Action Figures Pt. 03

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Taylor's College Days.
13.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 11/01/2017
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This is part 3 of the series Action Figures. A fan requested a new story and asked that it be from Taylor's college days. I decided that was a good project for the next story and here we are. I hope you enjoy. One other thing, some of the feedback on this story is that it belongs in "Horror" more than "Mind Control" category as it has been called creepy and spooky. I didn't think so, but fair warning.


Taylor trotted down the steps of the English Building at NYU. He had just finished his class on Old English and was heading out to his apartment to change before heading out for Friday night fun. In this case he was heading to a underground club with his "out of town girlfriend" Heather to dance and drink and then home for some heavy sex.

He looped around the corner going a bit too fast and bumped right into Krista. Books and papers went flying and they both staggered backwards.

Taylor had time to blink and then was shoved up against the wall with a very strong hand on his throat.

"What the fuck did you do to my girlfriend?"

Taylor was able to croak a "Wha?" and then cut off as the fingers tightened.

"Wha? Wha? You don't speak English well? You stupid? You must be." Taylor blinked and realized that Krista's boyfriend, Derek, the captain of the Track team and the star shot putter had him by his throat and was slowly choking him. And given that he outweighed Taylor by at least 150 pounds and it was all muscle, there was not much he could do about it.

"Asshole! Watch where you are going!" Krista snarled at him. Krista was the captain of the Basketball Cheerleading team and arguably one of the hottest girls on the campus. She was as athletic as you would expect, but with a bigger chest than normal. Some of the rumors were that they were fake, but you didn't say that anywhere near her or her boyfriend or her clique.

"Hey, what's up? Krista, you okay?"

"Oh for the love of God, can this get any worse?" Taylor thought to himself as Natalie walked up. Natalie, Krista's bestie, was the other hot girl on campus, best friends from an elite prep school, and the head of the major sorority on campus. She was rich as hell, and her mother was a rich businesswoman who topped the donor list.

And she was, along with Krista a source of near constant annoyance for Taylor.

Natalie gave him an imperious look, like a Lord to a Serf. "You really are a clumsy oaf, you peasant. You need to be more careful around your betters."

Taylor was able to breathe a bit better since Krista had Derek lower him down so that his feet touched the ground. "Peasant? You stuck up cunt." Was what went through his mind, but mindful of who had his hands around his throat he kept quiet.

Natalie gave Krista a look and then they smiled. Krista leaned over and whispered into Derek's ear and Derek grinned.

"Oh shit." Was what Taylor managed to get out before behind picked up, turned over and dumped dead first into a garbage can. That was bad. What was worse was the can being knocked over and then rolled down a flight of stairs into the foyer.

Taylor pulled himself out of the can holding his head, which was now bleeding from a hard hit on a stair. Everyone was staring and pointing. Krista and Natalie came down and Krista said "What a klutz! Tripping and falling down like that."

Natalie giggled and said "Well, he's where he belongs, on the floor with the garbage."

A bunch of people snickered, and some laughed. Most of the non-rich and connected kids just went back to what they were doing.

"Mr. Bradford!"

Taylor was standing up when he heard his name called out in a rather icy tone. He turned around to see Professor Hayley Alred marching towards him. She was the dean of the English department, younger than most by a large margin and also very pretty. But she was an ice queen and was often compared to Queen Elizabeth or Queen Mary in her attitude.

"Yes Professor?" Taylor said as he put his hand to the cut on his forehead.

"I don't know what happened here, but get this mess cleaned up now."

Taylor blinked. He looked at her and looked at where she had come from. It was obvious she had seen everything to include him getting stuffed in a trashcan.

"You, I, what?" Taylor blurted out.

"You heard me Mr. Bradford! I don't tolerate people messing around in MY building."

"Me? ME!? You saw what those assholes just did and you are blaming me?"

Professor Alred leaned in close to him and gave him a murderous stare. "I saw you make a mess. You will clean it up. Now." She said it in the iciest tone Taylor had ever heard.

Taylor just about lost it, but as he took a breath, he saw Natalie's mother Staci, standing back by the wall. She had an indifferent look to her face, but Taylor could tell she was watching.

Taylor knew that Staci was the biggest donor to the University. And that she donated a lot to the English Department. And that Professor Alred was rumored to have moved up so fast due to having "connections".

In short, he was screwed.

So, he straightened up and said "Fine." And then began to clean up the garbage.

Professor Alred turned to leave, and Taylor muttered just loud enough for her to hear "What's it like to be owned?"

Professor Alred turned with a look of fury and Taylor didn't flinch. He stared back at her hard and after a minute, Professor Alred flushed a bit and then turned away.

Taylor cleaned up the mess, and then went to the campus medical center to get stitched up. They told him to stay in for the weekend because of his head, which ruined his plans.

Taylor headed home afterwards in a foul mood.

"What the fuck did I ever do to them? Shit, I never had this much crap even in High School." He muttered as he entered his town house.

Taylor didn't put on any airs and didn't dress or act like a rich kid. But he was rich. In fact, he was probably as rich as Krista's family. Now, it wasn't his money really, but his "action figures" money.

Taylor smiled as he moved into his private study, a large interior room with lots of space and three glass cases holding three lifelike and full sized "action figure". He walked up to the first case and picked up an exact replica doll of the young schoolgirl figure in the case.

"The Slutty Schoolgirl Action Figure Heather will awake and be gentle and caring to her boyfriend and help nurse him this weekend. She will be kind and helpful and will assist the Sexy Teacher Action Figure Ms. Stein in these duties." Taylor said as he moved the doll around making her walk, and bend over and help and so on.

The figure in the case, a lovely young blonde girl dressed in a slutty schoolgirl outfit holding a small ruby pendant seemed to change slightly. The waxy fake hue faded, and the figure became life like. Then it blinked straightened up and opened the glass door. She came out and gave Taylor a big kiss.

"Hello baby. Oh! You are hurt! Sit down! Let me take care of you." She purred.

"In a moment." Taylor reached over and picked up the action figure in front of a very sexy Brunette and said the same thing except he called the figure "Sexy Teacher Action Figure Ms. Stein". This one came alive as well and after giving him a deep kiss began to dot on him.

Soon Taylor was lounging on a large divan, showered and bathed by his two women, who were now naked except for stockings, garters and heels. Heather was behind him and massaging his shoulders while Ms. Stein rubbed his feet.

"Those bitches really fucked up my weekend." Taylor muttered.

"Yes Master." Both women intoned.

Taylor looked at Ms. Stein. "You were a submissive, and you loved what I did to you. Too bad I can't really tell if you still love it." Taylor looked deep into her eyes and noted that for all the rest of her actions, even breathing, she was perfectly human. But the eyes were empty, like a doll.

Ms. Stein simply smiled at him and kept rubbing his feet. She giggled and said "Does Master enjoy his foot massage?"

"I do my fine action figure. How about you Heather? I think I know how you would answer, being tricked by me. But to be honest, I very much like you like this."

"Thank you Master, I am glad I please you." Taylor smiled as he looked deep into her dull eyes.

Taylor chuckled at the words spoken in a sexy, submissive voice.

"Good. Very good. Since you were trying to double-cross me and all the shit you had been up too, I'd say this fate is only fitting. And you have confirmed in my mind what I will do."

Taylor stood up and marched over to his workbench. He moved some stuff around and revealed a hidden safe. He opened it and pulled out a red crystal. He smiled and began to pull out various materials.

"Time to make some more action figures. I think I need to have a much larger set than what I have now." Taylor winced as some pain from the cut pulsed through his mind.

"Ow. Damn it." He muttered, and then he grinned.

"Stupid me. I can get this fixed right up." He walked over to the third case and removed the third doll. "The Sexy, Slutty Witch Scarlett doll will wake up and use her magic to heal her master and then assist him in making some more dolls." Taylor said as he moved the doll around a bit.

The large action figure lost its waxy hue and smiled in a wicked way. She opened her case and stepped out. She stopped in front of Taylor and gave a slow, sexy curtsy.

"Master, your servant. What is your command?" She purred.

"Scarlett, heal my wound and then you will assist me in making some more dolls."

"Yes Master. I exist to serve."

Scarlett waved her hands and chanted some words. Taylor felt a slight pulse of energy and then touched his forehead. The cut was gone, and he felt fine. Taylor smiled at his witch action figure. She had real power and talent, but it would never amount to anything now. Taylor had enslaved her and turned her into an Action Figure as well and as such her will was gone. Without it, she could not cast powerful spells or conduct complex rituals. She was still useful as she could cast many minor spells though.

"Have I pleased my Master?" Scarlett said in a very sexy voice as she stood up and slinked over to him with an inviting smile.

"Indeed, but come my slave, we have work to do. Ms. Stein, Heather, into Maid costumes and prepare me a dinner and drinks."

"Yes Master!" the two women chorused and minced away.

"Now then, Scarlett, I need you to scry on the following people, I need pictures and details. Enough to make a full doll. I am going to enslave someone who has wronged me."

"As you command, Master." Scarlett said and she moved off to gather her needed items while Taylor sat down at his bench. He carefully chipped away some small bits off of the red crystal and got to work.


Taylor sat quietly off to the side of the class and made notes as Professor Alred droned on. He reflected that having a minor in Old Languages was useful in terms of understanding that spellbook, but if he hadn't done that, he likely would have never crossed paths with Natalie or Krista. Or the Professor or Staci.

Or even Melody.

Taylor gave the lovely brunette a sideways glance and smiled. Melody was a very fit gymnast and part of Natalie and Krista's clique. She was a bit shorter, but her body was taut and firm and she could contort like nobody's business. She stopped traffic when she stretched outside. And she was fully aware of how hot she was.

The issue was that she was also wicked smart. Probably one of the smartest students on campus. And Taylor had noted right away during his witch's scrying that she was always around Krista and Natalie.

Taylor had thought it odd, she was a pretty independent woman, and so were the other two. They were all three hot and in charge of their sorority, but she was not really like them. She was a bit kinder, or at least she never had her numerous boyfriends (she went through them fast) do anything mean. But it was almost like she was watching out for them, keeping tabs on them, or something.

Which was a problem. Taylor figured out immediately that she would certainly notice any odd behavior.

Taylor could have his action figures act normally, but even then, there was a difference. Hardly anyone ever noticed it, but people who had been around them for a while had commented to him about how sometimes Heather seemed "Robotic" or "acted like a remoted controlled toy". He had Heather attend a different school nearby during his first year, but this had made him decide to keep his action figures mostly away from regular life.

If given daily instructions and careful management Taylor could make his action figures pass as perfect humans, but it was time consuming. So, he had put them away and brought them out to play with when he desired or needed work done.

But Melody would notice right away something was off. After seeing how close she was, Taylor had Scarlett scry her as well and it had confirmed his fears. Melody was constantly with one or the other, always close at hand. The only times she wasn't around were at gym practice or during other classes.

Taylor had decided that there was no helping it and he would have to take Melody as well. And after a bit of planning, he had realized that would help him get the other two easily.

So, he waited for class to end, and for his chance to get Melody.

The professor droned on and then the bell rang. Melody had a class across the quad and had to hustle to make it there, so she was up and moving fast. Taylor had sat by the door and was up and out quickly. He got ahead of Melody and started down the stairs. He passed Ms. Stein striding up. She ignored him and kept focusing on her phone.

Halfway up she ran right into Melody and papers, books and so on went flying.

"Oh sorry! Oh, I was caught up in my phone! I'm so sorry!" Ms. Stein started saying and bent down to pick up various papers scattered around while Melody did the same.

"It's ok. I wasn't paying attention either, I was in a hurry and."

Taylor had turned around and bent down. He handed Ms. Stein some papers and leaned over and spoke some Celtic words in Melody's ear. Melody was frozen stiff. Her eyes flashed red for a split second as Taylor spoke. Then Taylor carefully tapped the small red crystal into a plastic baggie and stood up.

"There you go." He said as he handed Ms. Stein the last papers.

"Thank you, young man." She replied and without another word she turned and moved back up the stairs.

Melody blinked and looked around a moment and then she shrugged and straightened up. She glanced at Taylor, who looked back and said, "You ok?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Looks like I have everything." She nodded at her stuff and then headed off. Taylor waited a moment and then turned and headed down after her. He ducked out of the building and made a beeline straight towards his townhouse.

Taylor went inside and sat down at his work area. He picked up his latest action figure and smiled.

"Now we wait." He said.

About two hours later his doorbell rang. He opened the door and Melody walked right past him and marched into his study. She was wearing her gymnastic outfit, with lovely legs covered in tights, a skintight leotard and her hair done up in a ponytail. She stood still and stared straight ahead.

"Melody, can you hear me?"


"Before I take you, why are you so close to Krista and Natalie? You hardly ever leave them alone."

"I am bi-sexual and hugely attracted to them. But they are not that way, and never get the hint."

Taylor slapped himself. "Of course! Cripes, I was dense, now that you say it, it's so obvious."

Taylor thought a moment and then smiled. "Would you like to have them as lovers? Both of them? Forever?"

Melody's eyes seemed to spark just a bit. "Yes. Oh yes. Very much so."

Taylor moved in front of her and smiled. "I can make that happen. In fact, I will make it happen. You have never been nasty to me, so I am telling you so you know that much and maybe that will make you okay with what I am going to do to you. You see, I have to take you as one of my Action Figures in order to get to them. Sorry about that, but you are always hanging around them and would notice right away any changes. I can't have that, so I am taking you too. But in your case, you get to have them as lovers for as long as you exist. So, you have that."

Taylor held up the figure. Melody looked at a small replica of herself, dressed identically to herself. Taylor spoke some words in Celtic and the eyes of both the figure and Melody glowed red for a second.

Taylor intoned "Your soul no longer is yours to be, but instead now belongs to me. Look upon what I have done and see what you now have become."

A stream of white smoke flowed out of Melody's mouth and into the doll. Melody's eyes took on a slightly waxy look, almost like a doll's eyes, and her body seemed to stiffen a bit.

Taylor looked at his latest creation and then smiled.

"Well, all work and no play." He moved the action figure around while he talked. "The sexy, slutty, Gymnast Melody Action Figure will wake up and be hot and horny for Taylor. She will say she has been watching him since class started and came over tonight to seduce and fuck his brains out. She will be mad at her friends for being so mean and will want to help Taylor get revenge on them. She will also be very happy because she knows Taylor will let her play with them once he is done."

Taylor set the action figure down and smiled as the waxy hue left Melody's skin and her eyes brightened slightly. She blinked and looked at Taylor. She then smiled broadly and licked her lips.

"So hello there." She said in a sexy voice as she swayed over to him.


"I've been watching you since class started. I don't know if you noticed me or not." She said as she put her hands on his chest.

"I have actually. I couldn't figure out what you were so interested in." Taylor responded with a smile as Melody traced a fingernail over his chest and then slid it between his buttons and let her nail trace over his bare skin.

"Silly. I was interested in YOU." She said in a sexy purr. She wrapped her other arm around his neck and pulled him down for a long kiss.

Taylor felt his toes curl as she eased her tongue inside his mouth. They held the kiss for a long time and then broke it. Taylor felt a bit lightheaded, and Melody took his hand. She guided him over to his big easy chair and undid his shirt.

She slowly knelt down, kissing his neck, chest, and stomach slowly. She looked up at him as she started to undo his pants.

"I'm an Olympic class gymnast. I can do things with my body that nearly no other woman can. I will do all of these things for you." She said in a voice that nearly made him cum there.

She had his pants down, and she carefully took his cock in her hands. She kissed up and down the shaft slowly and lovingly, maintaining eye contact the entire time. Then she slowly licked him up and down and teased his balls with her tongue. After doing this several times she wrapped her lips around his shaft and began to suck him down.

Taylor put his hands on her head and set her pace. She lacked the ability to suck him as deeply as the Ms. Stein Action Figure, but she was still really good. Her passion was certainly there and she certainly was getting into it.

Taylor let his head roll back and let his newest action figure work her oral magic. She eased him deep as she could and then slowly pulled him out. She never broke her seal on his cock and after several times Taylor felt near the edge. He moved her head faster and she picked up the pace. She was soon bobbing quickly and with a loud grunt, Taylor came in her mouth.

Melody didn't miss a beat. She gulped and gulped and then sucked on his cock until it was dry. Then she broke the seal and Taylor staggered backwards into his chair.