A Werewolf named Trevor Best

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An erotic tale about a young man’s journey to maturity.
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Trevor Best was a werewolf. He was born a werewolf but lived his childhood like a normal human. Then, on the day of his 18th birthday, his father set him down and told him about their family secret. Trevor didn't believe him, at first. However, that night when the full moon was high in the sky, his first transformation occurred, entirely against his will. Luckily, his father was there to guide him. In the form of two wolves, they ran across the nearby forest on silent feet, tongues lolling, yellow eyes shining. They made their first kill - a small deer - and shared it. Afterward, they hid in a cave his father had found, where a spare set of clothes was waiting, tucked behind a rock. When morning came, they dressed and walked home as men. Trevor felt their bond couldn't be stronger, after that.

That is, until he brought his first girlfriend home.

Trevor's father took one look at the prim and proper blonde, and pulled him aside.

"She's not the one for you, son," he told him. Trevor did not listen to him. He was young, he was horny, he wanted to fuck her. So, he did. Everything was going swell, until the first full moon. Then, he discovered that she was scared of him. Worse, when he tried showing her his secret, she freaked out so bad, she threatened to oust him.

She was almost out of the woods, before his father caught up with her and ripped her throat out.

Things were not the same, between his father and him, after that night. Still, his father was always there for him when he was needed, and Trevor had no real reason to hate him. If anything, he was grateful to have someone with experience helping him. One day, after dinner, he waited for his mother to leave, before quietly asking his father, "Does Mom know?" To which his father said, "Yes, but we never mention it. Wanna know why?"

"Why?" Trevor asked, dumbfounded.

"Because, my son," Trevor's father said, slowly, "she thinks I can't remember anything I do, when I'm a werewolf."

"But that's not true," said Trevor. "You should just tell her."

Trevor's father looked at him long and hard.

"Son, when you've mated for the first time as a werewolf, I'll ask you if you still feel that way. Till then, please reserve your judgment and don't say anything to your Mom."

Again, Trevor was dumbfounded, but he realised there was something about the werewolf mating that he did not know, and that his father wasn't comfortable telling him. From that day on, he decided never to be with a girl on the night of a full moon. His life continued as normal, with many girls coming into his life and leaving it, none the wiser. None of them could keep his attention for more than a few weeks. This was fine by him and fine by his father. Only his mother sometimes complained.

"I wish you'd find a nice, steady girlfriend, Trevor," she would say, sighing. Trevor didn't have the heart to tell her the truth, which was that he planned to remain single until his dying days, and so break the cycle of the cursed werewolf gene, once and for all.


Three years after his first night as a werewolf, Trevor met the love of his life.

Her name was Laura Edwards, and she was the daughter of a priest. One could hardly imagine a more inappropriate match for Trevor, who by now had a real reputation as the ladies' man. Nonetheless, from the moment he first laid eyes on her and inhaled her scent, Trevor was hooked. He stalked her without her knowing it, day and night. The only time he stayed away was during the night of the full moon. But even then, he thought about her, in his wolf form, and when he did, his wolf cock would emerge, all big and hard and with a giant knot at its base. The first time Trevor saw his wolf cock, he was horrified. Then he got used to it, maybe even a little proud.

The truth was, his wolf cock was twice the size of his human cock. Of course, he never planned to use it on a girl. Especially a girl that he truly liked.

Trevor remained steadfast in his resolve for many months. When he began dating Laura, he came up with a good excuse as to why he would need to be absent from her one night each month. It was his night to go out with the boys, he told her. She believed him, for a long time, and without question. Then one day, over dinner at his house, Trevor's Mom happened to mention how much of a loner Trevor was. Naturally, Laura smiled and said, "Except for the night he goes out with his male friends."

With that, his ruse was blown. His mother knew nothing of any male friends and said so. Laura looked at him with narrowed eyes, before reverting back to her charming self. Later, of course, she questioned him at length. His answers failed to satisfy her. When the next full moon came, he saw her following him as he left the house. She thought he did not see her, but he could smell her from a mile away. Werewolves had extra sensitive sense of smell, even in their human form. So, he watched her out of the corner of one eye, and he ran through the forest to get away from her.

The foolish girl followed him and promptly got herself lost.

Several hours later, as darkness fell, he circled back to her, this time in his wolf form. He found her sitting by a large pine tree, hugging her knees to herself and crying. At a howl of a wolf, she gasped in fear, and Trevor drew near. Thinking how silly it was that she had gotten herself lost, and even more silly that she should worry about a lone wolf in the distance. With him there, no other predator would even dream of coming close. He was her best protection, and he stayed by her side, out of sight, for several hours.

Toward midnight, she dozed off, curled up on the cold ground. She looked so small and so alone, Trevor couldn't help himself. He crawled toward her in perfect silence, and laid his large, hairy body next to her. She never woke up, but wrapped an arm around him, in her sleep. Soon, she was warm, and she slept more deeply. He listened to her heartbeat and its steady ta-da, ta-da rhythm, until dawn. Then he crawled away from her and left her, unharmed. Later, he returned with his father in tow, and pretended to be looking for her, though he knew exactly where to find her. She was really happy to see them and fell into his arms gratefully.

"Promise me you won't go into the woods again at night, alone," he said, kissing the top of her head. She made the promise with tears in her eyes, and he thought he would never again have to worry about her like he did the previous night.

Two months later, she was in the woods again.

Again, it began with her following him, in her car, and trying to run after him as he jogged away from the road. The forest was a dark place even during full moon, thanks to the trees. Predictably, she got lost again, and it made Trevor mad. After changing into his wolf form, he ran back to her intending to scare her a little, as an added deterrent for future escapades. He never imagined what her reaction would be, or he would not have tried it.

Because on seeing a werewolf for the first time, Laura did not scream or shout or try to run away. She just stood there, in the small clearing, her silhouette outlined by the moonlight, staring at him. He could smell no trace of fear on her and it made him come closer. As he did so, Laura extended her hand.

"It's alright," she said. "I'm not afraid of you."

Then she dropped the bombshell, "I spoke to your father, Trevor. I know your secret. And I promise you, it's safe with me."

Trevor growled. He was bigger than any regular wolf and his growl was deeper and louder, too. How duplicitous of her, talking to his father behind his back! Who told her to do that? Didn't she trust him, after all their time together? And what did she know about his reasons for not showing his wolf form to her, anyway? Nothing. She knew nothing! She was just a silly girl who had led a sheltered life, the life of a priest's daughter, where nothing bad ever happens. With these angry thoughts, he turned to leave. His mind was already made up, to break up with her the next day. It was the only way to keep her safe and to keep his own promise to himself, to break the werewolf curse.

She cried when he walked away from her, the sound of her sobs following him as he faded between the trees.

The next day, true to his plan, Trevor broke up with Laura, saying he had lost interest in her. He did not admit to seeing her in the forest, but let her think he could not remember anything that happened while he was a wolf. He ignored her pleas and her tears, and tried to put her out of his mind as best he could. It was not easy, but he thought he was doing well, as a man. He even found some other girls to date and took a few of them out. Then the night of the full moon came again - and he discovered a giant flaw in his plan.

Out in the forest, in the small clearing where he had last seen her in his wolf form, Laura was waiting for him.

She was dressed scantily, and he didn't know if this was deliberate, or a result of the warm, summer weather. Either way, it excited him, making his wolf cock stick out and his balls tighten painfully. Terrified of hurting her, he circled the clearing while keeping wholly out of sight. Somehow, she seemed to sense his presence and she spoke to him, pleading with him to show himself to her. He resisted for several hours, sitting on his haunches and panting... panting... smelling her from what he hoped was a safe distance. As it turned out, it was not far enough.

His self-control started to slip the moment she took off her clothes. It was a deliberate act on her part, it had to be. Its purpose was to provoke him, but to what end? Did she expect him to magically turn back into a human, once he was by her side? Then Laura said,

"Please, Trevor, come and take me. I want you, I want you so bad. I don't care whether you're a wolf or a man, I love you in any form that you take."

Trevor growled in confusion, his wolf cock twitching impatiently. Then he raised his head to the moon and howled.


As the werewolf's howl tore through the night, Laura jumped slightly, in surprise. She recovered quickly, though, and started calling to him more loudly than before. Trevor knew he would probably regret it, yet he couldn't help himself. He got up and padded over to her on silent feet.

The moment she saw him materialising in the clearing as though from thin air, Laura let out a small cry. There was a note of fear in it, but it was too late to turn back now. You brought this on yourself, Trevor thought, growling. She took a tiny step backward, then stopped.

"Trevor? Is that you?"

Of course it's me! He wanted to shout. Not having the right voice apparatus, he could only growl in reply. He never gave her a chance to turn and run, as he leapt forward and closed the distance between them rapidly. His large paws slammed into her chest, shoving her to the ground. Landing on top of her, he stared at her naked body with his wolf eyes, drinking her in. Oh, if only he could tell her what was going through his head right then! How crazy it felt to finally see her in the nude, when she had always acted so chaste while they were dating. He never even got to second base with her, in the twelve months they were together. Now, here she was, stripping naked for him without his asking - and outside in the forest, where all these dangers lurked!

I told you not to go back to the woods after dark, Trevor thought, growling and growling at her, willing her to understand. Yet here you are, disobeying me yet again, making yourself vulnerable. You silly girl! Don't you know there are predators lurking that could kill you, if I were not here to stop them?

She said nothing, of course. His loud growling terrified her, made her tremble violently. Now, now, if he let her, she would most likely get up and run, but he was not about to do that. For one, he didn't want her running naked through the forest and getting all scratched and bruised. And two, he was far too aroused to walk away from her. That ship had sailed, he thought, bitterly.

Then, with another warning growl, he lowered his head to her and licked her across the face.

"Oh God," she breathed, in absolute terror. She never moved a muscle as he continued to lick her from head to toe. When he came to her pubic mound and stuck his muzzle between her thighs, she moaned and opened her legs for him. Giving him easy access. Encouraged, he licked her between her soft, virgin pussy lips - and yes, he knew she was a virgin, being the priest's daughter - drawing soft cries from her and making her quiver delicately. By the time he stopped, she no longer smelled of fear. Instead, she was aroused. Not as much as he was, perhaps, but enough to make her pliant and easy to handle. He stepped to one side of her and pawed at her hips, to flip her onto her front. She caught onto his intent and helped him. Then - miracle of miracles - she pushed herself onto all fours, as though reading his mind.

Maybe my father told her what to do? Trevor thought briefly. He put it out of his mind, so as not to distract himself. Instead, he focused on her pink pussy lips, still glistening from his wolf saliva, and exuding her distinct female odour - the scent of a young woman on heat. This was how he thought of her, with his wolf mind and how he would always remember that moment. He stuck his nose right into her pussy, inhaling deeply. Licked her a few more times, watching her tremble in response.

And then, in a kind of slow motion and without a single sound, he mounted her from behind and angled his hips upward, for penetration. His wolf cock was fully erect, of course, and very hard. Its tip found her soft, wet center unerringly, pressing into her. She moaned when she felt it, throwing her head back. This gave him easy access to her face, so he licked it. While his tongue was lapping at her cheek, he wrapped his front legs around her and pushed his cock inside her.

"Aaaaaah!" she screamed, as he impaled her deep, breaking through her hymen in the process. The pain from this was nothing, compared to the pain of being stretched by his monster cock. Still, he was helpless to stop himself. Having buried himself to the top of the large knot, he paused briefly, feeling her hips jerking beneath him. Then he started to fuck her, oblivious to her howls and her screams and finally, her pleas.

"Stop, Trevor, please, stop! You're hurting me! Oh God! Please! It's too big! Too big! Oh God oh God please have mercy!"

But Trevor did not have mercy, probably because werewolves could not afford to have such emotions. Otherwise, how could they ever hunt and kill their prey? He therefore continued to fuck her, doggie style, burying himself deep with every thrust, increasing the tempo gradually, and only occasionally slowing down - in order to lick her on the face, or enjoy the feeling of her pussy clenching around his shaft.

He did not know how long he spent fucking her. The concept of time was not at the forefront of his werewolf mind. His focus was singular and involved only the feel of her soft, human body under his, and her hot, wet pussy around his cock. She was wet, very wet, making it easy for his cock to glide in and out of her. She was also tight and she remained tight throughout. Right from the beginning to the end. His wolf cock reveled in the sensation, extracting the maximum amount of pleasure for itself, satiating his most primal need. Toward the end, with her screams turning to sobs, and her front end collapsing into the soft soil, he thought he could feel her coming. He saw her arms extended above her head, her hand clawing at the soft soil. Meanwhile, her hips remained elevated with his paws resting on her thighs, her pussy gushing wetness as he fucked her hard and fast.

The feel of her insides trying to milk him, pushed him over the edge, so that his cock began to throb most insistently. He did not think about what he was supposed to do in that moment, it just came naturally. As his climax started, he thrust upward and into her more violently, lifting her hips higher with the sheer force of it. His huge cock disappeared all the way inside her on the upswing. Then, as her hips came back down, she impaled herself more deeply - and with her scream of pain in his ears, Trevor felt the knot at the base of his cock push its way inside her.

At once, he licked her face to comfort her, even as his balls began to throb and to pump her full of his seed. He felt he could almost hear them ticking, though it was probably just the sound of blood rushing in his ears. Either way, he was overwhelmed with pleasure, such pleasure as he had never known while in his human form. Panting in excitement, he took almost no notice of Laura's desperate moaning and whimpering. With her face pressed into the soil and her ass sticking into the air, Laura shook and shook for long moments, and it made his cock twitch most pleasantly inside her.

The real surprise, however, came when his climax came to an end, and he tried to pull out. He discovered that this was impossible, at least for the time being. The big knot was still inside her tight opening, binding them together firmly. No amount of tugging or trying to pull back, could set him free. If anything, he succeeded in making her moan some more, her hips jerking along with his. Rather than hurt her by trying to force things, he relaxed and lowered himself on top of her. At least that way, he could keep her warm while they waited. He gave her face another lick and tasted her tears - and he experienced another burst of excitement, while she moaned quietly, helplessly, into the sweet smelling earth.


It took several hours for Trevor's cock to reduce in size sufficiently to let him uncouple from his lover. By then, she was asleep, and she remained asleep as he pulled out of her with a wet sound. He spent some time standing over her, watching her. Wondering what he would say to her, when he next saw her as a man. His father's words came back to him then, reminding him of that conversation some years ago now. At last, Trevor understood why his mother and father never talked about their time together while his father was a werewolf. Why his father pretended not to remember anything he did, as a wolf.

Is this what you've been trying to tell me, all along, father? Trevor thought, his wolf eyes fixed on the waning moon. That it is better to pretend, than to tell the truth? That she might not love me, if she knew I was not fully a beast when I raped her so hard? It did not seem fair to have to lie about it. He did not feel he had any control over himself, while doing what he did. Although he was still Trevor on the inside, and his mind would remember every detail, he was not really himself, either. He ought not be held accountable for his actions while in his werewolf form. Right?

Right, he thought. And because he could not be held accountable, he should be free to tell her, without fear of being judged. The only problem was, he did feel afraid. He felt scared of being ousted, of being hunted down like a beast and killed. Most of all, he feared losing his love. Laura was his soulmate, of this he was certain now. He would do anything to keep her, even if it meant eternal damnation.

At dawn, with these thoughts swirling in his head, Trevor turned and trotted away from the clearing, toward their cave. His father came in a few minutes after him, took one look at him, and turned away. It was clear he did not wish to talk about the events of that night, the same as he did not talk about it with his wife. To Trevor, it was another eye opening moment. He respected his father and admired him greatly - and yet... and yet... he did not want to be like him, anymore.


Laura was still asleep on the forest floor, when Trevor came to collect her. He brought her clean clothes, hot tea in a thermos, and some fruit to share for breakfast. Patiently, he waited for her to wake up, and when her eyelids fluttered, he took a deep breath.