Activated Pt. 14


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About the same time after finals in mid-May Calliope is planning on driving up, she has cleared the extended visit with my Mom, lasting till her house is finished. June 7th is her summer showing, we're all excited about that. Everyone expects it to be a huge success. I am going to be watching Dawn and Dusk, I'm dying to see how well they do. I think they are probably in the top 5 of the paintings she has done so far. "The Proposal" though may be the best and will never be sold. That and Jen's copy of "Besties" is being shipped to Arizona.

Current plan is that Jen and Alex are flying out to Arizona for a week after finals, they will fly back into DC, Alex will stay over for one day before catching a bus home. Mom seems to have indicated that Alex won't have to sleep on a couch for that one night, we showed her the picture of "The Proposal" before asking and I bet that softened her up, as good as the digital picture is the real thing takes your breath away.

I got a picture for my room at home, a picture of the monk seals, I have a soft spot for them. My understanding is that we might get a few more pictures from her overflow. Calliope has a need to create she can't resist, the number of paintings she can produce is far more than any artist out there. Those paintings can't be allowed to flood the market so I think the Card's, Brown's and McGuire's will be the recipients of this largess. Actually, Alex asked if she could paint the picture of Jen and his brother Billy playing with Legos, I bet that will be a hit. I am going to see if I can get a few to send to the Russo's in Connecticut also, I am tempted to get Poppy to make one of the pictures in my swimsuit and paint it, not sure that will make the impression I want.

This year is also going to be a little different, we're going to bring stuff over to Calliope's instead of bringing home. I am going to miss this dorm room; it has been so good to me this year. Another change I didn't see coming back at the beginning of the fall semester. I thought we're probably be in Carrol 5 until graduation.

Before it gets to finals I collect contact information for the girls, I think this year has brought us together.

Oh, Greg and Jo are dating, the reports I have received is that he is treating her well. I have a good feeling about them.

I'm going to be bringing some of my archery supplies home and my bow of course. I really enjoy my weekly practice sessions, especially spending time with Mike. I'm going to miss that at home but I can't risk getting rusty.

Finals! I know a lot of my classmates dread this week but I'm full of energy I can't run off. I will admit, I'm expecting another turn on the dean's list along with Jen, for all the stuff this year we have really studied hard. This is the payoff.

Jen is excited to head home, Calliope took her over to have the two paintings shipped home. She has been very clear to her family that they are not to peek. They were packed extra careful in a very strong box, no exaggeration to call them priceless.

We changed plans, I'm going to drive shotgun with Calliope back home, it isn't a bad ride and I figure she needs some company. She is driving so she has her car of course, reregistering once she gets in the house I imagine. It would not surprise me if she spends the time waiting in the DMV drawing people, she has such a drive to create.

We get to the last day of finals and you can feel the dorm start to empty out. Calliope drives Jen and Alex to the airport tomorrow, then we are leaving on our little road trip the following day. Mike is also leaving that day and I have informed him that we have the dorm room to ourselves, I have something special planned.

My relationship has continued to grow with Mike, and no bad feelings at all about it. When we were home for Winter Break I was asked if I was dating someone and if I'd be eventually bringing them home to meet Mom and Dad, I think I might be doing that with Mike eventually. Maybe if he drives down for a hopefully long weekend later this summer, I can introduce him.

"Jen, Calliope and Alex are waiting to go to the airport, what is keeping you?"

"I know, just finishing packing, I can't get the bag closed.", I come up behind her to supervise, I remove a few things and it closes."

"I might need that stuff!"

"I'm talking a load over tonight to the apartment, it will be fine there."

"Okay, let's do this. The really important stuff I shipped, and I'll be sitting next to."

Once we get going it really is smooth, they get off fine. We come back to the dorm and load up some of Jen's clothes, the TV we almost never use, my ninja swords, my killer computer system. The last part hurts, I'm going to miss it but no sense taking it home for a few months just to send it back in the fall, it will be fine at the apartment. I actually snuck one of my silver cylinders into the apartment, it will be part of a security system I am setting up for it while it is empty. Jen is going to be traveling with one and I have the other 2 with me, one will go into Poppy's new house and will be useful for her security system. I expect to go all out on that, since sharks with lasers are out I have some ideas with drones.

Mike is coming by around 6pm and I have informed him he should be well rested and bring a change of clothes... in case of spills of course. I'm going to miss him, at best it will be a few weeks before I will see him again. I am resolved that I will be as difficult to forget as possible.

"Good evening Mike, want to get some dinner, need to keep up our energy levels you know."

"Sure" and he took my hand while we walked down to the hall, I haven't figured it out but the hand-holding really works with me. One of these days we're going to get in an argument and he will come up to me an take my hand, I will forget what we're arguing about. I have kryptonite! I need to work on that.

Well, probably the last meal in this dining hall is fine. I might have rushed a little, kind of want to get back to the room.

When we get back, I inform him the dress code for the room seems to have changed while we were out, it is totally unpredictable. The weather is actually quite pleasant but when we get these sudden dress code changes I let Mike know the safe thing to do is to cuddle under the covers, I receive no arguments. We are talking about the upcoming summer and he keeps distracting me by kissing my neck and playing with my tits. It quickly gets too much.

"Michael, I'm afraid you have gotten me very worked up, we need to start kissing and end with you giving me a good fucking."

I don't give him a chance to respond, he is ready for me but he got me worked up so it is only fair. I break first, I really want him in me and I have a little surprise for him. I reach in the desk draw and pull out my bottle of lube, he seems to be a little confused as I position myself on my hands and knees in front of him. He's moving too slow, I'm going to explode. I was about to say something to encourage him when I heard the distinctive sound of the bottle cap opening and it squirting out. I feel him positioning at my asshole and he starts to push, I can't help it, I suddenly push back and he's in me. I let out a little squeak and he isn't moving. I know I'm going to have a little problem speaking, "Michael, it is okay, I'm fine, I'm great, please move back and forth now and we will be amazing."

I have only done this a few times but this is probably the best. I am pleasantly surprised at how long we last, he climaxes in me and I feel waves pulsing into me. He slowly pulls out of me and I slump forward. I want to clean up the mess but my body just isn't working, at this point I feel a tissue gently addressing the issue. This should not be turning me on, it really is turning me on. I start to get up and we climb back into bed.


"Yep wow. Remember this when one of those Yankee chicks bats her eyes at you and tempts you with higher taxes and miserable weather most of the year."

"Nobody can hold a candle to you. The only thing going for that state is we have the best pizza in the country."

"Wait a second, why am I just hearing about this?"

"One of the best places in the state has franchised, closest one if over in Maryland, when I come down we will make a run to Bethesda. Coal fired pizza; it may ruin you for the stuff they have down here."

"Did I ever mention my 4th rule?"

"No, and I have been meaning to get clarification on rule 2."

"Rule 2 is easy, the first guy I dated, the one that got my virginity, he used to call me things like bitch and worse when we were dating. I didn't have the confidence level I have now so I took it, I will not do that again."

"Ah, makes sense, I was worried that I would be in trouble if I called you my little 'monk seal'"

"Oh Michael, back to the drawing board with that one." I kiss him, he clearly has been paying attention and knows I think they are adorable. "Rule 4 is simple also, no food anywhere near sex. Someone wants to do shots out of my bellybutton, I'm going to run in horror."

"That would be a waste of a perfect bellybutton." and he caresses my stomach. He keeps that up and I'm going to need to fuck him again, which is happening in a few minutes anyway.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the attention. Apparently I was tired and ended up falling asleep.

6am I snapped awake, and Michael was asleep next to me, I looked around the room and it feels so empty. The swords are over at the apartment, the bow is in its case next to my plastic footlocker container for my clothes, itself next to the hamper. I sneak out of bed and get into my running outfit, don't miss me, I'll be back in a few kilometers.

I have a plan for this run though. Before I left I emptied my backpack of my laptop, adapters, chargers and ninja tools. I am going to use this time to get snacks for our road trip beginning with my favorite bakery, I found out they open early. There is a slight chance I stopped by there a few times in the last few months for freshly baked treats but if put on the spot I will deny it.

I sneak back into the room, goodies secured from the bakery and one of the grocery stores. I quietly unpack on to the desk, get undressed and slide in next to Michael. Maybe 30 minutes later he starts to stir. "Morning beautiful, you we're really tired, fell asleep on me there."

"I'm sorry, I was just so comfortable in your arms."

"Would it be creepy if I spent a little time watching you sleep last night?"

"Maybe a little, did you do that?"

"Oh no, just checking." He totally did. And given the chance I might also.

"We are going to have to get going, you fly out in a few hours and Poppy is going to be here maybe 10ish"

"I want to do something before we go for breakfast." He starts to kiss down my body, I know where this is going.

"Are you forgetting the rules?"

"I guess I am, but I'm fine if you want to sit this one out."

"Hell no, let me get on you, I do not want to miss my chance."

I got on top of him in a 69 and was quick to go down on him, taking a deep breath when he started kissing my thighs. I want to keep the echoes under wraps for the time being and it is going to be at least weeks before I'm with him again, no way I'm passing on this chance.

I am amazed how good Michael is, he pushes me to climax before I could get him there. He is really good at that, part of it could be I am so worked up but most of it is him. We will be doing this a lot in the future if I have a say in it.

We relax in each others arms for a little bit before making our way down to the hall for breakfast. Big surprise, they are making French toast this morning! Not like the French toast that Dora makes but it isn't so bad. I didn't have to hack the schedule either, I was going to actually but I got distracted.

We hold hands during breakfast, talk, look into each other's eyes. I'm going to miss him a lot. When the meal is over, including multiple helpings of French toast, I walk him over to his dorm. I never got a chance to check out his room, when we got there Greg was finishing packing. "Sandy! How are you and his Mikeness doing today?"

I look at Mike and he just shrugs his shoulders, the message of 'I give up, just go with it'

"Oh, we're doing fine. How were your finals?"

"Good, I got all my weak classes out of the way so next year will be at least core studies. Tough stuff but at least I stand a chance, had a rough time with freshman English the first year."

"Well, I have to get going, my ride is going to be picking me up soon."

I pull Mike into the hallway and give him the hottest kiss I could manage while being dressed, I was happy to see it had the intended effect.

"I'm going to miss you, text me when you get home."

"You too, we'll setup a video call when we're both settled. Remember, no flirting with the nutmeg girls, they are no good for you."

"I will behave, I have been informed that you could put holes in me from a football field away."

"No, I wouldn't do that to you." I let go of his hand and dash off, making to swish my pony tail.

I get back to my dorm and check my phone. Poppy will be there in 30 minutes and one from Mike telling me he misses me already with a video of me dashing off. Darn, that swishing thing really looks good from behind.

I hit the dining hall on the way up to collect some ice to cool the drinks in my road-trip package.

I recheck my bags when Calliope texts me she is here and come down with my first load. I am stubborn, I try to make it my only load but while I think I could carry it all by weight, it is too bulky and I'm going to need a second load. I know guys who are like this, they would risk pulling their arms out of the socket rather than make two trips with the groceries. I take as much as I can, I want to have as little as possible when I drop off the key with Susan. It is ironic, after the first trip I am left with the food and my bow case when I drop off my key.

"Sandy, you heading out?"

You are not hiding anything Susan; I saw you look at the bow. "Yep, my ride is downstairs, going to drive up to home with Calliope."

"You have been a great addition to the floor, going to miss you next year." She moves in and gives me a hug.

"I will miss you all too, I'll swing by from time to time."

I reach into one of the bags and pull out a tart, her smile gets very wide on seeing it.

"Thank you, I know how you like your treats."

"I overbought anyways. Have a safe trip home, will see you in the fall."

"And you as well Sandy."

That went really well, I'm going to miss and the whole Carrol 5 crew.

I get down to the car and put the bow case in the back with the quiver I brought down in the first load. I am prepared if we are attacked on the road.

"What do you have in the bag and cooler?"

"Road trip food!"


"We have tarts from the bakery, some beef jerky, some funyuns and red twizzlers. In the cooler we have some water, a few red bulls and 4 root beers, oh and a package of juice boxes."

"You lost me after the tarts."

"Road trip snacks should always look like you let a 6-year-old in a store with a couple of $20s."

With a big smile, "Get in, let's get going."


"Sandy, it is just the two of us you know."

"Tradition must be upheld."

The trip wasn't so bad, we were not besieged by roving marauders who are known to wander Virgina looking for defenseless travelers. About an hour in Poppy broke down and had two juice boxes and a piece of jerky. I decided I would wait till we got home before pointing that out. I had 2 of the root beers, I am very fond of root beer.

The landscape started to look familiar and I felt a warm feeling pass over me, I was almost home. Sure, enough we pulled in about 10 minutes later. I can only guess that Betsy was looking out for us because no sooner had we parked she came out at an impressive speed, right into a hug for me then Poppy. I don't think I would have been offended if the order was reversed.

Mike walks and gives me a hug, "Go on you goof, not like everyone doesn't know." He takes Poppy in his arms and gives her a very serious kiss; she did that thing where the girl's leg goes up when she is kissed. I can see that happening to me when my Mike kisses me.

This reminds me to text him we got home safe, I am not expecting a reply, I think he's in airplane mode now, he'll get this when he is settled.

After they finish the kiss Mike starts to unload and bring stuff in, mostly my stuff, the plan is to fly down, get a U-Haul and drive that back. Calliope was thinking about having Mike go with her but I pointed out she should take Jen or I, we're actually stronger than Mike. Go figure.

We have a light dinner and Mom wants to catch up on my activities at school.

"Well, you heard about Jen getting engaged."

"Did I hear you staged it or something."

I look to Calliope, "You didn't tell them the whole story?"

"First time I have been back since then; all I did was email the picture."

"Mom, it was really Calliope who pulled it together, she planned it all out like it was a play complete with stage direction. Jen didn't see it coming till Alex walked up to her and got on one knee. Oooooh! One sec." I got out my phone, it had a copy of the video from the camcorder that I really should have done something with by now, I sort of forgot. A few clicks and I take over the TV and start streaming. We all got a little weepy when Alex asked her to marry him, I'm so happy Poppy had the presence of mind to give him the wireless microphone. We watch them come down and Jen's reaction to the painting, I didn't see it at the time but I think she almost fainted there. Jen crying tears of joy, the hugs and kisses. I need to put this somewhere Jen can stream for her parents. I got a text they got in fine but nothing since then. I get this where she can share it and I will get a response out of that for sure.

"That painting is probably her best, it is amazing."

"All of your work is uplifting."

Calliope blushes a little in response to that. She decides to put me on the spot.

"Sandy, tell them about your Michael."

My turn to look a little uncomfortable.

Mom turns to me "Oh?" Darn you, Calliope!

"It's no big deal, I started dating Mike when we were working on a computer sciences project, two actually but the second was a larger group. Both projects were As and the professor even said the bigger team one was exceptional."

"She is adorable when she is with him."

"Yes, I'm not as intimidating, need to work on that."

"So, Sandra", oh she is calling me Sandra, at least it isn't my full name, "When are we going to meet him?"

"Mom, he lives in CT, he is thinking about coming down after Poppy moves in because there will be room for him."

"Oh, I don't know, we have room I think, I'm sure we could figure something out."

Calliope, I am so going to get even for this. "We'll see. He is working this summer, I'm working. You'll meet him eventually."

"I think I might have a picture of them in my sketchbook from Jen's party, let me go get it." You are enjoying this aren't you? "Here it is, they hold hands a lot, it is so cute."

She comes back and opens to the picture, same one she gave Mike a copy of with us holding hands. It is a good picture but Mike is a lot cuter in person. Darn it, I miss him.

Thankfully the subject changes. "Poppy dear, have you heard from the Gallery, is everything on track for June?"

"Yes, although I have a problem they don't usually come up with, I sent over too many pictures. I have to go into town to pick a few to hold back."

"I would love to go with you, if you don't mind."

"That would be great, I also have to sign some papers, I guess. I was wondering if you would be interested in some of the overflow? I'm going to be offline per se for a few months while I get the house settled but I will easily have enough for a winter show. I can't stop painting any more than Sandy can stop running." Well, if I have to be brought back in to the conversation this isn't so bad.