A Whore Finds her Place - Day 01

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Ellen meets Jack.
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"*ding* You've matched with Jack," Ellen's phone sprang to life. Ellen was more anxious than she was excited. This was the fifteenth match in the last two days, and still nothing to show for it. Ellen wrote back immediately. She was standing in front of Jack's apartment door within an hour.

Ellen Jackson, MD PhD JD FRCS had been extremely sheltered throughout her 37 years. She remained focused on her studies, undergrad and Law School, JD, passed the bar, PhD, MD, studied abroad, became a surgeon, and ultimately specialized in neurosurgery.

She had a year and a half before she started her graduate medical education and decided that that if she was ever going to get married and have a child, this would be the time. It was February, and according to her calculations, she had exactly 6 days to become pregnant in order to deliver the baby in time to restart her education.

Ellen, when turned sideways, was almost invisible. Skinny and short, Ellen was never interested in styling her hair, wearing makeup, or fashion. She could best be described as utilitarian.

While her CV was very impressive, in-person job interviews often got in the way of the most prominent positions Ellen sought. An extremely devout Christian, Ellen made a promise to herself and to God; to wait until marriage for any sexual acts. That goal held true for over 30 years.

Jack Florence was a frat boy in college, he majored in economics and got a job on Wall Street after college. Jack didn't have a gym membership, never worked out, but somehow maintained six-pack abs. Everything in Jack's life was easy, including tonight's date.

Jack's co-workers had a contest to see who could corrupt the most innocent woman. Jack and his crew made profiles on Christian Mixter and Only Fish; their profiles portraying each man as the most wholesome and godly of men.

Bob, the current leader, endured seven months of blue balls before finally convincing an eighteen-year-old youth group leader with long, blonde hair and double D's that their age difference was holy since all of the men in the bible married younger women, that giving head was not a sin, and that since anal sex wasn't addressed directly in the Bible, it didn't count. By the time Bob was done with her, she was a dancer at a strip club and gave handies for a ten spot in the champagne room.

When Jack saw Ellen's profile, he knew immediately that this was a home run. He showed the guys her profile. Comments began immediately, "Shit, she's a fucking 37-year-old virgin?" and "Fuck, look at all of those degrees, and she has a cross in her profile photo background," and "Well, shit, take my money."

This was going to be Jack's Magnum Opus, a debauchery worthy of the Gods.

Day 1

Jack pulled out all the stops, he laid out religious books and magazines around his apartment, hung crosses on the walls, and made sure everything secular was hidden and tucked away. He even hung a cross on the outside of his door.

When the doorbell rang, he was just putting the final touches on a couple of throw-pillows with scripture verses stitched onto them that he had picked up from a thrift store a few months ago.

Ellen stood nervously at the front door in a button-up shirt with a broach, a knit sweater and a long skirt with a floral pattern. She wore thick gray tights with a floral pattern sewn into them. There was not an inch of skin showing outside of her hands and face.

Her sandy brown hair covered her ears and neck, and her bangs touched her eyebrows. Her eyes were grey with flakes of blue that sparkled when the sun shone on them, not that anyone had ever noticed.

Ellen had worn make-up only a handful of times in her life. Tonight, she applied a bit of rouge to her cheek bones and nose. She added just enough mascara to prove to anyone within five feet of her that she, indeed, possessed eye lashes.

She did, however, go way overboard on the hot pink eye shadow. While it was her first-time wearing eye shadow, it was not her first-time wearing lipstick, however you'd never know it by looking at her that night.

Jack smiled brightly when he opened the door and saw her. He placed a single daisy in her hand as he invited her in.

Ellen immediately recognized the worship music playing on the stereo. She placed the daisy on the table and removed her shoes.

Jack could only imagine the bush she was hiding as he walked her over to the sofa. He sat very close to her, their knees angled in towards each other. Jack started out asking some basic questions and did a great job of feigning interest.

"Were you always Christian, or did you convert?" Ellen asked, attempting to gauge Jack's worthiness.

"I've always been, you?" Jack asked to keep the conversation moving.

"Same, I've never missed a Sunday."

"How blessed" Jack smiled as he heard this. Jack excused himself to get them some water, but also set the thermostat up to 85. "Which congregation are you a part of?"

"Holy Sacrament, I was baptized there." Ellen smirked just a bit as she beamed at herself, then quickly looked down at her hands.

"Damn it," she thought to herself, "why do I have to be such a braggart now? Ellen, calm down and knock off the crap." She was being extremely hard on herself for her indiscretion.

Jack noticed the sudden change in Ellen's demeaner and decided to start the exploitation.

"That was very boastful, Ellen. I'm going to have to ask you to kneel and pray for forgiveness." Jack guided her to the apartment's entrance and held her hand as she knelt on the stone floor of the foyer.

Jack turned off the music and started making dinner. When he was finished, he returned to where Ellen was kneeling, placed his hands on her shoulders, and looked her in the eyes.

"Ellen, your eyes are beautiful" Jack helped Ellen stand, placed his hand in the small of her back, and guided her to the table to eat.

Jack sat and waited, his hands folded in his lap, and smiled at Ellen. Ellen was confused. Was she supposed to serve him? She stood slightly in an effort to begin dishing up the food. Jack frowned slightly and placed his hand firmly on top of her lap.

His hand was on her upper thigh and his grip pressed deeply into her thin leg. There was a slight hitch in her breath as she dropped back down into her chair.

Ellen felt warmth in the pit of her stomach. She knew then that Jack was a good Christian man and would make a suitable mate and father. She had just six days to get him to propose, marry, and impregnate her, in that order.

Ellen looked down at Jack's hand on her leg. His hand was strong and powerful, his fingers wrapped half-way around her leg, his thumb almost able to reach his fingertips. Ellen had never been touched like this before.

The feeling was intriguing to her, physical, rough, she felt as though she were being manhandled. She also felt a sense of comfort and ease in his grasp. This is something she agreed to herself that she could live with. His hand wasn't hurting her physically enough to sting or leave a mark.

Jack seethed, breathing hard through his nose, teeth gritted tightly. "Please, allow me." Jack released his grip and recited a short prayer. He then dished up both plates. He waited for Ellen to grab her fork, then grabbed her wrist with force.

"Gluttony, Ellen, will not be tolerated. Come."

Jack lessened his grip but guided her by the wrist back to the foyer. He held her wrist as she knelt and released it as Ellen folded her hands in her lap and tucked her chin to her chest.

Jack then returned to the table and ate in silence. Once enough time had passed, he returned and pulled Ellen up by her wrist and guided her to the table. "Would you like to clean up, or should we just end this now?"

Ellen panicked. She was not going to let Jack go, she had a plan. This child will be conceived next week, she will give birth and spend three weeks breast feeding before she has to return to her studies. She was not about to go back to the online dating apps, to the rejection.

"I'll clean up. Please, sit on the couch and relax. We'll continue our conversation once I'm finished."

Jack stared at her in silence for a full minute before he spoke again.

"You will call me sir."

"Of course, sir. Please, sir, sit while I clean up the mess."

Jack smiled as he poured himself a scotch and sat on the couch while Ellen cleaned up.

Ellen smiled inwardly. This was going well; she was able to please him and keep him happy. Wait, was he drinking alcohol? Ellen finished cleaning up.

She decided that she wasn't very hungry, and she'd just eat later. Once she finished, she joined him on the couch and noticed a glass of scotch on the table in front of her.

"Is that... is that alcohol?"

"Sir?" Jack made a point of reminding Ellen.

"Apologies sir, is that alcohol, sir?"

"It is. Ecclesiastes 9:7, God favors those who drink with a happy heart. Now drink."

"Of course, sir." Ellen was impressed by his knowledge of scripture.

Ellen had abstained from alcohol her entire life, but she had never come across that verse in that context before.

She took the glass with a smile and tipped the glass toward her lips. The alcohol burned her nose as she smelled the amber liquid. It burned her tongue and throat even more as she took her first swallow. The taste was disgusting, but soon a warmth spread throughout her body. She set the lipstick-stained glass back on the table.

"What do you think, Ellen?"

"It's... interesting."

"Sir!" Jack reminded her again, with a bit more force in his tone.

Ellen's cheeks flushed. She was ruining the moment through her insolence. Her head shot down and she stared into her lap, unable to make eye contact with Jack.

"It's interesting, sir."

Ellen watched as Jack took her wrist gently into his hand, he would have easily been able to hold both of her wrists in one hand if he had wanted to. She was pleased with his restraint. Her gaze followed his arm to his face. He was smiling, he wasn't mad.

She promised herself that she would do better. The plan was still moving forward.

"Ellen, I like you. I think we could be good together." Jack's grip tightened slightly, "As long as you are able to follow God's plan."

Ellen dropped her head again. She knew that her plan was secondary, she should not have been so stupid. She excused herself to go to the entry way and knelt on her own.

"Stop! Ellen, this won't work. It's obvious to me that you aren't learning quickly enough." Jack looked down his nose at Ellen. "Your tights, they offer too much padding, they're keeping you weak. Take them off. Now!"

Ellen stood with a confused look on her face. She wasn't sure what to do, he certainly couldn't think that she would remove her tights while he was watching her.

"Sir, my modesty."

"My concern is your piety, Ellen. Your irreverence will jeopardize this relationship more than anything else."

Ellen focused on the word relationship. She yearned for a relationship. For the pregnancy, to be able to bond with her child before returning to her studies. Ellen recognized Jack as a good man for leading her to righteousness.

She pulled up her skirt to reach the waist of her tights. She wanted to be able to maintain her modesty and get her tights and skirt down together in one fell swoop. She reached up, grabbed hold of the hem of her tights, and began to pull down quickly.

However, once she pulled her tights down to her knees, she realized that she had also pulled down her panties. She also noticed that her skirt had somehow maintained its position, bunched around her waist.

"Stop!" Jack demanded. "Stand."

"Sir, I'm..."

"Stand up and look straight ahead." Jack demanded.

Ellen betrayed every instinct in her body and slowly rose to a standing position. She was exposed from her waist to her knees. Jack could see everything, Ellen was mortified.

She had only a few days to make this relationship happen. He would see her eventually, right? And if it was a sin, it would be a temporary one. He would be her husband soon. But there was an order in which this was supposed to happen.

Jack knelt on one knee and gently placed his hand on Ellen's calf. He could see where her knees were red, and bruises were beginning to form from her earlier prayer sessions.

He noticed the panties that she was wearing. Bloomers, granny panties, whatever you call them, they were not attractive. They were perfect for Ellen, exactly what he would have expected.

"Kneel" Jack spoke gruffly.

"Yes sir" came the meek response.

"Fix your skirt."

"Yes sir" Ellen adjusted her skirt to return to its former position. She could see from her peripheral vision that Jack was walking around her. She sensed his presence behind her.

Jack knelt behind Ellen and reached under her skirt. He grabbed her tights, and with them her panties, in his fist and yanked them backwards. Ellen countered by thrusting her hips forward. The undergarments slid from her legs, her feet now resting on the cool stone along with her knees. Jack wadded up the clothes and put them behind his back as he stood and walked around her.

He imagined her, sucking his cock, drinking his cum. He imagined fucking her pussy and her ass, defiling her in every possible way. His cock began to twitch. He knew it was in her field of vision, he wanted her to see it.

Jack then walked back to the sofa, tucking Ellen's unmentionables between the cushions, and finished his drink. He poured himself another, set it down, then walked back to Ellen.

He offered his hand to her. She took it and offered a smile of thanks. Ellen rose and followed Jack to the sofa.

"Ellen, our evening is coming to an end, but I don't want us to part under negative circumstances." Jack turned on some soft jazz and again offered her his hand. "May I have this dance?"

"Of course, sir."

She was catching on, Jack thought. He held her extremely close, close enough for her to feel his erection, especially now that her tights were off. He made a point to grind into her ever so slightly.

Ellen felt the pressure of Jack's cock. Her body began to betray her, filling her mind with impure thoughts. Thoughts that she fought so hard to keep out of her head. The alcohol, coursing through her veins, made the fight even more difficult. She closed her eyes and allowed Jack to lead. She was suddenly very aware of her clitoris as Jack's anatomy was applying pressure to that area as they danced.

Jack took a step forward and led Ellen into a dip. Anyone watching would have been impressed with their dancing and thought no more of it. Ellen, on the other hand, felt even more pressure on her clit. She stopped breathing as Jack pressed his bulge onto her button.

Jack was pleased with how well things were going. He had her panties tucked away in his couch, he's pressing all the right buttons, she's might even be close to having her first orgasm. Oh, the punishment will be severe.

Jack pulled her back up and turned a few times. His hardened cock punishing her clit as they maneuvered around the living room.

Ellen's breath came in short, shallow breaths. She wanted him to stop, but she also didn't want this feeling to end. She knew it was a sin, she knew she would have to repent, but her inhibitions were lowered, and Jack must not have any idea what he was doing to her.

The poor man, he's unknowingly participating in her carnal sin. She bent her knees slightly so her clit would be even more stimulated. Soon she was pushing into his crotch, ensuring her access remained unfettered.

The pleasure, emanating from her evil, brought shock waves through her brain. She no longer remembered where she was, she didn't care who she was with. Every time Jack would step back and spin her, the thin material of her skirt would glide over her swollen, sensitive clit. Then, he would bring her back into his embrace, his hard cock smashing against her swollen clit, jamming it from one side to the other.

Her breathing was sultry and heavy, she began moaning as the pleasure made its way through her body. Before she knew it, she was pulling Jack into her as she humped his bulge. She was closer to orgasm than she had ever been, just a few more gyrations, one more spin, one more embrace is all it would take.

"Stop that!" Jack angrily pushed Ellen away from him. He turned off the music and threw the remote to the ground. He stared her in the eye, seething.

"Harlot! Jezabelle! Whore!"

The words stung. They continued to swim around in her head as she returned her gaze to the floor.

"Sir, I..."

"Shut up, Whore!" Jack seethed.

Internally he was laughing his ass off, but he had to keep up the facade in order to make this happen. He was caught up in the moment as he cocked his hand next to his head, ready to deliver a backhand across the tiny dancer's face. He realized his strength just in time to throttle the blow to about 10% of its original force.

The slap was more than Ellen could withstand while keeping her balance. She was already woozy from the alcohol and the clitoral stimulation didn't help. Ellen side stepped, but quickly recovered.

She realized that it wasn't a full forced blow, and she appreciated the leniency. The guilt, however, needed no pain to be present. Ellen knew she was wrong. She got caught up in that moment, the pleasure of her body betrayed her. She was ready to accept the punishment that Jack would impose. She welcomed it, she needed it.

Jack gently touched Ellen's chin and lifted her face to examine the damage. There was no mark, no indication that his blow hit with any real force. He noticed, but chose to ignore, the tears welling in Ellen's eyes.

Jack gently led Ellen back to the foyer, but then angrily ripped Ellen's skirt down and off her body. Ellen's lower half was now fully exposed. Jack made note of Ellen's full bush, matted with her secretions in the area of her clit, indicating where she was pressing against Jack's now throbbing hard cock.

Jack grabbed his empty glass from the living room and, with skill and precision, threw it at Ellen's feet. The glass shattered everywhere around Ellen.

"Kneel, whore!" Jack shouted.

He watched his spittle glistening as it flew onto Ellen's face. He imagined his cum giving off a similar sheen.

Ellen slowly knelt on the floor; pieces of broken glass were unavoidable. She took a deep breath and imagined the pain as a small price to pay for a family. Ellen's breath shuddered as the glass cut into her flesh. Ellen remained still, folded her hands in her lap, and waited.

"I did not consent to your evil gyrations, Ellen. You are a rapist! You raped me. Was this your goal? Are you trying to seduce me?"

Ellen knew that what Jack was saying was actually true, her ultimate goal was to seduce him, to get him to fall in love with her, to get him to impregnate her. The guilt weighed heavily on her heart.

Jack walked quickly to his office and returned with a marker.

"Sit!" he commanded.

She complied, shifting sideways so her legs were splayed to her left. Glass shards tore small gashes into her flesh. Ellen steadied her breathing, each cut reminding her of her future.

Jack reached out and grabbed her ankles hard, pulling them and spreading her legs in front of her. Jack pulled the cap off the marker and sat between her legs. He began to draw letters on her thighs, W. He was so close to her, the plastic casing of the marker actually made slight contact with her clit.

Ellen let out a small whimper, just the tiniest of moans, just a squeak. Jack was incensed, he dug the marker into her skin as he drew the H, pulled her knee close to his crotch as he inked the O. He slid her bare foot over his cock as he stretched her leg straight. He could smell the arousal from Ellen's pussy as he spread her legs wider. R was right below the knee and the E ended on her ankle bone.