my homework and that I went to school on time. She was a good mother, but she had this lust within her to seek out excitement without the control to tell her when the party was over. Because of that, my birth certificate lists my father as "unknown". As a child, I was frequently awakened in the middle of the night by her headboard banging against the wall between our rooms accompanied by her moans and cries as she was being serviced by yet another loser from the parade of losers she would bring home after a night of drinking. She had the sex drive of a mink but, to me, that was just the way mom was.

As I sat eating my corn flakes in the morning, she would appear wrapped up in her bathrobe, looking like the wreckage after a storm. Following close behind would be some pot-bellied, homeless-looking guy who was too embarrassed to even speak to me as he dashed for the door. Then she would pour herself a cup of coffee and sit there looking like 'death warmed over' while she nursed her cup. We would sit in silence because I had learned that she had no interest in conversation while the hangover was raging. After she finished her coffee, she would return to her bed for several more hours until the hangover had run its course. Usually by mid-afternoon things were back to normal and my mother was back.

It was after I had graduated from high school and was in technical college that she started to come to my room. I suppose I was nineteen, maybe twenty years old. She would come in while I was sleeping and slide into bed with me. For as strange as that was at first, I found that I liked having her warm body against mine on those cold nights in our drafty old house. I would often wake up in the night with my arm around her and my hand holding her breast. My hard cock would be pressed tightly against her ass which encouraged me to squirm because it felt so good when I did.

Then one night, as I was rubbing my hard cock against her, her hand gripped mine on her breast and her hips began to work against me. Soft moans escaped her lips, becoming gradually louder until she rolled over. I was startled when her lips found mine in the darkness, but they were so soft and her body felt so good that I wrapped her up in my arms with unexpected passion. Once her hand found my hard cock, all thoughts of resistance to her simply vaporized.

After that first night, I became her 'go to' guy, experiencing frequent visits by her or invitations to join her in her bed. During those times she taught me how to pleasure her in multiple ways and in multiple positions. I learned to see my mother as an adult woman rather than as the mother who had dressed me and sent me off to school when I was little.

Once I finished my schooling and had a job, I realized that it was time to move out and live life on my own. With no one else in the house, I guess the loneliness set in on my mother and she returned to her old ways of drinking and seeking out men to try to meet her needs. Occasionally that would not work out for her, and her desires would bring her to me. That was when I would hear her key in the lock of my apartment.


As I woke up, I could see her put her purse on the nightstand and kick off her shoes. I sat up and slid over beside her. She stood up with her back to me. She lifted her hair and said, "Please." I knew what she wanted and was excited to do it.

Standing up behind her, I unhooked the small hook at the back of her dress and pulled down the long zipper. Just the sound of that long zipper would trigger my response. If I was not already hard from sleeping, pulling down that zipper to reveal her flesh was more than enough to make my cock swell.

Despite her rough lifestyle, mother still looked good. Somehow she had remained slender, her legs looking long and her ass shapely atop the pointy high heels that she wore. Her long black hair fell to her shoulders in soft waves, somehow avoiding the streaks of grey that were often typical for women her age. When she was attracted to a man, her eyes would sparkle and her smile was magnetic. Those would fade when she had been drinking, but then the raw lust that was a part of her would surface. That was the side of her I was seeing more and more often.

I held her hand as she stepped out of her dress, carefully folding it and putting it on a nearby chair. When she turned back to me, I had to admit to still being excited by seeing her standing there in her black bra and panties with her dark stockings. Her bra barely contained the full breasts that bulged conspicuously out of the fabric. Her eyes flashed and she smiled when she noticed me staring at her, my cock pushing out the front of my pajamas.

"You still like looking at me. Even after all these years, I still do it for you."

Even through her drunken haze there was still a sparkle in her eyes and that smile that made me melt.

"Yea, you still look good mom."

She walked toward me like a hungry tigress approaching a wounded antelope.

"I can see your appreciation." Her hand reached down to wrap around the projection from my pajamas. "It's long...and it's hard...and I need it tonight."

I stood frozen as she released my cock and pulled my pajamas off of my hips. They fell in a heap around my ankles. Her hand again wrapped around my cock, this time her other hand massaged my balls.

"Tonight I was dancing with two young guys. They spent the evening competing to see which of them could compliment me more. They were actually funny as they struggled to seduce me. It was flattering and I was anticipating a night of non-stop, tag team sex that would last until I tired of them and threw them out. I was so wet, expecting hands and lips all over my body for hour after hour. Then another young man comes to the table and, just for a moment, I pictured having three. It was such a delicious dream. Then one of my young men excuses himself and went away with that guy. Soon my last guy says that he is going to get us drinks. As I sit waiting by myself, I look over to see him and the other two leaving with two giggly girls. Baby, I was crushed. I just cannot be alone tonight."

"It's all right mom, you don't have to be alone. You never have to be alone." Years ago my mother's phobia about being alone would drive me crazy. Her habit of bringing home scruffy looking guys in dirty blue jeans and flannel shirts was embarrassing and made me angry until I understood. As I grew older, I began to understand my mother, and once we started making love, life became quieter and more rational. I also learned that I enjoyed making love with her.

Mother released me and sat on the bed to remove her stockings. That gave me a moment to pick up my pajamas and hang them on the bedpost before sitting beside her. Even watching her remove her stockings was extremely erotic for me. Watching her hold up each leg before rolling down her stockings and then pulling them off of her feet was like watching a ballet that made my cock sizzle. She opened her purse and took out a small bottle before putting her stockings inside.

As I sat mesmerized by her, she turned to me. "Will you unhook me? I know that you have always liked to do that." She smiled at me with that teasing smile I knew so well.

I reached for the clasp at the back of her bra, easily releasing the three hooks. She held it as the elastic fabric fell loose before stripping it off of her arms and throwing it onto her dress.

"It always feels good to take that thing off. If I didn't need it, I would let the girls fly free, but if I had, they would be sagging to my belly by now." She turned toward me and lifted her arms over her head. "You've always loved my boobies haven't you sweetheart?"

Once again, there they were right in front of me. So beautiful; round and full, crowned with those wonderful pink gumdrop nipples that I could nurse on for hours. It was all I could do to croak out a response.

"They are beautiful mom."

"Much nicer than any of the little tootsies your age. Those three bozos left me to run off with two flat-chested little bimbos when they could have had these."

"It's their loss mom." My hands automatically rose to cradle and massage each breast. I loved feeling the softness and smooth skin of her breasts. Each time I saw or touched her was like that first time years ago.

"You go sit with your back against the headboard, I have something I want to do."

I did as she asked, fully knowing that her ideas usually meant an exciting and pleasurable time for me. I pushed the pillows to the side and sat against the headboard. It felt cold and hard against my back.

Mom twisted around and came toward me still wearing her panties. That surprised me.

"Lean forward, let me put these pillows behind you."

As I leaned forward, she stuffed the pillows behind me.

"There, isn't that better?"

"Yes, much."

I expected her to come to me but instead she leaned over and turned off the lamp leaving the room in darkness. I could feel movement on the bed, then she knelt across my hips.

"There we are. Now suck me the way you do. I just love it when you suck my nipples."

"For as long as you want mom." As she pressed her chest against my face, my lips found a spongy nipple and latched on. I began to alternate between sucking hard and nibbling with my teeth.

"Oh yes baby, that feels so good." Her hand fell behind my head pressing me even more tightly against her. I could feel small shivers pass through her body. My cock pressed against the fabric of her panties. I wondered why she had not taken them off.

I loved her breasts and enjoyed every moment I could get with them. I loved the sight of them, the feel of them, and the taste of them. Her nipples would swell and harden as I sucked on them, encouraging me to suck ever harder and to explore new ways to manipulate them to bring mom pleasure. Most of all I loved her reaction to me as her body shivered while she moaned and whispered to me how much she enjoyed what I was doing. The only time she wanted to stop was when she wanted me to switch from one breast to the other. While I nursed, I wondered what it would be like if she were lactating and my mouth was filled with her sweet milk. My various fantasies were interrupted when I began to notice how much wetness was pressing against the head of my cock. Her hips were working more and more on my cock, again making me wonder why she had left her panties on. Then, after the fourth nipple switch, she stopped me. She pushed back off of me and stretched out on the bed.

"Baby, your mommy needs to cum. I need for you to eat me. I need for you to get me off that way that you do. You do it better than anyone else ever has."

As I moved down the bed, I could not help thinking that the reason I did it better than anyone else was firstly, because she taught me what she wanted, and second, because I want to make it good for her unlike the creeps who just want to get off and get out.

I knelt between her legs and slid her panties down, lifting her legs to get them off. I could feel the abundant dampness in the fabric. In my well-practiced technique, I put my hands under her knees and lifted them up before positioning my face between her legs. It struck me that she must have had big expectations because her pussy was cleanly shaven, which did not usually happen while I was at home. She began to cry out the moment my tongue touched its target. After playing with her outer lips, I thrust my tongue as deeply as it would go while turning my head left and right. She began to praise me, telling me how good it was and how she loved me.

After teasing her, I moved my tongue to her clit and began flicking my tongue as fast as I could. Her body stiffened and her hands gripped the bed covers. She thrust her hips into my face while telling me, "Like that! Just like that!" As I kept going, her breathing increased to panting as she begged me not to stop.

"Please baby! Get me off! Please baby, make me cum!"

That was when I took her swollen clitoris between my lips and began to suck on it while my tongue continued to rub the head. She went off like a rocket! Her body stiffened as she repeated, "Oh God! Oh God!" with each shock that wracked her body.

I loved experiencing my mother having an orgasm. In her rough life, a good orgasm was something I saw as a gift to her, making her life a bit better even if it was only for a moment. So if I could give her that, it would be a tiny payback for the years that she cared for me.

As her orgasm passed, I was about to crawl up beside her when she twisted and propped up on one elbow. I heard her say, "Please baby...again." I settled back into position again, smiling to myself over my success.

Burying my face back between her legs once more, we resumed the sexual ballet of my tongue against her body. She moaned, she squirmed, she pleaded for more, and she praised me when I gave it to her. She became more and more active until her hands gripped my head and pressed my face into her. Her hips rose as her body shook and her cries filled the room. I worried that the neighbors might become irritated and call the police. But gradually her orgasm passed and she settled onto the bed still breathing heavily. I crawled up beside her and we lay there in silence as she recovered.

"My God you are good at that."

"You trained me well."

She laughed and turned to me wrapping me up in her arms. "I love you baby."

"I love you mom."

After a few minutes of rest, I felt her hand run down my body and rub my cock.

"Oh my, this guy has lost all his starch. I have to fix that."

I rolled down onto my back. "You always have. Your touch gets me hard so fast."

"It does huh? Let's see if I still have the magic."

For me, she definitely had the magic. I could remember the mornings when she came into my room, sitting on my bed and jacking off my morning wood to wake me up for college. And the evenings when she would reach into my pajamas to slowly jack me off while we watched television. She took great pleasure in taking control of my body and showing off her skills. She would laugh and celebrate as my semen shot from me all over her hand and my body. For my part, I was very grateful for these unexpected treats since I received little attention from women my own age, something that still held true.

Her soft hand wrapped around me while she whispered loving little messages into my ear. I could never tire of her fingers gently sliding up and down my length, pausing to 'tickle' my balls. As if she were picking a mushroom, three fingers delicately encompassed the head of my cock, twisting and sliding on it.

"Do you remember our mornings baby? You never wanted to wake up in the morning but I found a way that definitely got you moving. You were SO hard in the morning and you felt so warm in my hand. You would throw off the covers yourself to give me better access to you."

I was hard in a moment. As if her hand was not enough, the sound of her voice lit me up like a candle. Her touch was so light and teasing, like being rubbed with a feather. Then she would turn her fingernails against me and drag the back of her hand along my length. My hips stiffened and I had to stifle my own cries.

"Oh you DO still like that. You would cum so hard and so much for me on those mornings. Such messes you would make, you were SO naughty. Then you had to get out of bed and wash up. Your mommy could be SO devious." I could hear that same sexy tone in her voice that always got me hard. "But no messes tonight sweetheart. Mommy has another treat for you."

I lay there with my hard cock sticking up like a flagpole while she twisted away leaving a chill where her body had been. I felt her moving on the bed just before I felt a tongue licking my length.

"How about some of my 'mother's kiss'? As I remember, you do like that."

"Oh God mom! I really love that." She giggled just before I felt her lips slide down onto my cock.

Her 'mother's kiss' was a special reward for me when I did something special. She first time she did it was after I completed my study at the technical college and got my associate degree. After the graduation ceremony, we had dinner followed by several drinks. As soon as we got home, she had me sit on the couch and she turned off all the lights. In the darkness she slid down my pants and underwear and spent over an hour alternating between taking my cock in her mouth and telling me how she loved me and how proud she was of me. That was the first time I ever came in a woman's mouth. It was an unforgettable experience that she seemed to be duplicating. She sucked me slowly, her head hardly moving while I was in her mouth. Then she would gradually speed up and take me deeper until I began to feel like I was going to cum. When I became too excited, she would stop and she would ask me questions to cool me down again. All too soon she stopped and crawled up beside me again.

"You know baby, I love your cock so much. You get so hard and you stay hard, but yet when I hold it in my hand, your skin feels soft. Some men are too big or too small. Some get hard but can't stay hard. Some force too much or cum too fast, but you are just right. That is why I always come back to you. Right now I need you for just those reasons."

She sat up and threw her leg across my hips, holding my cock as she settled down onto me.

"Oh-h-h-h my goodness YES! Baby you feel so amazing! Baby I love you so. You fill me up just right." She sat atop me not moving, apparently caught up in the sensation of my cock inside of her.

I had learned from experience that when mother was on top, she was driving, and I was responsible to make her experience as pleasant as possible. Reaching up to hold her breasts in my hands, I would raise my hips to match her movements. She gradually went from almost not moving at all, to rocking fiercely. Her sounds became louder as her hips moved faster. I could barely keep up with her when she suddenly leaned forward, bracing herself against my shoulders. Her mouth fell open and she gasped as each wave shot through her. Even in the almost total darkness, I could see her face with the expression I loved to see. She collapsed onto me and lay breathing heavily. I could feel dampness from the perspiration of our bodies.

When her breathing slowed, she slid to the side and lay face down.

"Baby, I'm about done. How about you get on top and do it the way I like." Her legs crept open. When she had been drinking, she usually tired out quickly.

Mother liked to lay flat and have me squat over her hips while I worked my cock inside of her. That was her 'I'm tired' position when she was not yet ready to quit. I had known her to even fall asleep in that position so I would finish, pull the covers over us, and we were good until morning. It was a position that I enjoyed because I could still pleasure mother while also pleasuring myself. I knew that I was using her, but usually I had earned the right to do it. As I moved into position, suddenly mother stopped me.