A Whore Finds her Place - Day 02

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Ellen cooks for Jack.
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"*ding* You've received a message from Jack," Ellen's phone announced. "Any chance you're free tonight?"

Ellen was thankful that she showered the night before. The train ride home was a bit too much for her. She was much more excited to run over the events that happened with Jack last night. Being a Christian man, Jack helped Ellen through a crisis of faith and she was extremely grateful.

Ellen wrote back: "How about my place tonight?" Ellen was convinced that she would have much more control over her lust in her own home, God willing.

Ellen Jackson, MD PhD JD FRCS lived a sheltered life. She has no fashion sense, she cuts her own hair, her breasts are non-existent, however she has very perky, pointy, poky nipples.

She hasn't missed a Sunday at church in as long as she can remember. Her 37 years had been spent learning, studying, and testing. Her academic accomplishments were many, however her dating life suffered. She was now making every attempt to avoid being the 40-year-old virgin.

And with a year and a half until her graduate medical education was set to begin, Ellen had some time to focus on her personal life. She had calculated, down to the day, how much time she had left in order to find someone, fall in love, get married, and get pregnant. The problem is that she now had five days left.

Jack Florence is the kind of guy who has never purchased a lottery ticket, but one day, while walking down the street, the wind blows a winning ticket into his face. It wasn't the million-dollar winner, but $50K is $50K. Jack has won a door prize for an event he didn't attend. Good things happen to Jack.

Jack is not a Christian. Jack is an asshole. Jack remembers exactly two girls that he's fucked. Cindy Fuller, his first, and whoever the unlucky girl is that was his last.

Jack's coworkers have a contest going to see who can corrupt the most innocent girl. Frank, the manager of accounting, convinced his daughter's scout troop leader to wear a butt plug to the next family scouting event. He wasn't even close to being in the lead for that stunt, mostly because Frank didn't have the photo to prove it.

Day 2

Ellen spent the day preparing her home for company. She made sure everything was spotless. She was cooking her favorite dish passed down from her great grandmother, tater tot casserole. It's the type of meal that says, "I'm wife material." Ellen also purchased her first bottle of wine.

She had always thought Christians should refrain from alcohol, but Jack showed her a bible verse that changed her view. Her new motto is now "The Lord wants us to drink, so we shall drink."

She had read that when pairing with beef you should get a red wine, so Ellen picked up three bottles of Wild Irish Rose.

The bell rang at 7:00 on the dot. Ellen rushed to the door, quickly smoothed out the elegant dress that she had picked out. It was a nice floral pattern dress, the shoulders poofed out nicely, and the lace around the neck was perfectly white while the navy blue of the dress and the floral pattern were in full color. The dress flowed to her ankles, where the bottom was frilly and cute, she told herself. She wore house slippers to polish off the look.

She opened the door with the friendliest smile on her face. Jack looked perfect, he was wearing a suit of some sort, it looked quite fancy. His slacks were well pressed, and his shoes were so shiny she could see her reflection in them.

"Welcome, Jack. I'm so glad you could make it."

She offered her cheek for Jack to kiss, however Jack walked past her and took a look around the house.

Jack's thoughts were still on Gina, Frank's daughter, who was all grown up and working the mail room as an intern before her senior year of college. Jack had a special package and Gina entered the office, box in hand. Jack pressed the door lock switch under his desk and walked around his desk to take it from her.

He nonchalantly tossed the package over his shoulder and gave Gina a smile, which she immediately returned. Moments later she was on her knees, pulling out a completely different package.

What Gina lacked in experience she made up for in persistence. As she was gagging on Jack's cock, she coughed up a bit of her saliva and it landed on Jack's shoe.

"Clean that up," Jack demanded.

Gina was suddenly on the floor, licking Jack's shoe clean.

"Good girl, now finish."

Once he drained his cum down Gina's throat he zipped up and pressed the door switch and the door slowly opened. Jack sat down and started typing on his computer. Gina looked at him, looked down at the floor, licked the remaining cum off the corner of her mouth, then turned around and walked out, grabbed the mail cart and headed down the hall.

She resisted the urge to look back. Her final thought before turning the corner was "What an asshole." Jack's final thought was "She could have used a tissue. Good girl, though. Her dad should be proud."

Jack returned his attention to the present, and to Ellen's hideous attire. Thankfully she won't be wearing it for long.

"Whore, stand before me," he called out to Ellen. She smiled as she took her place in front of him. She believed she was a whore after last night. She tempted Jack, she gyrated on his cock as they danced without his permission, she was a rapist and a slut.

She even attempted to achieve an orgasm without his consent. She paid the price, her atonement was severe, but it worked. She believed the demons had been exorcized with Jack's help. She was going to prove that to him tonight.

Jack slowly walked around Ellen, inspecting her from every angle. Ellen might be sad to realize that the work she put into the white of her collar was not appreciated, nor was the dress itself.

"You're smiling, are you happy?" Jack asked.

"I am, I haven't had a second date... Ever."


"Sir." Ellen corrected herself.

Jack was glad she couldn't see his face as he rolled his eyes. He picked up the dress from the bottom and examined her legs. There was no trace of the writing from last night. Her face was clean as well. He could only assume the rest of his work was also washed away.

"Was it difficult to wash the ink off your body?"

"It was sir. Especially the parts of my body that I can't see without assistance."


"Sir. Sorry Sir."

Her confidence was taking a hit, why couldn't she remember something so simple? He liked to be formal, she liked to be formal, she should be able to accept this and give him the respect he deserves. She looked down to the floor as her mind processed what was happening.

Jack stood behind Ellen and undid the top button of her dress. He watched for a reaction from her. He would only have to feel her pulse to be able to read her mind. Lustful thoughts continued to go through Ellen's mind.

She thought of Jack's punishments yesterday. How he had slapped her with the back of his hand, how he had written horrible words on her skin. Horrible, but truthful.

She also recalled how she acted when he danced with her. How she allowed her clit to be stimulated, how she then started to seek stimulation of her clitoris. She felt like a whore, a slut, like garbage, like a dumpster.

On her way home she recalled how two vagrants took advantage of her, how they exposed her, how they rubbed their nasty cocks all over her face and tits. How they ejaculated on her face, and down her back.

She recalled how the cum trailed down her ass cheeks and in-between, and how their cum rested on her lips and how she accidentally tasted it. She recalled how she had yet to atone for those sins. She would have to tell Jack.

"Sir, I have to confess. I've sinned against you as well as myself."

"You've sinned against me? Am I an object of worship? Am I your deity?"

"No sir. I only mean that I consider us to be in a relationship. I am begging for your forgiveness."

Jack was surprised. He knew his work buddies followed her from his apartment. He set that up himself. He told them to grope her, expose her, cum on her. He wasn't sure if she would admit to it, but here she was.

"And why, exactly, would you bet begging me for forgiveness?"

Ellen took a deep breath and exhaled. She knew her atonement would be harsh, as it was yesterday. She was prepared for it. She practiced kneeling on stones all day, practiced keeping her lust in check. She was ready.

"Sir, when I sat on the train I continued to sin, so I knelt. I saw people get off the train and more get on. As the train filled up there were two men who noticed my penance. They took advantage of me, sir."

"So, it's not your fault, then?"

"No Sir, I was a victim."

"So, you are without sin?"

"No sir." Ellen's head was heavy, the only way to stay upright was for her to look down. The sin weighed on her so much. She knew she would be punished. She had a feeling it might be worse than last night.

"Kneel, whore."

Ellen knelt, each knee replacing the spot where her foot once stood. She continued to look at the ground, not daring to look Jack in the eye.

"You called me Jack earlier. Sinners such as yourself are no longer allowed to address me by name. You will refer to me as Master, am I clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Your actions on the train are no one's fault but your own. If you weren't such a whore, would you have been dressed the way you were?"

"No Master."

"If you weren't such a slut, would you have been feeling such guilt?"

"No Master." Tears began to well up in Ellen's eyes again. She fought them off as best she could.

"If you weren't such a cum dumpster, would they have ejaculated over your body?"

"No Master."

"Very well. Your atonement begins." Jack removed each of the buttons on the back of her dress. He pulled the dress down over her shoulders. He was not nice about it, either. He noticed the camisole; it was identical to the one he cut apart last night.

"Stand up, slut."

"Yes Master." She spoke confidently, and as her dress fell, she stepped forward.

"First Timothy 2:9 says women are to dress modestly and appropriately. They are not to tempt men with their bodies. You did that last night, didn't you?"

"Yes Master, I was not dressed modestly. I tempted the men on the train."

"Exodus 34:7 states that I am to be punished for the sins of my family. Ellen, do you love me?"

"Yes Master, I do love you. I love you with my entire heart."

"Then that makes us family. I have to atone for your sins as if they were my own. That means I will decide when your sins are atoned to me. Kneel whore."

Ellen knelt. She had not felt such joy in her life. Ellen could smell the food starting to burn. "Master, the food..."

"Speak when spoken to, slut. What do you want?"

"Master, the food, it's burning."

With that Jack went into the kitchen and pulled the dish from the oven. He saw the casserole with potatoes and cream of shit soup and was disgusted. He walked with purpose over to Ellen and stood above her.

"What the fuck is this shit?" He lowered the pan so she could see it. He flung his wrists and the pan along with the casserole went flying over her head and landed on the ground behind her.

The pan clanged as it landed, the echo of that sound stayed with her for a few minutes. A few of the vegetables landed near her feet and she could feel the warmth.

"Stand, slut"

"Yes Master."

He looked at her again, her camisole, her tights, and her underwear. He pulled the camisole up over her head. He tugged her tights and underwear down. "Take them off, now."

Ellen kicked her remaining clothes off, and now stood in front of the mess that was to be dinner, looking at the love of her life. She knew she deserved this atonement, that it would make her a better Christian, that it would bring the two of them closer together.

She had a fleeting thought of what their wedding would look like, and how she had five days left to make this happen. Jack snapped his fingers in front of Ellen's face.

"Where are you, dummy?"

He gave her a tap upside her head with his open hand. He knew the force with which he was tapping her was less than 10% of his strength, he would never hit a woman. He is just driving his point home. She was off in space, she should be there, in the moment, with him.

"Clean this shit up, I'm going to find something to eat in this dump."

And with that Jack was in the kitchen, digging through her refrigerator.

She couldn't help but smile to herself. The man of her dreams was in her kitchen, in her home, making it like his own. She used her hands to clean up the mess, she didn't want to bother Jack with any more requests, he was hungry.

She was able to get all of the meat, potatoes and vegetables back into the pan and placed it just out of reach from the entry way. She also folded her clothes and placed them alongside the casserole. She decided that she would be more comfortable kneeling, so she knelt.

Jack, having found enough to satiate his hunger, returned to find Ellen kneeling, naked, in front of her door. He looked behind her and noticed that the cream of whatever the fuck soup was still all over the floor and wall. "Bitch, I said clean that shit up. Now start licking it clean."

Ellen responded the way that she has now been trained to respond.

"Yes Master."

She slowly looked behind her at the wall, her knees remained in place on the floor.

"Hey stupid, you're going to have to stand up. In fact, keep your knees locked as you bend over to lick this shit up off the floor."

"Yes Master."

Ellen was happy to oblige. Her short stature was made for being bendy in all the right places. She kept her legs locked and her heels on the ground as she bent over and started to lick the floor clean.

As she did, Jack stood behind her and watched as her ass and pussy were in full display. Jack looked around and found just the right sized wooden rod in a craft box.

He snapped himself in the palm with it and it stung. Perfect, he thought. He walked closer to Ellen, holding his rod in his hand.

"Proverbs 13:24 says He who loves his child will discipline him." And with that he swung the rod hard into Ellen's left gluteus maximus. He watched as the red mark began to swell, forming a perfect replica of the rod.

The tears in Ellen's eyes were no longer those of joy, but of pain. It pained Ellen to know that she had disappointed the love of her life so much.

Between the shitty meal and having such a messy home, she felt like a failure. The pain she just received was justified. Especially since Jack has taken responsibility for her sin. She will need to do better.

SMACK Ellen's right ass cheek was now stinging just as hard.

Jack was pleased with the matching welts on Ellen's ass. He wanted to make her his, and it looked like his plan was coming to fruition. Damn, that little girl can take a beating, Jack thought to himself.

He dropped the rod and wound up his right hand. He had to kneel down slightly in order to get the best angle. He smacked Ellen in the ass, hard. His handprint was immediately visible, the welt still growing as he hit her with the left hand. Jack smiled as it looked like someone holding a stick with two hands on her ass.

"Do you like that, whore?" Jack taunted.

"Yes Master, I like that very much."

"You're done, stand up and turn around."

"Yes Master." Ellen turned and stood. Her nose was even with Jack's sternum. Jack knew this because the top button of his vest was just above his sternum and Ellen's nose was about an inch away from that button.

"You've continued to sin, knowing that your sin affects me," He circled Ellen as he berated her. "You still continue to sin. You have not only sinned against our Lord and Savior, but you have also sinned against ME!"

"Forgive me, Master"

"You will pay for your sins, whore." Jack retrieved the rod again. "Hands out."

"Yes Master" Ellen put her hands out for her love.

Jack lifted the rod and brought it down with such force that he thought it would break over her fingers. Jack looked into Ellens eyes for remorse. Whether it was there or not Jack's actions were already in motion. He brought the rod up again and held it there.

Ellen's breath was ragged as she anticipated the blow to her knuckles. She was as surprised as he was when it came down. Ellen steeled herself, not allowing pain to be displayed on her face, or anywhere else on her body.

"You Whore!" Jack grunted as he brought the rod down again. "Psalm 23:4, my rod will bring you comfort." He said through gritted teeth as he brought the rod down again, this time with all of the force he could muster. "Lower your hands."

"Yes Master" Ellen lowered her hands.

Her medical training told her that she had a hairline fracture in her fourth metacarpal on her left hand. Six weeks of immobility, she decided that she would tape her fingers together as soon as she got the chance.

Jack then circled Ellen once more, walking all the way around her he stopped in front of her. He again raised the rod, this time over his shoulder. He snapped the rod forward sharply and knew immediately that his aim was perfect. A thin red line reached across both nipples.

Ellen sucked in her next breath through her teeth, pain and pleasure mixing together. She was unable to control the effect this was going to have on her body. Even without her mind's sin, this was going to have a reaction.

Jack snapped the rod once more, this time vertically, the business end buried in hair. He knew he was in the right place, though. Ellen's breathing betrayed her and indicated that Jack had hit her button. Her sensitive clit was now taking a beating.

"You felt pleasure, didn't you, slut? Don't you lie to me." Jack held the rod up to Ellen's nose.

"Yes Master, I felt pleasure."

"Show me where." Jack insisted.

Ellen pointed, through her bush, to her red, swollen clit. Her touch caused just as much pleasure, meaning just as much sin.

"I can't see anything through all that hair. Come with me." Jack grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. He turned on the bath and started rummaging through Ellen's belongings until he found the razor.

There was no need for shaving cream, that was for the weak. Jack slowly removed his vest, unbuttoning one button at a time, slowly. He carefully hung the vest on the wall and began removing his shirt.

Ellen's knees were shaking, despite her attempts to keep them still. Her juices were beginning to flow as she watched Jack undress. She studied every detail of Jack's body. Each hair on his chest, each mole and freckle along his stomach, the line of hair between his navel and his belt buckle.

Jack took a towel and carefully placed it on the floor next to the bathtub. "Enter"

Ellen could not get into the tub fast enough. She lowered her body into a sitting position, the water just reaching her pelvis. Her pubic hair danced in the water.

She had never shaved her pussy. She had never referred to her vagina as a pussy. This was all new. Her new love was teaching her so much. She had so much more to learn.

Jack was gentle and studious as he removed the hair from Ellen's mons veneris. Soft, gentle strokes with the razor revealed soft, lily-white skin. Skin that hasn't seen daylight in almost 30 years.

He continued to work the razor down the labia majora and into Ellen's thighs. Once bare Jack moved even lower, shaving her perineum and around her anus. Once complete he used his hand to ensure the hair was all removed properly.

"Ellen, you slut. I'm not touching you for sexual gratification, I'm ensuring all of the hair has been removed. Any pleasure you receive from this is a sin and you will be punished."

It was impossible for Ellen to avoid pleasure from Jack's gentle touches. His fingers glided so smoothly over her clit, over her lips, and she could swear that his finger penetrated her ass slightly.