Accidental Help for Little Sister


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Her eyes rolled back into her head as she reached out to steady herself against his muscled thigh. She was having an orgasm! From sucking his cock! Well, from playing with herself while doing it but still! When her eyes finally opened they looked up at met his and there was something about them, about her, that changed. Chris didn't have the faintest clue and didn't have time to ponder it as she attacked his cock.

Her hands reached up and grabbed his ass in both palms and pulled deeper on to the shaft. It was clear she was determined to make him cum now and he wasn't going to disappoint. Whatever changed, this girl gave him no quarter as she bobbed and licked, sucked and stroked his shaft.

"Gonna cum-!" was all he could manage to blurt out before she attempted to deep throat him. She couldn't, but A fucking plus for effort as he unloaded into her mouth. She greedily drank his seed, lips tight to his length to not miss a drop.

Finally, she fell back and took a deep breath, skin flushed as he sat back on the bed as his knees grew a bit shaky. He stared at her, trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened. She just sat there and giggled, looking up at him with adoring eyes behind her mask. "You really must love giving head." He guessed, getting only a dreamy giggle in response. He just shook his head and grinned and stood up, walking over to her to pick her up. "Your turn."

Whatever trance she came under was broken as he lifted the tall girl into his arms and plopped her with a bounce onto the borrowed bed. She protested a little, mostly shocked until his tongue found her cunt. She did just cum! He knew that taste anywhere as he dove into her nethers, her eyes rolling back again from behind her mask as she arched beneath him.

Chris had a pretty good recovery time, but he fully intended to enjoy it. And her. His warm hands roamed up her waist, fingertips caressing back down her hips as the tip of his tongue flicked down to brush against her clit. When she bucked her hips up against him as if hit with a cattle prod he grinned. Trapping that clit between his lips he sucked gently, brushing his fingers up along her inner thigh to rub as she writhed under his attention.

"No.. no... fuck... Mmm... Yessss..mmm fuck soo... mmm..." incoherent babble escaped her lips as Chris spent his time teasing the virgin. It was clear she wasn't completely innocent, but he waged this was new. One orgasm quickly followed by a second as he pinned her hips to the bed. By the third she was ready to push him off, he knew she was ready. And so was he.

"Shit, let me get a condom," Chris said, mentally kicking himself for forgetting the simplest of things. He moved to get up off the bed when her hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down.

"No, it's ok. I'm on the pill." Susan explained, glad she was but also knowing that she didn't want anything to separate her and the man she always loved. Somewhere between the second and third orgasm Chris had given her, she had decided that she was going to go all the way, even though this was her brother. Who more perfect than he to be her first? He loved her, would never hurt her, never leave her and holy shit, he knew what he was doing. She looked dreamily up at him and slowly spread her legs, beckoning him back down.

"You sure?" he asked again, climbing on top of the freshman and she just nodded. Susan was never surer. "Ok." He smiled, reaching out to angle his cock down, grunting softly as he felt the head brush her soaked pussy. Susan sat up on her elbows a bit to watch as well as feel as her loving brother began to push.

"Go slow... slow please..." she begged and he nodded, still pushing as the head finally popped within her. She groaned and then hissed with pain as he felt resistance. He pushed again and inch by agonizing inch he entered her. And she was tight. He knew she was going to be, but he thought he would be prepared. But going slow wasn't going to make it better.

"I'm going all the way in now, ok?" he told her and she looked up, nodding finally and bit her lip. Chris looked back down, reaching out to grab her hand and squeezing it before he thrust, taking her finally. To her credit she didn't cry out, just grunt cutely and reached up for him, pulling him down to her. He leaned down close and kissed her as she clung to him and hugged him tight as her body got used to the sensation.

Chris began to move again, gently at first as he thrust down into her. The grip she had around his neck loosened and he was able to look up and saw that she was crying. He froze, immediately. "Are you ok?" he asked, concern heavy in his voice.

Susan just laughed and smiled, nodding as they were tears of joy. She was happy, truly. "I'm fine, Chris. Fuck me, please. I need it." She begged.

There's nothing more empowering in the world than hearing a woman tell you bluntly that she wants you. He smiled and started to thrust again, to fuck her as he built up a rhythm as she started to get used to it. Shortly she started to buck up against him, trying to pull him deeper into her. He felt her hands reach up, sliding over his arms to grip him tightly as a long happy moan escaped her lips. Susan showered her brother with kisses, burying her face in his neck as he increased the pace of their lovemaking. She felt her mask getting knocked ask

Susan wrapped her legs up and around his waist, locking the siblings together as he grunted into her hair. She nodded against his neck, feeling the frantic nature of his thrusting as she squeezed him with sore muscles. "Cum for me... please... I really want it. I need it. Cum for me... I need this... please... You're so perfect... this is so perfect... give it to me " she moaned into his ear. Chris's arms tightened around her back, smashing her tits against his own chest as he hammered the sorority pledge into the bed, listening to the vulgar requests. "Cum... cum Chris.. Now. Now nownownownownowFUCK!!" she gasped as yet another release overcame her.

Chris gasped loudly and buried himself as far as he could go as he eagerly complied with her wishes. His hips ground he down into the bed as he filled her with shot after shot of warm sticky cum, emptying his loins into her. He hadn't planned on cumming in this mystery girl, but the sheer... the intensity of their actions, her claim to be safe all attributed to him just letting go. And he did. His arms tightened around her, cradling her in her embrace as his hips grounds uncontrollably.

He collapsed on top of her, hand drifting up to cradle the back of her head as he felt her nails still digging into his flesh. She was coming down from her own release, practically shivering against his skin as she giggled and moaned all at once. Clearly, he had satisfied Michelle's request and then some. Time for some payback, though. With his orgasm and the clarity that came post-release Chris realized she called him by his name. Michelle must have told this girl who he was, he realized.

"So, did I live up to the expectations that Michelle gave you?" he teased, lowering his lips to her jaw. She nodded happily beneath him, her cheeks flushed red beneath the mask. "She is a mighty good friend that one, but I never thought she would have given you my name," he commented, eyes searching hers.

Susan felt ice water wash through her veins as panic gripped her. She must have said Chris's name when he... when... she blushed harder but shook her head against as she instinctively reached up to make sure the mask was still on. She couldn't go, she was caught by him. Hell, he was still IN her. She moaned a little as she squeezed his cock with her muscles just to make sure, watching her big brother's eyes go wide in surprise. "No changing the subject." He rumbled from atop her.

She sighed a little, shifting to get comfortable as she lifted a hand to trace along her back. "She didn't tell me who you were. I figured it out on my own." Susan honestly explained, finding it hard to meet her brother's gaze. She hadn't quite made up her mind if she wanted to tell him the truth, but she might not have a choice. She loved her brother more than life itself, but this... she didn't know how he would react.

"Michelle never told me who you were." She reiterated, glancing away for a moment as a shuddering breath wracked her curvy form. She reached up and cupped his cheek, thumb tracing along his jaw before taking the mask in his hand and lifting it gently over his head. He didn't stop her. She already knew who he was but she could read the confusion on her brother's face, not having pieced together the one female freshman that knew him. And knew him well.

"She was right though." Susan smiled, her fingers tracing through his short hair and down his neck, over his broad chest to squeeze it. "You are an amazing, incredible lover. And a solid, kind man. Funny and oh so fucking sexy." She admitted, her legs wrapped up around his waist. "The type of man I always wanted, I just never realized he was with me the whole time."

She could tell he was starting to get weirded out, probably thinking she was just some crazy freshman girl crushing on the man who took her virginity. Well, technically she was doing that a little, but it was so much more. Susan reached up and put her finger to his lips. He looked like he was ready to jump off the bed and out the nearest window and Susan couldn't help but giggle a little. "Just promise me, you'll always love me." She asked.

"Love you?" He blurted, clearly confused as she reached up behind her head to untie her mask. His gaze drifted down, the action causing her breasts to squeeze together and lift to distract the befuddled frat boy. "What the hell are y-" he started before the decorative mask was lifted away and he looked into the face of his scared little sister. "Susan?" he blurted, shocked. Time stood still for a moment as the freshman nodded, biting her lip. Finally, he remembered to breathe.

"Do you still love me?" she asked, tensing up beneath him.

Chris's heart melted away the initial shock as his little sister looked terrified beneath him. He reached up gently to cup her cheek. "Of course! I love you, munchkin." She smiled and the tension he felt in her left her body. She reached up and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him, then his cheek finally burying her face into his. "But how... OH." He blinked, the puzzle pieces fitting together finally.

"Michelle is your 'Big Sister'." He figured out, the confirming nod coming from his neck. Susan was the virgin who wanted to have the 'college experience'. Fuck. How did he not see that coming? He always assumed that they would just avoid each other at parties, or really she shouldn't even be partying here yet. She was just a pledge. He was going to get it out of his system by the time she got her stuff together. Or so he told himself.

"Yeah so... I guess you're at the top of her 'list'. She was going to lend me one of her guys for... you know." She explained, looking up at her big brother. "She mentioned how you would be perfect... and you were." She smiled. Then she blushed hard, giggling and put her hands over her face. "Holy shit, I can't believe this." Susan laughed, exasperated.

"I'm pretty shocked myself." He smirked, slowly extracting himself from his baby sister with a grunt and collapsed onto the bed next to her. He immediately wrapped her up in his arms though, which caused her to happily cling to him. "Though something is gnawing at me." He said, which Susan peeked out from under her hair at him.

"Yeah, what's that?" she asked.

"When did you know it was me?" He inquired, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at his little sister.

Susan felt her face flush red, but there was no sense lying now. Clearly, Chris wasn't mad at what happened. In fact, he was dealing with it remarkably well. "When I was sucking your dick." She admitted, her skin heating against his own again as she recalled the events from moments ago. "I saw the scar." She explained.

Chris instinctively reached down to put his hand on his stomach, fingering the small half-moon scar that his sister caused. He looked down at her and arched an eyebrow slightly as he placed the hand on her waist. "I guess you can guess my next question." He said.

Susan's cheeks erupted into a deeper shade of crimson "Why did I continue?" her brother nodded, clearly interested in the answer. She closed her eyes and sighed, her fingertips tracing lazily over the scar. She opened her eyes to look at it, a smile coming to her face. "Because I wanted to. Face it, brother dear, you're fucking hot. Plus, it's no surprise I've had a crush on you since, like, forever." She giggled at the admission, finally raising her gaze to look at him. "You've always been there for me, always. Without judgment. So, when I realized it was you, what I was doing to you... what I could do to you... I kind of lost my mind. I had to have you." She said, giving his hip a squeeze. "The masks and the whole situation made it that much easier. So perfect that I could have you and you would never know." She smiled, giving a little embarrassed laugh." And yeah, I wanted to lose my virginity, and yeah I was going to fuck whatever guy Michelle set me up with. Being a virgin in a place like this feels like having a big neon sign over your head that screams "newbie". I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, I wanted to just start a new chapter of my life, I wanted..." her continuing ramble was silenced by a sudden kiss on the lips.

He knew all too well how his little sister got when she was flustered. The only thing that moved faster than her mind was her mouth. Chris understood the general gist of what she was driving at and with his curiosity satisfied, he knew he had to reassure her. And shut her up before she blabbed his ear off.

Chris pulled back from the kiss and smiled, his hand finding hers and squeezed. "I'm not mad, Susan. Just surprised is all." He said, thumb brushing along her cheek to rest on her chin, keeping her gaze locked on his own. "And to answer you, I do love you, I always have and will no matter what happens, not even... this." He assured her, waving a hand at the bed and grinned a bit. "If I'm being completely honest with myself too, I had a lot of fun. Like a lot a lot of fun." He admitted, looking down at her as his hand reached up to brush some wayward strands of hair from her face. "I never considered that you were hot. I mean I see now that you are, obviously, and now that I do... I can't stop seeing that." Chris said, his eyes locked onto hers.

Susan felt relief course through her body as she listened to her brother explain himself, explain his feelings. Though as he touched her, she felt the familiar anticipation in her belly, the excitement of being with someone so intimately as he talked. "What are you saying?" she asked almost hesitantly, afraid of the answer.

He grinned a bit, arching an eyebrow in a manner she was so familiar with. "Round two?" he asked.

She giggled, her lips spreading wide into a grin before she climbed onto his lap, kissing him all over his face as the pair started the new chapter to their lives.


The siblings sat at the Student Center having lunch as they always did every Monday, Susan stealing his fries and Chris mounting a feeble defense with a plastic knife. They were sitting close, finally having re-emerged after spending pretty much the entire weekend in Chris's bedroom. Susan was practically glowing. So, when Michelle walked by their table she nearly dropped her tray.

"What the fuck?" she blurted, sliding into a seat across from the lovers. She shot Susan what might be construed as a glare "What happened to staying anonymous?" she accused, flicking her eyes back to Chris.

Susan giggled a bit, sitting up straighter and shrugged. "What could I do? You were right. He is VERY good." She grinned, looking over at her brother who simply shrugged in what he hoped was a nonchalant manner.

"What can I say? I love to fuck." He said, getting an eye-roll out of both girls.

"Jeez, you are so... so... Ugh." Michelle giggled, shaking her head as she looked to her 'little' and placed a hand on her knee. "Just save a little of him for me, ok? Don't break him in a week with your newfound freedom." She teased, though Susan could detect a bit of honesty behind her jest.

"It's ok, 'Chelle." She said, glancing over at Chris out of the corner of her eye as he started to take a drink and grinned. "I don't want my big brother to find out who I'm fucking and beat him to a pulp."

Chris coughed on the soda much to the delight of his little sister who broke into hystChrisal giggling. He wiped the soda that was coming out of his nose with a napkin and glared at her. "I think I can take him." He declared, getting another soft giggle out of Susan.

Michelle just stared back and forth at the two and just shook her head before biting into her sandwich. "Whatever, just don't kill each other. Remember to hydrate." She teased. "Susan, congratulations. Chris, I know I still owe you." She reminded, to which he smiled.

"I haven't forgotten. I'll try to make it as painful as possible." He grinned, causing Susan to roll her eyes. Again.

"Promises, Promises..." Michelle winked.

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ScottishTexanScottishTexan7 months ago

I wonder if Michelle will ever figure out the secret that Susan and Chris are keeping from her. 🤔 You should write another chapter and tell us all about the discovery. 5/5

GraecaGraecaover 1 year ago

Grand incest!! Wow merci beaucoup... Chris baise vraiment bon sa soeur, espoir qu'il enduit sa face de sperme...

xandothebarbarianxandothebarbarianalmost 5 years ago
Who's Eric?

Great story, but I notice in the third-to-last paragraph an amusing typo:

"Chris coughed on the soda much to the delight of his little sister who broke into hystChrisal giggling."

Obviously, the "eric" in "hysterical was replaced with a Chris.

So, who's Eric, and why isn't his name good enough for this story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Damn... This was simply too hot! I am in total love with Chris.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Hard to Comprehend

The two are suppose to be very close brother and sister. Meeting several times a week for lunch with close physical contact. He kisses the top of her head, How could he not take in her aroma of bother her perfume and shampoo and not make the connection? Add to that, he no doubt used the same cologne during the day and night as did she with her perfume. Of course there is no doubt some times that exercise necessitating showers removing the perfume/cologne smell. But most women carry a small spray bottle for use during the day/evening.

Now for the killer.

Voices. two siblings that close during their lives and physically so close during the "evening" would surely recognize the voice of each other.

I acknowledge that I failed to read the entire story. After so many items that stretched my ability to accept the logic found in the story, I stopped reading.

TwilightfanTwilightfanabout 6 years ago

Went looking for a new story and found this one again. Now i'm wondering if you'll write a part 2? I'd love to see where they go. Do they become a 'sibling's with beniffits', break-up, or become a 'real' couple? Do let us know.

ausvirgoausvirgoover 6 years ago
Great story. Loved it.

Another five star story.

Better written than the last, although them knowing that they were going to have sex took some of the sexual tension out of it.

A few "wrong gender" pronoun errors detracted slightly from the flow of the story, but a huge improvement over the errors in the previous story.

Remarkably good for only your second Literotica story.

I look forward to reading your future stories.

TwilightfanTwilightfanover 6 years ago
2 Thumbs...

Great story!!!

Rapier875Rapier875over 6 years ago
Very nice !

That was a very enjoyable read.

I do wonder at some of the comments though, yes the voices should gave been recognisable, but this is fantasy fiction that by definition contains a lot of 'fictional license' as far as the author is concerned. So just take it at face value, enjoy the story - and try not to over analyse it.

A sequel 'involving' all three of them would be nice - please?


thedayafterthedayafterover 6 years ago

Enjoyed this story but want to know more. Did Chris and Susan continue their incestuous relationship? Were they/did they fall in love with each other? Was this just a one time thing for them?

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