A Wind Blew Through Me Pt. 08

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Intimacy and insecurity are dangerous bedfellows.
4.1k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/08/2024
Created 05/09/2021
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"Ah! The happy couple; the talk of the town!" Michael greeted us as we walked down the stairs into the lobby. "Tell me, what grand plans do you have today?" he asked as we approached, an anticipatory smile on his face.

Before I could even open my mouth, Katherine responded, "Just two lovers taking a break for some breakfast, I'm afraid, Michael."

Michael smiled broadly and blushed openly. "Naturally," he said, ushering us toward the dining hall, "please do let me know if I can be of assistance."

A group of loud Australian men could be heard even before we entered the room. They fell to a hush almost immediately as we entered, the lot of them gawking openly at Katherine--Amy, I had to remember to use that name in public. We took a seat along the opposite wall as casually as we could.

"I'm curious," I started, drawing her attention across the table to me, "do you think your exhibitionism started because you're... you?" I slid my eyes across her body to make my point, "or was that just a happy accident?"

Ralph came and took our breakfast order in his polite, unassuming way, and scurried off to the kitchen.

"I don't think there's a way to know that, but the way I see it, most people are going to objectify me," she looked at me seriously, "and I can either get bitter about that or enjoy it for what it is."

"What is it?" I asked, curiosity crooking an eyebrow up toward my forehead.

She shrugged, looking down at the table. "Affirmation that I'm hot. A bottomless pool of casual sexual partners, if I want them," she signed deeply, shooting a glance up at me and then resting her eyes back on the table, now with a distinct tinge of melancholy, "and a reminder that I'll probably always feel as lonely as I..." she looked into my eyes with a complex web of emotion, "...have in the past."

I opened my mouth to respond, but realized I didn't have much beyond platitudes to offer, so I closed it again and nodded for her to go on.

"In all likelihood, none of the guys over there give a shit about who I am or how I feel," she nodded toward the Australians on the far side of the room, "I'm just a girl with a pretty face, great tits and a nice ass who they want to fuck. And, you know, sex is fun, it feels good, I'm a fan, but it's always missing something if the only thing you have together is physical attraction. And, again, that's okay sometimes too. But years of that, and only that, leaves you pretty lonely."

As she was finishing, Ralph appeared again with our breakfast. Eggs, toast, and sausage for me. A spinach and fetta omelet for her. And a cappuccino, of course.

We began to eat immediately, the quiet punctuated only by the sound of silverware on plates for the space of a few minutes as I thought about what she said. A line of questions began to come into focus. Maybe not questions. More like puzzle pieces fitting together, with the question being which way they fit.

"So..." I began, putting down my fork and looking up at her, "Your work is stigmatized, and I'm sure makes your romantic life even more complicated than the already fucked up dating scene these days."

She nodded, a little confused.

"And you're bi? Sexual?" I said in the intonation of a question, struggling to remember if she had actually used a label for her sexuality.

She gave a shrug-nod that said, 'close enough, unless you want a 5-minute diatribe into LGBT theory.'

"Which is stigmatized even more than being gay." I finished my thought. She nodded sadly.

"And you have no desire to settle down into a monogamous relationship, and in fact it seems like you immediately push away anyone who seems to want monogamy from you."

"Don't forget my body count is astronomical." she added, a shade of anger in her voice, her eyes begging me to get to the point, the pain behind the anger already answering the unasked question.

I considered my next words for what felt like a long time, the potent mix of vulnerability, pain and anger in her eyes warning me to tread lightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to hurt you. I think I'm just realizing how strong you really are, and what an impossible situation the world has put you in. I wish--"

"Don't." she said, warningly, cutting me off. "Don't wish you were like me. My father abandoned me, my mother treated me like an object, the world will spit on me every time I show a sliver of who I really am, and my unwillingness to compromise with who I am dooms me to being perpetually alone and despised by all the people who look at me and just want to fuck me and throw me away. Like my father did. Like my mother did. Like everyone who has ever pretended to be interested in me as a human being has done. Nobody wants to be like me, I promise. I don't even want to be like me. I just..." she looked at me with soul-deep sorrow, "can't be anyone else."

I could see she was fighting back tears.

"I was going to say, I wish I could take away some of that pain. Some of that loneliness. Because I see all that, all of you, and it makes me love you, to admire you, to learn from your strength and hold you while you cry."

She was crying silently, hiding behind her hair, tears dripping down onto the tablecloth. I wanted to stand up and hug her but thought that would probably draw a lot of unwanted attention to us.

I leaned in closer and lowered my voice, "Even fuck you while you sob, if that's what you want."

That shocked her out of her tears with a laugh, and she looked up at me through her hair, blinking rapidly and picking up her napkin to dry her tears. She collected herself and took a deep breath, a question forming on her face.

"Does this mean you've decided you want to throw your life away so you can be a non-exclusive partner with a polyamorous, bisexual whore?" she tried to make it sound like a joke, but didn't do a very good job of concealing the weight of those words.

"I'll have you know that polyamorous bisexual whores are some of my most favorite people." I shot back at her, smiling and hoping to make her smile as well.

"Yeah? How many of those do you know?" she asked, playing along.

"Just the one. But she's made quite an impression on me." I said, offering her my hand across the table to hold.

She looked at me for a few seconds, taking my hand, seemingly against her will. The storm of her pain was not ready to pass with a joke, but she did long for a comforting touch.

"I'm serious, Greg. You do know it's not socially acceptable to be with me, right? I know I'm a good fuck, but I'm fucking radioactive as a romantic partner."

"Yes, I know, Katherine. I just don't give a shit. Where has social acceptance gotten me anyway? I'd rather be with you."

"Probably a lot more than you're thinking of right now, love. It's hard to see all the downsides with you're on the other side of privilege," she wasn't angry now, only a little sad, "but I can see that you're serious. But I'm also not sure you're thinking this through right now. There's more to being a partner than overcoming the social stigma of being with them. That's just the price of entry. We have to like... you know... want some of the same things in life. And we haven't really even talked about any of that."

"So let's talk about it." I said simply, unperturbed.

"Okay, yes, we should," she was getting flustered, "but we're not going to tackle that at breakfast. My point is, you're falling in love, you feel a lot of things. Frankly, I'm in a similar boat. We have some serious new relationship energy going on here, and that's a beautiful thing, but let's keep the cart firmly behind the horse. I'm open to something more with you, Greg, if that's what you're asking. I think there's a lot of insecurity there for you that I think you should unpack sooner rather than later. But lasting love and partnership doesn't come from poetic words at the breakfast table or even from amazing, intimate sex. If it did, I would be drowning in lasting love. But it comes from a lot of uncomfortable conversations like this, some luck, and all the other stuff too. So, let's take this one step at a time and try and enjoy what we already have as much as possible in the meantime."

I looked at her, clenching my jaw to make sure it stayed shut until I successfully suppressed the urge to get defensive. Was she right? Was I being insecure?

Of course she was right, and she had called me out in something like the kindest way I could imagine.

"Okay. I'm sorry," I picked up my fork and began to finish the rest of my breakfast, "give me a minute, please."

She nodded, picked up her coffee, and began to slowly sip it. We ate and drank in silence for a few minutes while I thought about what she said, and about this nagging anxiety I had been feeling for days. I remembered the dream I had the night before we got on the plane. Yeah, maybe it was just a dream, but it was when I internalized her distance from me that she fell away. Why was I so afraid of that distance?

"You remember that dream I had the night before we left?" I asked.

"Not so much the details, just how upset you were," she said, taking a big sip of her coffee and setting the empty mug down on the table.

"Well, I think it was a sort of manifestation of my anxiety and insecurity about you. And what that is likely to do to our relationship. I'm afraid when it seems like there's distance between us, and I think that fear extends into when I see our relationship not conforming to norms I've been taught to expect. And I know that's going to drive you away, if I don't deal with it."

"That makes sense," she said, her face impassive, "what are you going to do about it?"

"Well, I figured that telling you would be a good first step. It would probably also help if I knew more about non-monogamy. I've been conditioned to think any kind of non-monogamy is something to be afraid of and hurt by, and rationally I don't think that's true, but subconsciously I think I'm still there. It would help to better understand an alternative, I think."

She looked at me pensively for a moment and then said, "Why don't we go to a bookstore this morning. I'll help you find some stuff to read that might help."

"That sounds awesome," I smiled at her gratefully.

She gave me a weak smile and her eyes fell back onto the table in a bit of a thousand-yard stare.

"What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly concerned.

"Well," she started, inhaling deeply, an edge of anger creeping into her voice and onto her face, "I don't think you intended to do this, but what you just did to me was pretty fucked up."

She looked into my eyes and let me see the hurt behind that anger. I felt terrible, my mind racing to figure out what I had done.

"You kinda drug me through feeling and acknowledging some of my deepest fears and sources of pain about myself, and then you let your insecurity take over and try and pressure me into soothing those for you by giving you unwarranted and unrealistic assurances about the security of our relationship."

It was mostly anger in her eyes when she finished. I felt mortified.

"It felt coercive, and you were using very intimate knowledge of me, and I really fucking hate that. Don't do that to me. Don't make me regret telling you intimate things about myself. That's how you push me away. That's how you fuck this up. That's how you get rid of me."

When she finished, her eyes pierced me with fury, but almost at once the anger broke into the pain I had caused, and a tear dropped from her eye, across her cheek and onto the table. The pain was far worse to look at, but I did not avert my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Katherine. You're right. I did that. And you're right, I didn't intend to. I'm so sorry I hurt you like that. I will do my best to keep my insecurity in check as I work through it."

She was trying to keep some of her composure, still staring back into my eyes, an occasional tear falling from her eyes.

"Okay," she finally closed her eyes, grabbing her napkin and drying her eyes, "take me back to the room and make it up to me."

I could see how serious she was, but my mind struggled with grasping exactly what she meant. I supposed she would show me, so I simply nodded and stood up from the table, offering her my hand to lead her back to the room. She pushed her chair back and stood, moving past my hand to wrap her arm around my bicep. We walked toward the lobby like that without further conversation.

Michael opened his mouth when he saw us, but shut it again when he saw the looks on our faces. He gave us a polite smile and looked back down at his desk as we passed him and began to climb the stairs.

The rest of the short journey was silent, and my mind raced to imagine what making it up to her meant.

She walked in the door when I opened it for her, my heart pounding in my throat as I turned around to lock it behind us.


When I turned around to find her, she was already sitting on the bed, her legs crossed, her hands in her lap, and looking at me very seriously.

"We need to resolve this before we do anything sexually. I'm not okay with either of us feeling coerced, emotionally or otherwise, into any kind of sex act. So," she took a deep breath and softened her expression, "please come sit here with me." She tapped the bed next to her.

I crossed the room and sat down next to her a little sheepishly.

"That shit is not okay, but I choose to forgive you and believe you will do better next time."

"Thank you," was all I could think of saying. It didn't feel like enough.

"I'm serious, Greg," she raised both eyebrows and pinned me with an intense glare, "I'm not the kind of person that's going to tolerate you doing that over and over. If you make a habit of doing that, I can't be intimate with you. I'm the only one that can decide where that line is for me, but there is a line, and you took a step closer to it this morning."

She softened her eyes and let some of the tension out of her body, leaning toward me a little as she continued, "so please don't cross that line, because I really fucking love you."

She let herself fall into my chest, and I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She lay against my chest, breathing shallowly. I began to play with her hair idly with one hand, twirling locks around my forefinger and then pulling them free.

"I understand. I love you too. I think I can do better. I hope I can do better."

"You can do better," she said softly into my shirt. "Just deal with your insecurity, ok? We can talk about it, but don't make it my problem to solve for you. That's not how relationships work."

"Yeah... ok. I understand," I sighed heavily. It wasn't easy but it was simple.

"Do you want to have sex?" she asked in the same soft tone.

I thought about it for a moment and answered, "I'm a little conflicted on the subject. Feeling guilty doesn't exactly make me horny. On the other hand, you certainly do."

She brought her left hand slowly up my thighs and began to massage my balls through my pants. We could both feel my cock growing almost immediately. When my fully erect cock was struggling hard against my pants, she sat up and peeled her shirt and bra off.

"I have a fun idea, since you've been such a naughty boy this morning," she said, standing up to take her pants and underwear off.

"Fun for whom?" I ask tentatively, taking in the poetry of her body as she disrobed and feeling a vague sense of déjà vu.

"Me mostly," she admitted, smirking a little of that wicked smirk back at me with all her clothes off, "but I think you'll enjoy it in the long run."

"Okay, what is it?"

She pulled my shirt off over my head and began to unbutton my pants.

"I want you to fuck me, eat me, finger me, whatever, but make me cum. But you can't cum this morning. It's blue balls for you until after dinner."

She had my pants off and was working on my underwear.

"What if I cum on accident?" I asked as she freed my cock.

"You won't," she dismissed my weak concern casually before climbing up on the bed, laying flat on her back, and spreading her legs wide.

"Actually, come eat me first, and let my cum dry on your face. I want you to smell my pussy all day," she instructed. Her tone wasn't firm but it was clear she expected me to obey, "If you want to torture yourself by fucking me after, that's up to you, but I'm not going to make it easy on you."

She rested her head back and began to play idly with her clit, waiting for me. I found myself extremely aroused at her casually controlling my orgasm and telling me what to do, but I wasn't sure I wanted her to see that. Probably there was no way to hide it.

"Mmmmm... Don't worry love..." she said, her eyes closed, moaning as she touched herself, "I'm going to leave you wanting more all day, but I will reward you after dinner. And it's the wanting that is most intoxicating anyway, don't you think?"

She moaned again and I crawled up between her legs without another word. She didn't move her hand until I pushed against it with my face, pushing my nose into her folds and my tongue inside her. She moved her hand to my head and pulled my hair such that she shifted my tongue onto her clit. I got the message and began to flick my tongue across her clit rapidly. Her fingers tightened in my hair, pulling my head harder into her pussy.

The better my tongue felt, the harder she pulled, until my nose was buried deep enough in her skin that I could not breathe. I didn't stop or slow down, aroused even further by her control of my breath. She didn't loosen her grip even a little, but I could feel her rapidly building toward an orgasm. My lungs had begun to cry out for air, but I could feel her silent instruction in my bones, 'make me cum if you want to breathe.'

I gave her clit everything I had, pushing my head even deeper into her. Her thighs squeezed hard against my head as her orgasm began and I heard her muffled cries of pleasure. My lungs were screaming now, demanding the satisfaction of a breath, but I did not falter in my quest to pleasure her.

Finally, she released my head, and my body took over, craning my neck up and gasping desperately for air. The fuzzy light-headedness from nearly suffocating rushed up to meet the queasy high of oxygen finally filling me back up.

I realized I had rolled over onto my side, my head resting against her thigh, and I noticed she was now stroking my hair affectionately.

"That was really hot," she remarked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty into that," I admitted, my breaths still heavy and deep.

"That's why it was so hot," she used her thigh to push my head back close to where it was between her legs, "now that you've gotten me thoroughly wet, put your nose in my pussy and get my cum on your face so you can smell me the rest of the day."

She didn't have to ask twice, so thoroughly was I aroused and enamored with her pussy. I pushed my nose into her vagina as deep as I could and felt her wetness coat my face. When I pulled it out, I could smell nothing but her sex, and it was intoxicating. I wanted just as much to fuck her as I did to eat her out again.

"So are you going to fuck me now? Can your balls take it?" she asked, smiling her wicked smile.

I just grunted at her and began to mount her as she smiled up at me, knowing I could not resist.

Before I could enter her, she grabbed my hair again and pulled my eyes up into hers, "I'm warning you now, if you penetrate me with your cock, it's not coming out of me until you make me cum again."

Without opening my mouth or looking down, I moved my hips around until I felt the wet heat of her sex against the tip of my cock and pressed inside of her, staring into her eyes defiantly.

She wrapped her legs around my hips and held me against her, her smile deepening. As I began to thrust into her, the incredible sensation of her pussy swallowing my cock cracked my resolve. She used her legs to keep my thrusts at a constant rhythm and I closed my eyes to breathe and regain control of my orgasm. It was a battle as she used my body, the incredible pleasure and eroticism of the moment threatening to overwhelm my control.