A Walk On The Wild Side


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"How have you been," he asked inquisitively, indicating that he recognized me. "My name is Mark and yours is..." The sudden shock of being asked to dance by the hunk of the health club and the effects of alcohol caused me to blush and draw a blank for a second. "Tina", I replied sheepishly, trying to conceal blush and schoolgirl-like reaction. With that he smiled, reached out, gently took my hand and led me towards the dance floor. "Do you come here often?" he asked as we walked hand in hand like a pair of high school sweethearts. "No" I replied as I turned towards him, looking into his beautiful blue eyes, "this is my first time."

As we arrived on the floor, I was relieved that our somewhat strained conversation had finally come to an end. Mark and I had danced through the remainder of the first song and completely through another when the lights suddenly dimmed and the DJ mixed in a nice slow sexy number. "Would you like to stay out here," he asked, gently taking me into his arms but maintaining a respectful distance. Not really wanting to sit down, I replied with a very unsteady "yes" as a lump formed in my throat and I felt another tinge of guilt course through my body. As Mark drew me towards him for the dance, he gave me a gentle hug and a kiss on the lips before nestling me in close to his muscular body. I don't think I had ever felt so well protected, safe and wanted in my entire life. I secretly wished that the song would last forever.

After the song ended, Mark and I walked back towards the booth individually and arrived there just as Denise and her friend sat together on the other side. After our brief introductions we all sat together, danced, talked and drank on into the night as if we were old friends. After finishing off another potent margarita, I finally felt the telltale signs of a good buzz coming on, causing me to become increasingly less inhibited than my normal self when I suddenly felt Mark reach over and place his hand on my left thigh. While initially shocked by his forward gesture, the warm sensation of his hand felt good and with the booze working in his favor, I didn't resist. As luck would have it though, just as I found myself getting used to his touch, the lights suddenly dimmed for another slow song and Mark stood up, asking me to join him for another dance.

Getting up from my seat, I placed my hand in his and we once again headed onto the dance floor. Upon our arrival, Mark once again took me into his arms and we danced very close this time. As we danced, I could feel Mark's warm breath on my neck as he pressed his muscular body tightly up against me. A jolt of electricity shot up my spine as I felt him start kissing the side of my neck, gently drawing a fold of my ultra-sensitive skin between his lips. As Mark gently kissed his way over my cheek and up to my mouth, he gently planted his lips directly onto mine. Instinctively, I closed my eyes and parted my lips to accept his probing tongue and we engaged what I can easily call the most passionate and erotic French kiss I had ever experienced. The effects it had on me were to say the least almost unbelievable. In an instant, the ominous sensation of wetness developed in my panties as my nipples pushed firmly into my bra. I couldn't believe my reaction.

As we ended our kiss, Mark drew me tightly into him, causing my erect and very sensitive nipples to push into his chest while the huge bulge in his pants gently kneaded my damp crotch. In feeling him press up against me, I instinctively reciprocated, grinding my pelvis into him as the heat and wetness between my legs became increasingly evident. I couldn't believe how my body was responding to the touch of this stranger. Thank god that the song ended when it did or I don't know what would have happened next.

It was upon the end of the song and our walk back to the table when the reality of what was happening hit me like a cold slap in the face. What the hell was I doing? I was happily married. If John ever caught on to the fact that I was here kissing another man, my marriage would be over in an instant. As much as I enjoyed being there flirting with Mark, I knew I had better leave before things got further out of control or someone that knew us saw me. I had to get out of there and soon. The only problem was that I was not quite sure how to do it without making a spectacle of myself.

Shortly after arriving back at the table, I secretly devised an escape plan that I put into action by excusing myself to go to the bathroom. After waiting for a several minutes, I found a pay phone, placed a call to my cell, and quickly headed back to the table. Moments after my return, my ringer went off and although somewhat tipsy, I was able to stage an emergency situation that required me to leave at once. I'm sorry to have to break up such a good time, but I really have to go," I said, hoping that Denise, being the only one who knew that I didn't have a vehicle, would take the hint and offer to drive me home.

My plan worked like a charm. "Tina and I rode here together," Denise said in response to my query, "I will run her home and come back, it shouldn't take me long." As much as I wanted to stay and hated lying to my new friends, I definitely felt like my little white lie had taken me out of a potentially bad situation. As Denise got up from her chair to drive me home, the feeling of relief instantly began coursing through my veins until it was stopped dead when Mark suddenly asked, "Can I call you sometime?" I hesitated. Since Denise was definitely coming back, if I said no or gave him a phony number, I would loose all credibility with my new friends. To make matters worse, Mark was a member of my health club and I wanted to stay on good terms with him. "Sure", I replied nervously as I handed him the number to my personal cell phone. Thinking that he had probably seen the rings on my left hand, I was sure that he would never call it anyway. With that, Denise and I said our goodbyes and headed out of the club. As we approached my house, I thanked her profusely for both the invitation and her offer to drive me home. "It was my pleasure," she replied. "We'll have to do it again some time."

"Thank you once again for all of your help today."

Once in the safety and privacy of my own home, I poured myself another drink, kicked back, turned on the TV, and began thinking over the day's events. I couldn't believe how excitable and responsive my body was to the touch of another man; even if he was the "hunk" of my health club. As my thoughts turned once again to the dance and the juicy details of what had happened, my concentration was shattered by the ringing my cell phone. I almost jumped out my seat when I heard Mark's voice on the other end.

"Hello Tina, I'm sorry to bother you but Denise and her friend just took off and when I was cleaning up the table, I found a set of car keys. Is there any chance that they are yours?"

"I also was also a little concerned about how fast you left." Were you able to take care of your emergency?"

"I sure hope I didn't do anything to offend you, if I did, I'm sorry." I was shocked and didn't know what to say. He obviously saw through my phony plan and yet was giving me another chance. "Just a second" I replied, trying to rid myself of the huge lump that formed in my throat while I checked my purse for my keys. Sure enough, my car keys were missing. "Yes," I replied, "My keys are missing and I was able to handle my problem. "As for your second inquiry, you didn't offend me."

"I very much enjoyed dancing with and would like to do it again sometime."

"I would too," he quickly replied. "Would you like me to bring your keys out to you?" he asked politely. I suddenly felt the lump in my throat grow larger as my knees weakened beneath me. In the privacy of my house, we could do anything we wanted and no one would know, I thought to myself in a sinister context. While my body was saying yes, yes, yes, my better judgment was saying no. I was torn and didn't know how to respond. Finally deciding that I really needed my keys, I replied "yes" in an unsteady tone of voice. With that, I gave him directions and hung up.

While I felt a touch of guilt over my actions, the implications of what I had just done made me hot! Even though I knew in my heart that I would never let things go to far, I quickly ran around the house as if getting ready for my first date, making sure that everything was neat and in order. Thinking that I would get myself turned on and maybe try out some of my new toys after he left, I even ran up into my bed room and lit the two scented candles I kept on the headboard. As a final expression of my new found sexual freedom, I reached in my husband's dresser drawer, withdrew a condom and placed it on my nightstand. Although I was certain that I would never allow things far enough for me to need it, I found the act so arousing that I experienced a small but totally spontaneous orgasm. With my final touches in place, I headed down stairs and eagerly awaited Mark's arrival.

After waiting for approximately 15 agonizing minutes, I finally heard a car pull into my drive and a door slam shut. Seconds later, my doorbell rang and with my heart pounding in anticipation, I answered. "Come on in," I said with a smile as I opened the door. "Thank you for taking the time to bring me my keys"

"I wouldn't have been able to do much without them" I said jokingly. "Can I offer you a night cap for your trouble?"

"Sure, I'd love one," he replied. "Have a seat," I said, gesturing towards the couch while I went into the kitchen to pour a glass of bourbon

As Mark and I sat on the couch and discussed the evening and our plans to use the gym the next day, we for unknown reasons maintained a respectable distance between us. Obviously becoming a little uncomfortable and eager to leave, Mark quickly finished his drink, placed the empty glass on my table and said, "It's getting late, I better get going."

"Thank you for the drink and the wonderful time tonight. I really had fun."

"I did too," I replied, as I got up and followed him towards the door.

As Mark reached the door, I said "be careful driving home" and as soon as he turned around to respond, I reached out to give him a good-bye hug. As we released our hug, I looked up, our eyes met and in an instant, we were once again engaged a passionate kiss. As our tongues mingled, my inhibitions completely melted away and the hot passion I experienced on the dance floor returned with a vengeance. Gone were the thoughts of my husband and my everyday conservative life. I was hot, horny and completely out of control. As I momentarily withdrew my lips away from his, I took the final plunge off the deep end. With my knees weakening, heart pounding and pussy becoming wetter at the mere thought of it, I whispered the question "Would you like to spend the night?"

Before Mark could even respond, our lips met once again. As our kiss continued into what seemed to be an eternity, our hands instinctively began to explore each other's bodies; his gestures and body language clearly conveying to me that he had accepted my offer. As he gently caressed my back and butt cheeks with his large sexy hands, I reached up, and slowly undid the buttons of his shirt, running my fingers through his thick chest hair. Working my hand down across his well defined stomach muscles and down onto his jeans, I paused for a second before running it down further over the rapidly growing bulge in his pants. As I gently stroked his stiff member through the course material, the reality of what I was doing hit me. I had crossed the line that bordered the point of no return into my first-ever adulterous affair. As we broke our kiss, I looked up and saw Mark looking down at me. Consumed by fiery lust, I took his hand in mine and led him towards my bedroom. Perhaps setting that condom on my night stand wasn't such an outlandish gesture after all.

Upon entering the bedroom, Mark and I immediately engaged in another intense kiss as he rubbed the large bulge in his pants against my sopping wet crotch. As he broke off our kiss, Mark reached down under my top, slowly working his hands up to my waiting tits. Wanting to give him better access, I pulled the top up over my head and off my arms, tossing it onto the floor behind me. Reaching out to me, Mark undid the front clasp of my bra and slowly slid the straps off of my shoulders. My body shuddered with excitement when I suddenly felt the cool air on my now naked torso as I stood there with my tits exposed to a man other than my husband for the first time since I had gotten married. The mere thought of what we were going to do made me tremble with desire.

Taking my half naked body into his arms, Mark gently kissed his way down my neck, slowly working his way down towards the swell of my chest. Taking my left nipple between his teeth, Mark began swirling his tongue around it while he fondled and massaged my right breast with his muscular hand. With my breathing and heart rate quickening in response to his touch, I slumped backwards, attempting to give him better access to my sensitive nipples. As I closed my eyes and leaned back, I finally felt Mark slowly reach up under my skirt. My body began to quiver as I felt his fingers work their way up my inner thigh and contact the exterior surface of my panties. As his hand made contact with the thin material that covered the most intimate part of my body, I felt his fingers push up against me and then move over to the side, eventually working their way under my panties and making direct contact with my sopping wet beaver. A soft passionate moan escaped my lips as I felt one of his large fingers slip between my inner lips and enter my waiting vagina, slowly working its way deeper and deeper into me. I was in ecstasy.

In my heated lust, I reached out to the top of Mark's jeans, undid the single button and lowered the zipper. With his assistance, I lowered his pants below his knees and he stepped out of them, leaving only a thin pair of bikini briefs covering what I had been longing for all night. Wanting to keep up the momentum, I slide my hand under the elastic waistband and pushed down, dropping the briefs to his knees and unleashing my prize. I gasped at the sight of it. Mark's cock was considerably longer and thicker than any I had ever seen. The sight of the widely flared purple head and long smooth prominently veined shaft drove me wild. Underneath his huge member was a perfect pair of large heavy balls. Setting on the bed in front of him, I reached out and took the long heavy shaft into my hands, gently caressing its impressive 9 inch length. I couldn't believe its tremendous girth. It was every bit as thick if not thicker than the dong I had gotten from the party. Encircling as much of its diameter that I could with one of my seemingly dainty hands, I slowly stroked and caressed it from base to head. I couldn't believe its feel and how absolutely turned on I became upon seeing and touching it.

After several minutes of fondling what was easily the most impressive cock I had ever laid my eyes on, I watched in complete fascination as tiny beads of precum suddenly appeared on the purplish head. As if hypnotized by its sight and slippery feel, I pushed the hot tip to my left breast and relished in the sensation of the warm slippery manly fluid as it flowed onto and coated the surface my nipple. Finally taking the plunge into another area of unknown territory, I slowly directed his impressive tool to my mouth for my first ever taste of what my pussy had craved since the first time I had made love. As my lips made contact with the tip, I instinctively opened my mouth taking in as much of the flared head that I could without choking while I swirled my tongue over the tip and around the flared rim. Suddenly and without warning, I felt it pulsate and my startle response caused me to pull back slightly just as a jet of hot fluid shot from the tip, coating my lips as it ran down onto my chin. In complete lust, I looked up at Mark as I slowly and sensuously licked my lips and swallowed, savoring the unique salty taste and slippery texture. I couldn't believe how hot it made me feel. I almost came just thinking about it.

Standing up from the edge of the bed, I slowly undid my dress and let it drop to the floor while my panties grew increasingly wet and transparent. As Mark gently pulled me forward for another kiss, he slowly slid his hands down my sides, hooking the waistband of my panties and gently pulling them down to the level of my central thighs. As our kiss ended, I brought my legs together slightly and worked my panties down to my ankles. As I stepped out of them, I stood naked in front of a man other than my husband for the first time since I had walked down the aisle; a man that I hardly knew and almost unbelievably, a man that I was going to have sex with in my marital bed. No words can describe how completely erotic it felt we began to lean towards the bed as if directed by some unseen force. .

As we settled on the bed, Mark picked me up slightly and directed my naked body onto the cool surface of the bedspread. Straddling my tummy with his arms, he leaned forward and starting at my belly button, gently kissed his way up my body as he slowly lowered himself on top of me. With my last bit of common sense, I reached out to my nightstand for the condom but before I could retrieve it, the fiery lust within me stopped my hand short. Withdrawing my hand from the nightstand and placing it back on Mark's shoulder, I spread my legs wide in anticipation of the experience of my life. If was going to do this, I thought to myself, I was going all the way.

As Mark lowered himself onto me and slid his torso forward, he gently brought his lips to mine. My body shuddered in excitement as I felt the hot tip of his uncovered cock on my belly while our tongues sensuously mingled and we further explored each others bodies. At the conclusion of our kiss, Mark raised-up ever so slightly and began kissing his way back down my body, trailing the tip of his magnificent cock across my belly as he went. The sensation was to say the least incredible. I couldn't wait to feel it between my legs.

Jolts of lustful energy shot through my body as his cock finally made contact with its target and I felt for the first time, the intense heat emanating from its naked head as it pressed up against me. As Mark bent down and gently took one of my hard nipples between his teeth, he pushed forward ever so slightly, causing the tip of his cock to ease its way in between my inner lips. I gasped in pleasure as I felt the tip of his hot velvety soft head slide over my engorged and ultra sensitive clit. As Mark inched his torso downward, the contour of my body magically guided the tip of his thick member to my most intimate opening and before I could react, I felt him push gently inward. In an instant, I felt a wave of intense pressure build between my legs as the massive head began to push its way into my tight vagina; quickly telling me that this was far more than my untrained body was ready to handle. As if sensing my discomfort, Mark held still for a minute while the muscles surrounding my vaginal opening stretched to accommodate his girth.

To my delight, within a few seconds, my opening began to dilate and the sensation of pressure quickly gave way to a feeling of fullness like I had never before experienced. Over what seemed to be an eternity, Mark very slowly worked his thick member deeper and deeper into me, stretching me as if I were a virgin. Each time I became accustomed to the girth and loosened up, he would gently push forward, slowly sinking more and more of the massive organ into my hot tunnel. Words can't describe the intense pleasure I experienced as I lay there, knowing that there was still more to go. It was nothing short of incredible.