A Wild Thing in the Darkness Ch. 01


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Unless we're friends who are very close and even then, it's only spoken in private moments, my name is Suhn. Will that be alright?"

Bailey lifted her head and they looked at each other for a moment before she spoke.

"I understand," she said, "and I like Suhn better as a name for you." She looked around for a moment, "but we're here and it's pretty private, Suhn. I might be stuck in a habit or something, you never know."

Suhn smiled and to Bailey, it was a thrill to see.

"Do you want to know more about me?" she asked as she let Bailey go. Seeing the nod, Suhn sank down onto her knees.

"Then do like me, beautiful Bailey. Kneel down here with me so that we can learn more and not have to worry about falling down. We still might, but I'm sure it won't be important then"

Bailey knelt down carefully and in another moment, they leaned into each other, hugging tightly with their heads together again. Bailey learned in an instant that her private little desire was shared and encouraged. She was shocked for a moment and then she just knew that like this, they had a way to pass feelings between them.

Bailey knew even before it happened when Suhn's hand reached for her own sex and began, just because this all felt so good to her. Seeing Suhn's eyes closed for a few moments at a time was all the inducement that Bailey needed to see and she lifted her own right hand from Suhn's shoulder to reach for herself.

Suhn tried to apologize, but Bailey stopped her. "I've never done this before either with somebody else around, but I can't help it either right now."

Her eyes opened wider for only a moment before they drifted closed again when she felt Suhn's hand carefully brush hers aside to begin to seek for ways to give her smooth-skinned friend a little pleasure. Bailey managed to hold off reciprocating for only seconds and the pair knelt together sighing and groaning before the feeling overcame Bailey and she opened her eyes, wanting to look at Suhn a little more.

The dark and fur-covered face before here looked lost in its reverie, but it was more than Bailey could stand right then. She pulled her face back and as Suhn opened her eyes to look, Bailey rose up on her knees a little higher and placed them wider apart and leaving one hand buried between the dark thighs, she seized Suhn's mane in her grasp and she kissed her savagely, putting all of her sudden need into it.

The response was instant and every bit as uncertain as her attack had been. The two of them gasped and groaned as their kisses became more frantic with Bailey moaning out loud from the way that Suhn's teeth felt against her cheeks. She was sure that she felt her wetness running over her lower lips. The way that this felt, she'd have been amazed if she found that she wasn't in the process of leaving a small puddle underneath her.

Suhn was in no better shape in it. She felt the slickness of Bailey's opening and she loved the rather primal sounds that they were making quietly in this place. As well, the wet sounds from what they were doing to each other were getting to her even more. She couldn't help herself as she felt her hips buck a little. Bailey lost her for a moment, but then Suhn whimpered when she felt those thin fingers find her again.

Bailey cried out a little and her hips thrusted forward once as Suhn found her fingertips too far back and caressing nothing, but she tilted her hand and her middle finger found Bailey's little anus.

That brought an instant result as well, but Suhn went back to her earlier toy and in a few moments, they leaned on each other because that needed to as they tried to get their hearts to stop pounding.


"I don't want to get in there," Bailey said, deliberately trying to sound like a little girl as she looked at the lily pads and the aquatic plants of the pond out past where her legs disappeared into it.

"Fish live in there, you know."

Suhn looked over and tilted her head, "Fish. You mean the little things in here which are now trying to see if your toes might taste good? I wonder the same thing, Bailey."

The blonde was about to pull her feet out, but Suhn laid her arm across them as she looked up, "Next, you'll tell me that they also ..." she searched for the word, "pee in here as well."

"Well they do," Bailey nodded, "They do it all the time, and every time that I've looked in here, I've seen tons of the little buggers."

She thought for a second, "And actually, there are a couple in here who aren't really all that little, either."

Suhn sighed, "They are koi, I think they're called. They're just goldfish, only bigger cousins. I'm sure they're more nervous about you." She reached up and Bailey felt the cool wetness of Suhn's palm on her cheek, "What do you want them to do? Flop out over to pee against a tree? They have to pee in here, but there are the huge filters there, Bailey. Come on. All that I smell in here is the pleasantness of a healthy pond."

Bailey shook her head, "I still don't want to get in."

"Look over there!" Suhn hissed, "Two of them are ... "

"Are what?" Bailey asked a little nervously, "Are they gonna come over here? Are they big ones or what?"

"Some of the bigger ones," Suhn said peering over across the distance, "I think they're .... " she looked over with a shrug and began to poke one index finger in and out of the ring that she made with her other fist.

Bailey's jaw dropped, "They're fucking? You mean there's a couple of fish fucking in here?" She sat up straighter and leaned in the direction that Suhn was looking in.

But Suhn moved then and Bailey squeaked a little when she fell in and Suhn was waiting for her when she emerged sputtering. She kissed Bailey and then laughed a little as she lifted the strand of waterplant from the blonde's hair. "I was kidding, there weren't any of them doing that. I guess they must, though, at some point."

Bailey looked over and smoothed her long blonde hair out of her face, "Christ, I'll bet they do, too. That's just ... ewww."

But she found herself in Suhn's arms and she felt better for the hug and the kisses which followed. "I was just play-acting a little. A hell of a gardener I'd be if I got grossed out over the same things that make this place so natural in the first place.

Even so," she looked over a little nervously, "please tell me that that's your fingers that I feel, ok?"

Suhn held her expression to one of surprise then and she shook her head as she held up her hands out of the water. She wondered how long it might take Bailey to think of her tail.

Bailey jumped and tried to scramble out, but Suhn's hands found her thighs and held on. As Bailey tried to fight her off with a shrieking giggle, she froze when she felt something warm and friendly slip between her buns. She lowered her head and sighed as she enjoyed what that tongue was doing to her.


Bailey stepped over to the microwave as it beeped out five times to signal that its cycle was done. She pulled the protective film all the way off and discarded it before she brought the meal over to the table.

"Come on, Suhn," she called, "There are only the dim nightlights on now -- the same as there's been for the last three hours. I've managed to get this cooked and over here so we can eat, and I did it in like total darkness for my eyes just for you.

You've gotta get used to being out of the forest some time. I've been outside here at night when the nightlighting is on. You can't see a thing in here at all. Come on and eat with me. Please?"

Bailey heard the rustling in the plants and she looked over to see Suhn come to her on all-fours, slinking along -- a dark shape in a dark place. Bailey was sure that had she not had the time to get to know Suhn and if this had been her first look at her, her heart might have locked up in fear.

As it was, her heart locked up over something else now as she watched the some of the most erotic motions from the world's most exotic girl.

As Suhn got to her feet to sit next to Bailey, she asked why her friend sat shaking her head.

"I can't help it," she smiled, "This morning I'd have sworn on my life that I've never had the thought of doing anything with another girl. That was before I saw the sexiest thing on legs -- two OR four legs. Now, in a single day, you've turned me into -"

"A wild thing like me," Suhn grinned as she leaned against Bailey a little, "I would never have had the thought before I saw the lovely creature who came here to pleasure herself right in front of me every day. In one day, I have done everything that I think can be done between two females of our two kinds. I have never had such a day."

"Are you guys always like this?" Bailey asked as she held out the plastic cutlery.

Suhn shook her head. "No, we live in homes on streets as you do. But something like sex is not looked down on there. There are places where couples go if they wish for a little play with their lovers. Wilder little places so that they do not have to travel far to the forests. I am sure that this garden is what Yevgeny wanted so that he could feel at home in a bit of ... jungle, I think the word is here. And the way that he made it to be like this just brings the want of it out in us -- and you, now that I know."

She looked down, "This is good, Bailey."

Her new lover smirked, "If you think this is good, then I'm sure that I've got a few surprises for you, Suhn." She looked over at the clock on the microwave. "We've only got a little while left before the lights go out. I know that you'll be fine with that, but I think I know a place that I'd want to be in total darkness with you tonight. I'm not going home, not after this."

Suhn looked over quizzically and Bailey smiled, "Yevgeny told me that I can sleep in the guest room, so that's where I'm gonna sleep. The only question to my mind is- "

"Then that is where I want to be as well," Suhn said around her plastic fork, "You make all of these sounds to me about how I am so good for you and the way that you like to look at me."

She smirked again as she cut a piece of meat, "You thought that you were alone when you came here before. Well, you were not alone, Bailey. Not then, not now, and if it is up to me ... "

"Well let's hurry up through this culinary masterpiece then, " Bailey smiled, "I don't want to be very far from you tonight either, and just so you know, the way that we're sitting right here is too far."

---------------------- They spent a very happy night together and the next morning, Suhn cleaned up the garden inside while Bailey cut the lawns and weeded. They had a bit of a late lunch together and then Suhn grinned as Bailey threw her clothing off.

She stood in surprise looking at the clothing. Bailey herself was gone into the thick growth.

She thought about that as she watched the fronds and huge leaves begin to settle back against each other and then she knew what Bailey had in mind. Suhn sank to all fours and began to slink back into the shadows. Her nose told her a lot, but she made sure to stretch this out all the same. The only thing that she didn't want to happen was that it took too long.

This was very nice, she thought, but she didn't want Bailey to grow bored.

Bailey sat hunkered down in the darkest shadows that she knew of there, trying not to squirm or move at all. They'd had some time to talk and from what she'd learned, Suhn's kind had been predators once upon a long time ago and the nature of it had never left them. She listened as she heard fronds being moved aside to allow the almost silent passage of something. She looked over the nearest leaves to her and she could see the rise of Suhn's shoulders as she slunk back in the opposite direction with absolutely no sound at all.

She thought about it. So, first she went one way so that I could hear her, and now she goes back in silence. She looked around and saw a small clump of the almost black soil and she picked it up. Seeing two others not quite as large, she grabbed them too and threw them in another direction, one after the other in a line -- as though something was moving out there, before she sat back with a smirk on her face.

Suhn froze as she heard it and she thought for a moment while she resisted the urge to dash off. She smiled to herself as she worked through it.

She was hunting something which had thumbs and fingers.

Really nice fingers too, for the things that could be done to her with them, she thought. Then she replayed her memory of the sounds and knew that they'd fallen in an overall arc, curved outward, since they'd been little things tossed from one place. It might be that Bailey had run that way, but not without her noticing that there had been none of the soft footfalls which she'd have just had to have made.

Suhn loved Bailey's feet, but she just had to be louder when she ran or even walked with them and though they weren't large, those wonderful thighs just couldn't slip through vegetation the way that hers were made for it.

She began to grin then. An arc. She thought about it and slipped away in the direction of where she supposed the center of that arc must be.

In a moment, Suhn found herself with a problem. She wondered what Bailey expected from her in this. Was it supposed to be a gentle pounce and struggle or what?

She didn't know, but almost all of her field of view from where she crouched was taken up by the profile of one of Bailey's breasts.

She eased forward a couple of millimetres and ducked back just as Bailey's hand came around to scratch the tickle slightly. Suhn did it again and it was the third time before Bailey actually looked for the cause and saw the eyes which regarded her from the spaces of the foliage.

Bailey rolled her eyes and laughed a little, "I don't suppose that I ever really had a chance, did I?"

"Not really," Suhn whispered as she began to move slowly out of the cover, "but I don't know how you wanted this to end."

Bailey laid back as the snout began to move lower and come forward, "I didn't want anything to end. I wanted you to hunt me, since I don't feel afraid of you and it makes me ... well, you know."

"I know," Suhn sighed, breathing in the nicest scent as her lips came closer. Her whiskers were already into Bailey's pubic hair from this direction.

As her tongue reached across the very small distance, to begin, Bailey sighed and reached to stroke an ear, "Do what you want, Suhn. You won fair and square."


"What were the beginnings of your kind like?" Suhn asked as she caressed the back of the blonde head at her breast.

"Not too much different from us now, I'd guess," Bailey replied, "just hairier and maybe a bit smarter than me about getting by without attracting too much attention ."

"You have some ability," Suhn smiled, "But you face something a little closer to the wildness than you, I suppose. Maybe your kind has lost this."

"We have, mostly," Bailey nodded, "Most of us haven't got a clue. I wish I did though. I love moving through this place with you, just as quiet as can be."


The next night, they both stepped outside into the darkness; Suhn the way that she was, and Bailey almost that way for a naked human girl in a pair of workboots. They stayed out for about an hour and it was a lot of fun sneaking around like that.

The next night, they stayed out longer and the next, they crept from one end of the town to the other and then back. But Bailey decided that they'd better stop there.

She was aware that sooner or later, somebody might catch a glimpse and that was one thing, but they'd had to elude a dog and until they lost him, she'd had real fears over what Suhn would do if the hound caught them. They hadn't really eluded the dog all that much. Rather, it was their luck to have found a slightly brighter dog who'd taken one good look at Suhn's eyes and teeth and that was the last that they saw of the dog.


Bailey had a sudden disturbing thought come to her. She tried to dispel it, but it wouldn't go away.

After a time, she lifted her head from between Suhn's thighs and looked up. She saw the long dark body which she now absolutely knew that she didn't want to be without in her life for even a day.

Suhn's cat's-eyes were looking back regarding her.

"I'm sorry," Bailey said, "I just ... from what you said, then we've only got a day or so more, Suhn and ..."

Suhn nodded and reached for the blonde human who held her heart now, "Come here."

Suhn rolled Bailey over onto her back and eased herself against her. When it felt right, Bailey wrapped her legs around Suhn and they began to hump slowly and weep.

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DoctimeDoctimeabout 11 years ago
More understanding

I enjoyed the story. I am amazed at the devious minds of the female authors on Lit. The are some really good males as well, but the females really stand out. I think especially in the sex scenes, that you girls really stand out. Now speaking of sex....

cittrancittranabout 11 years ago
I get that lack of control...

Though I think it would be a nice feature for them to add if you could "schedule" postings using a calendar of some sort.

Granted, it isn't a NEEDED improvement, but it would certainly help some authors, as well as possibly shortening the workload that the admins have to deal with daily.

Something like "I'm submitting this story now, but I don't care when it gets posted as long as it's within the next two weeks", or "approve this story when you have the time, just make sure it's posted on a Tuesday".

Something that lets the author have a bit of control over the date, while making it so that their story doesn't need to be reviewed immediately.

(Of course, that also adds another layer of complexity to this whole thing, which probably isn't a good thing for Laurel, so probably won't happen.)

Either way, I can relate to the 'too many stickies problem'. I had stickies around the entire border of my monitor, multi-layered, and covering my desk wherever it didn't already have stuff.

ADHD and college do not mix well.

TaLtos6TaLtos6about 11 years agoAuthor

No, they're still on the way. Just got a couple of things to do, not that it gets me much credit with some people. I don't think readers know it, but I have no control when Lit decides to put things up. They say usually within 72 hours, and not that it's really important to me, but it seems to me they often go beyond that sometimes and I don't mind, really. It's their site and they manage it as they see fit. But it leads to some strange timing sometimes. I didn't plan to have 2 different things come up on the same day. But I think that a few readers get dismayed at that and think that I did it on purpose and I didn't. ~helpless shrug~ it just worked out that way.

nickysixnickysixabout 11 years ago

Love it!!! We want more!!!

cittrancittranabout 11 years ago
He's not finished with Binding or Stormfeather

Or at least he better not be...

You hearin' this, TaLtos?


TaLtos6TaLtos6about 11 years agoAuthor
Hell of a thing

It's a hell of a thing to find a bunch of my old scribbles on an old drive.

I hear you though. I've been sitting with a TON of stickies trying to weave things together. I've found a couple of things which could hit the sunset quickly, like 'The Industrial Elf' did, and I'm trying to give some precedence to that out of consideration.

As far as this Wild Thing goes, there's I think just one more part to it - since it originated in a bigger and never-published story and grew to be a story itself as 'Dream of the Unlikely Princess'.

The other thing that you mention, 'Ferret Girl' is already done and posted and it's 4 chapters to give me time to try to see my monitor through the sticky notes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Two new stories today

Two new stories today? I think I read your comment somewhere that having four stories going a once was too much. But I do understand that when an idea comes to you (or the spirit moves you) that you have to go with it. It really doesn't matter to me, I have found that anything you write is worth reading to me. But I really would like to see the older stories, that I have enjoyed as far as they went, finished.

This is not meant to be a complaint but you have gotten me hooked on several of your stories and they are just hanging in limbo at present. If you are wondering which ones, A Red Leaf & Ten Orchids, Love as a Form of Binding, Stormfeather, and The Witch's Want. Maybe you consider some of these finished but they left me wanting MORE.

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