About Leaving and a Comeback

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He left to become a different man.
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Dear reader,

This is my tenth published story. In my ignorance the first two stories were published without consulting an editor. After some well-meant advice from some readers, I went looking for an editor, but my requests were in vain until an email dropped in my box from someone offering to edit my fantasies.

As a writer I will never attain his level and quality of writing, but with a lot of help from the man from the Southeastern U.S. my stories improved considerably.

SouthernCrossfire thank you so much for your efforts, patience and excellent suggestions. This one's for you.


All likeness to persons, institutions and companies in the story are completely incidental.

Nothing in this story has any relation to reality.

Oh, and of course everything and everybody engaged in any sexual activity is 18 years or older.

Part One.

Ten years ago.

It was the evening before his eighteenth birthday.

Robert finished packing his backpack; his meager belongings fit in only that and a small suitcase. He was preparing to leave his home, his parents, and his siblings, never to return. He definitely didn't want to be here tomorrow.

Robert had been planning his exit for two years, working his butt off at school and his part-time job, even landing a scholarship because he was a straight-A student. Robert told the school administrator that he wouldn't attend graduation day so now he carefully packed his diploma and his birth certificate in his suitcase along with the rest of his stuff. His battered laptop went into the backpack. Everything he packed he had also paid for with hard earned money like loading and unloading trucks at a hub from a major expeditor. His father always told him that if he wanted something he had to work for it.

Robert's father also told him numerous times that he wouldn't pay for a child that arrived at least 5 years late, promising Robert that he would present him with a bill when he turned 18 for services rendered like housing, food, and clothes. The only exception was that they gave him an old hand-me-down pre-paid telephone so he would be available on every beck and call from his family. Robert knew early on that he wasn't welcome here. His sisters and especially his brothers used him as their personal punching bag, bullying him and using him as an errand boy. Now this all was going to end. He intended to disappear and attend a university on the other side of the country.

At five minutes to midnight, Robert closed the door behind him, unnoticed by the rest of the family, and walked the nine miles to the bus station.


The next morning Lucia, his mother, knocked on Robert's door. "Robert, time to get up. You will be late for work!"

She had prepared breakfast for his birthday. Normally Robert was up first and in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Fifteen minutes later when Robert still hadn't shown up, Lucia went and knocked on the door again, this time much louder. When there was still no reply, she went into the room.

To her astonishment, she found it empty, spotless and devoid of any of Robert's personal belongings. It looked like he had never been there. The only thing she noticed was a fat envelope lying on the bed with his cell phone on top. She took the envelope and went to the kitchen.

Robert's father Marcus looked up from his breakfast and said, "Is that lazy shit still sleeping?"

"No, he wasn't there. Except for this, his room is empty," Lucia replied, while she handed Marcus the envelope.

Grumbling, Marcus ripped the envelope open. A note and a wad of paper money fell out. Marcus looked unbelievingly at the money.

"What the hell?" he mumbled. While reading, his hands started to shake, his face went red and he started to swear, "Shit, shit, shit. Fuck, fuck. No, no, no! That stupid shit. I just didn't want him spoiled. He read out loud.

When you read this, you've seen the last of me. I left and won't come back. My sperm-donor told me that he would present me with a bill for 18 years of lodging when I reach that age. This money is to pay that bill. I reckoned that this should be enough because of the discount for all the abuse I had to take from said sperm-donor and his cronies. All the extra chores I had to do which my brothers and sisters never even had to think about let alone doing them and all the bullying from my siblings.

Go and rot in hell, all of you.


"What? No! He didn't write that, Lucia cried unbelievingly. She tore the letter from Marcus' hands and she started to read the short letter herself.

She sat down heavily. For a while it was silent in the kitchen but for the heavy breathing of the two adults. Then Lucia began, "You'd better...."

She stopped, took a shuddering breath and began anew, this time in a louder and much stronger voice. "You'd better get your ass out of that chair and start looking for him. NOW!"

Marcus grumbled, "Don't get all worked up, woman. He'll be back. Where can he go?" He went on eating.

"Marcus, you better start looking for the boy or I'll start looking for a lawyer. Do you understand?"

Now Lucia had Marcus's fullest attention. Robert took after his wife, a bit shy, introverted and mostly compliant. But if Lucia started to get riled up, one better head for shelter. Stubbornly he tried again, "Why? He'll be back. Where can he go? He'll come back when his money runs out. He will be back. Believe me! And when he is back, I'll teach him a lesson so hard, he'll never try that again! The stupid shit."

Lucia said nothing but went upstairs. Marcus thought nothing about it. He was used to having it his way. Fifteen minutes later a bag came tumbling down the stairs. He looked at the bag and at Lucia who walked down after it.

She said, "This is on you and your treatment of the boy. I'm going to Ruth's and stay there. I'm quite certain that our eldest daughter still has the phone number from her lawyer from when she divorced that cheating asshole. You'd better start looking or I will find myself somewhere else to live permanently."

Lucia walked out of the house leaving a stunned and a now very worried husband behind.


Meanwhile Robert had changed buses and was on his way to the train station. He figured that traveling by train was much more comfortable and as anonymous as using buses. And it was almost as cheap. The bus ride to the station would take a while so he pulled out his laptop and diary. First he updated his diary, and when done, he opened his laptop and went on with writing his science fiction story. It was the only thing that kept his mind from the turmoil he felt within.

He felt a presence and looked up. "Wolfholt. This Is as far as this bus goes, young man. You have to get off," the bus driver told him.

Robert looked around. Had he been writing for three hours? It certainly looked like that. He gathered his belongings, got off the bus, and started walking to the train station. There, he bought a ticket to Blueswick by way of Waynesburg. It was about as far as he could get away from his former home and the university had a good reputation.

The train departure was over three hours. Robert was ravenous so he found a small coffee shop and ordered himself a cup of tomato soup and a corned beef on rye sandwich.

The waitress was a nice young woman who took a shine to the gangly and rather shy young man. The cup was filled to the brim with soup and Robert had to search for the bread under the corned beef. When he smiled and said, "Thank you, you're a dear," she actually blushed so hard that even her cleavage went red.

Two hours later, he found his spot on the train, situated himself and started to hammer the keyboard again. After a while he stretched and tried to unravel the knots in his shoulders and neck when he heard someone ask, "What are you working on? It looked like you left the planet."

He replied, "In a way. I'm trying to write a story. A science fiction story to be precise."

"Aren't you a bit young to be a writer? I'm Annette. Friends call me Nette, not Nettie, Nette."

"I'm Robert. Not Rob, nor Robbie but Robert," he said with a smile. "I'm just writing what I'm thinking of and putting it in my story with a little sauce poured over it."

"Ok. Nice. What's your destination? I'm going to Blueswick."

For the second time in days, Robert smiled. "What a coincidence. Me too! Are you going to study there too?"

Annette was surprised and loved the smile. Robert's whole appearance changed from a gloomy person into a warm human being within a second. She now wanted to know more about him. She asked, "What are you going to study?"

"Applied physics and math. I'm a bit of a nerd. Sorry."

"Why would you be sorry? You don't make it easy for yourself, do you?"

"I guess not."

"Where are you staying?"

"I don't know. That's something I didn't think about."

Annette was shocked. "You didn't think about that? What about your parents? Why didn't they think about that?"

Robert said in a cynical tone, "Parents? As of yesterday, I don't have parents anymore. I left them behind and hope never to see them again. They don't know where I am, nor do they know what I'm going to do and they don't care."

"You can't mean that! How old are you? Who paid for your education?"

"I'm as serious as a heart attack. Today is my eighteenth birthday. I left yesterday 5 minutes to midnight. I have a scholarship and will have to find a job and, as of a minute ago, a place to sleep."

"My mother and stepfather have a guesthouse. I'm quite certain that you can rent it if you're willing to share it."

Robert thought for a while and replied, "If I can afford it, I'd like that very much. With how many people do I have to share?"

"One," she smiled, "and the rent will be very fair. I promise."


Two days later

An exhausted Robert was shown around in his new living quarters, where as promised, the rent was very fair. Anne Wessex was talking a mile a minute; Robert had to force himself to concentrate and listen.

He asked, "Sorry, I didn't get the last thing you said, I'm rather tired. But you talked about a job?"

"Why yes. If you would be so kind as to tutor Annette's younger brother and sister, I'll cut the rent in half."

"How old are they? Please bear in mind that I don't have any experience in tutoring."

Anne smiled. "They're ten, twins, very clever and easily bored. The school can't hold their attention long enough so they get up to mischief because they're bored. They are my children with Gus, and Nette is their big step-sister."

"But--" Robert started to object.

"Don't you worry about your lack of experience; I overheard you explaining something to Nette. Your explanation was so clear and to the point that I really think you have a future as a teacher. So please, say yes?"

Robert relented. "I'll try. If only because you're helping me. What can you tell me about the other tenant?"

"The other tenant? You already met her. She is convinced that you two can get along very well."

"I don't understand," said a bewildered Robert.

Anne laughed out loud. "It's Annette, you doofus. She likes you and she already decided that she wanted to live here before the holidays started and that she didn't want to be alone here in, what we call, the little house."

Robert looked pensive and replied, "I have a feeling that I'm being manipulated. That's exactly what I tried to escape from, apart from the bullying. I think I'd better start to look at other accommodations."

Anne looked up in shock and almost cried, "No, no! I'm so sorry! Manipulating was never our intention. Far from it. Will you at least stay for a week or two? If things don't work out, I, personally, will arrange somewhere else to live for you. But we were so happy that Nette found someone she liked enough to share this house with that we forgot to take your feelings into consideration. Please, believe me. Please stay?"

Robert's thoughts were a whirlwind. He'd learned to be suspicious the hard way, with his former family trying to manipulate or cheat him into enough hurtful situations or dirty chores. Now, he knew to be very careful as he looked up at Anne's pleading face.

With a bit more hesitation, Robert gave in again and replied, "Oh, alright. I'll stay. But if anyone tries to trick me, I'll disappear."

Anne hugged him and sighed. "You made my day. Thank you. I promise you; we will earn your trust." Then she looked up at him and said, "I know it's none of my business but am I correct in thinking that you've been through a lot of misery? I surmise that you went through a lot of pain."

Robert's face darkened, he just nodded and answered, "Maybe I'll tell you sometime, someday, but first I have to find some peace for myself."

Annette was standing in the doorway when Robert uttered these words. She walked over and softly hugged him too with the words, "Please let us help. If you can, let us in your life. We'll never, intentionally, hurt you."

Roberts' eyes misted over. He received more affection in the few hours after he arrived here than in the five years before all together.


Two months later.

Robert was finding his way around the university, and had also found a job in a hardware shop. He could combine his study load fairly easily with his job that wasn't as hard work as at the docks at his former home. Altogether the combination of work and study was a lot of work, he managed.

He started tutoring the twins the day after he arrived at the Kendrick residence, but the children didn't like it at all. Schoolwork during the holiday's wasn't their idea of fun. After a week, to Anne's surprise, it became a resounding success. Robert was able to explain difficult things in a way the children understood and remembered. He took them on short walks in the neighborhood and started to ask them questions. When they couldn't come up with the answer, he explained the subject he was asking about. At school their teacher noted the difference immediately and a month later he was asked to tutor other children as well. Robert found that he liked teaching very much and started wondering whether he hadn't chosen the wrong track for himself.

Robert arrived home after his evening shift at the store. After parking his bike in the garage of the big house, he walked to the guesthouse which he felt, for the first time in his life, was his home. When he opened the door, he heard Annette sobbing; he squatted next to her.

"Hey, what's the matter? Can I help you?" he asked her softly.

Annette rambled, "I, I, I have this math assignment. But how can I make this happen, if I don't even understand the question properly. Each time I get a different outcome."

"Okay. Can I see it? Your answers, too, please."

"No, you'll laugh at me."

Robert smiled. "I won't laugh. I won't even smile. I promise. But I can't walk past a damsel in distress. Can I?"

Annette's lips curled into a small but sad smile. Robert said gently, "That's a lot better already. Now, let me see the result of your toiling."

Reluctantly Annette pushed the book and her notes away while Robert divested himself from his cycle gear until he only had his cycle tights on. Annette had a peek at his back. She liked what she saw. Robert did have muscles under those baggy shirts. But those were no gym-grown muscles. They didn't bulge or something but rippled under his skin. Robert turned around and she thought to herself, does he have no shame? She was completely distracted by Robert's chest. He pulled a t-shirt over his head and again squatted next to her.

"Ok. What's the problem? Can you tell me?" he asked gently.

Annette gathered her thoughts and started to explain. When she was finished, Robert took a look at the assignment and started to scribble on her notepad. Half an hour later he looked up and told her that it was not her, but the question was the problem. He said to her, "I'll write an explanation for your tutor. Be honest about me trying to help you. Don't finish this but take all your notes with you. Now off to bed. It's after midnight."

The next morning.

Annette was nervous when she entered the classroom. She heard the other students complain about the same assignment. When the teacher entered the classroom, she walked up to him and explained why she didn't complete the assignment and that her housemate found an error. She handed the man the letter and went to her place again. When seated the teacher started to read and soon his concentration showed in his frowned eyebrows. At the end of the lecture, he asked Annette to be seated.

"Ms. Balliol, you honestly told me you asked for help. Very good. Now can you tell me who wrote this?"

Annette looked alarmed at the man and asked, "He's not in trouble now, is he? If so, I won't tell."

"No, no, no. On the contrary, he's right. This is one of the sharpest analysis and clearest explanations I've seen. I'd like to meet him."

"It's Robert Hennings, he is a student here as well."

"First year here? Dark hair, slender build, legs that seem to start in his armpits? Keeps himself mostly to himself and hardly talks, only if he can add something to the discussion?"

"I think so. Yes, you are right!" Annette smiled. She never heard someone describe Robert like that but it was on the dot.

Thank you, Ms. Balliol. I'll contact him myself. By the way, don't fret about your work. It's at least a B. He didn't do the rest as well did he?"

"No Sir, thank you, Sir."


Late that afternoon Robert sat in front of Annette's teacher and a woman who hadn't been introduced yet.

The man started, "May I introduce my wife? She's a teacher at the high school affiliated with this university. Mary, the floor is yours."

"Robert. Can I call you Robert?"

Robert nodded affirmatively.

"Good, I'm Mary and I'm a remedial teacher. That is a teacher who helps children when they need extra attention with their lessons. What we're looking for is young people who can assist us with tutoring."

Robert held up his hand, "Sorry for the interruption but are you aware that I'm studying for two masters and have a job and I am still tutoring the Kendrick kids, so I don't think I have the time."

Mary was surprised by the directness of the boy and started, "We, that means the principal and I, would like to have a talk with you about that. We are aware that you are exceedingly busy but we may have a solution."

"There is no harm in talking, I presume. When would the principal like to see me?"

Mary secretly sighed relief. She already did some background checking and this lad was 18 and was exceptionally good with children who were otherwise very difficult to teach. She asked, "Will tomorrow at 9am work for you?"

Robert checked his agenda, "Difficult. I have college and after that I have to work at the store."


A month later.

Robert was humming to himself. He was finally happy, having accepted the offer the school made him financially safe. Actually, it was an offer not to be refused. He'd given notice to the store and, instead of working there for so many hours each week, he was now tutoring children almost his age. Because of that, his agenda was much more balanced and now he again had time for his science-fiction novel. He was in a groove and was typing as fast as his fingers would go when he heard Annette softly clearing her throat.

Uh oh, he thought. He recognized the signals. Annette wanted something from him. And that something wasn't asking for a cup of coffee. He'd become quite adept at reading her.

"Just say it Nette. What do you want from me?"

"Can you read my mind? How do you know that I'm going to ask you something?"

"I recognize the tell-tale signs. That's all. Now tell. What do you want from me?" Robert said with a smile.
