Acts of Infidelity - Mel and Chris


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This was, he assured me, the only possible source of infection. When I suggested that he had probably passed it on to his wife too he laughed hollowly, saying it had been over two months since he and Alison had made love. If his wife had an STD, she had acquired it herself.

Neil's visit to the Doctor confirmed his condition the next day, a day in which I neither heard nor saw anything of my husband though I called both his mobile and his sister's phone several times without reply.

It was late the following day when I learned that Chris intended to stay with his sister until it was time to go back to the Middle East again. What I told the kids if they asked was up to me but at the moment he could not contemplate living under the same roof.

His voice was cold and hard. I cried myself to sleep every night until five days later he flew back out for his next three-week posting.

While he was away, we communicated only by email and there weren't many of those. Chris was badly hurt, feeling betrayed in many ways, all of which I could understand. I felt completely alone; I couldn't talk about this to the kids, my parents or my friends and was now barely on speaking terms with Neil, whose marriage was falling apart too.

Why was that if my affair was still secret?

Neil must have exaggerated the paucity of his sex life at home because his wife had also become infected. In her case however, her first action after hearing the news from her Doctor was not to confront her husband as Chris had confronted me, but to go through his bank accounts and other financials in great detail.

She discovered the existence of his Sheffield love nest and its youthful occupant who it appears was not the first such girl to have benefitted from his generosity. She then took the details to a particularly vicious local divorce lawyer. The first Neil knew about this was when a letter arrived from the solicitors suing for divorce and insisting that he left the marital home immediately.

A year on, they have both moved away from our city to distant and separate parts of the country. He and I have not spoken since then

Many times during Chris' three week absence I pleaded with him to forgive me and for us to try and put our relationship back together. My repentance is genuine though I understand this might be hard for you and him to believe.

You really do only appreciate what you have when you lose it.

As this realisation came to dominate my life I had to turn to the same young female Doctor again for medication to help me cope. This entailed receiving another lecture on middle-aged drug dependency which I sat through with my eyes lowered in shame and my teeth gritted.

As the time approached for Chris to return to the UK, I began to detect a softening in his hitherto complete rejection of my pleas for forgiveness. Though he insisted he would not return home, he said he would go with me to see a Marriage Counsellor as long as I promised not to put him under pressure and to be completely honest about what had happened.

Grasping this straw with both hands, I made an appointment that afternoon and to cut a long story short, we had our first counselling session the day after he returned to the UK and his sister's house. I knew she had never liked me which made the situation even more difficult.

I could imagine what she was saying to Chris over dinner every night.

Seeing the man I loved with such a look of disgust on his face when he met me at the Counsellor's studio reduced me to tears immediately. I could see a flash of emotion and hoped he would hold and comfort me but he didn't.

Despite this, the session was good, held partly separate, partly together. I was extremely honest about what had happened and my sincere wish to mend the damage I had caused whatever it took. I cried throughout the entire ninety minutes. We went back to our separate houses.

Two sessions later we agreed to have lunch together somewhere private but on neutral territory to talk things through on our own. It was an awful experience; Chris was cold and formal throughout but at least had not yet talked to a divorce lawyer. We agreed not to tell the girls while we were trying to sort things out between us.

We agreed to have lunch a second time. It was less glacial than the first, so we arranged to have dinner the following week. It was better still though progress was slow.

It took five more counselling sessions and seven more meetings on neutral territory before Chris agreed to move back into our home, but not back into our bed. I was very nervous and excited when his car pulled into the driveway for the first time since he had found us out, but also very apprehensive.

He slept in the spare bedroom but at least we were under one roof again.

To outward appearances we seem to be the same couple we used to be but below the surface it's not true. I know we can never recover the trust we had before, but I hope and pray we can recover enough of it to bring back some of the love and life we had.

There is reason to hope; after a particularly horrible row, our sex life unexpectedly resumed, albeit in a violent, tear-and hate-filled way. I cannot bring myself to write the names Chris called me as he fucked me brutally on my knees, penetrating me crudely and angrily from behind, pulling my hair and slapping me hard on the buttocks until he came noisily.

Frightening though it was at the time, the incident seems to have been cathartic for both of us. Given what I have done, I consider the treatment to be entirely deserved and made no attempt to resist.

Afterwards he seemed to regret his loss of control and for the first time, we shared a bed all night. We have done so ever since then and, though we have now fucked many times since then, Chris has never been that sexually violent with me again.

I hope we are reaching the point where we might actually be able to put this behind us and move on with our lives.

The Counsellor -- to whom I will be forever grateful -- quickly identified that Chris' repeated absence as having been a major 'stress point' in our relationship long before I cheated. She took care not to blame the affair on this or reduce my own responsibility for my actions, but said that we did need to try and keep the sexual side of our relationship alive while we were apart.

Among other things, she suggested we tried Skype or phone sex, and also the use of toys (which I confessed I already had). She also suggested erotic stories, taking turns to choose one that turned us on then sending a link to the other. Each of could then read it in advance of our phone or Skype session and use it as a basis for intimate talk or telephone sex.

This proved to be a very powerful took both for immediate arousal and, through careful choice of story, for admitting or confessing desires or fantasies that we had but did not feel able to reveal.

The publishing of this, my own story is intended to be the ultimate example of this.

Although it is being written at my husband's insistence as a penance, it is also as a vehicle by which I can confess the last few secrets about my affair that Chris doesn't yet know and which I would find very hard to tell him face-to-face.

They might be a shock to my husband when he reads them. There is one confession in particular that I hope and pray he does not find revolting. I'm sure you can guess which.


Chris, I've done what you asked now. I hope it shows you just how far I am prepared to humiliate myself to win back your respect. I know I never lost your love; that's what makes me feel so ashamed.

There are no more secrets to come out. Perhaps the vivid and detailed description of my seduction and the enormous excitement and pleasure the affair brought at the time will help you understand how it happened even if they do not excuse it.

The affair was one of the most exciting periods of my life but it wasn't real. There was nothing behind it but my own inadequacies and a selfish desire for physical satisfaction.

Now it's over, I'm ashamed of the whole thing.

I have taken a risk in agreeing to have my real name and the real places used, but I trust you.

If telling the truth in this way can close off that part my life forever and allow us to start afresh, then however people think of me, it will have been a price worth paying.

Thank you to Jenny's readers for your patience. I hope this piece of self-indulgence has brought you some pleasure too.

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mdadaminmdadaminabout 2 months ago

The wife tries to justify her actions but in a very naive way

First, the relationship only ended because her husband discovered that she had infected him with a sexually transmitted disease, and thus it became practically impossible for her to continue the relationship, which means that she was forced to end the relationship.

Although her husband discovered her sexual relationship with her lover, she did not hesitate to contact her lover to warn him, and therefore she took her lover’s side against her husband again.

Had her lover not been preoccupied with his divorce from his wife, leaving the country, and going to another place, their relationship would have continued

Why did she let her lover take her virginity in anal sex and also in swallowing his semen, while she did not do that with her husband?

This unfaithful wife does not deserve to remain married and he must divorce her

The strange thing is that the husband did not expose her lover in front of the lover’s wife, but rather she found out by chance because he also infected her with a sexually transmitted disease.

Therefore, the husband is a wimp, as he did not expose the lover, did not confront him, and did not even try to find out from the wife whether she contacted her lover again or not, and he did not even threaten to divorce her. Therefore, he is a wimp and the wife controls him & she is trying to brainwash him by tackling remorse.

The excuse that he travels a lot is an unacceptable excuse because he is trying to achieve a decent life for her, and he also suffers like her for not having sex while traveling. Therefore, the unfaithful wife makes weak excuses and the wimp husband accepts them.

This marriage will not last because the wife will cheat again, but this time she will be careful

EkphrasisEkphrasis2 months ago

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

Mel's decision to have Jenny pen this piece--Jenny's usual skill and lovely prose notwithstanding--was a huge error of judgement. As it become plain the only reason she stopped the affair was because she gave her husband the clap. Had that not happened there is no reason to think it would not have continued. This piece left a bad taste in the mouth. I feel sorry for Chris and very little sympathy for Mel--her regrets ring hollow. I would be surprised if the marriage survived this.

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Poor attempt to justify the actions of a cheating bitch.

SleeplessinMD4SleeplessinMD43 months ago

This story is less of a confession where is true remorse rather than being sorry that you got caught.

The wife wants the husband to forgive her and take her back but I do not know why he should do so.

CamdudeCamdude5 months ago

Cheating cannot be justified.Period.

If a spouse is unhappy they need to confront the other half about it.If that doesn't work file and then commence with the rutting.This story,if true,was as much a subtle justification of her actions as it was confession. Very off putting.No excuse.

Kernow2023Kernow20236 months ago

agree she's just trying to justify her actions

NickTeeNickTee8 months ago

Another bullshit story about a woman justifying her cheating written by either a woman or a man identifying as a woman...

No wonder

mdadaminmdadaminabout 1 year ago

so let us see what she said to her lover

"I was worried he would come round and attack you," I told him.

"Maybe he's gone to his sister's. You'd better watch out."

those sentences shows exactly who she care for, she does not care about her husband at all, except after she knew that her love was fucking another whore

then she said

If Neil was prepared to cheat on his wife with me, why should I assume I was the only girl he was cheating with? Why did I think I was special? How could I have been so stupid?

so she was shocked when she knew that she was just another whore to fucked to her lover, then she started to think about her husband

even after that she said that sex with Neil was the most exciting time of her life,

I think this story is not real, and if it is real then the husband is a fool to take her bake , she thought about him only when their were no other option, and she sill regard her fuck time with her lover

mdadaminmdadaminabout 1 year ago

she thought "Why did I think I was special? How could I have been so stupid?", so she only regret that she was not special to him, so if he did not take other whore to fuck then it will be ok???

she is a whore and the husband should divorce her not to take her bake, once a cheater always a cheater

edwusaedwusaover 1 year ago

Reasons for cheating don't necessarily justify cheating. No GOOD reasons here.

Seeker744Seeker744over 1 year ago

It was a well written story. Most readers can place the blame ether way, and it is easy to judge. I relate with this story abit bc I live away from my wife working and go home every 3 weeks. It was a sexless marriage before I moved away to work, and truthfully I have enjoyed my freedom while away, but only with escorts as to limit emotional attachment. She made the choice not to follow me out here so I kinda think that this a marriage of convenience. Anyways Melanie had a chance to be with her husband and chose not to so who is really to blame? Not Chris in this case.

NickCaveNickCavealmost 2 years ago

Once a cheater, always a cheater. I love the standard woman's excuse... "I was lonely...He was always gone!" Oh yeah? Was he gone golfing, boozing and hitting strip clubs or was he busting his ass flying from one hotel to the next so you and the kids could have the wonderful fucking life you enjoy? He's missing his wife just as much as his wife is missing me. And if it's becoming too much...if you find yourself fantasizing about your "Neil", then you need to sit your husband down - you remember, the man you swore faithfulness to - and make it perfectly clear that money isn't everything and you need your husband home or the marriage is going to collapse. And if HE doesn't change then divorce his ass and THEN go find your Neil and bang him as much as you want. There is never, ever a valid excuse to engage in ANY type of intimate relationship with someone other than your spouse. And that includes emotional relationships...

"I was lonely..." Ask men who serve(d) in the military how many times they heard that one when they learned their slut wives cheated while they were away. Away trying to not get killed every day...but YOU were lonely. Oh yeah, he was having a blast when he saw one of his best mates get blown in half by an IED...still alive and begging your husband to "fix him" or "put me back together" minutes before he died in your husband's arms. That selfish bastard!! You have to go 6-9 months without spreading your legs - and you knew all of this before the wedding - you can't go that long without sex. That's inhumane!! Disgusting.

Sadly, it's only getting worse. "Marriage" doesn't mean shit to most people anymore. And let me be perfectly clear that there are PLENTY of piece of shit MALE dogs out there too. Plenty.

"I was lonely..." Pffft....

"I, _____, take you, _____, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

So sad.

skruff101skruff101about 2 years ago

He needs to walk away, no he needs to run away if he wants to save his sanity, cus she’s gonna do it again guaranteed.

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredalmost 3 years ago

"For the children" is not a valid reason to subject yourself to that sort of bullshit, especially when you have to get a doctor for her betrayal's results on your own life. Let her have all the dick she craves, but not while still married to you.

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