Acid House


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At the pivotal moment, as my body pulsed and throbbed with orgasmic release, I couldn't help but whimper uncontrollably. Panting in sync with the blissful contractions, I unleashed a primal scream, declaring, "I'm cumming!" The sound reverberating my pleasure to the whole household.

As the echoes of satisfaction faded, I gradually eased my touch, allowing the intensity to subside into a gentle rhythm of fulfilment. With a contented sigh, I withdrew my hand, adjusting my attire to restore the illusion of normalcy.

In that stolen moment, I embraced the depths of my desires and revelled in the symphony of my own pleasure, an experience etched into the fabric of my being.

In the aftermath, I lay there, basking in the glow of my own exploration, aware of the complexities that lay beneath the surface. The desire that had ignited within me had found an outlet, albeit a private one, and I understood the importance of maintaining the boundaries I had set.

Unexpectedly, a cascade of uncontrollable giggles erupted from deep within me, a response to the lingering effects of the acid and the blissful descent from my climax. Laughter danced upon my lips, riding the waves of euphoria that washed over me, infusing the intimate scene with a playful and carefree energy.

As I lifted my head, my eyes locked onto the sight of Karl's naked form standing before me besides the bed. The room was bathed in a soft, seductive glow, casting alluring shadows that accentuated every curve and contour of his body. The drug-induced haze heightened my senses, intensifying the desire that coursed through my veins.

His presence was both captivating and intimidating, his masculinity on full display. I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with a twinge of apprehension. I watched as he moved closer, his body emanating an irresistible aura of raw desire. I could feel the heat radiating from his skin, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. The air crackled with electric anticipation, creating an atmosphere thick with unspoken possibilities.

My gaze travelled along his sculpted chest, down his taut abdomen, until it settled on his most intimate part. There, standing proudly before me, was his large, impressive penis and plum-like balls. It was a sight that both fascinated and intimidated me. The LCD seemed to play tricks on my perception, making it difficult for me to gauge the full extent of his arousal. But against his otherwise thin body, it looked impressive, certainly larger than my boyfriend's more than adequate appendage and it wasn't even fully erect. I knew a way to find out for sure, and I watched as my hand reached out to touch him.

But despite, my previous self-display and the movements of my gripping fingers, I struggled to bring him to the level of hardness that I knew he could achieve, my touch unable to elicit the response we both sought. I could sense his own yearning, his desire mirrored in his eyes, but my attempts to fully satisfy him fell short. It was as if the acid had woven a veil of uncertainty, blurring the lines between pleasure and limitation. Despite my best efforts, the fullness of his arousal remained just out of reach. It was a bittersweet struggle between pleasure and frustration. The acid whispered seductively in my ear, its intoxicating influence urging me to venture into uncharted territories of pleasure.

As I sat before Karl, my hand still lingering near his pulsating erection, I made a split-second decision. The acid's seductive call couldn't be ignored any longer. I could feel the heat of desire radiating from my core, urging me to seek my own satisfaction. With a longing gaze and a soft smile, I released my hold on him, giving him a silent invitation to bring about his own pleasure.

Seeking greater freedom of movement and to give Karl an arousing sight, I reached down and wriggled out of my tights and my thong, and after lifting my skirt I was exposing myself completely for the first time. I lay backwards once again, creating a space between us, as my body tingled with anticipation. Prone, with my ankles flat and knees up, I spread my legs as far apart as I could manage, revealing the glistening wetness that had been building within me. I was splayed out in front of a work colleague. The room seemed to swirl with vibrant colours and swirling patterns, enhancing the intensity of the moment. The sweet aroma of my sex drifted in the air.

With both hands I reached down and parted my labia so that Karl could see the extent of my arousal and my tight welcoming inner lips. Then I moved to my breasts, pulling my blouse away, gently caressing and teasing my nipples, sending sparks of pleasure coursing through my body.

My movements became a dance of self-indulgence, guided by the symphony of sensations that enveloped me. I explored every inch of my body, trailing my fingertips along the soft curve of my stomach, the contour of my hips, and of course the delicate folds of my sex.

The acid heightened my senses to the point where every touch, every stroke, was amplified to exquisite proportions. Once again I let out soft moans of pleasure, lost in my own awakening. As I pleasured myself, I stole glances at Karl, who stood there mesmerized by the sight before him. The acid had unlocked a realm of uninhibited desire within me, and in that moment, I felt empowered and free. The allure of exploring our desires together was undeniable, but for now, I needed to indulge in the depths of my own pleasure.

My fingers became the conduit of pleasure, their delicate touch igniting a concerto of sensations. They skipped upon my slick, swollen lips, teasing and caressing with a rhythm that mirrored the pounding of my heart. Waves of pleasure cascaded through me, rising and falling in harmony with my growing need.

As I surrendered to the crescendo of desire, I felt the weight of Karl's gaze upon me. His eyes, filled with a mix of awe and longing, traced the contours of my body with unbridled desire. His penis was rock hard under his own grip, and loomed menacingly above me. The knowledge of his presence, staring at my lurid nakedness, though we remained apart, only heightened the intensity of the moment.

Driven by a primal instinct, and fee pf the tight restrictions of earlier, I moved my hand with zeal, my fingers delving deep into the depths of my own pleasure. Moans of ecstasy escaped my lips. The room seemed to vibrate with the intensity of our desires, an unspoken connection weaving between us.

And then, in the climax of my self-indulgence, I felt the surge of pleasure ripple through me, cascading in electrifying waves. I arched my back, my body trembling in ecstasy as I surrendered to the force of my release and called out to everyone once again.

In that moment of my unbridled bliss, Karl became more than a voyeur. With a grunt, his desire mingled with mine, manifesting as an eruption of pleasure that cascaded over my delicate skin, my quivering vulva and to the tangled strands of my pubic hair. He released himself, his essence painting my unguarded pussy as a testament to the shared intensity of our desires. The air was thick with the scent of passion, a heady reminder of the uninhibited exploration that had unfolded between us.

As I caught my breath, my body still humming with pleasure, I looked into Karl's eyes. There was a moment of unspoken understanding, a silent agreement that this encounter would remain a cherished illicit memory between work colleagues, a fragment of passion shared between two souls.

That should have sufficed, but the sweet pill drive me onwards, Slowly, I sat up on the bed, my fingers tracing a tantalizing path to my vagina. The sensation sent shivers of anticipation through my body, as I reached for his creamy deposits amongst my puffy flesh and matted hair. I couldn't resist the urge to taste the remnants of our shared desire, so I brought my fingers to my lips, relishing the intoxicating blend of his essence and my own arousal.

Feeling the heat of my desire growing, I let my fingers descend once more, parting the folds of my yoni. The slickness of my own arousal greeted me, mingling with the lingering balm of Karl's passion. It was a heady concoction, firing the inferno that burned within me. I closed my eyes, trying to deny the image of my work associate hovering above.

Holding myself open with one set of fingers, I sank two fingers from my other hand into my love hole down to their base, lubricated with our shared fluids. Each time I plunged my fingers in and resurfaced it was with a hunger that matched the intensity of my desire. I forgot completely that with each journey I transported Karl's little swimmers inside me. The room was filled with the wet sloppy noise made by my hungry hand, intertwined with whimpers, an erotic melody of my own composition. Karl's gaze held a mix of awe and longing, aching to be a part of the ecstasy that consumed me.

As I neared the precipice of ecstasy once again, a surge of guilt coursed through me, reminding me of the temporary nature of this forbidden encounter. Yet, in this intimate space, time stood still, and the outside world faded away. The only reality that mattered was the intoxicating pleasure that pulsed through my veins.

At the pinnacle of my pleasure, a wave of euphoria crashed over me, leaving me breathless and trembling in its wake. I collapsed onto the bed, my body still tingling with the aftermath of my third intense release.

Karl lay down next to me, side by side, basking in the warm afterglow of our shared intensity. No words were necessary, for the silent understanding between us spoke volumes. It was a fleeting connection, a clandestine collision of passion and desire that would forever remain etched in our memories.

There was a glimmer of satisfaction and desire reflected in Karl's gaze, mirroring the intensity of the moments we had just shared. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of the unspoken connection that bound us together.

But amidst the lingering ecstasy, a flicker of concern crossed my mind. Thoughts of the consequences and potential risks crept into my consciousness. What if, in the heat of passion, his seed had found its way into my fertile womb via my fingers?

As I contemplated these worrisome thoughts, a mixture of emotions washed over me. Uncertainty, excitement, and a tinge of apprehension blended together, creating a complex tapestry within my mind. The allure of the forbidden and the unpredictability of our actions left me both intrigued and hesitant. I shifted my gaze away from Karl for a moment, my fingers still resting intimately on my engorged sex. My eyes shifted to his penis and I wanted to feel it inside me.

"What the hell," I murmured under my breath, a daring whisper that hung in the air "I might as well go the whole hog if I am going to be unfaithful and get pregnant".

Despite the potential consequences, the allure of the moment beckoned me, urging me to seize the opportunity and indulge in the passion that had brought us here.

With a mix of determination and longing, I reached out to Karl, my fingers delicately grazing against the warmth of his skin. As I anticipated a response, a surge of disappointment washed over me. Karl's body remained unresponsive to our desires, his once erect member now lingering in a state of semi-hardness. The intimacy I sought was met with a frustrating obstacle, as if his body refused to fully participate in our passionate encounter. It left me feeling a swirl of emotions--confusion, disappointment, and empathy for his apparent struggle. I reminded myself not to take it personally, understanding the possible effects of the acid we had both consumed.

As we lay together, our bodies entwined, we drifted into a peaceful slumber for thirty minutes. The gentle rhythm of our synchronized breathing created an aura of closeness in the hazy aftermath of our connection. Contentment, curiosity, and a lingering hunger for more stirred within me. Suddenly, I was gently awakened, my initial disorientation giving way to a soft, tantalizing sensation between my thighs. Opening my eyes, I realized that Karl had embarked on pleasuring me with his capable tongue. This was new to me, as no boyfriend had even licked my pussy out after cumming all over it. It was so good.

Waves of pleasure surged through my body as he skilfully parted my majora and minora and lavished attention on my engorged button with lips, tongue and fingers. Every teasing caress and nibble spoke of his genuine longing to satisfy my needs. Surrendering to the intensifying sensations, I allowed myself to be fully consumed by the pleasure Karl could provide. And as I approached the peak of ecstasy once again, I embraced the profound delight that coursed through me. With a shuddering climax, I experienced a powerful release that left me breathless and satiated. I think I must have squirted.

But as I reached out to Karl afterward, his penis remained soft, and my yearning for his firmness went unfulfilled once again. Frustration mingled with disappointment as I had longed to feel his cock inside me. With a mix of determination and desperation, I decided to take matters into my own hands, or rather, my own mouth. I wanted to elicit a response from his body that would ignite the desire we both craved. Slowly, I leaned down and enveloped his flaccid member with my warm lips, using gentle slurping and careful movements of my tongue to coax a reaction from him.

I was met with a mix of sensations - his softness against my tongue, the taste of his cum, the heat from his blood. I focused on each delicate motion, my desire to please him intensifying with every passing second. With every flick of my tongue and every gentle suck in and out, I hoped to bring him to a state of arousal, to witness his body responding to my efforts.

But despite my determined and well-practiced actions, his member remained unyielding. It was as if his body was unresponsive to his brain, unwilling to comply with our shared desires. Unwilling to fill my womb.

In that moment, I felt a wave of empathy wash over me, understanding that this was beyond his control. Reluctantly, I released him from my mouth, accepting that his physical limitations prevailed. I looked at him, a mixture of compassion and disappointment in my eyes. It was not his fault, nor was it mine. Sometimes, the body has its own rhythms and responses that we cannot control.

As I looked at Karl, his flaccid penis lying against his belly was a visual reminder of the unfulfilled desires we had shared just moments ago. He was drowsy in a half-sleep.

With a soft sigh, I reached down to retrieve my wet thong, feeling the lingering dampness against my fingertips. As I slipped it back on, a bittersweet sensation resonated within me - a tangible reminder of my passionate moments, yet a physical barrier that would prevent Karl from entering me where I so craved.

Next, I pulled on my tights, the smooth fabric hugging my legs. The act of dressing, of concealing my own vulnerability, served as a momentary distraction from the yearning still coursing through my veins. The familiar sensation of each garment brought a sense of familiarity, an anchor in the midst of the emotional turmoil that swirled within me.

Lastly, I refastened my bra and buttoned up my blouse, the coolness of the fabric against my skin grounding me in the present moment. Each button secured was a quiet acceptance of the situation - a closure to the intimate chapter we had shared.

Standing there, fully clothed once again, a mixture of emotions swirled within me - contentment from the intense orgasms I had experienced, a deep disappointment for the unmet longing, and a flicker of worry for what lay ahead, especially concerning my boyfriend and the encounter with Karl tomorrow.

I turned away from him and walked out of his room, each step carrying me closer to reality. "That was a close call" I soberly thought to myself, "Under an influence, I had come so very close to giving myself to a colleague."

As the door of Karl's flat closed behind me, I found myself enveloped in the cool embrace of the night air. It provided a welcome respite, a contrast to the lingering emotions and unfulfilled desires that still lingered within me. Determined to leave those thoughts behind, I hailed a passing taxi and slipped into the backseat, ready to return to the sanctuary of my own home.

As the taxi navigated the familiar streets, my mind drifted from the memories of Karl to the anticipation of reuniting with my boyfriend, whom I had just part-betrayed. The journey seemed shorter than expected, and before I knew it, we arrived at the entrance of my apartment building.

Stepping out onto the sidewalk, I paid the fare and glanced at the windows of my own sanctuary, where my boyfriend lay blissfully unaware of the passionate rollercoaster I had just experienced. With a mixture of excitement and guilt, I entered the door to our shared abode.

The bedroom door creaked softly as I opened it, revealing the peaceful figure of my sleeping partner. A rush of affection and longing washed over me, and a mischievous smile played on my lips. I undressed quietly, shedding the remnants of the night's adventure, and approached the bed with a renewed sense of desire. My illicit drug taking had given me stamina way beyond normal.

Gently, I climbed onto the mattress, my body hovering above my slumbering lover. In the dim light, I traced my fingertips along his skin, cherishing the familiar contours and eliciting a response from him. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing a mix of surprise and arousal as he registered my presence. A naughty smile developed on my face as I saw how effective my ministrations had been.

Without a word, I straddled my boyfriend and lowered myself onto him, my body moulding against his, igniting a flame that had been stoked by my encounter with Karl. Our bodies moved in a familiar tango of passion, guided by a raw dominance than was unusual coming from me.

Whispers of pleasure filled the room as we surrendered to the heady union, as I impaled myself up and down upon his stiffness with increasing tempo.

During our passionate tryst, the unfulfilled desires and uncertainties that had plagued me earlier faded into insignificance. The physical intimacy between us grew more intense, drawing us closer to the pinnacle of ecstasy. I revelled in the firmness and ardour of his presence, the satisfaction of feeling his essence connected with mine.

As we reached the climax together, our bodies convulsed with pleasure, the intensity of the moment washing away any remnants I had of my earlier unrequited love-making. It was a release, a surrender to the sheer bliss that love and desire could create.

Breathless and satiated, we lay entangled in each other's arms. With a sense of contentment and peace, I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of my lover's body against mine. In that moment, I knew that the complexities of desire and the brief encounter with Karl were merely fleeting distractions. True intimacy and satisfaction above the superficial resided in the love we shared.

As I lay there, my body still humming with the echoes of pleasure, I couldn't help but feel the lifeblood of our encounter oozing from within me. The dampness between my thighs served as a sensual reminder of the passion we had shared, a testament to the intensity of our connection. Yet, it was also a reminder of the fleeting nature of desire, the ephemeral moments that slipped through our grasp.

The evening's events replayed in my mind, each moment etched vividly in my memory. I couldn't help but contrast the frustration of Karl's physical limitations with the profound fulfilment I found in the arms of my partner. Little did he know that he had satisfied a crave left by another man. The contrast was stark and powerful.