Acts of Infidelity - Becky and David


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What with that and having a new baby to deal with, it took much longer for me to find the right man to enhance my life both inside and outside the bedroom in the way that Sarah was already doing for my husband.

There were a good few attempts to find that man on the way, but until Chris had arrived on the scene, all had ended in disappointment. Some had ended in significant embarrassment too, but I didn't want to think of those mistakes.

David and I started with the usual dating apps, having fun looking at profiles together, talking openly about whether we fancied the person on screen, whether we thought they would fancy me and what they might be like in bed. Planning my infidelity with my husband was a surreal experience, only becoming scary when an actual date had been arranged and was imminent.

These apps were okay in principle but as I was emphatically not looking for love, I found myself in a few awkward situations. It was soon clear that we needed to move on to the more specialist apps and sites for men and women seeking affairs.

These yielded better results. There was no shortage of couples looking for a single, bisexual female to join them in spicing up their sex life but despite my continued interest in my own gender, David wasn't yet ready for me to move in the direction so I mentally crossed them off the list and concentrated only on men.

Sadly, I found a depressingly large proportion of the men I talked to and even those I met to be over-confident, narcissistic, poor judges of their ability in bed and, most frequently, simply cheating on their other halves rather than being in open relationships themselves.

That's doesn't mean I didn't sleep with them - or at least some of them - but either they or I knew that the relationship wasn't going any further. I did not want to be a marriage-breaker; however good-looking and good in bed they might have been, they were not for me.

That didn't mean I didn't have a lot of fun on my quest. The notches on my metaphorical bedpost increased considerably during that time but I knew that casual encounters with a series of strangers wasn't what I wanted or needed in the longer term.

Then I found Chris. He was different from the start.

Nearly twice my age, also married and with two children at Uni, I almost didn't bother replying to his prompt but I'm so glad I did. Quietly confident rather than brash; soft-spoken and attentive, relaxed and unpressurised, his manner even on-line was seductive and reassuring.

It took surprisingly few online chats before we spoke on the phone, and only one phone call before we agreed to meet for coffee. Having had so many disappointments with online dates, I was apprehensive but in person he was every bit as charming and even more attractive as he had been on the phone and online.

He asked me for dinner. After talking to David, we agreed I should go but for safety's sake, I should meet him in a familiar place; the cool, trendy restaurant in Soho.

We met, we got on well - really well. I told him about David, the girls and our recent marriage contract. He told me rather less; he was 'Something in the City', living in his London flat during the week and going back to his family in the country at weekends.

It wasn't entirely clear whether his wife knew or cared about what he got up to in his London life, but as the evening went on and his deep brown eyes burned deeper into me, I began to care less and less myself.

By eleven o'clock I trusted him enough to let him take me home in a taxi. We had dinner again four days later. This time the taxi after dinner took us to his flat where I learned to my delight that age is no indication of a person's energy in bed and that experience and expertise can be worth their weight in gold.

When I returned home at one in the morning, sneaking into bed alongside a husband who was clearly pretending to be asleep, I was sweaty, flushed, dishevelled and still trembling with the last remaining climactic aftershocks.

I was also fully in lust and at least a little bit in love.

That was six months ago. Since then my relationships with both the men in my life have matured considerably but in very different ways. David will always be the love of my life but I'm learning that there is more than one kind of love and that there is room on my heart for both. In that 'other' way, I am in love with Chris too and with that, comes a closeness and compatibility in bed that makes everything better.

There's an old-school charm about him which neither my marriage nor my series of flings had provided. He made me feel special from the first time we met for that exploratory coffee. That feeling of being special hasn't diminished at all since then.

He opens car and restaurant doors for me, takes my hand at important moments either out of affection or the need to help me balance - which is often, given the high heels and tight cocktail dresses he likes me to wear.

He dresses smartly himself and takes me to romantic, expensive clubs and restaurants that David and I could seldom afford. And he will not countenance going Dutch. We have been to the theatre and the opera together, something David and I never do and on two occasions we have stayed overnight in one of London's smartest hotels. We would probably have done more of this if I hadn't felt to need to be home every morning when our daughters wake up.

He is romantic in a way that simply wouldn't fit with David's personality. He sends me flowers after every date, whether or not we have sex. He buys me lingerie and jewellery which I wear only for him. He has even taken me dress-shopping a couple of times, something David would never even think of.

With Chris I can be and often am a different person. It's exciting - and that's before we get into the bedroom.

He's well over six feet tall, slim, athletic and attractive - of course in an 'older-man' kind of way - but the appeal goes much deeper than simply looks. He's a successful, high-powered businessman who likes to be in charge of everything - and that includes me.

When I'm with David, we negotiate and agree everything. It's a good, balanced way to run a marriage.

When I'm with Chris, he's very attentive to my needs but basically, he's in control. I would never tolerate this kind of behaviour from David. To be fair, he would never even try to control me in this way and even with Chris I found it a bit too much at first. But now I've got used to it, I can tell you it's actually liberating not to have to make decisions for a change.

I wear what he wants me to wear, I do my hair the way he likes and in bed, we do things that David and my balanced relationship would make impossible.

I can't imagine ever letting David spank me; the power in our relationship is too well balanced for that. But I really love it when I'm deliberately cheeky and Chris pulls me over his knee, lifts up my skirt or dress, pulls down my panties then spanks my bare buttocks with the flat of his hand, sending me home with glowing pink cheeks.

More recently, he's started using a leather paddle which is actually designed to leave marks for days afterwards. David cannot possibly have missed those.

I can't imagine letting David tie me up or put me in handcuffs. I can't imagine letting him hurt me, putting clamps on my nipples, labia or clitoris but when Chris does it, I simply adore the pain and climax almost immediately.

As a confident, successful, professional woman the idea of being dominated and abused by anyone, let alone an older man should be complete anathema to me. But it turns out that I have quite a penchant for both domination and pain, and if the last few dates are anything to go by, an increasing one.

With Chris I've surprised myself, exploring avenues that I might never have known existed if my only sexual outlet had been David. Indeed, even as I stood there talking and ironing, my nipples and labia were still pink and sore; a pleasant but sadly fading memento from my date the night before.

David has no taste for S&M and I don't want him to have. To be honest, before I met Chris and we got to know each other better in the bedroom, I hadn't known I had that kind of kink in me either.

Although he hasn't mentioned it, David must have realised something of what we get up to. He can't possibly have missed the marks on my body that remain for up to a week afterwards. He didn't even say anything when I came home one morning without my pubic hair. Chris had ordered me to shave myself in front of him and I have kept myself smooth ever since.

But then I don't mention the love bites that routinely appear on David's neck; probably an inevitable consequence of having sex with a girl barely out of nappies.

Oh, didn't I mention it? My husband's Other Significant Other is only twenty-one which means they started sleeping together when she was nineteen. Nineteen! She's a student at the College in which he teaches. Not one of his own students - that would be tricky ethically, but I still tease him about being a 'cradle-snatcher'.

She's impossibly young and very pretty. I used to get unbearably jealous - I still do if I'm honest. It's odd; having my own OSO doesn't seem to make me any less jealous towards my husband.

Perversely, I'm also envious of him for having Sarah. As I said, she's everything I'm not: blonde, full-figured and very attractive. What's worse, she's very much my type too. As I have said, my experience of girl-on-girl is limited, but the memories are vivid and extremely potent. I do sometimes wonder whether I should try and get to know Sarah better myself.

Maybe one day she and I might spend some time together when David is away... I wouldn't be averse to trying a threesome with her and Chris if the opportunity presented itself. I once went to bed with David and another boy at University. At first it was little more than a clumsy, inexperienced fumble but we learned fast and pushed our boundaries and in the end, it turned out very well - at least for me!

The idea of being with Sarah and another man turns me on more than I'm quite comfortable with, but for some reason, I wouldn't want that other man to be David.

Jealousy can only be tolerated so far.

But back to Chris and my relationship.

It surprised me how quickly and smoothly we progressed down the S&M road. There must have been something about me that Chris could read early on because during only our second session in the bedroom, he insisted I stripped in front of him while he remained fully dressed.

I did so, feeling very unsure but even more excited. Then before I realised what was happening, he had turned me round, tied my hands behind my back with one of my own stockings and pressed me down onto my knees. At first I was shocked and began to object but something deep within me wanted to play along and see where this went.

I'm so glad I did.

Chris lowered his trousers and shorts, releasing his already-hard cock inches from my face. It was impressive but not worryingly large and had a pronounced upward curve. It was also the first circumcised cock I had seen up close.

The clumsy, hands-free blow-job I administered on my knees wasn't one of my best, but I loved every second of it. Chris seemed pleased too if the moaning noises coming from above me were genuine. After a few minutes of bobbing up and down, he took my head between his hands, held it firmly and began to slowly fuck my mouth.

The sensation of helplessness was amazing; I could feel myself lubricating for all I was worth!

I loved it even more when he lifted me onto the bed and laid me on my back. My hips were thrust obscenely upwards by my tied hands under my bottom. Chris climbed between my open thighs, lowered his head and repaid the compliment with his own mouth on my soaking wet vulva.

I came within seconds, very hard - even for me, leaving me to my astonishment, utterly helpless. But he was merciless, his fingers and tongue working as a team both outside and inside my body, bringing a stream of climaxes that threatened to rob me of consciousness completely. The more I gasped, the harder he worked on my vulva until my head was spinning and my body was drained.

Just as I thought I was about to faint, he rose from between my thighs, his face messy with my juices and rolled me firmly onto my front. Before I knew what was happening, he had mounted and entered me from behind, his cock stretching my already-over-sensitised entrance tightly and filling the deepest depths of my loins.

I reached a loud, body-shaking climax almost before he bottomed out inside my vagina.

Chris drove me home himself afterwards, tired, flushed and for the first time in years, completely satisfied. When he kissed me on the cheek in the doorway and asked the usual 'can I see you again' question, the enthusiasm with which I agreed made me blush.

We met again a few days later for dinner then spent a few more hours in his flat. The rest is history.


So, there you have it. Our marriage isn't like most marriages. We're not swingers; neither of us sleeps around. Neither of has been cuckolded either - or maybe both of us have. Either way, it doesn't feel like it.

Both of us are getting to live out our fantasies. For the moment at least, David is enjoying being with a much younger girl and I'm having fun being the spoiled plaything of an older, wealthier man. The fact that both these extra-marital adventures involve having sex with others is only part of the excitement.

I'm fascinated by Chris, spoiled by him, in lust with him and to some extent mesmerised by him, but I feel no desire to be his wife or bear his children. That said, I'm in no hurry to move on from him either - there's too much more for us to explore together that simply doesn't fit with David and my balanced relationship.

In know David is at least a bit unsettled by the speed with which my relationship with Chris has developed and by its direction, which he cannot fail to have guessed from the state of my body alone. But he has said very little, choosing instead to try and adapt to his changing wife and the new influence in our marriage.

I do worry sometimes that David and Sarah might fall properly in love, though at the moment, it really does seem just like fun. I worry that he might stop wanting me; that we might start to hate each other; that he might fall out of love with me but be too afraid to tell me.

David listens to my worries and reassures me, understands me a bit better each time, kisses me and tells me he loves me. The fears start to fade away, proving once again that he's the right husband for me.

I don't know where we will go from here, but I do know that we will never have a 'normal' marriage.

As long as it works for both of us and doesn't harm our children, long may our Other Significant Other's last.

I hope you have enjoyed hearing our story.

Becky x

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BigDee44BigDee446 months ago

Oh, and one addendum. I am speaking to Becky, of course. You say you and David are best friends, yet you freely admit here that you have not told him about what you and Chris do and why you allow it to happen. He surely does know something of what goes on by those marks on your body. Do you want his imagination to fill in the blanks about how and why they got there, or would you rather he knew your true feelings, as well as you can express them? My wife and I have never been best friends, really, and I am sure some of our problems have been made worse by that deficiency. Don’t you do it, too, please.

BigDee44BigDee446 months ago

Does Chris act the same with his wife as he does with Becky? I feel David’s angst, if that is what he experiences. A guy would like to think he can very nearly provide all that his mate needs and desires. To know another provides what you can’t - and especially when that something is never explained or defined - creates an uneasiness that can fester. We humans are something else, aren’t we?

Nasty56Nasty56about 1 year ago

The last few paragraphs say it all, it will end up in a divorce and the divorce stats on “open marriage” are saying so! Nice take though.

cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

What a wonderful understanding you both have, of your needs & how to have them fulfilled without harming each other. I hope it continues.

I found this very erotic, "Chris had ordered me to shave myself in front of him and I have kept myself smooth ever since."

An unveiling for your lover, as he watched! So hot!

timman65timman65over 1 year ago

I have tried to imagine what this relationship would be like. I continue to just shake my head. I don't take anything away from your writing skill. It is very good. But the story line is so out there I just cannot appreciate all that you have to offer. I don't hold out much hope for this marriage. But, best of luck.

loveloverloveloverabout 2 years ago

I could love you, Bex, fuck you, appreciate your nymph like body, and your mothering our daughters, and loving coming home to you all. None of us are perfect, but you and Chris afifirmand love each

other well. Do get it on with Sara, with or without Chris.

Nasty56Nasty56over 2 years ago

The marriage is obviously a slow train wreck…poor kids.

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 3 years ago

Excellent monologue. It is curious how commenters are so willing to declare the marriage dead, when it seems to be anything but that. I guess it is projecting themselves onto the story. These types of relationships are probably ever changing by nature- you can have a bad relationship week with one partner and the other side will strengthen, and visa versa. Going on “dates” generally gives you the best behavior of a partner, and as long as these people realize that, it is workable. The one thing that comes out of this is that they DON’T take each other for granted, like many in stale relationships do.

ErotFanErotFanabout 3 years ago

Whether or not this is truly a collaborative story with a real woman involved in an open marriage or the fantasy of the author, the opening lines in this story have revealed the ultimate outcome. "So what should I call him?" She asked David. She should call him MASTER, because that is what Chris is. Once Becky submitted to physical abuse – yes even supposedly consensual – Chris “owned” Becky in ways she admitted she would never allow David to have.

The story started out well, but even at the first David’s sulking response to Bix’s query of "Sarah!" revealed cracks in this “marriage.” When Becky’s submissive personality came out Becky and David’s relationship was over. Eventually her MASTER will mover her to accepting behaviors and body alterations that David will not accept. And her MASTER will win. Then when David leaves Becky the MASTER will dispose of his toy.

DenaliFXDenaliFXover 3 years ago
That has happened in the two year s since this was written,

This is a wonderful piece the way you have written it. However, it is very clear that this is a changing tableau, a voyeurs dream and a training course. And it is a soap opera - this story begs to be continued Where does this story tend to end up?

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