Aablar the Neanderthal Ch. 02

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Aablar captures Katnissa, an Amazon dominess.
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 11/12/2001
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1. The weeks passed. Aablar's routine never varied and Leia began to chafe at her long periods of inactivity, bound hand and foot for much of the time. They were continually on the move, covering up to twelve miles a day as Aablar followed signs of game. She was now able to fashion herself a new deerskin halter and panties from the hides he gave her and she dutifully made new bearskin cloaks for both of them.

She continually asked him to refrain from tying her up while he hunted, but it was like talking to a post. Now and then he responded to her pleas by cuffing her head sharply, making it ring for hours. Finally one evening, as they ate some fresh venison, she said, 'I am your woman. Why don't you trust me?'

He looked up and she involuntarily flinched, expecting a blow. But he merely looked at her. After a long pause, he said, 'You are Amazon.'

'But I am from the Clan of the Stag,' she protested, 'The medicine woman told me that I was with them seventeen winters. I know no one else!'

'You are not a Stag woman,' he said shortly, 'You are Amazon.'

'The medicine woman said that they found me with my mother,' Leia admitted, 'My mother was badly hurt when she was found by the Clan brothers and she died. I was but a few moons old.'

'Your mother was Amazon,' said Aablar harshly, 'Amazon women hunt our men from their flying baskets and ride us down on their horses. The Amazon killed my father and they have taken many of my brothers as slaves. The Amazon are have always hunted us. That is why the Stag Clan cast you out when you were full grown.' He paused. 'But I do not fear you. You are Amazon, but I will keep you as my slave.'

'But you said I am your woman,' she pleaded, 'I know no Amazon, they are nothing to me. You are my man, mighty hunter. I will bear your children and rear them and they will become mighty hunters in their time.'

Confusion briefly flitted across Aablar's face. Leia was a Amazon and he knew that Amazon women had hunted him all his life. But Leia was beautiful. Her blue eyes were wide and guileless, not at all like the steely eyes of the dominesses of his boyhood. And while she was fit and strong, her hunting and fighting skills were poor.

He remembered pale blonde Amazon with colorless eyes who had beaten down his father. They knew her only as 'Lady Blonde'. He lay at her feet, his spear broken, his right arm shattered with a blow from her steel shield. The tableau played often in his mind. 'You are a savage,' the Amazon said, 'If we didn't need wild sperm from your kind, we would exterminate you.' With that she plunged her sword into his belly and twisted it as he writhed in pain. She sheathed her sword and turned away from him and from the young Aablar, displaying her powerful bare back. 'Turn the boy loose,' she had said contemptuously to one of her raven-haired lieutenants who had just finished shackling some of his Clan brothers, 'He is too young to be of use to us. Maybe we will catch him in a few years!' She laughed. It had taken his father many long hours to die.

His face hardened. 'I was wrong,' he said firmly, 'You cannot be my woman. You are Amazon. You are my slave.'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2. The next day they broke camp before dawn, as was his custom and began moving quickly. They were in hilly country and Aablar moved just below the ridgeline, constantly scanning the distance and surveying the air. This last activity puzzled Leia. She had never feared any of the birds she saw in the air and they made poor eating, so she wondered about Aablar's constant surveillance of the sky.

The sun was high in the sky when Aablar stopped suddenly and sniffed the air. Signaling her to silence, he cautiously made his way up to the ridgeline. Leia followed him noiselessly and peered over his shoulder. The hillside fell away steeply below them into a narrow and rocky canyon. The bottom was sandy and covered with scrub. At first she did not see anything. But then, following Aablar's keen gaze, squinting against the bright sunlight, she saw two figures. They were quite far off, but moving towards them at a steady pace. They were perched high from the ground and it took her a few moments to recognize that they were on horseback. This was a fearsome sight! The Stag Clan was rarely a target of the Amazon, but on the rare occasions that they were attacked, she had fled with the Clan and hidden. Her strongest Clan brothers had invariably been caught and taken. She had learned to tremble with fear at the smell of the Amazon and their horses.

Aablar dropped below the protective ridgeline again and pulled her down with him. Grabbing her by the hair, he twisted her face towards his. 'They are Amazon,' he hissed, 'If you make a sound, I will kill you.' He quickly bound her hand and foot and ripping a strip of deerskin from his pouch fashioned a gag and fastened it tightly. She knew he would beat her if she protested, so she accepted this in silence.

Aablar dropped his bearskin cloak and all his other gear by her. Armed only with his heavy bone club, he emerged over the ridgeline and moved silently through the sparse undergrowth. He was a brilliant hunter and remained undetected by the two approaching Amazon. He found his way to a thick piece of scrub that was on an overhang about twenty feet over the sandy canyon floor. He crouched behind it soundlessly. The canyon was quite narrow here, so that the horsewomen would have to pass directly beneath him.

While the shadow of the scrub made him invisible to the oncoming riders, it was still possible for him to see through it. The riders were now only about hundred yards away and his keen eyes could make them out clearly. One was clearly a dominess, for a long bow, a quiver of arrows, a small round shield and lengths of chain and rope hung from her saddle. She wore a sharp two-edged steel sword around her waist and had a long dagger strapped to her one thigh. She wore steel shoulder pads and breastplates and a very short skirt of thick chain mail. She had on elbow length gloves of heavy leather with steel rings sewn into them. Her thigh high riding boots has similar steel rings sewn into them. She wore a steel helmet with a plume fastened tightly with a chinstrap. She was tall and Aablar could see her sinuous muscles that denoted great strength. The second rider was similarly attired, but smaller and less heavily armed. She wore a shorter sword and dagger and her saddle only bore a shield and some leather pouches. She rode behind the first rider. Both of them rode very erect in their saddles and were approaching steadily, without fear.

Aablar had seen such Amazon pairs attack his Clan several times. He knew that they could kill from afar with their arrows and could hack off heads with their swords. He knew that as the Clan fled, they would separate out one or two brothers to beat down and take away in chains. But he also knew that their attacks always followed their being found and observed by Amazon flying baskets. Like gods, the Amazon could speak into the air and be heard miles away by their sisters on horseback.

So Aablar constantly scanned the sky behind him looking for Amazon flying baskets. So long as he was unseen, he had the advantage. The Amazon had always hunted him, but now he was the hunter. Enslaving Leia had given him confidence. He could fight the Amazon! He would not always run and hide!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3. Katnissa and Althea had been riding for three days through craggy and mountainous terrain since they had been put down by their airship. They were on a training mission and had completed their minimum required surface time. Katnissa had decided to do one more unsupported day before calling for aerial pickup.

'I don't know why we must do these stupid training missions,' Althea was saying, 'We can become strong inside the safety of our walled citadels and we can hunt the savages from our airships. Why must we do this dangerous unsupported training?'

'Because,' Katnissa explained again, patiently, 'we cannot stay cooped up in our citadels if we are to rule this planet. All of us must be able to survive in the wild in an emergency till we are rescued. You will never become a dominess Althea, but you may find your airship down on day and it may take some one like me days, if not weeks to find you.' She paused and scanned the canyon walls, glancing at the time-dial on her wrist bracer. 'We are due to call in. But I don't like this place. Let's move on and we'll call in once we're out of this canyon.'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4. Aablar's hunting instincts led him a quick decision. He would attack the dominess first. In doing so, he must distract the horse of the second Amazon, hoping that it would give him enough time to deal with the dominess. They passed almost directly below his overhanging perch and Aablar launched himself into the air with a blood-curdling scream. Aablar's screaming descent made Althea's horse rear back and she fought desperately to control it and retain her seat on her saddle. They had been attacked! While they often spoke of it, this had never happened before!

He hit the dominess from the rear, his left arm encircling her neck. All two hundred and eighty pounds of his muscle and bone hit her between the shoulder blades and she was dislodged from her saddle. She hit the sandy floor of the canyon with Aablar on top of her. Together with the surprise of the attack, the wind was completely knocked out of her and she coughed and spluttered, fighting to regain her breath. Aablar had seen Amazon dominesses before and he knew that she was immensely strong and had many fighting skills of which he knew nothing. He knew he had to act before she recovered from the initial surprise. He shifted his hold on her neck so that his left forearm pressed on her throat and inexorably tightened, choking her. At the same time, he raised his bone club and pounded on her helmet.

Her helmet rang like a gong from his blows. While her skull was protected, the power of his blows was such that the shock waves penetrated and concussed her. She felt her eyes lose focus. Aablar could see that her efforts at raising herself to shake him off begin to weaken. However, he did not stop pounding her helmet until her elbows gave way and she collapsed under him. Only then did he roughly grasp her wrists and bind them tightly with one of the lengths of vine he had tied around his waist. He unsheathed her sword and long dagger. He threw the sword some distance away, but stuck the dagger in his waistband.

He now heard a horse snorting and looked up to see Leia launch herself from the overhang at the second Amazon. The two landed heavily, but Leia was unable to control the fall and they rolled. Leia found herself winded and the second Amazon sprang to her feet. She drew her sword and dagger and advanced purposefully on Leia. (Althea recalled the constantly circulating rumors that one of her sisters had fallen into the hands of the savages as a baby.)

Aablar quickly advanced on the pair, his heavy bone club in one hand and Katnissa's long dagger in the other. Althea found herself facing two fronts, for now Leia stopped retreating and began to advance on her. She stood no chance. She raised her weapons to square off against Aablar, but Leia picked up a rock and hurled it at her. It clanged off her steel shoulder pad, but distracted her enough that Aablar was able to hit her arm with his club. The pain caused her to drop her sword. He was now able to come closer because of her shorter reach and feinting with his dagger, he landed a heavy blow on the side of her helmet. Like Katnissa, the shock concussed her. She felt her vision blur and her knees go rubbery. Aablar quickly finished her with two more heavy blows. When she came to she was lying on her back, her wrists and ankles tightly bound with vine.

Katnissa shook her head repeatedly to clear it and failed repeatedly to get to her feet. She continued to try, ignoring the pounding pain in her head. She finally raised herself unsteadily and swayed on her feet. Aablar had just finished binding Althea. He picked up his club and the dagger and advanced on Katnissa again. Leia advanced also, but from a different angle. Aablar's hulking form swam into and out of focus and Katnissa only dimly perceived Leia's blonde form in her peripheral vision. She was acutely aware that with her hands bound behind her back, she stood little chance.

Aablar waved his club at Leia, who trotted into Katnissa's field of vision, arms in front of her. When she was within reach, Katnissa's boot extended and caught her ankle, viciously tripping her. As she fell, Katnissa drove her shoulder pad into the side of her head. Leia crumpled to the ground, but the opening was enough for Aablar. He was on the crouching Katnissa and his club struck the base of her helmet heavily. Already weak and disoriented, Katnissa felt the world begin to whirl. Another blow to the side of the head and she lost consciousness.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

5. Katnissa groaned as she came to. A well-trained dominess, she became instantly aware of her situation. She fluttered her eyes, taking in the scene around her. Her wrists and ankles were tightly bound -- she tested them and found them secure. She was in a shallow cave with a view over the surrounding land, so they had climbed up the hillside. She reckoned that not much time had passed, so they had no traveled far -- they were probably at the top of one of the sides of the canyon. Her helmet was gone and her thick long red hair swirled around her head. Gone too were her shoulder pads, breastplates, leather gloves, sword-belt and chain mail skirt. She only had on her black silk strapless brassiere and panties, her leather thigh boots and some small items of jewelry.

She cautiously glanced around. Leia sat at the back of the cave. Althea was similarly stripped of her arms and armor and lay bound beside her. Aablar was at the mouth of the cave, scanning the land and the air. 'Who is this savage that dares to attack us?' Katnissa thought.

At length Aablar came back into the cave. 'I know you are awake, dominess,' he said to Katnissa, 'I saw your eyes.' When she did not respond, he sank his hand into her hair, raised her head and began to cuff her temples repeatedly. He continued to beat her until her body began to go limp again. Katnissa desperately tried to retain her hold on consciousness. She felt him strip off her brassiere with surprising adeptness. Then he spat the juice from the berries he had been chewing onto her breasts and began to knead them roughly and bite and suck on her nipples. At the same time, he began to knead her crotch through her panties.

Katnissa had been pleasured by many of her Amazon sisters including Althea, but never by a man! The savage had no finesse and no concern for her pleasure. Yet she had to fight to remain stiff and disconnected. He untied her wrists and a voice in her head said, 'This is your chance!' But the repeated beatings to her head had left her disoriented and her body refused to cooperate. Try as she might, she could not summon her strength to her arms to strike at him. And the opportunity swiftly passed as he bound her wrists again in front of her. She felt the cold blade of her dagger on her belly and the thought crossed her mind that she was going to die, but she merely felt him slit the thongs of her panties and strip them off.

He roughly rolled her onto her belly and his hand forced her thighs apart. Again he was kneading her now naked crotch and then pushing two thick fingers into her cunt. He rapidly worked his hand like a piston, drawing gasps from her. When she attempted to twist away from him, he pounded her between the shoulder blades with his open palm, driving her face into the sandy cave floor. The blow was so powerful that pain shot up to the base of her skull and white lights flashed before her eyes. Katnissa had fought many hand-to-hand combats, but no one had beaten her like this!

He kept finger fucking her, while his other hand was sunk in her hair, pulling her head back and arching her back like a bowstring. She used her bound arms for support to reduce the pressure on her back. In spite of herself, the finger fucking aroused Katnissa's natural bodily instincts and she began to get moist, then wet. And the sight of her powerful and striving back muscles gave added zest to Aablar's erection. Aablar withdrew his fingers and smeared her vaginal fluid over her crotch and then worked some into the crack between her butt cheeks. She felt his thick fingers spreading her cheeks and then grunted as he drove them into her ass. She was an anal virgin and his fingers created a burning sensation that gradually became less unpleasant.

When he withdrew his fingers, she let herself relax slightly. But where his fingers had been, she now felt a smoother, bulbous entity. In capturing savages, Katnissa had seen cocks before, and had seen the Amazon technicians give them hand-jobs to draw semen. But she had never experienced the touch of a cock, much less a penetration by one. She winced and struggled anew, but Aablar only pulled harder on her hair and arched her back until she felt her neck would break. Then the feeling in her neck and back was as nothing when he pushed his huge cock into her ass. The head entered, and then her tightness stripped back his foreskin as he sank more and more into her. She screamed as the burning sensation engulfed her. When he had fully penetrated her, she felt he was tearing her ass cheeks apart.

Aablar quickly worked up a tempo, pounding her with jackhammer thrusts. Never penetrated before, her ass was very tight and ridged. It gripped Aablar's shaft like a soft vice. She screamed again and again as the pain of his assault wracked her. She felt like she was impaled on a sword. But Katnissa was mentally tough and highly trained. While she screamed, she did not beg for mercy like Leia had. She did not cease struggling. But this only increased Aablar's pleasure. He reached around with his free hand and roughly tweaked her nipples as he rose to the heights of his passion.

Aablar enjoyed inflicting the pain on Katnissa, the Amazon dominess. Althea watched in horror from the back of the cave. Bound as she was, Leia prodded her from time to time with her sheathed sword. Katnissa cries began to crescendo as Aablar began to rotate his hips, twisting his huge cock in her ass. Her iron will to resist oscillated wildly, ebbing as he filled her ass and rising again as he drew back. Finally, her sweating, bound and struggling body, her screams and her pain drove Aablar over the brink. He came through a series of massive thrusts, his copious semen burbling out of her as he continued to pump more in.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

6. Leia watched Aablar and Katnissa's coupling with a mixture of pride and apprehension. Pride in his strength and virility as he fucked her in the ass for fully half an hour - for she still dared to hope that she would be his first woman, the mistress of his household. Apprehension arose from the thought that she must compete for his favor with the beautiful Amazon dominess. She was confident in her ability to match and best the redhead in sexually competing for Aablar's cock. However, in a world where physical prowess was the key to power, she knew that the Amazon dominess' strength and vigor were sexual attractions that were beyond her.

Aablar lay on Katnissa for just a few moments after his release. He feared her and after making sure that none of the weapons were within her reach, he crawled over to Leia's side. 'How did you get down from the ridge into the fight?' he asked her in a rough whisper.

'You were hasty, mighty hunter,' she said in a low tone, 'You did not set my bonds tight. I was able to wiggle free. When I saw you in the fight with the two Amazon, I knew that I must help my man.'